What's a chemical reaction?​


Answer 1


process that involves rearrangement of the molecular or ionic structure of a substance, as distinct from a change in physical form or a nuclear reaction....

by the way it is not biology subject

hlo krutika

can I talk to u in comment section

Answer 2

a process that involves rearrangement of the molecular or ionic structure of a substance, as opposed to a change in physical form or a nuclear reaction.A chemical reaction rearranges the constituent atoms of the reactants to create different substances as products.

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carbon dioxide and water



Carbon Dioxide




Photosynthesis Equation:

6CO₂ (g) + 6H₂O (l) + energy (sunlight) → C₆H₁₂O₆ (s) + 6O₂ (g)

What did Elodea, Muscle, Fungus all have in common?
They are made of cells
O They shared the same magnification amount
They were the same size



The correct option is They are made of cells


Cell is the structural and functional unit of life. Although, the three specimen given are of different "classes" but they are all of living origin. And all living things are made up of cells. For instance, Elodea is an aquatic plant (popularly called waterweed) is made up of plant cells. While Muscle is a tissue found in many animals and is made up of cells (muscle cells/myocytes); since cells generally join together to form tissues. Fungus is a eukaryotic organism and hence is also made of cells.

HELP FAST PLEASE!!! A scientist designed and conducted an experiment to test a hypothesis, and then formed a conclusion from her results. Next, she collected and analyzed more data and formed another conclusion. Which statement best justifies the fact that she skipped the hypothesis and experimental design steps of the scientific method? The scientist must have realized that she performed one of the steps incorrectly. The scientist was unhappy with the first data set and started the experiment over. The scientist was repeating the experiment to improve the validity of her data. The scientist was planning to form a hypothesis after completing the experiment.



If the question is asking what she did wrong. She needed to form a hypothesis before testing had started because the hypothesis is what you test in an experiment. Testing with out this is pointless.


What elements are in common between nucleic acids and proteins? *

A.Carbon, nitrogen, magnesium
B.Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, helium
C.Carbon, nitrogen
D.Carbon, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorous, nitrogen



C. Carbon, nitrogen


Nucleic acids contain C, H, O, N, and P. Amino acids contain C, H, O, and N (no phosphorous).

When The Linear Form Of Glucose Cyclizes, The Product Is a(n):________. A) Anhydride. B) Glycoside. C) Hemiacetal. D) Oligosaccharide.





The linear for of glucose that cyclizes is called Hemiacetal because it is a compound that is formed by attack of hydroxyl group when the carbon atom bind to hydroxyl group and also to aldehyde group or ether which is normally called anomeric carbon in carbohydrates, these therefore make the glucose to become cyclical and it is a six membered ring also called glucopyranose.

When the linear form of glucose cyclizes, the product Is a hemiacetal.

Glucose is a six membered sugar. It is a monosaccharide. The sugar can exist in either the linear or the cyclic form. The cyclic form of glucose exists as a hemiacetal.

The hemiacetal is formed by the attack of the hydroxyl group on carbon number 5 on the aldehyde group on carbon number 1.

Hence, when the linear form of glucose cyclizes, the product Is a hemiacetal.

Learn more: https://brainly.com/question/2983055

How many factors should a well-designed experiment test at one time?
a) 1 time
b) 2 times
c) 3 times
d) depends on the number of experiment variables



Just look it up


In humans, red blood cells are the only cells that eject their nuclei as they develop. By emptying themselves of nuclei, these cells are able to do
which of the following?
replace themselves quickly when more cells are needed
transport greater amounts of oxygen and waste throughout the body
transmit electrical impulses quickly
attack bacterial pathogens more effectively



Transport greater amounts of oxygen and waste products.


Not having nuclei allows the red blood cells (RBCs) to have more space for haemoglobin (Hb). Haemoglobin is the oxygen-carrying pigment in the RBCs. So more Hb means more oxygen transport.

Hb also carries carbon dioxide, a waste product.

In humans, red blood cells are the only cells that eject their nuclei as they develop, so by emptying themselves of nuclei, these cells are able to transport greater amounts of oxygen and waste throughout the body, which is the second option.

What is the function of red blood cells in humans?

The human and other vertebrates have different types of blood cells, and in humans there are white blood cells and red blood cells. In red blood cells, there is no nucleus when the cell gets mature, so the red blood cells get hemoglobin at that place to carry most of the oxygen through the body and remove the carbon dioxide.

Hence, in humans, red blood cells are the only cells that eject their nuclei as they develop, so by emptying themselves of nuclei, these cells are able to transport greater amounts of oxygen and waste throughout the body, which is the second option.

Learn more about the red blood cells in humans here.



Carbohydrates are composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen. What specific chemical difference distinguishes carbohydrates from other large organic molecules?


They amount of oxygen is higher than other molecules

Carbohydrates contain a large number of oxygen atoms which makes them different from rest of the organic molecules.

What are carbohydrates?

A carbohydrate is a biomolecule composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen atoms in a 2:1 hydrogen-oxygen atom ratio.

Carbohydrates are the chief source of energy in the body, fueling the brain, kidneys, heart muscles, a s well as central nervous system.

Fiber, for instance, is a carbohydrate that aids digestion, makes person feel full, and helps keep blood cholesterol levels in check.

Carbohydrates differ from the rest of the organic molecules in that they contain a large number of oxygen atoms.

Thus, carbohydrates can serve the very different functions of energy storage and structural support and protection due to differences in molecular structure.

For more details regarding carbohydrates, visit:



Which of the following statements about archaea are true cowan?A) They are prokaryotes.B) They lack peptidoglycan in their cell walls.C) Some are thermoacidophiles; others are extreme halophiles.D) They evolved before bacteria.E) Some produce methane from carbon dioxide and hydrogen.



All the options are true except option D.


Archaea are a group of prokaryotic organisms i.e. they lack a membrane bound nucleus. They are one of the the three domains of life (the other two being bacteria and eukarya). Archeans possess a cell wall like bacteria but it is not composed of peptidoglycan, like bacteria cell wall.

Archeans are generally known to be found in very severe environmental conditions, hence, they are referred to as extremophiles e.g Some are thermoacidophiles i.e. thrive in very hot and acidic environment while others are extreme halophiles i.e. thrive in salty regions. Archeans known as methanogens produce methane gas as a product of metabolism from carbon dioxide and hydrogen.

However, the domain archeae was only found to be in existence recently after the domain bacteria, hence, they are not considered to evolve before the domain bacteria.

describe how our skin darkens in the prescnece of the sun. In your description be sure to name the pigmentthat darkens our skin and decribe how skin darkening protects our DNA from damage



In your description, be sure to name the pigment that darkens our skin and describe how skin darkening protects our DNA from damage. ... The melanin acts as a shield to Ultraviolet radiation, and also protects us from sunburn which can result in DNA changes and skin cancer.


Which of the following is true about density and states of matter for most substance


Answer: A substance is denser as a liquid than a solid, and a substance is denser as a gas than as a liquid. Hope this helped! :)


A substance is denser as a solid than as a gas.


lol I got the question wrong but it's that answer

If a patient complained of a "stomach ache" and pointed to the umbilical region as the site of discomfort, which organs located in this region might be the source of the pain?​


It might be the digestive pain


There are a couple of options

1. Ulcers in stomach

2. Obstruction in the small intestines

3. Pancreatitis - depends on which side the patient is pointing to

4. Aneurysm

Any liquid that destroys bacteria is in the most household cleaning solutions like Lysol



n the healthcare setting, “alcohol” refers to two water-soluble chemical compounds—ethyl alcohol and isopropyl alcohol—that have generally underrated germicidal characteristics 482. FDA has not cleared any liquid chemical sterilant or high-level disinfectant with alcohol as the main active ingredient. These alcohols are rapidly bactericidal rather than bacteriostatic against vegetative forms of bacteria; they also are tuberculocidal, fungicidal, and virucidal but do not destroy bacterial spores. Their cidal activity drops sharply when diluted below 50% concentration, and the optimum bactericidal concentration is 60%–90% solutions in water (volume/volume) 483, 484.


Using the table on the right, complete each unit conversion by typing in the correct answer. 85.0 kg = lb






The answer is 187.


The decaying body of the bull will produce bees. Why do you think reasonable individuals once accepted the ideas behind this recipe?



I think that people believe this because they have never seen a dead body and they dont know what insects are attracted to them


they are most likely not sure what actual insects were attracted to the decaying body they just saw the bees so they thought it was just bees that the dead bull attracted

in which situation is it acceptable for an IT professional to access corporate secrets?



when she or she is the last hope of the surveillance or the intelligence


B. under the guidance of a legal investigation


Energy somebody help, in a food web that has species like Algae Milkweed, Mosquitoes, and you had to remove one species to limit the amount of change to an existing food web, why would Spotted turtle be a good idea


They dont a big role in ecosystem

Use the diagram and scenario to answer the constructed response question. Marcus recently visited his doctor with complaints of nausea, stomach cramps, bloating, and gas that occur approximately 45 minutes after eating ice cream, cheese, or drinking milk. The doctor’s report indicated that Marcus has an increased production of acidic toxins causing him to have an imbalanced intestinal pH. The doctor concluded he is lactose intolerant. Using claim, evidence and reasoning (CER) format, determine the macromolecule represented by lactose and describe what happens in the body when a person drinks milk, which contains lactose. You must use the terms lactose, lactase, glucose and galactose in your response. (Hint: Use the picture to explain the process.)



well i think this has to do with lactose intolerance Explanation:

As you observe an unknown cell under a microscope, you make the following observations:


• There is one large irregular structure that occupies about half the cell

• The cell has several small, green, circular objects inside it

• It has a medium-sized circular structure that appears to be a nucleus

• There is a thick, rigid structure that surrounds the cell

What type of cell are you observing?

A. Animal cell

B. Plant cell

C. Protist

D. Bacterium


Answer: it is probably a plant cell because it has a cell wall and chloroplasts.

extra carbon dioxide in the blood is removed by the lungs. how would extra carbon dioxide in lake be removed?


Carbon Dioxide that doesn’t form bicarbonates can be removed by aeration.

Carbon dioxide that doesn’t form bicarbonates means it’s “uncombined” which means it can be removed.

Carbon Dioxide that doesn’t form bicarbonates which can be can be removed by aeration.

What is Carbon dioxide Buildup in Lungs ?

Our lungs have two important functions such as to take oxygen in, and  throw Carbon dioxide out; It is the byproduct of all biochemical reactions

The accumulation of Carbon dioxide in the lungs can lead to high carbon dioxide levels in the blood which affects multiple organs and life-threatening symptoms.

High Carbon dioxide levels are very common cause of COPD patients

It also leads to Obesity Hypoventilation syndrome refers to Shortness of breath from being overweight, by gaining you too much weight it may be harder to take a deep breath, so part of the lungs collapse and ventilation suffers.

Opioid over dose can also slow down your breathing by acting on the respiratory centers in brain and lower the breathing process leads to Carbon dioxide buildup.

Learn more about carbonate, here:



What are body systems?




Circulatory system / Cardiovascular system:

Circulates blood around the body via the heart, arteries and veins, delivering oxygen and nutrients to organs and cells and carrying their waste products away.

Keeps the body's temperature in a safe range.

Digestive system and Excretory system:

System to absorb nutrients and remove waste via the gastrointestinal tract, including the mouth, esophagus, stomach and intestines.

Eliminates waste from the body.

Endocrine system:

Influences the function of the body using hormones.

Integumentary system / Exocrine system:

Skin, hair, nails, sweat and other exocrine glands

Immune system and lymphatic system:

Defends the body against pathogens that may harm the body.

The system comprising a network of lymphatic vessels that carry a clear fluid called lymph.

Muscular system:

Enables the body to move using muscles.

Nervous system:

Collects and processes information from the senses via nerves and the brain and tells the muscles to contract to cause physical actions.

Renal system and Urinary system

The system where the kidneys filter blood to produce urine, and get rid of waste.

Reproductive system:

The reproductive organs required for the production of offspring.

Respiratory system:

Brings air into and out of the lungs to absorb oxygen and remove carbon dioxide.

Skeletal System:

Bones maintain the structure of the body and its organs.

Marie discovers boxes of elements in a storage room. The boxes do not say which elements they contain, but they do have information about their locations on the periodic table. What kind of information would allow Marie to determine which boxes contain the most reactive elements?



Explanation: The reactivity of metals increases as you move left in a period and as you move down in a group, so Marie needs to know the period and group of the element inside each box. Boxes that show locations in groups 1 or 2 or in period 8 contain the most reactive elements.


The reactivity of metals increases as you move left in a period and as you move down in a group, so Marie needs to know the period and group of the element inside each box. Boxes that show locations in groups 1 or 2 or in period 8 contain the most reactive elements.


Francesca, a PhD candidate, conducts extensive research on aluminum corrosion. When finished, she will submit her research data and conclusions in a report to a scientific journal for peer review. What are three benefits of peer review? Select three answer choices.



A, C, and D


The available choices to the question are:

A. Peer review guarantees that the results of the research or experimentation are accurate and relevant.

B. Peer review allows other scientists the chance to try to replicate the experimental results.

C. Peer review can lead to new ideas and further study.

D. Peer review helps check for mistakes, bias, or fraud in a set of experimental work.

The 3 correct options here would be that:

1. Peer review guarantees that the results of the research or experimentation are accurate and relevant.

2. Peer review can lead to new ideas and further study.

3.  Peer review helps check for mistakes, bias, or fraud in a set of experimental work.

A peer review process involves an independent and unbiased evaluation of a scientific report by one or more professionals in the same field of study as the subject of the report.

Peer review is encouraged to improve the overall quality of reports and their findings, check for inconsistencies in reports, determine the validity of the procedures and improve the credibility of the findings in the report. Input from peers can shed more light on certain aspect of reports, leading to new ideas and further study.

Publishing a work, not peer-reviewing, will afford other scientists the chance to repeat the experiment and test the validity of the findings.

Hence, the correct options are A,C, and D.  

Explain how the streamlined body of a bony fish enable it to live successfully in water.


The streamline body of a fish enables it to easily move through water current without having to experience much difficult. In short, it doesn't have any body structure compared to that of a neck and this enabling it to move faster and easier in water.

A bony fish's streamlined body is an adaptation that allows it to survive in water. A bony fish's body is hydrodynamically shaped, which implies that it has a form that lessens the drag it feels in the water.

What is the reason for them being crucial ?

This is crucial because it enables the fish to swim more effectively, which enables it to move more quickly and for longer stretches of time without using up a lot of energy. Bony fish have streamlined bodies that allow them to glide through the water more silently.

This is important as it enables the fish to sneak up on prey without being detected, and also helps it to avoid predators. Additionally, the shape of the body lessens turbulence in the water, which aids in minimising the noise the fish makes.

A bony fish's sleek shape also aids in maintaining stability and balance in the water. The fish can maintain its equilibrium and avoid being knocked off course by waves and currents because to the body's reduced drag and turbulence design. The fish can move more swiftly and effectively as a result, which also helps it evade predators.  

Learn more about   waves and currents at:



Which statement best explains how the life functions of a unicellular
organism are carried out?
A. Most of the tissues in the cell work together to perform its life
B. The structures in the cell work together to perform its life
C. All of the organism's cells work together to perform its life
D. Only specialized cells work together to perform its life functions.



The answer is b


The life functions of a unicellular organism are carried out by the structures in the cell that work together to perform its life functions.

What is cell?"A cell is the structural and functional unit of living things."All living things are composed of cells.The single-celled organisms are called unicellular organisms whereas the organisms having two or more number of cells are called multicellular organisms.The cell have different structures called organelles that performs specific function.What is organelle?"These are the specialized structures that perform various jobs inside cells."The organelles performs various function so that the cell can perform its life functions and remains alive.For example: DNA replication occurs in nucleus of cell where it transcribe into RNA, it then moves towards ribosome so that it can code for proteins which is important to cells to perform various functions.

Hence, the correct option is: B. The structures in the cell work together to perform its life functions.

To know more about organelle's function here



How do issues within the transgender community relate to gender roles and stereotypes


Issues within the Transgender community relate to gender roles due to the fact, they must deal with the roles & stereotypes society has for body’s gender as well as the gender they seem themselves. This causes clashes in ideas deemed “correct”
Relate because gender stereotypes for male and females sometimes don’t match with someone who’s transitioning
Like if a boy doesn’t fit with the stereotype of MANLY man but prefers the girly stuff.

What are some differences between the "Steady State" and "Big Bang" theories?



The major difference between the Big Bang theory and the steady state model is that the the big bang theory comes with the belief and idea that all the matter were created as a result of one big bang explosive beginning.

The steady state model matter however talks about matter being created at a steady rate through a specified time. The model also talks about the process being continual and is still happening till today.

Starting with a protein that has been inserted into the Endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane with the Amino (N) terminal in the ER lumen and the carboxy (C) terminal in the cytoplasm, describe the journey the protein will take until it is placed in the plasma membrane. Include any modifications that occur during the journey and where they occur. Also, always indicate where the N and C terminal are located.


Answer and Explanation:

Ribosomes are the primary structure for protein synthesis. They can be found in the rough endoplasmic reticulum or floating in the cytosol.  

Free ribosomes are not attached to any cytoplasmic structure or organelle. They synthesize proteins only for internal cell use. Other ribosomes are attached to the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum and they are in charge of synthesizing membrane proteins or exportation proteins. Free and attached ribosomes are identical and they can alternate their location. This means that although free ribosomes are floating in the cytosol, eventually, they can get attached to the endoplasmic reticulum membrane.  

Synthesis of proteins that are destined to membrane or exportation starts in the cytoplasm with the production of a molecule portion known as a signal aminoacidic sequence. This signal sequence varies between 13 and 36 amino acids, is located in the amino extreme of the synthesizing protein, and when it reaches a certain length, it meets the signal recognizing particle. This particle joins the signal sequence of the protein and leads the synthesizing protein and associated ribosome to a specific region in the Rough endoplasmic reticulum where it continues the protein building. When they reach the membrane of the endoplasmic reticulum, the signal recognizing particle links to a receptor associated with a pore. Meanwhile, the ribosome keeps synthesizing the protein, and the enlarged polypeptidic chain goes forward the reticulum lumen through the pore. While this is happening, another enzyme cuts the signal sequence, an action that requires energy from the ATP hydrolysis. When the new protein synthesis is complete, the polypeptide is released into the reticulum lumen. Here it also happens the protein folding (which is possible by the formation of disulfide bridges of proteins are formed) and the initial stages of glycosylation (the oligosaccharide addition).  

Once membrane proteins are folded in the interior of the endoplasmic reticulum, they are packaged into vesicles and sent to the Golgi complex, where it occurs the final association of carbohydrates with proteins. The Golgi complex sends proteins to their different destinies. Proteins destined to a certain place are packaged all together in the same vesicle and sent to the target organelle. In the case of membrane proteins, they are packaged in vesicles and sent to the cell membrane where they get incrusted.  

There are certain signal sequences in the carboxy-terminal extreme of the protein that plays an important role during the transport of membrane proteins. A signal as simple as one amino acid in the c-terminal extreme is responsible for the correct transport of the molecule through the whole traject until it reaches the membrane.  

When the body is cold, small arteries in the skin constrict to minimize heat loss true or false





To prevent heat loss blood vessels shrink so that less heat is sent to the skin and so that more is sent towards vital organs i.e. the heart, brain, lungs.

Answer: It is TRUE

Explanation: I took the Test and got a 100% :)

Elements and compounds are two types of ______________________.



mark them as brainiest and then delete this answer :)


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