Which of the following is NOT an adaptation that chipmunks use to survive cold winters?

digging burrows
thick fur


Answer 1

Answer: D. Migration


Answer 2
i think migration ! i’m not sure.

Related Questions

Contestar. Read the list of ideas you wrote in Examinar el texto, and look again at the visual elements of the magazine article. Then answer the questions.
1. Who is the woman in the photo, and what is her role?
2. What is the article about?
3. What is the subject of the pie chart?
4. What is the subject of the bar graph?


The woman depicted in the photograph is an athlete demonstrating a yoga pose in a gym, emphasizing the article's focus on fitness and yoga's potential benefits. The article explores the relationship between yoga and overall well-being, both physically and mentally. The visual elements, such as the pie chart and bar graph, provide additional information about the different yoga poses and their benefits, as well as the growing popularity of yoga over time.


1. In the photo, there is a woman who is performing a yoga pose in a gym. The photo shows her stretching her body in an asana that demonstrates the flexibility and physical fitness associated with yoga. Her role in the article is to provide a visual representation of the practice of yoga and its benefits.

2. The article focuses on the practice of yoga and its many benefits. It discusses the various types of yoga and their benefits, as well as the benefits of yoga for physical and mental health. The article highlights the increasing popularity of yoga and its potential to improve overall well-being.

3. The pie chart in the article shows the percentage breakdown of different yoga poses and their corresponding benefits. It highlights the different areas of the body that yoga can help to strengthen, as well as the mental benefits of practising yoga.

4. The bar graph in the article shows the number of people who practice yoga and how it has increased over time. The graph demonstrates that more and more people are becoming interested in yoga and its benefits and that it is becoming a popular form of exercise and wellness practice.

To know more about yoga pose refer here:



Which of the following is not a major manufacturer in Georgia?



textiles is ur answer

why was advertisement important in the 1950s?



This was because at this time consumer consumption reach a historical high level and also the TV's massive reach help with the advertising. Also because of the events happening at the time, the end of World War II signaled the end of a thrift-based consciousness that Americans had held since the Great Depression.


Wong Kar Wai is a visionary director who never works with the same collaborators twice. Select one: True False


The given statement "Wong Kar Wai is a visionary director who never works with the same collaborators twice" is False. Wong Kar Wai, the acclaimed Hong Kong filmmaker, has frequently collaborated with certain key individuals in his filmmaking career.  

One notable example is Christopher Doyle, a renowned cinematographer. Wong Kar Wai and Doyle have collaborated on numerous films, such as "Chungking Express" and "In the Mood for Love." Doyle's visually stunning work has become synonymous with Wong Kar Wai's films, and their partnership has been instrumental in creating the distinctive aesthetic that characterizes his movies.

Additionally, Wong Kar Wai has collaborated with other recurring collaborators, including art director William Chang and composer Shigeru Umebayashi. Chang has been responsible for the art direction and editing of many of Wong Kar Wai's films, while Umebayashi has composed the music for several of his works.

These collaborative relationships have been vital to the creative process and have contributed to the consistent style and themes found in Wong Kar Wai's films.

Therefore, it is not accurate to claim that Wong Kar Wai never works with the same collaborators twice, as he has established lasting partnerships with key individuals who have played a significant role in shaping his artistic vision.

Know more about filmmaking here:



Conflicts between various franchisees of a company are an example of vertical channel conflict.

a. True
b. False


Conflicts between various franchisees of a company are an example of vertical channel conflict is False

Conflicts between various franchisees of a company are an example of horizontal channel conflict, not vertical channel conflict.

Vertical channel conflict refers to conflicts or disagreements between different levels of a distribution channel, such as conflicts between a manufacturer and its distributors or conflicts between a manufacturer and retailers. It typically involves disagreements related to pricing, product positioning, or distribution strategies.

On the other hand, conflicts between franchisees of the same company are considered horizontal channel conflict. In a franchise system, individual franchisees operate independently but are part of the same brand or company. Conflicts between franchisees can arise due to issues like territorial disputes, competition for customers, or disagreements over local marketing efforts.

Conflicts between various franchisees of a company are an example of horizontal channel conflict, not vertical channel conflict. Understanding the nature of these conflicts can help companies effectively manage and resolve conflicts within their franchise systems to maintain a cohesive brand image and optimize performance across all franchise locations.

To know more about company visit:



The ways in which various civilizations developed were very different.



I think it might be false


Page(s) 17-18 What Do Psychologists Investigate? Which of the following would represent a Gestalt approach? Correct Answer(s) Drag appropriate answer(s) here describing a sound by identifying its pitch, tone, and clarity Press Space to open believing that two people can see one thing in different ways Press Space to open seeing pictures in cloud shapes Press Space to open describing a sketch of a cityscape as a series of lines and boxes Press Space to open explaining a friend’s fear of dogs as based solely on one bad experience



1. believing that two people can see one thing in different ways.

2. seeing pictures in cloud shapes.


Gestalt approach: In psychology, the term "gestalt approach" or "gestalt theory" signifies that the "whole is greater than its parts". In other words, the attributes of anything whole aren't deducible by analyzing its specific parts in isolation.

A famous Gestalt psychologist named Kurt Koffka explained that the human brain and eye distinctly perceives a particular shape as compared to the way they are being perceived by the single parts of those specified shapes.

There are five distinct principles involved in Gestalt theory:

1. Proximity.

2. Closure.

3. Continuity.

4. Connectedness.

5. Similarity.

How can economic development be balanced with resource sustainability?



The management of renewable resources for the sake of the whole human and environmental environment is known as sustainable growth. In the end, sustainable economies would depend on renewable resources such as biological production and energy sources such as solar, wind, geothermal, and biomass. Sustainable development seeks to increase the quality of life of all people in a long-term manner. ADVERTISEMENTS: (ii) Improved economic growth The aim of sustainable development is to boost economic growth by addressing basic needs, or improving the standard of living.


Hope this helps!

Please mark me as Brainliniest.

briefly explain one difference or similarity between the policies of wilson and either theodore roosevelt or william howard taft.


One similarity between the policies of Woodrow Wilson and Theodore Roosevelt is their emphasis on progressive reform. Both presidents sought to address social and economic issues during their time in office.

Wilson focused on his "New Freedom" agenda, which aimed to promote antitrust legislation, banking reform, and tariff reduction. Similarly, Theodore Roosevelt advocated for progressive policies known as the "Square Deal," which aimed to regulate big business, protect consumers, and conserve natural resources. Both presidents recognized the need for government intervention to promote fairness and equality in society.

You can learn more about progressive reform at



How would Apollo (Greek god) treat mortals?


as punishment they were forced to work for more tools for a Time
He would use them as slaves, make them work/earn their sipplies

what is an example of a u.s. citizens' obligation​


Responsibilities than obligations, but below are some things expected of American citizens;

• Support and defend the Constitution.

• Stay informed of the issues affecting your community.

• Participate in the democratic process.

• Respect and obey federal, state, and local laws.

• Respect the rights, beliefs, and opinions of others.

• Participate in your local community.

• Pay income and other taxes honestly, and on time, to federal, state, and local authorities.

• Serve on a jury when called upon.

• Defend the country if the need should arise.  


dose water come from the sewers


No because there is no way to flither the pee and people would get sick because of the poop

what underlying social factor caused a great deal of instability in many of the newly-independent african nations?


The underlying social factor that caused a great deal of instability in many of the newly-independent African nations was ethnic diversity.

After gaining independence from colonial powers, African nations faced the challenge of uniting diverse ethnic groups within their borders. The colonial legacy had often exacerbated ethnic tensions and created divisions among different groups. The newly-formed governments struggled to navigate these complexities and establish a sense of national identity that transcended ethnic affiliations. Political power struggles along ethnic lines, competition for resources, and unresolved historical grievances fueled conflicts and instability in many African countries.

You can learn more about ethnic diversity at



Jessica was denied entry to medical school. She sued for admission and was allowed to enter the program provisionally while the case went through the court system. Years later, a few months before her graduation date, the Supreme Court declined to hear the case. What is the most likely reason why?


For one she need a legitimate reason to sue the medical school. Two she’s practically graduating. Without actually being apart of the school. That’s wrong.

A few months before Jessica was scheduled to graduate, the Supreme Court most likely declined to hear her case because it may have become moot or no longer presented an actual disagreement that required the Court's participation.

The Supreme Court typically decides to consider cases that present important legal issues, constitutional concerns, or disagreements with decisions made by lower courts. However, the court may decide not to hear a matter if it becomes moot, which means that the dispute has been settled or that the circumstances have changed to the point that a ruling would no longer be applicable.

Jessica's situation may have led the court to rule that the case was no longer active or presented a live controversy because she had previously been admitted provisionally to the medical school and was almost finished.

By the time the case made it to the Supreme Court, the question of the crucial admission had been rendered moot because it would not have an effect on her present or future standing. The provisional admission permitted her to finish her studies.

It is significant to highlight that it is difficult to give a firm explanation for why the Supreme Court decided not to hear Jessica's case without knowing additional specifics about the case and its legal background. There are several variables that go into the Supreme Court's determinations on whether to grant certiorari (hear a case), and in this particular case, there may be additional ones.

To learn more about Supreme Court link is here



What great work by michelangelo might a visitor to rome see today?


A visitor to Rome today might see Michelangelo's great work, the Sistine Chapel.

The Sistine Chapel is located within Vatican City, the sovereign territory of the Holy See, and is considered one of the most iconic artistic achievements in history. It is renowned for its breathtaking ceiling frescoes painted by Michelangelo between 1508 and 1512.

The ceiling of the Sistine Chapel features various biblical scenes, including the famous depiction of the Creation of Adam, where God and Adam's fingers nearly touch. Michelangelo's intricate and masterful paintings showcase his exceptional skill in capturing human anatomy, movement, and emotion.

The vibrant colors and detailed compositions make the Sistine Chapel a testament to Michelangelo's artistic genius. Visitors to the Sistine Chapel can admire these remarkable frescoes firsthand, marveling at the scale and beauty of Michelangelo's work.

The chapel remains an active place of worship and is also the site where papal conclaves are held to elect a new pope.

Learn more about Michelangelo's here:  https://brainly.com/question/29547813


besties help me lsjfdksfjh

How are Brazil’s and Mexico’s governments similar?

In both countries, the military forces choose the head of state.

In both countries, the people vote on the legislature who then selects the leader.

In both countries, the people elect the leader.

In both countries, the title is passed down through generations.





In both countrys they can vote


b for bestie


not sure if im right tho good luck bestie

9. the national chicken council measures the short-run elasticity of demand for chicken breasts to be ε = -0.75.Suppose that the demand for a product is given by g(p+9) = 3675. Find the elasticity when p = $40. What type of elasticity is this? What do you know about the revenue with respect to price increase?


When the price increases from $40 to $41, the revenue will decrease due to the decrease in demand.

The elasticity at a price of $40 is calculated as follows:

ε = -(dQ/dP)×P/Q

= (-(3675-9)/41)×40/3675

= -0.75

This is an example of a price elasticity of demand, where the elasticity measures the responsiveness of consumers to price changes. A negative price elasticity means that when the price increases, the demand decreases and vice versa. Therefore, when the price increases from $40 to $41, the revenue will decrease due to the decrease in demand.

To know more about elasticity , click here;



Explain the three categories of biodiversity. ill mark brainly



Usually three levels of biodiversity are discussed—genetic, species, and ecosystem diversity. Genetic diversity is all the different genes contained in all individual plants, animals, fungi, and microorganisms.

hope this answer helps you.....

learning specific facts about another cultural group such as its history and core cultural values, is part of which area of multicultural competence?


Learning specific facts about another cultural group, such as its history and core cultural values, is part of the area of multicultural knowledge in multicultural competence.

Multicultural competence refers to the ability to interact effectively and respectfully with individuals from diverse cultural backgrounds. It involves developing awareness, knowledge, and skills to navigate cultural differences and promote inclusivity. One aspect of multicultural competence is acquiring knowledge about different cultures, including their histories, traditions, values, and beliefs.

By learning specific facts about another cultural group, individuals can gain a deeper understanding of their perspectives and experiences. This knowledge helps in fostering cultural sensitivity, reducing stereotypes, and promoting cross-cultural communication and collaboration. It allows individuals to approach interactions with cultural humility and respect, recognizing and appreciating the diversity of others.

You can learn more about multicultural competence at



Si fueras el entrenador del equipo Talemtus Callao y tuvieras que pedir el auspicio de

una empresa, ¿de qué rubro o sector sería? Escribe el borrador de una carta en la que

solicites auspicio a dicha empresa.

Es de Aprendo En Casa Porafa ayuda


La respuesta correcta para esta pregunta abierta es la siguiente.

Si fuera el entrenador del equipo Talemtus Callao y tuvieras que pedir el auspicio de una empresa, el rubro o sector que elegiría sería el de ropa deportiva.

El borrador de la carta sería el siguiente.

Estimado Lic. (nombre del Director de Mercadotecnia).

Por este conducto me permito distraerlo de su atareada agenda para comentarle lo siguiente.

Como entrenador del equipo Talemtus Callao, una de mis prioridades es lograr la mejor preparación para competir y representar a nuestra ciudad. Para ello, el equipo necesita de una serie de apoyos para poder conseguir la correcta preparación físico-atlética y enfocarse al aspecto táctico del juego.

Con objeto de incrementar nuestras capacidades, hemos decidido buscar los apoyos comerciales que nos ayuden a solventar los gastos de una larga temporada.

Por esa razón, nos dirigimos respetuosamente a usted porque quisiéramos que su marca de ropa de prestigio nos apoyara.

De hecho, queremos vestirnos con sus playeras, pants, y accesorios deportivos.

En nuestro estadio e instalaciones deportivas tenemos espacios comerciales que le pueden interesar porque son visitados permanentemente por nuestros seguidores, y nuestro estadio tiene una capacidad de 20 mil asientos.

Además, nuestros juegos son transmitidos por la televisión regional.

Agradezco de antemano su valioso tiempo, y con el deseo de platicar personalmente con usted, me despido con afecto.


Why is the Supreme Court the branch that can best protect the rights of unpopular minority groups?

They have the support of the military.
Only the Supreme Court has to follow the Constitution.
They are always of the same party as the president, so they cannot be voted against.
They serve for life, so they do not have to be worried about being voted out by the majority.


Answer: Second, due to its power of judicial review, it plays an essential role in ensuring that each branch of government recognizes the limits of its own power. Third, it protects civil rights and liberties by striking down laws that violate the Constitution.


Is the feeling of unity created when all parts relate well with each other called?​





Which of the following is a characteristic of a flexible employee?
turns down a promotion to stay in the same location
prefers working at one specific task
receives suggestions with an open mind
puts in eight hours a day -- no more, no less


The flexible employee receives suggestions with an open mind, is one of the characteristic. Thus, option C is correct.

What is the flexible employee?

Flexible working is a style of working that accommodates an employee's needs, such as having flexible start and end times or working from home.  As an employer, flexible employee can help to promote a healthy work-life balance.

Companies and the flexible employees will benefit from a more positive, productive work environment where people feel valued, and the work feels more meaningful if they are adaptable to change, accommodating to requests, and open to new ideas.

Therefore, option C is correct, that one of the characteristics is that the flexible employee accepts suggestions with an open mind.

Learn more about the flexible employee, refer to:



An intense form of patriotism or loyalty to one's country.
A. Nationalism
B. Imperialism
С. Socialism
D Militarism​


This is nationalism, since nationalism is when someone feels great pride in there nation/country. So it is A nationalism.

1a. Based on the background materials, explore the positive and negative effects of authority figures upon a person who is part of a group or a team.
1b. Elaborate on how the situation (law enforcement role or leadership role) influences the emergence of authority traits in people.
Cite your sources


Authority figures can have both positive and negative effects on individuals within a group or team. Positive effects include guidance and direction, accountability and responsibility, and skill development.

1a. Authority figures can have both positive and negative effects on individuals within a group or team. Positive effects include:

Guidance and direction: Authority figures provide clear instructions and goals, ensuring the group stays focused and organized.

Accountability and responsibility: Authority figures hold individuals accountable for their actions, promoting discipline and a sense of responsibility within the team.

Skill development: Effective authority figures can identify and develop the talents of team members, helping them grow and acquire new skills.

However, there are also negative effects:

Abuse of power: Some authority figures may misuse their power, leading to exploitation, favoritism, or discrimination within the team.

Suppression of creativity: Excessive authority can stifle individual creativity and discourage innovative thinking, limiting the team's potential.

Dependency: Over-reliance on authority figures can hinder individuals from taking initiative or developing their decision-making skills.

Source: Riggio, R. E. (2013). Introduction to Industrial/Organizational Psychology. Psychology Press.

1b. The situation, whether it is a law enforcement role or a leadership role, can influence the emergence of authority traits in people. In law enforcement roles, individuals are entrusted with maintaining order and enforcing laws, which can shape their authority traits. They may develop traits such as assertiveness, decisiveness, and a strong sense of duty to uphold the law.

In leadership roles, individuals are responsible for guiding and influencing others toward achieving shared goals. This situation can foster the emergence of authority traits like communication skills, vision, empathy, and the ability to inspire and motivate others.

Source: Judge, T. A., & Bono, J. E. (2000). Five-factor model of personality and transformational leadership. Journal of applied psychology, 85(5), 751-765.

To learn more about authority figures



Imagine living life as a pioneer. What would life be like for you and your family based on the definition of a pioneer?



For my family, life as a pioneer would be very different and difficult. Since everything would be exceptionally new to us, we would have to figure out ways to get tasks done that we need to complete. Since there would be no or very little technology, it would be much different from our world today and would take getting used to.

what is iterative development and how does it affect object-oriented development?


Iterative development is an approach in software development where the software is built incrementally through a series of iterative cycles.

Iterative development involves breaking down the software development process into smaller iterations, with each iteration producing a working version of the software. This approach allows for feedback, testing, and refinement at each stage.

In the context of object-oriented development, iterative development aligns well with the principles of the object-oriented paradigm. It allows developers to iteratively refine and enhance individual objects and their interactions, ensuring they adhere to the defined object-oriented principles.

To know more about Iterative development , click here.



In a person centered view, the actualizing tendency implies that humans:
a. Have an innate desire to move toward health and fulfillment
b. can achieve their goals with proper motivation
c. need a growth promoting climate to move forward
d. all of the above
e. both 1 and 3 are true


In a person centered view, the actualizing tendency implies that humans d. all of the above.

Carl Rogers established person-centered therapy, often known as non-directive, client-centered, or Rogerian therapy, in the early 1940s. This school of thought holds that humans are innately motivated to achieve positive psychological functioning.

The client is seen as the expert in their own life and directs the general course of therapy, with the therapist acting in a non-directive capacity. This activity provides an overview of person-centered therapy and emphasizes the role of the interprofessional team in improving care for patients who receive person-centered therapy.

Carl Rogers established person-centered therapy, often known as non-directive, client-centered, or Rogerian therapy, in the early 1940s.

To know more about person-centered therapy:



How did non-Muslims and non-Arabs affect the Umayyad empire?



The Abbasids distinguished themselves from the Umayyads by attacking their moral character and administration. In particular, they appealed to non-Arab Muslims, known as mawali, who remained outside the kinship-based society of the Arabs and were perceived as a lower class within the Umayyad empire.

I really really need hep please and thank you! Before the American Revolution, Americans were forced to house British soldiers. How did the Framers of the Constitution make sure this would never happen again? A)Special housing would be built for soldiers in each town. B)The 3rd Amendment of the Bill of Rights was included. C)People had the right to protect themselves. D)Only state governments could ask people to house soldiers.



B.) The 3rd Amendment of the Bill of Rights was included.


The 3rd Amendment states, "No Soldier shall, in time of peace be quartered in any house, without the consent of the Owner, nor in time of war, but in a manner to be prescribed by law." Essentially, they're saying that we have the right to deny housing to soldiers.


B I think (B is the 3rd Amendment of the Bill of Rights was included)


I hope this helps (:

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Round the final answer to 2 decimal places.)Required rate of return %Also indicate whether each of the following changes would make the required rate of return (Ke) go up or down. (In each question below, assume only one variable changes at a time. No actual numbers are necessary.)b. If the dividend payment increases; Ondec. 31, 2020, ABC Corp issued 4-year, 7% bonds with $3,000,000 aspar value. ABC Corp. received $3,360,000 in cash. the bond interestis paid semiannually on june 30 and December 31 every year.C True/False: variable costs change in direct proportion to a change in the activity level. A 5 year semiannual coupon bond with a face value of $1000 trades at $891. The market-determined discount rate is 7%. What is the coupon rate? Answer in percent and round to two decimal places. The canonical utility function employed in microeconomics disregards important factors meadiating in the consumption-utility relationship, including A diminishing marginal utility B the fact that the utility function is increasing in the consumption level hedonic adaptation, consumption aspirations and personality (D) two of the other answers are correct