Who is the target audience of the speaker?


Answer 1

The people who fall between the two extremes make up the target audience, and speakers should focus their attention on them.

Who is target audience?The term "target audience" refers to the reading of a newspaper, an advertisement, or another message that is specifically targeted at the intended audience.When sending out certain messages, businesses with a broad target market will concentrate on a specific target audience, as in the case of The Body Shop's Mother's Day advertisements, which were directed at women's children and spouses rather than the entire market, which would have included the women themselves. The same characteristics that create a target market also create a target audience, although the latter is more narrowly focused and more vulnerable to external influences. The distinction between marketing and advertising is what determines the difference between a target market and a target audience.

To learn more about  target market refer :



Related Questions

What tasks do campaign workers perform in a presidential campaign?


Their tasks can include addressing envelopes, entering data into databases, and canvassing voters on behalf of the campaign.

A presidential campaign's goal is to what end?

Candidates who win the election must convince people that they deserve their support on a personal level as well as the crucial Electoral College votes. The aim of a political campaign is to gain over voters.

What occurs throughout an election campaign?

Between the announcement of the final list of candidates and election day in India, there is a two-week election campaign phase. Political leaders speak at election gatherings, candidates make touch with their supporters, and political parties mobilize their supporters.

To know more about election campaign visit:



What is it called when a case is sent from a lower court to a higher court for review?


When a case is sent from a lower court to a higher court for review, it is called Appeal.

What is an appeal and why it is important?

An appeal is when someone loses a case in trial court, they can ask a higher court (the appellate court) to review the trial court's decision.

In almost all cases, the appellate court ONLY considers two factors:

whether a LEGAL mistake was made in the trial court, and whether this mistake changed the final decision (referred to as the "judgment") in the case.

An appeal is NOT:

a new trial with witnesses or a jury; a chance to go back to court and present your case in front of a different judge; or an opportunity to present new evidence or new witnesses.

Appeals serve as a means of both correcting errors and clarifying and interpreting the law.

Hence, when a case is sent from a lower court to a higher court for review, it is called Appeal.

To learn more about appeal refer to:



Why was Roosevelt's approach to foreign policy?


Although Roosevelt had close ties to the British and French, he was constrained by the Neutrality Acts and a powerful isolationist movement in American politics.

Roosevelt's approach to foreign policy: why was it?

Roosevelt's goal as president was to elevate the United States' stature and influence on the international scene and transform it into a superpower. Additionally, he thought that spreading American beliefs and values would elevate the entire world.

How did Theodore Roosevelt alter international relations?

Prior to Theodore Roosevelt, the United States was essentially an isolationist nation. Roosevelt, however, concentrated on making the United States a global force and able to participate in international affairs following the Spanish-American War.

To know more about Roosevelt's visit:-



What are the different ways that executive orders are used by presidents ?


To "command or instruct the operations of executive agencies and government personnel, or to create policies for executive branch to follow," the President may issue an executive order in writing.

Can a president hold office for three terms?

No one may be elected to a office of president more than again, and no one who has served in that capacity for longer than two years during a period for which another people was elected President may be elected to the position again.

How is the President chosen?

Commission on Elections. Candidate selection in other American elections is done through popular voting. Nevertheless, its vice-president and president are not chosen by the general public.

To know more about president visit:



Who are likely voters?


People aged 65 and up are more likely to vote, while those aged 18 to 24 are less likely called as the voters in voting.

What is voting?

Voting is a method in which a group, such as a meeting or an electorate, can participate in order to make a collective decision or express an opinion, typically after discussions, debates, or election campaigns.

Voting is used in democracies to elect high-level officials. Voting is a method in which a group, such as a meeting or an electorate, can participate in order to make a collective decision or express an opinion, typically after discussions, debates, or election campaigns.

Therefore, people aged 65 and up are more likely to vote, whereas those aged 18 to 24 are less likely to vote.

Learn more about the voting, refer to:



What is one argument in favor of federal judges have lifetime appointments judges?


It is argued in support of lifetime appointments for federal judges that this would allow them to make decisions without worrying about retaliation.

Federal judges, who are appointed and confirmed by the President and Senate respectively, oversee the federal court's judicial system. Once a judge is appointed as a federal judge in the United States, that appointment is permanent.

Their protection from outside pressures, notably that of the executives, is the main goal of the lifetime appointment.

On the federal courts today, judges are still given lifetime appointments to ensure their independence.

These are the arguments made in favor of the federal judges have lifetime appointments

To learn more about federal judges refer here:



Using credit:
helps prevent overspending.
leads to a higher rate of impulse purchases.
rarely leads to debt.
None of these choices are correct.


Using credit leads to a higher rate of impulse purchases. The correct option is B.

What are impulse buying and the link to using credit cards?

Credit cards make it simple for customers to make purchases because there aren't any financial issues while they're shopping and there are options for future payments. Due to the possibility of future payment provided by the credit card, the person makes an impulsive purchase by being persuaded by the product.

Keep credit cards off of your accounts. Even adding a debit card to your account can encourage impulsive buying, but at least it won't be a source of debt for you to use. In addition, you might come across "limited time" offers while surfing, some of which might even include a countdown to the moment at which they will be withdrawn.

Thus, the ideal selection is option B.

Learn more about impulsive buying here:



Under what circumstances is the US Supreme Court able to claim jurisdiction over cases originally heard in state courts?


According to Section 1251(a), the Court's jurisdiction over one form of the issue (disputes between states) is not only "original," but also exclusive. In other words, only the Supreme Court has the power to exercise jurisdiction under the Constitution if the parties are unable to reach a resolution.

What is court?

A court is any person or institution with the jurisdiction to arbitrate legal disputes between parties and administer justice in civil, criminal, and administrative affairs in conformity with the rule of law. A court, often known as a court of law, is a person or group of people with the legal jurisdiction to hear and settle disputes in civil, criminal, ecclesiastical, or military issues.

Original jurisdiction refers to a case being heard by the Supreme Court for the first and only time. The Constitution only grants original jurisdiction in matters involving conflicts between states or between ambassadors and other senior ministers.

Therefore, The Court's authority to hear cases involving disputes between states is not just "original"

Learn more about the court here:



What is the right to vote and to be elected?


The right to vote in public elections, political elections, and referendums is known as suffrage, political franchise, or simply franchise (although the term is sometimes used for any right to vote).

What is the right to vote and to be elected?

To cast a ballot and be elected during legitimate periodic elections that must be conducted using a secret ballot to ensure the free expression of the electorate's will; must be able to obtain public service in his nation on an equal basis in general.

In accordance with Article 326 of the Indian Constitution, everyone has the right to vote. For each citizen to use this particular right, they must be at least 18 years old.

Learn more about Votes here



How does the IRS know who the custodial parent is?


For tax purposes, the custodial parent is usually the parent the child lives with the most nights. If the child lived with each parent for an equal number of nights, the custodial parent is the parent with the higher adjusted gross income

What is one difference between open and closed primary election?


An open primary allows any voter to participate, while a closed primary is only open to party members. This is the primary difference between the two.

The process by which voters choose their preference for a party's candidate or a candidate in general in an upcoming election is known as a primary election, or primaries.

This could also be referred to as a primary election where a candidate to represent a political party is chosen before the general election.

The reason closed primaries are preferred by parties is because they guarantee that the nominee will be chosen by voters who genuinely support the party. Any voter may cast a ballot in an open primary.

To learn more about primary election refer here



Why is it so important to connect and build relations with other countries?



so you can learn about their culture


I don't have a explanation I thought of it lol

Can I own a gun in New York?


To be eligible to have a firearms license you: Must be a New York State resident. Must be 21 years old. Have no prior felony or serious offense convictions.

Who said that the three branches of the government are separate in role and responsibility and that separation is necessary to ensure good government?


Charles de Secondat, Baron de Montesquieu, said that the three branches of the government are separate in role and responsibility.

Who gave the theory of separation of power?

In his seminal 18th-century book "Spirit of the Laws," the Enlightenment philosopher Montesquieu introduced the term "trias politica," or separation of powers. The U.S. Constitution's framers were influenced by his idea of a three-branch government with separate legislative, executive, and judicial powers.

The Founders wanted to prevent abuse of power by splitting government into three distinct branches. In order to encourage cooperation between the three pillars of government and ensure that the government serves the interests of all citizens, they also devised a smart system of checks and balances.

To know more about separation of power visit:



What does Article 3 say about jurisdiction?


The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.

Identify one international regulation or United States federal law that applies to the harvesting of marine food resources and explain how that regulation or law helps to manage marine species.


International regulation that applies to harvesting marine food resources is the "Endangered Species Act/ESA prohibits the harm or harvesting of endangered species" and protects habitats.

Fisheries around the world are dominated by the following species: herring, cod, anchovy, flounder, tuna, shrimp, mullet, squid, crab, salmon, lobster, scallops, and oyster. Also in high demand are mollusks and crustaceans. Not all fish that are caught are consumed as food.

The four biological groupings of marine mammals are the ones that follow: sirenians (manatees and dugongs), pinnipeds (seals, sea lions, and walruses), and marine fissipeds (polar bears and sea otters).

To learn more about marine species



How old do you have to be to be a Senator See Article 1 Section 3?


No one may be a senator if they have not reached the age of thirty, have not held US citizenship for nine years, and have not lived in the state for which they are being chosen at the time of their election.

Give a brief account on Senator eligibility.

A senator must be at least thirty years old, whereas a representative must be at least twenty-five. And the former must have been a citizen for nine years, and the latter needs to have been for seven. The reason for these distinctions is due to the nature of the senatorial trust, which demands a greater level of knowledge and character stability while also requiring that the senator have reached a stage of life most likely to provide these advantages.

Three requirements for senators are outlined in Article I, Section 3 of the Constitution:

(1) They need to be at least thirty years old;

(2) they have to have been US citizens for at least nine years; and

(3) At the time of their election, they must be citizens of the states they wish to represent. Senators must meet higher standards for citizenship and age requirements than do representatives.

To know more about, Senate, visit :


What happens if permission to appeal is refused?


The lower court's judgement might be fully or partially overturned if an appeal is accepted. The lower court's judgement is upheld if an appeal is denied.

How often do appeals get heard?

In California, the likelihood of winning a criminal appeal is slim (about 20 percent of appeals are successful). However, the chances of winning are higher if there were substantial legal and procedural mistakes made during the trial that had an impact on the case's outcome.

An appeal is extremely difficult to win. You must demonstrate that you were harmed by a legal error committed by the trial court. You must establish an error, whereas the trial court need not demonstrate that it was correct. Therefore, winning an appeal is extremely difficult.

Panels of three judges collaborate to decide appeals. In a written document known as a brief, the appellant provides the panel with legal reasons.

To learn more about appeals refer to:



Why do expansionary policies lead to inflation?


Expansionary polices lead to inflation because they increase the buying power of people and companies thereby increasing demand.

How do expansionary polices lead to inflation ?

Expansionary policies increase the amount of money available, which in turn promotes higher consumption and faster economic expansion. Companies boost production as a result of having more money at their disposal, which raises the demand for all production inputs, including human capital. This then leads to inflation.

However, if implemented during sound economic booms, expansionary fiscal policy can lead to higher interest rates, expanding trade deficits, and increasing inflation. These negative consequences of an expansive fiscal policy often partially counteract their stimulative effects.

Find out more on expansionary policies at https://brainly.com/question/1274560


What are the 7 steps in a jury trial?


Phases of a criminal trial include discussion, jury selection, opening statements, witness testimony and cross-examination, final defense arguments, jury instructions, jury deliberation, and judgment announcement.

What is the procedure for a trial?The attorneys on each side will describe their clients' legal positions, the evidence they intend to use, and the crucial factors that the jury will need to consider during their opening statements.Evidence presentation, judicial rulings, jury instructions, and concluding justificationsPhases of a criminal trial include discussion, jury selection, opening statements, witness testimony and cross-examination, closing arguments, jury instructions, jury deliberation, and judgment announcement.

To learn more about Criminal Trial Phases refer to:



What are the types of polymorphism?


Constitutional Polymorphism, Regulatory Polymorphism, Procedural Polymorphism, Jurisprudential Polymorphism

What is polymorphism and explain the types of polymorphism?

Polymorphism in law refers to the ability of a single type of legal entity or rule to exist or be applied in different forms. Types of polymorphism in law include:

1. Constitutional Polymorphism: This type of polymorphism occurs when a legal system allows an entity or rule to exist in different forms through a constitution.

2. Regulatory Polymorphism: This type of polymorphism occurs when a legal system allows an entity or rule to exist in different forms through regulations.

3. Procedural Polymorphism: This type of polymorphism occurs when a legal system allows an entity or rule to exist in different forms through procedural rules.

4. Jurisprudential Polymorphism: This type of polymorphism occurs when a legal system allows an entity or rule to exist in different forms through jurisprudence, or case law.

To learn more about polymorphism refer to:



What was the famous quote the FDR stated in his 1932 inaugural address to calm a frightened nation?


In his first inauguration speech, Roosevelt said, "We don't have anything to fear other than fear itself."

Which of Franklin D. Roosevelt's speeches is best known?

Franklin D. Roosevelt, as 32nd leader of the United States, addressed a joint session with Congress with his "Day of Notoriety" speech, also known as simply "The Infamy speech," on December 8, 1941.

Whose president declared that the only thing to fear is fear?

Franklin D. Roosevelt, who took office in the midst of the Depression, aided the American people in regaining their self-confidence. He offered encouragement by promising quick, forceful action and declaring in his inaugural speech that "the only thing to be afraid of is fear itself."

To know more about FDR visit :



What are the powers of the commission?


Power of the Commission to act as a Civil Court Summoning and enforcing the attendance of any individual from any phase of India and inspecting him on oath. Requiring the discovery and manufacturing of any document.

Receiving proof on affidavits. Requisitioning of any public report or replica thereof from any court of office.

What was once the role of commission?

The primary duty of Commissions is to advocate and make tips to the Town Council. It is the Council's function to take in the recommendation and tips presented through numerous sources and to make selections to the great of its ability.

What are the powers of National fee pertaining to to inquiries?

Powers of Commission relating to inquiries:

receiving evidence on affidavits; requisitioning any public document or replica thereof from any court docket or office; issuing commissions for the examination of witnesses or documents; any different be counted which may additionally be prescribed.

Learn more about Power of the Commission here:


in 1969, the supreme court overturned the conviction of a ku klux klan member by ruling that the government could only restrict speech that .


The Supreme Court established that states could only suppress subversive speech that is "directed to inciting or producing imminent lawless action and is likely to incite or produce such action"

when it overturned a Klansman's conviction in Brandenburg v. Ohio (1969). In Capitol Square Review and Advisory Board v.

What significance does the Supreme Court's decision in 1969 have?

The 1969 Supreme Court decision in Tinker v. Des Moines established students' rights to free speech in public schools.

What kind of speech does the First Amendment not protect?

Speech that leads to imminent lawlessness does not fall under the First Amendment's protection. This kind of speech must target a specific individual or group. It must be a clear call to unlawful, immediate action. It must be anticipated that the speech will in fact result in illegal behavior.

To learn more about Supreme Court here:



Why does the executive office of the president include press and communications staff The president uses mass media to speak to Congress?


The right answer is b The president uses the media to promote his agenda.

What does the government's Congress do?

The congressional of the federal government, known as Congress, is responsible for enacting laws on behalf of the American people. It shares authority with the president-led executive branch and the United States Supreme Court States, the branch's highest court.

What does the Congress do?

In the American Congress, congressional members represent the citizens of their district by holding hearings, crafting legislation, and casting votes. Every bills must be passed by Congress before being delivered to the Presidency for his approval as a law.

To know more about congress visit:



The complete question is-

Why does the executive office of the president include press and communications staff?

a)The president uses mass media to speak to Congress.

b)The president uses mass media to gain support for policies.

c)The president uses mass media to issue executive orders.

d)The president uses mass media to speak to other countries.

What are enumerated powers give an example ?


The United States Constitution grants the federal government of the United States the authority listed in the United States Congress's charter.

Enumerated power is what?

These included the authority to impose and collect taxes, pay off debts and borrow money, regulate commerce, print money, erect post offices, protect patents and other intellectual property rights, establish lower courts, declare war, and create and maintain an army and navy.

Give an example of enumerated powers?

Enumerated powers are those that the federal government has that are specified in the Constitution; for example, Congress has the authority to create money, control its value, and levy taxes, which are listed in Article I, Section 8.

To know more about enumerated powers visit:-



takao ozawa applied for u.s. citizenship but was denied. his case went all the way up to the u.s supreme court. ozawa argued that he should be allowed to become a u.s. citizen because he and his family spoke only english at home, went to american christian church, etc. the supreme court, however, ruled that he was not eligible for citizenship because:


United States, 260 U.S. 178 (1922), was a United States proceedings. The u.  s. Supreme Court found Takao Ozawa, a Japanese yank UN agency was born in Japan however had lived within the u.  s. for twenty years, ineligible for naturalization. In 1914, Ozawa filed for United States citizenship beneath the Naturalization Act of 1906.

Finally, the question of citizenship was visited once more within the cases Takao Ozawa v. u.  s. (1922) and u.  s. v. Bhagat Singh Thind (1923). Together, these cases illustrate however the social constructs of race and achromatic colour were manipulated to deny naturalization rights to Asian immigrants.

The case allowed for anti-Japanese proponents to justify the passing of the Immigration Act of 1924, that prohibited the immigration of individuals from Asia to the US.

To learn more about Takao Ozawa, visit here



the checks and balances contained within the constitution result in which of the following? group of answer choices consolidation of power in the executive branch, since the house and senate are usually at odds separation of power so that each branch can operate independently of the others some capacity of each of the three branches to limit the power of the other two a national bank of the united states


The checks and balances contained within the Constitution result in which of the following: some capacity of each of the three branches to limit the power of the other two. Thus correct answer (d).

The Checks and Balances system is linked to the separation of powers in the US. Each part of government is given its own authority to check the other branches and prevent any one branch from becoming overly dominant thanks to the checks and balances system.

The legislative branch of the US government, the Congress, is outlined in Article I. Important concepts include the division of powers between the executive and legislative parts of government (checks and balances), the selection of Senators and Representatives, the legislative process, and the authority of Congress.

Learn more about Checks and Balances in constitution to visit this link



What is a campaign strategy statement?


Every employee at your startup receives a copy of your company's strategy statement. The purpose, scope, and competitive advantage are the three parts of the statement.

Explain about the campaign strategy?

Consumer marketing law covers a wide range of federal, state, and local laws and regulations designed to ensure that marketing and advertising are truthful. No kind of advertising is allowed to be deceptive under federal law, including online advertising.

To draw new clients to your law office, you must engage in law firm marketing. A marketing strategy for a legal firm may include a combination of print, digital, and SEO ads, blogging, and digital marketing.

The five areas where decisions need to be made are PRODUCT, PRICE, PROMOTION, PLACE, and PEOPLE. The 5 Ps are manageable, but your company's internal and external marketing environments will always have an impact on them.

To learn more about campaign strategy refer to:



What are the types of inheritance relationships?


The different types of Inheritance are  Single Inheritance,Multiple Inheritance,Multi-Level Inheritance,Hierarchical Inheritance.

What is inheritance ?The word "Inherit," which means "to derive any attribute, features, or characteristics from family," is the root of the word "Inheritance." Therefore, "According to the definition of inheritance, it is a method by which a subordinate or child class acquires the traits and qualities of a superordinate class or other derived classes. It also enables extra features like taking child class properties and using them in other derived classes."In the Object Oriented Programming (OOPS) paradigm, Inheritance is one of the key principles in computer programming, followed by Abstraction, Encapsulation, and Polymorphism. The properties of existing objects can be transferred to the new objects thanks to this approach. Inheritance creates connections between classes, linking two or more classes together and creating class hierarchies. Instead of writing

To learn more about inheritance refer to:



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