Which of the following quotes best reflects the principle of social contract in the Declaration of Independence? (3 points)
a. "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."
b. "Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed."
c. "Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of Happiness."
d. "He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people."


Answer 1

The quote that best reflects the principle of social contract in the Declaration of Independence is "Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." The term "principle of social contract" refers to the idea that governments exist to protect the rights of their citizens, and that citizens have the right to overthrow or alter their government if it fails to do so.

The principle of social contract is reflected in several parts of the Declaration of Independence, including the following quotes: "We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal."This quote expresses the idea that all people have certain natural rights, such as the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and that governments are created to protect these rights. "Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed. "This quote expresses the idea that governments are created by the people, and that their power comes from the people. If a government abuses its power, the people have the right to alter or abolish it."He has dissolved Representative Houses repeatedly, for opposing with manly firmness his invasions on the rights of the people. "This quote refers to King George III's abuses of power, which included dissolving colonial legislatures and violating the rights of the colonists. It does not reflect the principle of social contract, which is about the relationship between the people and their government. Therefore, the correct answer is option B.

The principle of social contract is a philosophical concept that seeks to explain the origin and legitimacy of government and society. It proposes that individuals voluntarily agree to form a society and establish a governing body to protect their rights and promote their well-being. The social contract theory asserts that individuals give up certain freedoms and submit to the authority of a government in exchange for the protection of their rights and the enforcement of laws.

To get most information about principle of social contract visit:



Answer 2

The quote that best reflects the principle of social contract in the Declaration of Independence is "Governments are instituted among men, deriving their just powers from the consent of the governed." Option (b) correctly reflects the principle of social contract in the Declaration of Independence.

This quote means that the people form a government, which derives its power from the people's consent or approval. Hence, the government must work for the welfare of the people and protect their natural rights. The principle of the social contract in the Declaration of Independence establishes that the government derives its power from the people. The people have certain natural rights like life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness that cannot be taken away by the government. The government has the duty to protect these rights. If the government fails to protect these rights, the people have the right to form a new government that can better protect their rights.

To learn more about social contract, visit :



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constantine ranks among the most important emperors for two reasons. identify both:


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Military and political achievements:Constantine was a highly successful military commander. He defeated several powerful rivals to become the sole emperor of Rome. He expanded the Roman Empire significantly and moved the capital from Rome to Constantinople. His military achievements included a series of victories against the Goths, Sarmatians, and other tribes that threatened the Roman Empire.

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The Freedmen’s Bureau often sided with demands of white Southerners.

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Answer: c the freedmen’s bureau helped protect African Americans

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so no


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why did farmers have a hard time making money? Because the lands nutrition was used up and everyone haf the goods. what organizations worked to improve life for farmers and how did they help? Farmer's Alliance, was ment to see how to correct agricultural concerns.


Hope this helps and have a wonderful day!!!!

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theres no image or file.....

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La primera fase de la Guerra Fría comenzó inmediatamente después del final de la Segunda Guerra Mundial en 1945. Estados Unidos creó la alianza militar de la OTAN en 1949 con el objetivo de frenar la influencia soviética en Europa. La Unión Soviética respondió a la creación de esta alianza con el establecimiento del Pacto de Varsovia en 1955. Las principales crisis de esta fase incluyeron el bloqueo de Berlín de 1948-49, la segunda fase de la guerra civil china (1946-1949), la guerra de Corea (1950-1953), la crisis de Suez de 1956, la crisis de Berlín de 1961 y la crisis de los misiles cubanos de 1962. La URSS y los Estados Unidos comenzaron a competir por la influencia en América Latina, Oriente Próximo y los estados recién descolonizados de África y Asia, donde el comunismo tenía una gran fuerza y donde se vivieron enfrentamientos tales como la Emergencia Malaya o la guerra de Indochina.


When did trade along the Silk Road reach its height?



8th century bro just look it up and change it a little bit



its was 8th century


The Height of the Silk Road. The fall of the Han dynasty in the early 3rd century once caused Silk Road trade to decline. However, the rise of the Tang dynasty in the 7th century revived this commerce and by the mid 8th century, the route reached its height.

How many states switched parties in the 1932 presidential election? Write this number over the area on the map showing most of these states





In the 1932 presidential election, six states changed parties; the area on the map where most of these states are located shows this number.

What is meant by presidential election?

The majority of candidates, both past and current, have fought valiantly for the candidacy of their party. Many politicians today make this their life's job as they go from local to state to federal office. Thoughts of doubt have been voiced by a few contestants.

The first candidate for president of our nation, George Washington, was hesitant to take the position, which a lot of people are unaware of. In a speech in 1789, George Washington admitted,

"I cannot define, the bitter feelings which I felt in being called upon to select whether I would accept or reject the Presidency of the United States. After the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention, Washington had every intention of moving back to Mount Vernon. Washington wanted to go away from public life,

Learn more about presidential election, from :



Reconstruction- A method used to prevent African Americans from voting by requiring prospective voters to read and write at a specified level. (True or False, if it is false you must explain why it is false)


The statement that the Reconstruction was a  method used to prevent African Americans from voting by requiring prospective voters to read and write at a specified level is False.

What was the Reconstruction ?

Reconstruction, which took place in the United States from 1865 to 1877 following the Civil War, aimed to address the aftermath of slavery, ensure civil rights for African Americans, and rebuild the Southern states.

While there were efforts to protect the rights of African Americans during Reconstruction, such as the passage of the 15th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution, which granted African American men the right to vote, there were also systematic attempts to disenfranchise them.

One of the methods used to prevent African Americans from voting during the Reconstruction era was through the implementation of literacy tests.

Find out more on the Reconstruction at https://brainly.com/question/13753522


What is the focus of this article? the decrease in manufacturing and industrial jobs across Mexico the arrival of foreign-born workers in Mexico in pursuit of employment the increase in employment opportunities in Mexico’s banking industry the relocation of many migrant workers from Mexico to the United States


The focus of this article is the arrival of foreign-born workers in Mexico in pursuit of employment.

The article talks about the foreign-born workers coming to Mexico in search of employment.

The author describes the vast number of people who have arrived in Mexico to pursue job opportunities, as the article mainly focuses on the immigrants who have moved from the United States to Mexico.

The writer of this article emphasizes the fact that it is not only Mexico that has been attracting the immigrants but the United States as well, making it easier for them to move to Mexico for jobs.

The article explains the impact of these immigrants on the Mexican economy and job market.

It discusses the challenges these immigrants have had to face in trying to obtain employment and adjust to the Mexican way of life.

This article is very informative and provides insights into the experiences of the immigrants who move to Mexico in search of work.

In conclusion, the focus of this article is the arrival of foreign-born workers in Mexico in pursuit of employment.

The article describes the struggles and challenges that the immigrants face when trying to obtain employment in Mexico.

It highlights the role that foreign-born workers play in the Mexican economy and job market.

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Explain the civil rights advancements that Native Americans made during the 1960s and '70s.


It gave back to the Native American tribes the ability to establish self-government on their reservations, form constitutions, and administer their lands and resources, as well as those that they still had.

Native Americans were able to get funding to launch their own enterprises and attend higher education institutions as a direct result of this initiative.

This is further explained below.

What is civil rights?

Generally, Individuals' liberties are safeguarded against encroachment by the state, non-governmental organizations, and private parties by virtue of a set of rights known as civil and political rights.

In conclusion, It gave Native American tribes the authority to establish self-governance on reservations, create their own legal framework, and control their own territory and resources.

As a bonus, it helped Native Americans create enterprises and go to college.

Read more about Native American tribes



Using the sources and your knowledge of U.S. history, explain whether the U.S. policy of containment was effective or ineffective, using examples from two different geographical places where the policy was implemented to justify your position.





The "containment policy" was the U.S. approach to containing, or preventing, the spread of Communism after World War II. The idea was to make other countries prosperous enough to avoid the temptation of communism.

An early test of containment came in Greece and Turkey. In 1946, a civil war broke out in Greece, pitting Communist groups against the British-supported government. At the same time, the Soviet Union was pressuring Turkey to allow it to build naval bases on its northwestern coast, thereby giving the Soviet Black Sea Fleet easy access to the Mediterranean. When Great Britain announced it no longer had the resources to help Greece and Turkey meet the threats to their independence, the United States stepped in. President Truman asked Congress for $400 million in military and economic aid for Greece and Turkey in March 1947. Truman cited the United States' obligation to back free peoples who were resisting control by an armed minority or outside pressures. This policy, known as the Truman Doctrine, appeared to work: The Communists were defeated in the Greek Civil War in October 1949; and the foreign aid helped strengthen the Turkish economy.

The Containment policy of US was effective in achieving it's goal to control the growing power of Communist.

Containment policy

It was based on the Truman Doctrine of Foreign Policy, according to which the US would provide political, military, and economic aid to democratic countries to curtail the power of communism.

The objective was to make world get rid of war, and to curtail the power of USSR. In this objective, Truman Doctrine was effective, as it led to establishment of Democratic government in Countries like Greece, and Turkey. Without Containment policy, these two countries would have fall into the hands of Communism.

Learn more about Containment policy here:


The Arabs proclaimed an independent Israel in 1948.
True or False




On May 14, 1948, David Ben-Gurion, the head of the Jewish Agency, proclaimed the establishment of the State of Israel. U.S. President Harry S. Truman recognized the new nation on the same day.

1. What issue is this political cartoon about?

Help me please



The teacher is Uncle Sam, a popular U.S Cartoon Figure throughout history. He is trying to teach/discipline the new students/territories (Cuba, Porto Rico, Hawaii, and Philippines). However, the new student are shown as displeased or unhappy with their new authority figure (the U.S). Other figures in the picture is the black student cleaning the window in the left hand corner, the Indian student in the back reading a book with ABC upside down, and an Asian student beside the door. The other figures in comparison with the students on the right side (California, Texas, New Mexico, Arizona, Alaska, etc) are old students(minors) that were mistreated or ignored.

Anybody good in history & wanna help me with #1-3? Free Brainliest and points...



1. Kennedy's election was different than all before it because it was the first election to hold televised debates.

2. Many Americans held issue with the fact that Kennedy was a Catholic.

3. When Kennedy said 'ask not what your country can do for you - ask what you can do for your country' he was asking Americans to put aside selfishness and greed and take up unselfishness and ask what they could do to help their neighbors and their nation.



prettty cool


Here is your goal for this assignment:

Take a position as a Patriot, a Tory, or neutral and defend it.

You are an American colonist in the 1770s. Where do your sentiments lie -- are you a Tory, a Patriot, neutral? Be clear and strong in your arguments to back up your position. Using the Internet, an encyclopedia, or other resources, research the different positions. Give good well-reasoned arguments in a report of approximately 300 words. Be sure to use proper spelling and grammar


As an American colonist in the 1770s, I would choose to be a Patriot. My sentiments would lie with the Patriots who were in favor of gaining independence from Great Britain.

The British government was imposing its culture and traditions on the colonists. Patriots believed that the colonists should be allowed to govern themselves and make their laws based on their unique needs and circumstances. I believe that the colonists should be free to practice their culture, traditions, and way of life without interference from the British government.

I am a Patriot who is in favor of gaining independence from British rule. I believe in the rights of individuals, the need to be free from economic exploitation, and preserving our cultural identity. These are the reasons why I would choose to be a Patriot in the 1770s.

To know more about British visit :



What type of work were immigrant women likely to do?



They would usually get a job cleaning kitchens. And cleaning for other people basically a maid.


This would happen because of mostly racism and other prejudice. And then with them being women they where looked as inferior to men.

What was the bush doctrine



the Bush doctrine was the idea by George W Bush that America can treat all countries that support terrorists against U S. as enemies. it also gives the right that the U S. can take preemptive action against nations that it feels might pose terrorist threats


thats what it is.


What is the National Assembly, and what does it do?

A.The National Assembly is a group of royal leaders descending from the original civilization who control all aspects of the government.

B.The National Assembly consists of the president, vice president, and prime minister, and together they elect the other members of government.

C.The National Assembly is a supreme body of government that elects the president and approves the nominations from the president for vice president and prime minister.

D.The National Assembly is a group made up of deputy prime ministers and other heads of government who are responsible for nominating the president.


Heya! :)

A.The National Assembly is a group of royal leaders descending from the original civilization who control all aspects of the government.

Who were the Branch Davidian followers? How did they get on the FBI's radar?

I give Brainliest!



The Branch Davidians were a religious sect that was founded in 1955 by Benjamin Roden. They were an offshoot of the General Association of Davidian Seventh-Day Adventists, established by Victor Houteff in 1935.

I really hope this helps!


A controversial group whose followers described themselves as “students of the Bible. A standoff against them


What did the peasants/serfs get in return for providing food to the knights and nobles/vassals?



Land and a place for themselves and their family to stay in.


imagine that you are a white American hearing or reading these words in 1830 . How might you react? Would you act differently as a Native American? Explain



Depending on the words the answer could change but most likely yes it would be different, mostly because of the not so equal rights and the lack of education all centered on Native Americans.


How should we guarantee that
former slaves (freedmen) have
protected rights?




On March 3, 1865, Congress passed “An Act to establish a Bureau for the Relief of Freedmen and Refugees” to provide food, shelter, clothing, medical services, and land to displaced Southerners, including newly freed African Americans.

Did more people like Mario or Donkey Kong?





I have no idea who Donkey Kong is lol


Since Mario is more popular than Donkey Kong I would assume Mario! However, people have different tastes so this answer might differ.

Full text, no files
The Course of War (10 Questions)

How was the Union plan for victory more aggressive than the Confederate plan?

What are Virginia and the Monitor and what was important about them?

What conclusions can you draw from the first battles of the Civil War?

How did the Confederates have felt after the Battles of Fredericksburg and Chancellorsville?.

Why was the capture of Fort Henry and Fort Donelson critical to the Union’s overall war strategy?

Which battles did the Confederacy and the Union win in the early years of the war (from this chapter)?

How did the early battles of the war reflect broader patterns in the war?

What can you conclude from the fact that spectators accompanied Union troops to Bull Run to watch the battle and were in a festive mood?

Summarize the problems that a successful blockade of southern ports would cause.

What do the battles and events that you have read about so far lead you to predict about the war? Provide some details to support your prediction.


Answer:The Union's advantages as a large industrial power and its leaders' political skills contributed to decisive wins on the battlefield and ultimately victory against the Confederates in the American Civil War.


Tension grew in 1775 as British troops controlled Boston. In response, the colonists
A.agreed with the Intolerable Acts.
B. consented to British rule.
C. negotiated with the king.
D. formed armed militias.


Answer: D formed armed militias

Explanation: 100% sure

How did the Roman Confederation discourage revolt among the
Roman people?



It promoted fair treatment of conquered people.

It lowered taxes for all Roman citizens and allies.

It permitted Roman allies to serve in the government.


The made things more fair and equal for the Roman people in general.

In your opinion, what cause people to fight over religion?



usually the difference between them 1 may be a atheist and the other may be a Cristian

How could the Great Depression have been prevented?


By the banks having enough money to give everyone their money back at any moment. It also could have been prevented by the banks having a plan set in place to make sure one person couldn’t clean out all the money in the bank at one time(like we have now), to ensure that there wouldn’t be a wide spread panic.
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