why did the blockade of Berlin probably seem like a good strategy to the Soviet union


Answer 1
The Berlin Blockade served to highlight the competing ideological and economic visions for postwar Europe and played a major role in drawing West Germany into the NATO orbit several years later in 1955.

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Tran Saharan trade linked ​



Trans-Saharan trade requires travel across the Sahara between sub-Saharan Africa and North Africa. While existing from prehistoric times, the peak of trade extended from the 8th century until the early 17th century. The Sahara once had a very different environment. In Libya and Algeria, from at least 7000 BC, there was pastoralism, the herding of sheep, goats, large settlements, and pottery. Cattle were introduced to the Central Sahara (Ahaggar) from 4000 to 3500 BC. Remarkable rock paintings (dated 3500 to 2500 BC) in places that are currently very dry, portray flora and fauna that are not present in the modern desert environment.

As a desert, Sahara is now a hostile expanse that separates the Mediterranean economy from the economy of the Niger basin. As Fernand Braudel points out, crossing such a zone, especially without mechanized transport, is worthwhile only when exceptional circumstances cause the expected gain to outweigh the cost and the danger. Trade was conducted by caravans of camels. According to Ibn Battuta, the explorer who accompanied one of the caravans, the average size per caravan was 1,000 camels, but some caravans were as large as 12,000.The caravans would be guided by highly-paid Berbers, who knew the desert and could ensure safe passage from their fellow desert nomads. The survival of a caravan was precarious and would rely on careful co-ordination. Runners would be sent ahead to oases so that water could be shipped out to the caravan when it was still several days away, as the caravans could not easily carry enough with them to make the full journey. In the mid-14th century, Ibn Battuta crossed the desert from Sijilmasa via the salt mines at Taghaza to the oasis of Oualata. A guide was sent ahead and water was brought on a journey of four days from Oualata to meet the caravan.

Culture and religion were also exchanged on the Trans-Saharan Trade Route. Many West African states eventually adopted Arabic writing and the religion of North Africa, resulting in them being absorbed into the Muslim world.

Have a wonderful day! :-)

Answer: Tran Saharan trade linked North Africa and the Mediterrean world with West Africa.

Explanation: The Trans-Saharan trade network is a network of trade routes that connect North Africa with sub-Saharan Africa across the Saharan deserts. Historically, this was the most active land-based trade network in Africa. While trade across the Sahara existed before recorded history, peak trade on the routes was between the 8th and 17th centuries.

The Saharan desert is the world's largest desert. Trans-Saharan trade began for the same reason as other global exchange networks– the desire for goods unavailable in buyers’ home regions. As time went on, improvements in commercial practices and technological innovation allowed the amount of trade to increase.

The Earliest Trade Across the Sahara Was in Gold and Salt

One of the earliest causes of the trade was the exchange of gold and salt. West Africa had large quantities of gold but lacked access to salt. In contrast, North Africa had abundant supplies of salt but scarce supplies of gold. Rulers in North Africa, Europe, and the Middle East wanted gold. And because salt is essential in sustaining human life, West Africans could not live without salt. This scarcity created an incentive to trade across the harsh desert environment. Over time, traders began moving wider varieties of goods across the routes.

Trans-Saharan trade rapidly increased after the introduction of camels from Central Asia to North Africa. The camel's biology was well suited for crossing long distances with little water while carrying heavy cargo.

Camel saddles were significant technological innovations that allowed merchants to utilize camels to move people and goods. Different African and Eurasia societies continually improved camel saddles to increase the weight camels could carry. Heavier loads meant merchants could transport more goods, which lowered costs and increased profits. Hope this was helpful

African Americans supported the Gulf
War. true or false


African Americans supported the Gulf War.  The statement is False.

What are the causes of the Gulf war?

The key explanation behind the first Gulf War in 1991 was Iraq's desire to seize control of Kuwait's oil and gas fields and their belief that Kuwait was a part of their nation.

Saudi Arabia, Egypt, and other surrounding nations were concerned about an Iraqi invasion of their nation and requested assistance from the United States as a result.

The Palestinian Liberation Organization, Jordan, Algeria, Sudan, Yemen, and Tunisia all supported Iraq. African Americans supported world war I 1 not the gulf of war. Therefore the statement is False.

Learn more about the Gulf war, here:



What impact did the media have on the Vietnam War?


Some people believe that the media played a key role in the United States' defeat. They assert that the erosion of support was a result of the media's predisposition for negative reporting.

How did the media influence the Vietnam War?

American citizens were exposed to military crimes like the 1968 My Lai Massacre, which sparked riots in American cities and on college campuses. The decision to remove American forces from the war in 1973 was finally made in response to this uproar, which was made worse by media coverage.

How did the media contribute to the Vietnam War?

One of the first wars without media censorship was the Vietnam War. Anything relating to the war could be reported by the media. The Before the Tet Offensive, the coverage of the US was largely favorable. Televisions across America showed the news from ABC, NBC, and CBS.

To know more about Vietnam War visit:-



What were causes and effects fall of Constantinople?


The waning Byzantine Empire was destroyed when the Ottomans broke through Constantinople's great land wall. The mighty walls of Constantinople were constantly under attack from both land and water.

When and why did Constantinople fall? What was its new name of it?

The Ottoman Empire seized control of the Byzantine Empire's capital during the Fall of Constantinople, sometimes referred to as the Conquest of Constantinople.

What were some of the main consequences of Constantinople's fall?

Trade throughout Europe was badly harmed by the Fall of Constantinople. The extremely profitable Italian business was impacted by the Ottoman conquest, which also steadily weakened trading bases in the area. 

To know more about Constantinople visit:



What were animals to do if they met a pig on the path chapter 9?


Around this time, it was also established as a rule that any other animal on the path must move to the side if a pig approaches; in addition, all pigs, regardless of size, were granted the right to wear green ribbons on Sundays.

What every animal must do if it encounters a pig on the path What commandment is broken by this?

A new law was established stating that any other animal that came into contact with a pig on a path had to move aside and allow the pig to pass. Pigs had the additional distinction of sporting green ribbons on their tails on Sundays.

How did the pigs silence the animals' cries?

They protect the regular animals from seeing how much the pigs are taking advantage of them by shifting the responsibility onto Snowball, and they channel the animals' energies into taking down this fictitious foe.

To know more about Animal Farm visit:



Was slavery the main issue of the Civil War?


Slavery caused Civil War since they were being dealt with unreasonably by the South and the North could have done without that. States privileges are the point at which a state complies with its principles. Missouri was permitted to enter the Association as a slave state. California needed to choose if it would have been a slave state or a free state.

Today, most expert students of history concur with Stephens that servitude and the situation with African Americans were at the heart o the emergency that plunged the U.S. into a nationwide conflict from 1861 to 1865.

The  Civil War began given firm contrasts between the free and slave states over the force of the public government to preclude subjection in the regions that had not yet become states.

Learn more about slavery:



What rumors are humans trying to spread about Animal Farm?


The myth that the animals were fighting among themselves and starved to death was propagated by Frederick and Pilkington. When it became clear that was not taking place, they started spreading reports about cannibalism and torture on the farm.

In an endeavor to create an animal-friendly society, a group of farm animals rebels against their human farmer in this story.

The owners of the neighboring farms, Pilkington and Mr. Frederick, worry that discontent may spread among their own livestock. However, because of their animosity toward one another, they are unable to unite in opposition to Animal Farm. They did little more than disseminate tales about the farm's inefficiencies and immorality.

To learn more about animals



in what way was western europe politically changed following the end of the frankish reconsolidation?
a. A powerful Christian emperor ruled the entire region.
b. Representative republics were created across the region.
c. Decentralized regional governments were established.
d. An Islamic caliphate unified the region under one leader.


Western Europe politically changed following the end of the Frankish reconsolidation in a way that decentralized regional governments were established.

The Frankish reconsolidation event changed the latter stages of Western European society. Only a few political changes, though, were scheduled to be announced. The power in this system was distributed among several different power centres, and the rules were decentralised. It was therefore sought after as a significant occasion.

Decentralization has always occurred, despite the fact that it is a current trend. The majority of societies have some degree of decentralisation. The Middle Ages provide an excellent example. Following the end of the Frankish reconsolidation, mediaeval Europe had multiple power centres and a decentralised system of governance in every sphere of life, including politics, education, and business.

To learn more about Frankish reconsolidation here:



Why does Thoreau think that conscience rather than the majority should govern the state?


The basis of majority rule is not right and justice, but rather physical might. Individual conscience should prevail instead, and civil government should limit its authority to issues best resolved by a simple majority.

When the majority wins, what is it known as?

Majoritarianism is frequently referred to as "majority rule," but this phrase does not necessarily correspond to the kind of decision-making that is meant. The idea that a country should be governed however the majority community pleases is known as this. The majority rule is used when voting by the parties on the proposal. This strategy seeks multiethnic governance without compromising the rule of law.

To know more about majority rule visit:



what is the unit of life ? ​



a cell


Cells are considered the basic units of life in part because they come in discrete and easily recognizable packages. That's because all cells are surrounded by a structure called the cell membrane — which, much like the walls of a house, serves as a clear boundary between the cell's internal and external environments.

What are the reasons or arguments for the abolition of slavery?


Enslaved individuals were denied their opportunity and their basic freedoms. Numerous English mariners kicked the bucket on the three-sided exchange. The slave exchange abused all who participated in it. One central point that empowered abolitionists to contend for liberation was the disappointment of the public authority's 'improvement' strategy.

The first major argument of the abolitionists was that servitude was against Christianity. Beginning 1:27 expressed that man was made in the picture of God. To be sure, the legends of Stowe all's story are depicted as faithful Christians. Hence, Stowe contended that the best way to be a decent Christian was to be abolitionist servitude.

Learn more about abolition of slavery:



What was one of the duties of the Freedmen's Bureau following the Civil War?



The Freedmen's Bureau provided aid to tens of thousands of former slaves and impoverished white people in the southern states and the District of Columbia in the years after the war. Helped free people establish schools, buy land, locate family members, and legalize marriages


Hope this can help you :)

Freedmen’s Bureau, Civil War, Duties


The Freedmen’s Bureau was a federal agency created during the Reconstruction period following the Civil War. The Bureau was responsible for providing aid to African Americans who had been formerly enslaved. It was tasked with helping former slaves transition into freedom and providing aid to those who had been displaced by the war. In this answer, we will discuss some duties of the Freedmen’s Bureau in detail.

Duties of the Freedmen’s Bureau

The Freedmen’s Bureau had several important duties. These included:

Providing food, clothing, and medical care to former slaves: The Freedmen’s Bureau provided food, clothing, and medical care to former slaves. This was especially essential, as many former slaves had been deprived of these necessities during their years of enslavement.Establishing schools for former slaves: The Bureau established schools to educate former slaves and teach them the skills they needed to be successful in their new lives as free citizens.Establishing labor unions: The Freedmen’s Bureau established labor unions to protect the rights of freed slaves and to ensure they were paid fair wages for their work.Establishing legal protections: The Bureau established legal protections to ensure that freed slaves had the same rights as other citizens. This included the right to own property, to vote, and to enter into contracts.Assisting in the resettlement of freed slaves: The Bureau assisted in the resettlement of freed slaves by providing transportation, housing, and food.


The Freedmen’s Bureau was an important federal agency during the Reconstruction period following the Civil War. It was tasked with providing aid to former slaves and helping them transition to freedom. The Bureau was responsible for providing food, clothing, and medical care to former slaves, establishing schools for their education, establishing labor unions and legal protections, and assisting in their resettlement. These efforts were essential in helping former slaves adjust to their newfound freedom and become productive members of society.

What is the purpose of a utopian society?


Answer: The purpose of a utopian society is to create an ideal and perfect community or society in which all people live in harmony and equality, with no social or economic problems. It is a society in which all citizens live in prosperity and happiness.


Taken as a whole, what two to three core values and beliefs do you think underlie the first ten amendments to the constitution? Explain what these values are and how they are depicted in the Bill of Rights.


The first ten amendments to the United States Constitution, known as the Bill of Rights, were designed to protect the rights and liberties of American citizens.

These values are depicted in the Bill of Rights through the protection of individual freedoms, such as freedom of speech, religion, and the press, as well as the limitation of government power to ensure that it does not infringe upon the rights of citizens.

What is the rationale for the above?

Several key ideas and beliefs are reflected in these revisions (that is the first 10 amendments to the United States Constitution. Including a belief in persons' intrinsic worth and dignity, as well as the significance of defending their natural rights.

The Bill of Rights also represents a conviction in the significance of restricting the government's authority to guarantee that it does not infringe on citizens' rights. Furthermore, the Bill of Rights demonstrates a dedication to the rule of law and due process, as well as the necessity of defending individual liberties such as free speech, religion, and the press.

Learn more about the Bill of Rights:

what evidence would you expect to find that would indicate that the indus river valley culture declined due to internal factors rather than being overwhelmed by indo-european invaders. change was evident in the indus river valley through natural disasters like earthquakes which caused loss of futile soil. change from cremation practices to inhumation burial traditions. change in the continuity of religious beliefs as well.


Anatomically detailed figurines made of terracotta, bronze, and steatite, as well as sculptures, seals, pottery, gold jewelry, and other artifacts from the Indus Valley culture have been unearthed at the sites of the culture's excavations.

What evidence suggests a strong centralized government in the Indus River Valley?

There was uniformity in urban planning, sizing and weights of bricks and structures, similar artifacts, and other architectural features that could suggest a central government, despite the fact that the highly populated cities had separate leaderships.

What evidence demonstrates that Mesopotamia and the Indus River traded?

Around 2350 BCE, there is evidence of imports from the Indus to Ur. In Mesopotamian archaeological sites from around 2500-2000 BCE, various objects made with Indus coast-specific shell species, particularly Trubinella Pyrum and Fasciolaria Trapezium, have been discovered.

To learn more about Valley culture here:



How does Martin Luther King justify civil disobedience?


The most well-known proponent of civil disobedience, Martin Luther King Jr., maintained that it is not unlawful, but rather a more elevated kind of lawfulness intended to bring negative.

What underlying principle underpins civil disobedience?

Civil disobedience, also known as passive resistance, is the act of refusing to accept the demands or directives of a government or occupying power without using force or other aggressive forms of resistance; its usual goal is to coerce concessions from the government or occupying power.

I Disregarding salt regulations; ii) abstaining from alcohol; iii) boycotting British products of all types; and iv) failing to pay taxes and other fees.

To know more about civil disobedience visit:



How did the San Francisco government feel about the countercultures “summer of love”?


San Francisco government feel about the countercultures “summer of love” is young adults returned home with a new hippie way of life that included drug usage, sexual experimentation, long hair on men, and new fashion trends.

What do you mean by the "Summer of love"?

On January 14, 1967, 30,000 people gathered in San Francisco's Golden Gate Park to mark the start of the Summer of Love.

They came to participate in the counterculture authors Gary Snyder and poet Allen Ginsberg's "Human Be-In" campaign, which was part of their plea for a general rise in consciousness.

The most enduring traces of that time period and the fury over the Vietnam War are found in the music from 1967 and the surrounding years.

Some of the most significant pieces of popular music in history came from the Summer of Love.

Some of it was an overt statement against the war, while others were merely expressions of the desire for harmony and love.

Therefore, San Francisco government feel about the countercultures “summer of love” is young adults returned home with a new hippie way of life that included drug usage, sexual experimentation, long hair on men, and new fashion trends.

To know more about the "Summer of love", visit:



the second great awakening was most directly related to which of the following other historical developments of the early nineteenth century?


The Second Great Awakening was most probably related to the challenging of the rationalist views under enlightenment as a historical development during the early 1800s. Therefore, the option D holds true.

The period of the Second Great Awakening took place in the early years of the 1800s. This was an influential period, especially for the European and other western societies, because many historical developments related to the Age of Enlightenment also took place during the similar periods. It was undertaken with an intention of religious revival in the society. As a result, the significance regarding the Second Great Awakening his given.

Learn more about the Second Great Awakening here:



Complete Question

The second great awakening was most directly related to which of the following other historical developments of the early nineteenth century? Responses

a. innovations in manufacturing technology and agricultural equipment

b. opposing political views on the powers of the federal government

c. celebrations of american patriotism and national culture

d. challenges to enlightenment views of rationalism

leanardo da vinci accomplishments during the Renaissance and how they stand out in the era ? 6 sentences​



Leonardo da Vinci was a renowned artist, inventor, engineer, and scientist during the Renaissance.

2. He is best known for his painting of the Mona Lisa, which is considered one of the most famous and enigmatic paintings of all time.

3. He also created several other notable works of art, such as The Last Supper and the Vitruvian Man.

4. Leonardo da Vinci was a true Renaissance man, as he was highly skilled in engineering and science, as well as art.

5. He was responsible for several inventions, including the flying machine, the centrifugal pump, and the parachute.

6. His genius stood out during the Renaissance and he was ahead of his time in terms of science, art, and engineering, making him one of the most influential people of the Renaissance

At the opening session of the united states supreme court, each justice shakes hands with all the others. There are nine justices that sit on the supreme court. How many handshakes do they make during the opening session? a. 32 handshakes b. 36 handshakes c. 45 handshakes d. 81 handshakes.



D: 81 handshakes

because each justice is shaking hands with each other. there are 9 justiceses so


81 handshakes

Explanation : beacause 9x9=81

What is tooth decay Class 4?


Damage to Pulp, the pulp is the soft tissue that is located inside the tooth and contains nerves and blood vessels. Once tooth decay has reached the pulp, root canal therapy is probably necessary.

Unfortunately, dental decay affects a large portion of the population in the US. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), untreated tooth decay affects more than one in four people. 1 By being aware of the signs and symptoms of tooth decay, it is feasible to undergo treatment to restore healthy teeth and gums. Learning how to practise good dental hygiene is also crucial for preventing tooth decay.

This article will address the causes, risk factors, symptoms, stages, and treatments for tooth decay.

To learn more about root canal therapy please click on below link



How did barbed wire impact the industrial revolution?



The spread of barbed wire let farmers move there land to more higher value crops and raised there productivity significantly.

What are 3 reasons for America's economic growth following the Civil War?


Answer :The Industrial Age of American economic growth began after the Civil War. Many factors of the industrial era maximized America's economic growth, including cheaper labor, new inventions, and a growing population. Oil was also discovered after the civil war which in turn forever changed American's economic

Hope this helps (:

Responsibilities of citizens with a limited government do NOT include what?



A limited government is a political system in which legalized force is restricted through delegated and enumerated powers.


What is the significance of all animals are equal but some animals are more equal than others?


The statement is a satire on governments that preach full equality for their population while giving power and advantages to a small elite.

Equality is about ensuring that every individual has an equal chance to make the most of their life and skills. It is also the concept that no one should have fewer opportunities in life because of how they were born, where they come from, what they believe, or if they have a disability. In political thinking, equality means that all human beings are equal, as well as equality in distribution, which means equal distribution of income, social opportunities, and political power. There are several sorts of equality, including political, social, legal, natural, and economic equality.

learn more about Equality  here:



Which of the following is NOT part of the United Kingdom?

a. England
b. Wales
c. Scotland
d. Northern Ireland
e. Ireland.


e - Ireland
Hope this helps

Ireland, of the following is not part of the United Kingdom. Thus, option (e) is correct.

What is United Kingdom?

Great Britain is the official designation for England, Scotland, and Wales, as well as their connected islands. The Great Britain of Northern Ireland and Great Britain (UK) is an island country in Europe. The United Kingdom, or UK, is a sovereign state made up of four separate countries: England, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland.

In 1921, Ireland was divided into two independent jurisdictions, Southern Ireland and Northern Ireland. The Republic of Ireland, a sovereign nation, and Northern Ireland, a member of the United Kingdom, make up the island of Ireland. Since 1973, Ireland is a member of the European Union.

Therefore, option (e) is correct.

Learn more about on the United Kingdom, here:



In the late 1800s, the united states’ annexation of hawaii and acquisition of the philippines shared which goal?



In the late 19th century, both the annexation of Hawaii and the acquisition of the Philippines by the United States were aimed at expanding American influence and power in the Pacific and establishing military and commercial bases in these regions.

How many sets of 10 commandments are there?


The Bible really contains two entire sets of the Ten Commandments. Furthermore, Leviticus 19 has a partial collection of the Ten Commandments.

According to Exodus and Deuteronomy texts, the Ten Commandments are a series of religious rules that were divinely revealed to Moses by Yahweh and etched on two stone tablets. The Ten Commandments are a collection of biblical ethical and worship concepts that are central to Judaism and Christianity. They are also known as the Decalogue. The Seventh Commandment, 'Thou Shalt Not Commit Adultery,' was one of the most discussed in the whole Decalogue. Protestant authors immediately broadened the term "adultery" to cover all sorts of "uncleanness" in thought, speech, and deed, alone and with other people and creatures, both in and out of matrimony.

learn more about  Ten Commandments  here:



Who is Swift using satire in A Modest Proposal?


Swift employs sarcasm throughout his proposal by urging the Irish people to gather the underage children of the underprivileged. Swift argued that improving "Them Useful to the Public" would improve Ireland's situation.

What does it mean to have a proposal?

An proposal is a strategy or notion that is put up for discussion and decision-making, frequently in a formal and written format. The country's constitutional dilemma will be resolved by the president's fresh initiatives.

What is the name of a proposal?

Anything in the type of an offer is referred to as a proposal, overture, or proposition. To create peace proposals, which are plans, schemes, or offers that can be accepted or rejected.

To know more about Swift visit:



How do the animals now refer to Napoleon?


Leader, Comrade Napoleon
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