Which statement accurately describes the atoms of a specific element.


Answer 1
A zinc, Zn, atom contains 30 protons inside the nucleus and 30 electrons outside the nucleus. hope this helped :)
Answer 2

I'm pretty sure your answer is going to be (D)

Related Questions

Is a virus a living organism?why?



Hello! How r u?


a virus is a submicroscopic infectious agent that replicates ONLY inside the living cells of an organism. In my opinion I would say no, only because it can duplicate itself once it has become the host of the living organism and make them sick, and will soon be contagious doesn't mean it's an living thing.

Happy to Help!


Viruses are not living things.

Explanation :

Viruses are made with molecules (complex assemblies) but they are dependant on the living being whom they are entering. They can't multiply themselves without cells. Therefore, viruses are not living things.

Which of the following best describes the circled part of the
7x + 9= 40









The circled part of the statement, "7x + 9," is the algebraic expression on the left side of the equation. This expression represents the sum of the product of 7 and the variable x and the value 9.

What is a mathematical expression?

The circled part of the statement, "7x + 9," represents the mathematical expression for the left side of the equation. It is composed of two terms: "7x" and "9." The term "7x" is a product of a coefficient, 7, and a variable, x. This means that the value of "7x" changes depending on the value of x. The term "9" is a constant, which means that its value remains the same regardless of the value of x. Together, these two terms make up the left side of the equation and represent the value that we are trying to find by solving the equation.

The right side of the equation, "40," represents the value that we are trying to match the left side to by solving the equation. The equation is then solved by isolating the variable x, which is done by subtracting 9 from both sides of the equation, which results in 7x = 31, then dividing both sides by 7, which results in x = 4.5.

Learn more about mathematical expression, here:



properties of life .


Do you want the definition ?


You are trying to determine whether plants grow better in natural light or artificial light. You test your problem by placing 2 plants in
artificial light and 2 plants in natural light. You measure their length each day for two weeks. What is the control for your experiment?



A control group is the standard to which comparisons are made in an experiment




Which indicates the authenticity of a primary source document? Which best compares competition, cooperation, and predation between two organisms?


Answer: To know if a document is a primary source, check to see when the document is published, if it is an autobiography of a person, a diary, a letter, or the documents happen at the time of the event.

The competition between two organisms can be seen if there is only 1 source of food or habitat space and they're competing against each other for the food or habitat.

There is cooperation between two organisms if they are helping each other with resources or alarming each other if there is danger.

Predation between two organisms happen when one organism hunts the other organism for food.


The guy above me is right it helped me answer to my question in edge for 2020 I got it correct but I didn't put exatcly what he put so I wouldn't be copying him or her.


Jennifer thinks that feeding llamas corn instead of grass will help them run faster. Jennifer designs an experiment to test her hypothesis. What is the independent variable? * What color the llama is What the llama is eating How fast the llama runs How old the llama is



The independent variable/answer is what the llama is eating since it changes the dependent variable how fast the llamas run. The independent variable is what is purposely being changed in the experiment.  

Hope this helped!



how fast llama runs



Are viruses considered living?
Are viruses considered a cell?
What does a virus need in order to
How do viruses look



In order to replicate, viruses must first hijack the reproductive equipment of a host cell, redirecting it to 'photocopy' the genetic code of the virus and seal it inside a newly formed container, known as the capsid. Without a host cell, the virus simply can't replicate.

What does a virus need in order to



Viruses replicate in four stages:

1. Attachment

During this stage, the virus attaches itself to the host. It may have either spikes or pins to help it attach.

2. Penetration

The virus injects the nucleic acid into the host cell.

3. Transcription

The host cells nucleic acid disintegrates, and the virus assembles the fragments to create its own structure and its own DNA or RNA.

4. Lysis

The host cell is split open to release the newly copied viruses it created in the host cell.

The new copies of the virus then repeat the process in new host cells.

Which one element makes up the majority of your body weight? Which one element makes up the majority of your body weight? carbon water oxygen hydrogen





The element that makes up the majority of the bodyweight of all living organisms is carbon.

The body of organisms is made up of minerals and molecules of life, otherwise known as organic compounds. The molecules include protein, carbohydrate, lipids, etc. All the molecules are largely made up of carbon together with other elements such as nitrogen, phosphorus, oxygen, and sulfur.




Your body is mostly water. And water is, by weight, mostly oxygen. (There are two hydrogen atoms for every oxygen atom in water, but one atom of oxygen has much more mass than one atom of hydrogen). That is why, if you weigh 150 pounds, about 100 of those pounds is oxygen.

4. Patient X is a 32 year old female. She goes to the gym less than 5 times a month. She
recently went to the doctor and it was determined that her kidneys are retaining sodium
causing an increase in blood volume. Use the information provided about this patient to
select the correct blood flow you would expect the patient to have and the correct effect
of that blood flow.
a. High Blood Pressure. Increased Blood Flow
6. High Blood Pressure. Decreased Blood Flow
C Low Blood Pressure increased Blood Flow
Lou Blood Pressure Decreased Blood Flow



b.  High Blood Pressure. Decreased Blood Flow


As per the details, patients's kidney is retaining more sodium causing increase in blood volume which will result into high blood pressure and decrease in blood flow.

This is because excessive salt in the body causes high blood pressure (hypertension) that results into stiff and narrow blood vessels and decreases blood flow to other organs. To overcome the supply of less blood to the organs, the heart pump blood with more intensity that further increases blood pressure.

Hence, the correct option is "b".

What will most likely increase if there is a high death rate?



emigration tho seems to be the correct answer

Explanation: trust bro

Answer: Emigration


The damage caused by such a snakebite could best be slowed down by



Applying ice to the bite area in order to decrease the temperature of the cells.


If the temperature of the cells are low, then they can't mulitply as quickly, thus slowing the spread of the venom.

What 2 subatomic particles are found here? Charge? Size?

What subatomic particles are in rings around the nucleus? Charge? Size?

If the atom is neutral, what is the atomic number?

What element is this?

If the atom has the same # neutrons as protons, what would be it’s atomic mass?

If you added another neutron, you would have a different ______

If you added another proton, you would have a different ______

Which electron- A or B- has more potential energy? Why?

How many more electrons could fit in the outermost shell?

These sheets are subdivided into ______ that hold _____ electrons each.

Which atomic particle may be lost/gained in chemical reactions? Why would atoms lose/gain them?



neutrons ,0and protons+1,1.11x10^-15




nucleon number

atomic number

A,the one far from the nucleus


electron, to be stable

How did a change in the environment affect life for people in the American
A. A lack of rain may have caused people to leave the region.
B. The desert climate forced farmers to build terraces.
C. Access to waterways led to the creation of canals.
D. A series of earthquakes made farming impossible.



A, just did it on apex


2. Circle all the terms or phrases that correctly relate to the study of physiology; use a highlighter
to identify those terms or phrases that pertain to the study of anatomy.
A. Measuring an organ's size, shape, and weight
H. Dynamic
B. Can be studied in dead specimens
I. Dissection
c. Often studied in living subjects
J. Experimentation
D. Principles of chemistry
K. Observation
E. Measuring the acid content of the stomach
L. Directional terms
F. Principles of physics
M. Static
G. Observing a heart in action



The terms or phrases that correctly relate to the study of physiology are;

H. Dynamic

C, Often studied in living subjects

J. Experimentation

D. Principles of chemistry

E. Measuring the acid content of the stomach

F. Principles of physics

G. Observing a heart in action

The terms or phrases that correctly relate to the study of anatomy are;

A. Measuring an organ's size, shape, and weight

B. Can be studied in dead specimen

I. Dissection

K. Observation

L. Directional terms

M. Static


Physiology is the division of the biological sciences that examines a living systems mechanism and functions. Physiology involves the study of how an organism and the organ systems within the organism, the different organs within the organ system, the cells of the organs, and the biological molecules perform the physical and chemical functions in a living organism.

Anatomy is the division of the biological sciences that studies an organisms structure, shape and parts of an organism.

Can anyone give a paragraph answer to what global footprint means! Thank you.



The ecological footprint is a method promoted by the Global Footprint Network to measure human demand on natural capital, i.e. the quantity of nature it takes to support people or an economy.[2][3][4] It tracks this demand through an ecological accounting system. The accounts contrast the biologically productive area people use for their consumption to the biologically productive area available within a region or the world (biocapacity, the productive area that can regenerate what people demand from nature). In short, it is a measure of human impact on the environment.

Footprint and biocapacity can be compared at the individual, regional, national or global scale. Both footprint and biocapacity change every year with number of people, per person consumption, efficiency of production, and productivity of ecosystems. At a global scale, footprint assessments show how big humanity's demand is compared to what Earth can renew. Global Footprint Network estimates that, as of 2014, humanity has been using natural capital 1.7 times as fast as Earth can renew it, which they describe as meaning humanity's ecological footprint corresponds to 1.7 planet Earths.[1][5]

Ecological footprint analysis is widely used around the world in support of sustainability assessments.[6] It enables people to measure and manage the use of resources throughout the economy and explore the sustainability of individual lifestyles, goods and services, organizations, industry sectors, neighborhoods, cities, regions and nations.[2]

What is the average of 27 degrees celsius, 12 degrees celsius, 31 degrees celcius, 19 degrees celsius, 23 degrees celsius, 11 degrees celsius, and 17 degrees Celsius


To find the average, you add up all the numbers and divide the sum the how many numbers there are.
27 + 12 + 31 + 19 + 23 + 11 + 17 = 140
140 divided by 7 equals 20.
The average is 20.
Hope you learned something new!! ^v^

Difference between nerve and nerve impulse???



nerve - it will transfer message from one part ot another.

nerve impulse - it wll send electrical impules through nerve.

what is the answer??​


The answer is A, B, C, E, F. So basically everything except D

which subatomic particle is responsible for naming the atom and why?


Answer: The proton is the subatomic particle that is responsible for naming the atom.

Explanation: The number of protons which is also shown on the periodic table determines the identity of an atom.

Select the correct answer
Carol creates compost from the garden waste in her house. Which of solid waste management does Carol follow?
A. reduce
B. reuse
C. recycle
D. Rot



What are the six major elements found in all living things?


Carbon, Oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, phosphorus

Which biomolecule is used as our genetic material and our cell's energy currency





Which statement is correct for most veins in the human body?
A They carry blood at high pressure.
B They have a pulse.
C They havvea lves.
D They take blood away from the heart.


B they have a pulse

The statement that is correct for most veins in the human body is " they have valves".


Blood vessels are a part of the components that make up the circulatory system. They function to convey blood from one location to the other.

There are three types of blood vessels namely: veins, arteries and capillaries.

Veins: Veins are vessels that convey deoxygenated blood back to the heart (except pulmonary veins). Veins are characterized by the possession of valves that help prevent the backward flow of blood.

Arteries: Arteries are vessels that carry oxygenated blood away from the heart.

Capillaries: Capillaries are tiny vessels that connect arteries and veins.

Hence, the statement that is correct for most veins in the human body is " they have valves".

Learn more: https://brainly.com/question/21282801?referrer=searchResults

which list correctly matches the functions to the types of carbohydrates



This question is incomplete; it lacks options and they are:

A) Energy: glycogen and starch

Structure: cellulose and chitin

B) Energy: cellulose and chitin

Structure: glycogen and starch

C) Energy: chitin and glycogen

Structure: cellulose and starch

D) Energy: cellulose and starch

Structure: chitin and glycogen

The answer is option A


Carbohydrates are biological molecules in living systems. Polysaccharides are a type of carbohydrate molecules, which are polymers made up of monomers called monosaccharides. Monosaccharides such as glucose, fructose etc. are joined together by glycosidic bonds to form this polysaccharides. However, polysaccharides found in nature are classified based on their function in their found organisms.

1) Energy: Glycogen and starch are the two carbohydrate polymers that function in this aspect. They are both made up of long chains of glucose unit linked by α glycosidic bonds. Glycogen stores energy in the animal cells while starch stores energy in plant cells.

2) Structure: Cellulose and Chitin are the two carbohydrate polymers involved in this function. Cellulose is made up of glucose monomer linked together by β glycosidic bonds. It is the major structural component found in the cell wall of plant cells. Chitin is also a polymer of N-acetyl glucosamine and the major structural component of the cell wall of oorganisms like fungi.

Which answer choice BEST supports the idea that the Scientific Revolution questioned the established ways that Europeans understood the world around them?

During this time, philosophers and thinkers in Asia, the Middle East, and Europe developed ideas and theories about how the Universe functioned, and then used mathematics to support their ideas.
This revolution was, in part, a response to the flood of new ideas pouring into Europe as a result of its expanded contacts with the rest of the world.
Europeans were able to collect and form new knowledge, and this led to Europe's unmatched power in the centuries that followed.
This way of thinking challenged the idea that the Bible was the source of all human knowledge, both historical and scientific.Which answer choice BEST supports the idea that the Scientific Revolution questioned the established ways that Europeans understood the world around them?

During this time, philosophers and thinkers in Asia, the Middle East, and Europe developed ideas and theories about how the Universe functioned, and then used mathematics to support their ideas.
This revolution was, in part, a response to the flood of new ideas pouring into Europe as a result of its expanded contacts with the rest of the world.
Europeans were able to collect and form new knowledge, and this led to Europe's unmatched power in the centuries that followed.
This way of thinking challenged the idea that the Bible was the source of all human knowledge, both historical and scientific.


The answer is d is the answer

A fertilized egg undergoes several stages before it is successfully implanted. The
diagram below shows these stages as the fertilized egg travels through the female

human reproductive system in which structure of the female human reproductive system
is the blastocyst (fertilized egg) implanted during normal human development?



it is implanted in the tissue of uterus.


the egg cell is usually fertilized in the oviduct and then sweeped out or moved out of the oviduct by cilia or peristaltic movements in the oviduct to the uterus. when it is moved to the uterus it is imolanted in the tissues there. give me a brainliest if i helped!♡

Leighs disease is most likely responsible for what organelle malfunction? A-Golgi Appartus B-Mitochondria C Nucleus D Ribosomes





This disease targets mitochondrias, which produce energy for the cells.

which body cavity is located inferior to the thoracic diaphragm and superior to the pelvic brim of the hip bones


The answer is abdominal cavity ! hope this helped you :)


Hello There!!


The answer is abdominal cavity.

hope this helps,have a great day!!


What are the three elements found in all sugars?



carbon, hydrogen,oxygen


hope this helped!

Plz help with 8th science



change in temperature

change in color

noticeable odor after reaction has begun

formation of precipitate

formation of bubbles

Answer: Check off boxes 1,3,4,6,7

Explanation: A chemical change occurs when a substance combines with another to form a new substance.

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