Which BEST represents the weight of an elephant?

A) 6,000 centigrams
B) 6,000 kilograms
C) 6,000 milligrams
D) 6,000 grams


Answer 1


6000 kilograms


because others are really less duh!!

Related Questions

Make a conclusion/concluding thought about snakes or Burmese pythons


Burmese pythons have unique characteristics that enable them to flourish in the south Florida ecology, not only to survive there. Although they have been caught at lengths of over 15 feet, they typically grow to be between 6 and 9 feet long.

What makes burmese pythons dangerous?

Burmese pythons are particularly troublesome because they can drive out local snake species. They frequently outcompete other species because their offspring are born larger than the juveniles of other snake species. This head start can be highly helpful in the competition for habitat, food, and space. Additionally, it is entirely conceivable that pythons may traverse great distances given their superb swimming abilities.

To know more about burmese pythons, click here



What does Squealer announce on Sundays?


One Sunday morning Squealer announced that the hens, who had just come in to lay again, must surrender their eggs. Napoleon had accepted, through Whymper, a contract for four hundred eggs a week.

What does Squealer read to the animals every Sunday?

On Sunday mornings Squealer, holding down a long strip of paper with his trotter would read out to them lists of figures proving that the production of every class of foodstuff had increased by two hundred per cent, three hundred per cent, or five hundred per cent, as the case might be.

The animals work hard and are always hungry, but every Sunday morning Squealer reads them long lists of figures proving they have more food than ever before.

Learn more about Squealer, here:



What is the speaker's mood in Mending Wall?


"Mending Wall" has a serious and inquisitive tone. They claim the neighbor's viewpoints are out-of-date. What does the speaker's next-door neighbour think of the wall?

He believes it has a beneficial impact on interpersonal interactions. When the speaker in the poem inquires as to why the wall is required and why their neighbour believes the wall "makes excellent neighbours," they show their inquisitiveness. The tale advances due to this enquiring nature. Themes in "Mending Wall" include the inevitableness of societal change, the shifting of borders, the complexity of interpersonal interactions, and change itself. A wall separating the speaker's land from that of his neighbour is the subject of the poem "Mending Wall." The speaker's perspective on the wall is that there is no need for a barrier to separate them. It is a supposition wherein being closed-minded toward one another is not a barrier but rather a chance.

To know more about Mending Wall refer the link below :



What is the meaning of Sonnet 100?


Sonnet 100 represents a shift in the poet's perspective from earlier sonnets, where the straightforwardness of his poetry was supposed to distinguish him from rivals, and it also alludes to the poet's waning love for youth.

Because the poet chides himself for having forgotten to write poetry about the young man: "Where art thou, Muse, that thou forget'st so long / To speak of that which gives thee all thy might?" we can infer that it has been some time since he wrote the previous sonnet. The poet urges himself to write kind words about the young person in a laid-back manner because there is currently no other poet vying for the attention of the young person: "Return, forgetting Muse, and straight redeem in gentle numbers time so lazily wasted."

In the final couplet, take note of the references to death and time's deterioration, such as the "crooked knife" and "scythe"; the poet is incapable or reluctant to invent fresh images. Since the poet is attempting to continue a relationship with the young people, it is obvious that the poet does not sincerely believe that the boy is incapable of feeling love. The poet's insinuation that the kid wastes himself via self-love, however, is hidden beneath the tone of mock seriousness.

Learn more about sonnet 100 Visit: brainly.com/question/19904708


J. Priestly discovered that many carbon-containing materials burn in the presence of oxygen gas. However, the rest of the elements in the carbon family do not react the same way. What explains this phenomenon?


The reason for the phenomenon described by J. Priestley is that reactivity decreases going down a family, option A, which is why other elements react differently.

Who was J. Priestley?

Born in 1733, J. Priestley was a British chemist who is well-known for his discovery of oxygen. He was, as a matter of fact, a scholar in several subjects and fields, responsible for conducting studies in many sciences.

The discovery by J. Priestley that is explained in the prompt refers to the carbon family. This family is considered to be quite stable, meaning that its reactivity is low. As a matter of fact, the reactivity decreases as one goes down the family, which explains why the rest of the elements would not burn in the presence of oxygen gas.

J. Priestley's discoveries have left an important mark in science and, although well-known today, were revolutionary at his time. With all this, we conclude that option A is our answer for this question.

The missing answer choices for this question are the following:

Reactivity decreases going down a family.The other elements in the family have a greater density.Electron affinity increases going up a family.Oxygen is a diatomic element that reacts with other reactive nonmetals.

Learn more about J. Priestley here:



Why does the speaker repeat the following two lines Good fences make good Neighbours?


The lines "something there is that doesn't cherish a wall" and "great walls make great neighbors" are rehashed. Reiteration is utilized in sonnets to add accentuation and feature critical subjects. For this situation, the sonnet is about a couple of neighbors who differ on whether there ought to be a wall between their ranches.

The speaker rehashes the accompanying two lines to help the peruser to remember comparative points of view. Through the sonnet, the writer supports building a popularity-based country. A majority rule government discusses love for each confidant Consequently, he rehashes the lines to stamp their importance to certainly stand out from the peruses.

Learn more about Good fences:



What is Elizabeth's attitude toward the theater?


Elizabeth supported actresses, musicians, and artists because she believed that having theatre at her court gave her the appearance of being an intelligent and affluent ruler.

How did Elizabeth feel about the Theatre?The queen herself enjoyed the plays, spectacles, and other events that were routinely presented at her royal homes. Elizabeth loved coming to the theatre because it offered fantastic entertainment, a break from their daily routines, the ability to interact with others, and the chance to stay up to date on the newest news. A new play's performance at the theatre became a social gathering since many nobility went there.The theatre prospered throughout Queen Elizabeth's rule. Under her leadership, a lot of brilliant playwrights got their start. Playhouses were constructed, and several performances were given just for the queen.

Learn more about Elizabeth feel about the Theatre refer to :



How do you find the probability of z-score and mean and standard deviation?



Detailed explanation:

Given to us is that


Average deviation,

P-value for probability is 0.9850.

With a probability of 0.9850, we must get the z-score for the standard normal distribution with mean 0 and standard deviation 1.

We will use a z-table to determine the z score for the standard normal distribution.

Z-table provides us with

When z-score is 2.17, the p-value is 0.9850.

p-value=2.17 and associated z-score

The z-score for the standard normal distribution with a mean of 0 and a standard deviation of 1 and a probability of 0.9850 = 2.17 as a result.

Learn more about Average deviation from here:



What was happening in Ireland when Swift wrote A Modest Proposal?


Swift got politically interested in Irish causes in the 1720s, particularly those involving English oppression of religion and exploitation of Ireland. Swift's impression of the Irish people's passivity and the deteriorating economic situation in Ireland inspired him to write "A Modest Proposal."

Ireland suffered as a result from extreme poverty, overpopulation, a beggarly population, frequent hunger, high taxes, and complete lack of self-government. Ireland's legislature was under English rule. Most of the people that stayed in Ireland were poor and had to deal with prejudice, disease, and malnutrition. The text, which is disguised as an economic dissertation, suggests that the nation reduce Irish poverty by slaughtering and selling the poor children as food to rich. 

Know more about A Modest Proposal at: https://brainly.com/question/29552934


What is revising in writing process?


In the writing process, revising refers to making significant changes to a document's organisation, structure, or content.

Revision literally translates as "to see again," or to consider things from a new, critical angle. Rethinking the paper is a continuous process that involves revising your claims, going over your supporting material, defining your purpose, structuring your presentation, and revitalising tired language. Revision is a crucial part of writing properly. It gives you a chance to sit back and look critically at your work, searching for ways to strengthen its general effectiveness, clarity, and sentence structure. Proofreading is only one part of revision. To make sure that everything meets the aim of the paper, it involves going back and reviewing entire concepts. It can involve reviewing the kind or volume of evidence offered in the past to back up the theories.

Know more about the Revision at: https://brainly.com/question/17000723


What is the purpose of Snowball?


In the recruitment method known as "snowball sampling," volunteers are invited to help find additional potential subjects.

What does snowball sampling serve?

A non-probability sampling technique called snowball sampling involves enlisting new units as sample members from among the existing ones. To conduct research on individuals with particular characteristics who might be challenging to find otherwise, snowball sampling can be helpful (e.g., people with a rare disease).

In purposive sampling, the researcher employs their judgment to choose appropriate study participants based on their understanding of the context of the systematic investigation. Snowball sampling, however, relies on the researcher's current research participants to assist in identifying additional possible subjects.

To know more about Snowball visit:



In which area did mammals emerge?


Since the initial appearance of their synapsid progenitors in the Pennsylvanian sub-period of the late Carboniferous period, mammals have through a number of stages in their evolution.

Based on the fossil record that is now available, scientists have hypothesized that the ancestors of modern animals first appeared in the north before migrating southward all the way to Antarctica and Australia when land bridges between the continents gradually formed. According to a recent study published in the journal Nature, the Triassic epoch, 215 million years ago, was the time when mammals first emerged. Long before the end of the dinosaur era, mammals started to exist on the planet. From roughly 252 million to 201 million years ago, members of the reptile order Therapsida gave rise to mammals during the Triassic Period.

To learn more about during click here https://brainly.com/question/2910564


Select the correct text in the passage.
In his "Four Freedoms" Speech to Congress, President Franklin Roosevelt calls for the end of human oppression and the beginning of universal
lberty. Which sentence from the passage best support this analysis?
from Roosevelt's "Four Freedoms" Speech
The first is freedom of speech and expression- everywhere in the world.
The second is freedom of every person to worship God in his own wayeverywhere in the world.
The third is freedom from want-which, translated into world terms, means economic understandings which will secure to every nation a healthy
peacetime life for its inhabitants-everywhere in the world.
The fourth is freedom from fear-which, translated into world terms, means a world-wide reduction of armaments to such a point and in such :
thorough fashion that no nation will be in a position to commit an act of physical aggression against any neighboranywhere in the world.
That is no vision of a distant millennium. It is a definite basis for a kind of world attainable in our
own time and generation. That kind of world
the very antithesis of the so-called new order of tyranny which the dictators seek to create with the crash of a bomb.
To that new order we oppose the greater conception-the moral order.
A good society is able to face schemes of world domination and foreign
revolutions alike without fear.
Since the beginning of our American history, we have been engaged in change-in a perpetual peaceful revolution-a revolution which goes on
steadily, quietly adjusting itself to changing conditions-without the concentration camp or the quick-lime in the ditch. The world order which we seek
is the cooperation of free countries, working together in a friendly, civilized society.
This nation has placed its destiny in the hands and heads and hearts of its millions of free men and women; and its faith in freedom under the
guidance of God. Freedom means the supremacy of human rights everywhere. Our support goes to those Co who struggle to gain those rights or keep
them. Our strength is our unity of purpose.
To that high concept there can be no end save victory.


From the passage, the sentence that best supports this analysis is: The world order which we seek is the cooperation of free countries, working together in a friendly civilized society”.

What was the speech about?

Franklin D. Roosevelt's 1941 State of the Union Address is also known as the "Four Freedoms" speech. He painted a moving portrait of a society where everyone enjoyed freedom—freedom of expression, freedom of religion, freedom from want, and freedom from fear—in it.

It was offered, and it made a big difference in history. President Franklin D. Roosevelt calls for the abolition of human oppression and the inauguration of universal freedom in his "Four Freedoms" speech to Congress.

The first is the right to free speech and expression for everyone, everywhere. The second is the freedom for everyone to worship God however they see fit, no matter where they are in the world.

Learn more about Four Freedom on:



What do lobbyists believe is the most effective way to influence lawmakers?


Politicians can exploit lobbyists' exact information on voter positions to their advantage in elections. Information can be presented by lobbyists in a way that strengthens the positions of their clients. Examining and comprehending the issues that legislators are debating. Legal work and representing clients in court.

What believe most effective way to influence lawmakers?

The best ways to lobby are through letters or in-person meetings, although phone calls can also be https://brainly.com/question/4178282. Calls on the phone can be particularly crucial for lobbying operations that must be completed quickly.

Therefore, Lobbyists are employed by interest groups to sway elected authorities. Access to public figures in all areas of government is sought after by lobbyists. By informing government officials about the interests of their group and engaging in grassroots lobbying, lobbyists attempt to sway policy.

Learn more about lawmakers here:



Which answer shares a word part
with the following word?
B. pensive
C. empowered


Expanse shares a word part with the following word.

What is meant by word parts?Prefixes, roots, and suffixes are the building blocks of many words in the English language. When you combine the distinct meanings of these word constituents, you can derive the meaning of the word as a whole.Prefix, word root, suffix, and vowel combining form are the four word parts mentioned. The word portion is known as a combining form when a word root is coupled with one of those vowels.As an illustration, the term "bicycling" is made up of the core word "cycle," which denotes a circle or wheel, the prefix "bi," which denotes two, and the suffix "ing," which turns it into a participle.

Learn more about word parts refer to :



What is an informative essay?



What is an Informative Essay? An informative essay educates your reader on a topic. They can have one of several functions: to define a term, compare and contrast something, analyze data, or provide a how-to. They do not, however, present an opinion or try to persuade your reader.


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How does the Battle over the windmill affect the animals?


The Battle of the Windmill in Animal Farm provides the pigs, notably Napoleon, a chance to further consolidate power.

How do the animals feel after the battle of windmill?Despite their wounds from the war, the other animals work diligently to rebuild the windmill, until ultimately, the venerable workhorse Boxer gives out.Despite their initial success, the humans fail when they blow up the windmill because the animals become utterly agitated and drive the men off the land. Squealer informs the wounded animals that, despite what they might believe, they actually won the conflict that will now be known as "The Battle of the Windmill." The windmill is destroyed by Frederick's troops, who also let loose the animals' rage. By the end of the conflict, both sides have suffered injuries and fatalities, the windmill has been demolished, but Mr. Frederick has been evicted from his property. Because of his departure, it's seen as a significant

To learn more about windmill refer to:



Does homework improve academic skills?


Yes because it shows how much you understand the material or what you still need to work on to improve more

How does Chaucer use satire in The Canterbury Tales?


Chaucer use satire in The Canterbury Tale mocks the Church by satirising him in his portrayal of the Pardoner. The amusing contrast between The Pardoner's lecture against greed and his exaggerated greediness.

Chaucer makes up such an obscenely selfish character to highlight actual church corruption and to effect reform.Through parodies, sarcasm, and humour, writers employ satire as a literary device to critique or highlight issues in society or inside an individual.

Geoffrey Chaucer made extensive use of satire in "Canterbury Tales" to highlight the corruption that pervaded both society and the church, which is supposed to be the least corrupt institution. He seeks to effect genuine change by mocking and highlighting their flaws.

Avarice through his depiction of the numerous identities.Like Chaucer, several authors have used satire and parodies to highlight social injustices.

Satire is a literary device that authors employ to critique or draw attention to social issues.

To know more about The Canterbury Tales visit:



7._________What are some of the common elements of a Creation myth?
A) Life, Love, Stress, and Setbacks
B) Birth, A Supreme Being, Mother/Father figure, Generations after
C) A sudden explosion, humans created from fire or water, destruction and renewal
D) Birth, A Supreme being, a fearless hero, an evil force



B) Birth, A Supreme Being, Mother/Father figure, Generations after


Creation myths often include elements such as the birth of the universe and the earth, a supreme being or group of deities who are responsible for creating the world and its inhabitants, a mother or father figure who is often associated with the earth or nature, and the generations of beings that come after the initial creation. These elements are common across many different cultures and can take many different forms, but they are often present in some form in creation myths.

Writing Prompt: identify two challenge the Allie faced on D-Day. Write an eay that explain how they reponded to thee challenge


The Western Allies were finally ready to launch their long-delayed, across-the-Channel invasion of northern France, code-named Overlord, in May 1944, dealing the war's most devastating blow. The mission, which eventually required the coordinated efforts of 12 nations, was led by General Dwight D. Eisenhower as its supreme commander.

The long, sloping beaches of Normandy were chosen as the site of the landings after great consideration. There, the Allies would benefit from a surprise factor. The Pas de Calais region, north of the Seine river, where the English Channel is the narrowest, was where the German high command anticipated the attack to occur. After being informed by Allied covert spies acting as German sympathizers that the invasion would take place in the Pas de Calais, Adolf Hitler had deployed the majority of his panzer units here.

June 5, 1944, was chosen as the invasion's D-Day by Allied officials. Eisenhower had to delay the attack for a day on June 4 due to bad weather over the English Channel. Soldiers, sailors, and airmen were anxious about the delay, but Eisenhower decided to proceed on June 6 when meteorologists predicted a limited window of clearer weather over the channel. It was one of the bravest choices made during the conflict.

Learn more about  D-Day Visit: brainly.com/question/16529260


Correct Question:

Writing Prompt: identify two challenge the Allie faced on D-Day. Write an essay that explain how they responded to the challenge.

Answer pls brainliest


will have both negative and positive impacts. To start, walking is considered a physical exercise, it will benefit our mental and physical health. For instance, Physical exercises may release dopamine and make us happier in our daily lives. However, you may have to carry a higher volume of water back to your house depending on your body size(e.g. You’re still 5 years old, your body can't bear the amount of heaviest, therefore, may result in body disordering by doing so for a low period )

What is parenthetical phrase and example?


Essentially, a parenthetical citation is only a phrase or word that is not necessary to the meaning of the sentence. However, just because something is not necessary does not imply that it is not significant. When used properly, a parenthetical can enhance a sentence's meaning without adding any awkward new information.

A word or combination of words that contains important yet auxiliary information is known as a parenthetical statement in a sentence. Parenthetical expressions may use words and phrases like in fact, typically, likewise, however, without a doubt, evidently, indeed, and many others.

The four main subcategories of parenthetical phrases are

direct address, contrasting expressions, conjunctive adverbs,common expressions.

To know more about parenthetical phrase and example, click on the link below:



What is the best way to control hands as vehicle of contamination?


Since hands frequently come into touch with meals and constitute the main means by which foodborne disease microorganisms are spread, they must always be sanitized.

Is often more than frequently?

Throughout most situations, the words commonly and very often can be employed interchangeable, however occasionally denotes many repeats including, occasionally, frequency of occurrence: We frequently visit somewhere; frequently denotes continuation at somewhat frequent intervals throughout particular: It frequently takes place.

What is a frequent adverb?

The frequency of many an undertaking is indicated by someone with an expression of frequency. In English, there seem to be six basic modifiers of frequency: invariably, generally (or normally), frequently, occasionally, infrequently, and hardly ever.

To know more about frequently visit:



How is situational irony used in The Great Gatsby?


Scott Fitzgerald frequently employs situational irony in his writing. Despite being a mobster, Gatsby is the only one who is honest at the conclusion of the book. Despite having a dishonest profession, he is an honest person. Gatsby only worries about Daisy once Myrtle passes away.

When the expected result is really the opposite, this is known as situational irony. It is a form of figurative language, which is just a fancy term for a literary technique where words are used in a way that isn't necessarily what they mean.

Situational irony happens when the outcome is completely the opposite of what was expected. Situational irony is the outcome of a circumstance not going as planned, such as a baker having a wheat allergy.

For more such question on Great Gatsby.



Did Benjamin agree with Napoleon or Snowball?


Both of the pigs' catchphrases are unimportant to Benjamin, who does not support them. He shares the reader's skepticism regarding Snowball's plan and caution regarding Napoleon's actions.

What is Benjamin's opinion of Animal Farm?

The cynical observer Benjamin from George Orwell's Animal Farm observes what the pigs on the farm are doing but chooses not to become involved. He believes that no matter who is in control, everything will turn out poorly.

Who did the animals side with when Napoleon and Snowball disagreed on a defensive strategy?

The animals appear to concur with the speaker.

To know more about Benjamin, visit:


How does the Friar react to Romeo's behavior during Act 3 Scene 3?


In Romeo and Juliet, Friar scolds to Romeo's behavior during Act 3 Scene 3.

Romeo and Juliet is a tragedy written by the bard early in his career concerning the romance between 2 Italian youths from feuding families. it absolutely was among Shakespeare's most well-liked plays throughout his period of time and, along side Hamlet, is one among his most often performed plays.

Friar Laurence feels pity for Romeo, who appears “wedded to disaster.” lover asks what penalisation patrician Escalus has handed down, and therefore the religious tells lover he's to be banished. lover states that death would be additional merciful, however religious Laurence assures lover that currently he has the possibility to envision the globe.

To learn more about Friar Lawrence here



What are 7 lines called in poetry?


7 lines in a poetry is called as Septet which means a stanza with seven lines. This is sometimes called a “rhyme royal.”

What is poetry?

Poetry is a type of literature that elicits a concentrated imaginative awareness of experience or a specific emotional reaction through the use of language that has been chosen and arranged for its meaning, sound, and rhythm.

Poetry is usually classified into these three types: narrative, dramatic, and lyrical. It is not always possible to differentiate between them.

Septet, which means a stanza with seven lines, is a poem with seven lines. This is known as a "royal rhyme."

Thus, septet is the 7 lines called in poetry.

For more details regarding poetry, visit:



What did Alfred Wegener use as evidence?


Fossil evidence was used by Wegener to support his theory of continental drift. Fossils of these species have been discovered at locations that are today very far apart.

Grooves and rock deposits left behind by past glaciers can still be visible today on some continents that are extremely close to the equator. The first piece of evidence Wegener offered was that some continents' coasts resembled the components of a jigsaw puzzle. The coastlines of South America and Africa were similar on the early globe maps, leading some observers to hypothesize that the continents had once been ripped apart. The fossilized remains of tropical plants discovered on the Arctic island of Spitzbergen were among the examples he cited.

He discovered extensive geographic features that corresponded, such as the Scottish Highlands and the Appalachian Mountains in the United States, as well as rock strata in South Africa that resembled those in Brazil. This suggests that the continents may have once been linked. Evidence for continental drift has been based on the fit of the continents, the distribution of prehistoric fossils, rocks, and mountain ranges, as well as the locations of prehistoric climatic zones. They supported their theory of continental drift with a range of pieces of evidence, including as the fit of the continents, paleoclimate indicators, truncated geologic structures, and fossils.

To learn more about Wegener Visit : brainly.com/question/29786039


How empathy affect the relationship of a person to another individual?


Empathy is a powerful force that promotes societal harmony and cooperation. The system that makes it possible for people to understand and communicate with others. Empathy is necessary before intimacy, trust, and belonging can exist. It is the emotion that also makes it difficult to overlook other people's suffering.

Growing Empathy:

You can enhance your relationships by connecting with the thoughts and feelings of your friends and loved ones and having them reciprocate. It is possible to have empathy for total strangers. For instance, you could sympathize with someone sitting alone at a party and start a conversation.

What can I do to give the word "empathy" additional significance? Suggestion is:

letting rid of the idea that someone has to be special to make you happy.You have to start accepting people for who they are by letting go of what you think they "should" be.According to the dictionary, respecting someone implies "to demonstrate honor, regard, and consideration toward."Being with someone in the moment so that you can perceive, hear, and connect with them fully (rather than from stereotyped expectations).putting your own agenda aside and really listening to what others have to offer. Putting an end to your inner dialogue to better hear and understand their experience.

For more such question empathy in a relationship:



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