Why did Zinn say Wilson made a flimsy argument?


Answer 1

The reason why Zinn claims that Wilson made a flimsy argument is that, Wilson lied about the Lusitania and that he would stay neutral but then entered 3 years later.

Who was the true Lusitania's sinker?

The thirty-year-old Kapitänleutnant Walter Schwieger had been in charge of the submarines U-20 that sank the RMS Lusitania. His account of the assault and the swift sinking of the large liner as he saw it via his periscope is recorded in his war journal.

Was the Lusitania ever discovered?

The wreck, which is 12 miles from the coast of Ireland under 300 feet of muddy, choppy water, bears physical proof of precisely such a load. On May 7, 1915, the Lusitania was sunk in County Cork. 128 Americans were among the 1,198 victims of the attack, which also contributed to the United States' entry into World War I.

To learn more about Lusitania visit:



Answer 2

Wilson presented a flimsy argument, according to Zinn, because he lying about Lusitania and stated that he would remain neutral until entering 3 years later.

What does the word "argument" mean?

Argumentation, rationalization, or discussion: An organized set of justifications, claims, or facts used to establish or support a position. A heated dispute or disagreement: the closing statement of a defense counsel.

Why does a strong argument matter?

When a non-deductive arguments is capable of providing plausible but insufficient factual support for its conclusion, it is said to be strong. When a non-deductive argument does not provide solid evidence to back up its conclusion, it is deemed weak.

To know more about argument visit :



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What is the difference between Indian and western education?


The main difference between Indian and Western education is the focus. Indian education is largely focused on rote learning, memorization, and theory, while Western education puts more emphasis on practical knowledge, problem-solving, and creativity.

The Contrasting Educational Philosophies of India and the West

Indian education also tends to be more traditional and conservative, whereas Western education is more progressive and open to experimentation. Indian education also tends to be more focused on preparing students for specific jobs or careers, while Western education is more focused on developing well-rounded individuals.

Education is the cornerstone of any nation’s success, and there are fundamental differences between the educational philosophies of India and the West. Indian education has traditionally relied on rote learning, memorization, and theory, while Western education has traditionally emphasized practical knowledge, problem-solving, and creativity. In India, education is largely focused on preparing students for specific jobs or careers, while Western education has traditionally been more focused on developing well-rounded individuals.

The Indian educational system can be traced back to ancient times, when it was largely focused on the study of the Vedas, the oldest and most important Hindu scriptures. This system was based on memorization and the learning of complex texts like the Vedas. In contrast, the Western education system has its roots in the Enlightenment period of the 18th century, when there was a focus on the development of science and critical thinking. Since then, Western education has continued to evolve and has become more open to experimentation and new ideas.

Learn more about Indian education:



(BOSR) Behavioral Observation and Screening


When child care members of staff are educated to recognize and record evidence of typical or unusual growth and development, observation and screen can find early indications of developmental disorder.

There are numerous different types of observation that fall within a wide range (from extensive or unstructured to extremely selected and/or highly organized) and each has pros and negatives as well as unique ethical and practical issues. A researcher might participate at different levels, and this has a significant impact on the type of data that is gathered and the format of the study. Researchers must, at the very best, carefully assess their relationship to the individuals and the ethical issues that may arise, along with the need to think about and practice the many skills required to conduct an observation.

Learn more about Observation here:



What are public and private properties?


Public properties are lands and structures that are directly held by and used for public purposes by public authorities. Private properties are lands and structures that are held by people or organisations.

Any space inside the right-of-way of a road, highway, body of water, or watercourse, including its coasts or beaches, as well as any park, playground, structure, refuge, conservation area, or leisure area, is considered to be either public or private property.

When non-governmental legal entities own property, it is referred to as private property. Private property can be distinguished from both collective or cooperative property, which is owned by a number of non-governmental groups, and public property and personal property, which are owned by a state body.

Capitalism, an economic system based on private ownership of the means of production and their use for profit, is built on the principle of private property.

Learn more about Private here:



alice plans to speak with her partner in the morning about never having unprotected sex again. she knows that her partner will be readily available to talk then. what method is alice exercising for her sti discussion?


Alice employs the tactic of selecting the most advantageous time for her STI conversation.

A plan answer is what?

A plan is a written document that outlines a specific system, program, and strategy developed beforehand for reaching a goal. It is a particular activity meant to aid a country or organization in accomplishing its goals. Corrective suggestions 10. Related inquiries.

What three sorts of planning are there?

The strategic, technical, and operational plan types can all be used by managers to assist them accomplish the objectives of their organizations. Operational plans help tactical plans get accomplished, which helps strategic plans get accomplished.

To know more about Plans visit :



What are Plato's views on slavery?


The views of Plato on the existence of slavery were largely positive in their own senses.

The slavery practices have been one of most debated social elements that have ever existed in the American society since the seventeenth century. Many philosophies and ideologies regarding the existence of these practices have been made by a number of people. Plato has also expressed his view regarding the same, where he feels that everybody is a slave in some way or the other, but people take the meaning of the term too negatively.

Learn more about slavery here:



An individual who commits crimes during adolescence but stops by the age of 21 is considered a(n):
A. career criminal.
B. adolescence-limited offender.
C. repeat offender.
D. life-course-persistent offender.


A person who perpetrates violations during pre-adulthood yet comes by the age of 21 is viewed as a youthfulness adolescence-limited offender.

The two kinds of wrongdoers are those whose withdrawn way of behaving is restricted to puberty and those whose reserved way of behaving is consistent throughout their lives, beginning in the early earliest stages and going on into development. Since various societies have various meanings of what comprises "wrongdoing," this hypothesis is applied to a solitary way of behaving instead of genuine wrongdoing. The groundwork of Moffitt's hypothesis is the industriousness and consistency of a standoffish way of behaving. While life-course-tenacious guilty parties frequently display standoffish ways of behaving from early ages, Juvenile Restricted wrongdoers show reserved conduct without consistency over their lifetime.

Hence option (B) is correct.

Learn more about adolescence:



which federal law greatly expanded the ability of the police to intercept many forms of electronic communications?


The Electronic Communications Privacy Act (ECPA) of 1986 is a federal law that greatly expanded the ability of the police to intercept many forms of electronic communications, including telephone conversations and e-mail.

The ECPA was passed in order to protect the privacy of electronic communications from government intrusion.Prior to the passage of the ECPA, police were only allowed to intercept certain types of electronic communication when authorized by a court order. The ECPA changed this by allowing police to intercept certain types of electronic communications without a court order.

The ECPA also strengthened the protections that were already in place for certain types of electronic communications. Prior to the passage of the ECPA, police were only allowed to intercept communications if they could demonstrate that the communication was related to a criminal investigation. The ECPA strengthened these protections by requiring that police obtain a court order in order to intercept communications that were not related to a criminal investigation.

Learn more about electronic communications at : https://brainly.com/question/28868359


Are there persons who are dominantly right-brained or left brained?


Right-brained and left-brained individuals do not exist. Although it is evident that each of us has a unique personality and set of skills, there is no reason to think that these variations can be attributed to one side of the brain making a huge impact over the other.

An information highway made up of bundles of nerve fibres connects the two hemispheres. The two sides don't operate the same way, yet they work together and assist one another. Humans use both sides of their brains at once.

The preference for one side over the other is not authentic in the brain. The networks on one side are often not more potent than the networks on the other side.

For more such question on brain.



What is the primary role of councils of government (cogs)?


The primary function of councils of government (COGs) is to promote local government coordination and planning.

Regional governing and/or coordinating bodies exist throughout the United States as councils of governments. CoGs are typically controlled by their member local governments, though some states have passed laws granting CoGs region-wide authority over specific functions, and still other states mandate such councils.

COGs are voluntary associations that represent member local governments, primarily cities and counties, and seek to provide cooperative planning, coordination, and technical assistance on issues of mutual concern that cross jurisdictional lines.

To know more about councils of government, click here.



Carla is diagnosed with breast cancer. She informs her doctor that her mother and her grandmother have also had breast cancer. The doctor explains to Carla that she has specific genes that make her more vulnerable to breast cancer and that she is genetically predisposed to develop the disease. In this scenario, these genes are known as
O duplicate genes.
O conditional lethal genes.
O complementary genes.
O susceptibility genes.


Genes enable the passing down of characteristics from one generation to another in this case from Carla's grandmother to her mother and eventually Carla.

To answer the question; Carla carries in her genetic make-up a susceptibility gene passed down from her ancestor which in this case comes with an increased likelihood of developing a particular disease based on a person's genetic makeup.

A genetic predisposition results from specific genetic variations that are often inherited from a parent.

However, germline mutations in BRCA1 or BRCA2 genes increase a woman's risk of developing hereditary breast or ovarian cancers and a man's risk of developing hereditary prostate or breast cancers.

Consider reading more on the same topic;



At any given time, _____ percent of elderly people in the united states experience at least one anxiety disorder.


At any given time, 11 percent of elderly people in the united states experience at least one anxiety disorder.

Anxiety is a typical response to stress and in some circumstances, it can be helpful. It can warn us about potential threats and assist with planning and attention.

When anxiety disorders are present, there is excessive dread or anxiety as opposed to the normal feelings of apprehension or anxiety. Nearly 30% of adults experience an anxiety disorder at some point in their lives, making it the most prevalent of all mental disorders.

However, there are a variety of efficient therapies for anxiety disorders. Most people who receive treatment can live normal, fulfilling lives.

To know more about anxiety , click here:



What are 3 Rights that are in the English Bill of Rights but are not in the US Bill of Rights?


In contrast to the US Bill of Rights, the English Bill of Rights guaranteed freedom from high bail, cruel and unusual punishment, and royal prerogative taxes. It also protected against fines and forfeitures without a trial.

What three rights were outlined in the English Bill of Rights?

In general, the Magna Carta and the English Bill of Rights were both created in response to contentious circumstances in England; both were acts of rebellion against the British monarchy that reduced the monarchy's power, albeit to varying degrees, and both served to endow people with authority and unique rights.

Moreover, the Bill firmly established the concepts of regular parliaments, free elections, and also the right to free speech in the House of Commons, which is now known as parliamentary privilege. Many of the rights contained in the text, which was originally known as the English Bill of Rights of 1689 and includes the freedom of speech and petition, were eventually included in the First Amendment.

To learn more about English Bill of Rights, visit:



What is traditional type of education?



Traditional education means education in which instruction takes place between an instructor and students where all are physically present in the same classroom.


Why would chariot have become a sporting event when the chariots were designed for war


Chariot racing was a popular sporting event in ancient civilizations such as Greece, Rome, and Egypt. While chariots were originally designed for use in warfare, they were also used for transportation and as a way to show off wealth and status.

In Ancient Greece, chariot racing was a popular event at the Olympic Games and other public festivals. The sport was also popular in Rome, where it was a central part of the Roman Games (Ludi Romani). Chariot racing was a dangerous and exciting spectacle that drew large crowds.

It's likely that chariot racing became a sporting event because of the appeal of fast-paced, high-stakes competitions and the opportunity for individuals or teams to showcase their skills and strength. The chariot's association with warfare and the social status of its drivers and owners may have also contributed to its popularity as a sporting event.

Which quality of speech can a presenter use to most effectively convey their attitude about the topic they're speaking about?


Quality of speech can a presenter use to most effectively convey their attitude about the topic they're speaking about is clarity to make the audinece understand the thought.

What are the important elements of speech delivery?

While delivering the speech the speaker should convey thought clearly so thta the attitude about the topic is clear to the audience without causing any ambiguity.

The body postures and gestures should be appropriate by maintaining balanced eye contact along with movements of hands so that the audience gets the message delivered effectively and engage accordingly.

Learn more about speech delivery, here:



bandura conducted a classic study known as the "bobo" doll study. the term bobo refers to ________.


Bandura directed an exemplary report known as the "Bobo" doll study. The term Bobo refers to imitation.

What kind of study was the Bobo doll to try?

During the 1960s, he directed the Bobo doll tests, which concentrated on observational learning. The point of his bobo doll studies was to research if social ways of behaving (like hostility) can be advanced by perception and impersonation. He tried 36 young men and 36 young ladies between the ages of 3 to 6 years of age.

It exhibited that small kids will emulate the forceful activities of a model in any event, when there is no support for doing as such.

Learn more about doll study:



When can a federal judge be impeached?


Judges are classified as "Civil Officers" in Article II, Section 4 even though the Constitution does not explicitly say that they can be impeached and dismissed from their positions.

What is a constitution?

It is a collection of laws and regulations that serves as the government's rule-making manual. The most common term for a government's governing instrument is "constitution." A constitution, as its name suggests, is a set of laws that establishes expectations for how a government would function. Political representatives must follow the guidelines and legislation set in the constitution in order to conduct government business. A constitution, as its name suggests, is a set of laws that establishes expectations for how the government will function. Political representatives must abide by the laws and regulations outlined in the constitution in order to run the government.

To learn more about constitution, visit:



What are the three elements of all public policies quizlet?


Kingdon's agenda-setting model describes the three reasons why issues are added to the policy agenda. The model's three elements are issues, politics, problems, and outward participants.

Mandates or regulatory policies limit people's freedom of action or otherwise compel particular behaviours. A professional organization's benefits plan is one example, as are government policies that influence spending on welfare, public education, roads, and public safety.

Theodore J. Lowi, an American political scientist, advocated four different types of policy: distributive, redistributive, regulatory, and constituent,  Public Policy, Case Studies, and Political Theory.

To learn more about policy agenda please click on below link



In 2008, the u.s. government built on the influential 1996 surgeon general's report with a document titled: _________


American Physical Activity Guidelines.

Adults should engage in 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) to 300 minutes (5 hours) of moderate-intensity aerobic physical activity, 75 minutes (1 hour and 15 minutes) to 150 minutes (2 hours and 30 minutes) of vigorous-intensity aerobic physical activity, or an equivalent combination of both, each week for significant health benefits.

Additionally, according to recent responses, 25% of Americans get no exercise outside of work-related activities.

According to the CDC, an unhealthy diet and lack of exercise might predispose people to illnesses like a weakened immune system, obesity, cardiovascular disorders, diabetes, and some malignancies.

Learn  more about " American Physical Activity " to visit here;



true or false? the sinai covenant led the israelites to believe that the messiah would come from the house of david and would save the chosen people from their enemies.


The Davidic covenant led the israelites to believe that the messiah would come from the house of  samuel and would save the chosen people from their enemies is false.

The Covenant of David is the covenant made between King David and God when King David planned to build God a house of cedar trees.

Jesus Christ was called the Son of David, referring to the eternal kingship of the House of David according to David's covenant.

The promise that the House of David and his throne will last forever is significant. Because it is a prophecy that the coming Messiah, especially the Messiah, will come from the house of David.

To know more about King David, here:



Complete question:

True or False? The Davidic covenant led the Israelites to believe that the Messiah would come from the house of Samuel to save the Chosen People from their enemies

What is the most important responsibility of the board?


Securing sufficient funding for the organization's mission fulfillment is one of the board's top duties.

What duty does the board have that is most crucial?

Securing enough funding for the organization to carry out its objective is one of the board's top duties. Protect your possessions and exercise sound financial management. The board is responsible for aiding in the creation of the annual budget and making sure that appropriate financial controls are in place.

What duty does the board have in particular?

The board's primary duty is to oversee the administration of the company. Board members must receive the organization's pertinent policies from the chair. To guarantee that the organization fulfills its commitments, the board must design a governance framework that includes a compliance framework.

To know more about responsibility  board visit:-



two reasons why labelling theory may not provide an
adequate explanations for the causes of crime. [10]



Labeling theory is largely based on the idea that criminal behavior is a result of the way that individuals are labeled by society. However, this theory does not take into account other potential factors that may contribute to criminal behavior, such as individual motivations, social and economic conditions, and psychological or mental health issues.
Labeling theory also tends to focus on the role of society in shaping individuals' behaviors, without considering the role that individuals themselves may play in their own actions. This can lead to an overly simplistic view of crime and its causes, and may not accurately reflect the complex social, psychological, and economic factors that contribute to criminal behavior.

After an electrode implanted in a cat’s brain stimulates the cat’s amygdala, the cat will most likely do which of the following?
answer choices
Demonstrate maternal instincts
Begin to eat uncontrollably
Begin to purr and seek physical contact
Immediately slip into REM sleep
Immediately withdraw in fear



Immediately withdraw in fear


What should the body paragraphs of an argumentative essay include? Check all that apply.
topic sentences
a thesis statement
supporting reasons
transition sentences
I evidence from research
a restatement of the argument


The body paragraphs of an argumentative essay include topic sentences, transition sentences, and also supporting reasons. Hence, options A, E, and D are appropraite.

What is the meaning of an Argumentative Essay?

An effective argumentative essay includes the made by the author's thoughts and opinions in addition to facts but also evidence to support its arguments. For instance, you might have wished to write such an argumentative essay arguing that your group of acquaintances would like to travel to New York.

An argumentative essay is a form of writing where students must research a subject, gather, produce, and assess supporting information, and succinctly present their stance. Assignments requiring argumentative essays frequently necessitate thorough literature and previously published material study.

Hence, options A, E, and D are correct.

Learn more about the Argumentative Essay here:



in which year did the federal government experience its highest surplus based on the bar graph?


The federal government experience its highest surplus based on the bar graph in 2009 .

What is called surplus?The quantity of an item or resource that is over the amount that is being actively used is referred to as a surplus. Income, earnings, capital, and products are just a few of the several things that might be referred to as a surplus. A surplus in the context of inventories refers to items that are still unsold and on store shelves.Acknowledging Trade Surplus, When focused simply on trade impacts, a trade surplus indicates that there is strong demand for a nation's products on the world market, which drives up the price of those products and directly strengthens the home currency.

To learn more about Surplus refer to:



1. A real estate sales agent may be employed by:


A real estate sales professional may be employed by their broker. A real estate professional must act for a hiring broker; they are not permitted to act alone.

Who is Broker?

A broker is a person or business that stands between a potential investor and a finance sector. Individual investors and trader require the services of trade members since securities exchanges typically accept orders from people or companies who are membership of that exchange. Brokers provide that service and can receive money in a number of ways, including as profits, fees, or cash directly from the exchange.To assist investors in deciding which broker is appropriate for them, Investopedia routinely examines all of the major brokers and keeps a list of the top trading platforms and trading platforms.

Learn more about Broker here:



How do you find 3 numbers of HCF?


Calculate the HCF of 2 numbers. Then Find the HCF of the 3rd number and the HCF found in step 1. The HCF you got in step 2 will be the HCF of the 3 numbers.

What is the meaning of HCF?

The greatest number among the common factors of the given numbers is the HCF (Highest Common Factor) of two numbers. Since 12 is the greatest common factor between 12 and 36, for instance, the HCF of 12, as well as 36, is 12.

Finding all common factors between two numbers and choosing the biggest one yields the highest common factor (HCF).

Learn more about the HCF here:



What is theocracy government quizlet?


Religious authorities running the government. Laws of a country are a reflection of the religion of that country or that place. is the equivalent of a theocracy

What does a theocracy look like in practice?

A theocracy is when the clergy and laity of a particular religion exercise political power, generally, but not always, claiming to have been acting primarily in behalf of something like a deity and governing in line with its morality and laws.

Which of the following phrases best sums up a theocracy?

A type of government where the laws are enforced by religious leaders and the rules are based on the teachings of specific religions. Theo means deity, kratos means regulations, and "public humiliation" for "punishment" are all words from the Greek language that denote "theocracy."

To know more abut theocracy visit:



aaron, a pre-med student, received an a on his anatomy and physiology exam. he told his roommate that he had studied for the exam, and that it was just good luck that the professor had asked so many questions that he understood. aaron appears to have


Aaron seems to have an external locus of control as he told his roommate that he had studied for the exam, and that it was just good luck that the professor had asked so many questions that he understood.

What is Locus of control?

Locus of control is the degree to which people believe they can control the outcome of life events as opposed to external factors. The concept was developed by Julian B. Rotter in 1954 and has been an aspect of personality psychology ever since.

An individual with a place of external control is one who believes, or holds, that external factors play a major role in the outcome of one's efforts, and therefore success or failure depends on one's personal This is evident from Aaron's comments after passing the anatomy and physiology exams and receiving an A after studying hard . However, he still believed that an external factor, luck, played a major role in his success. Other external factors may include prejudices, circumstances, etc.

To know more about locus of control, visit:



Why was Hector of Troy a hero?



Hector commanded the Trojan army, with a number of subordinates including Polydamas, and his brothers Deiphobus, Helenus and Paris. By all accounts, Hector was the best warrior the Trojans and their allies could field, and his fighting prowess was admired by Greeks and his own people alike.


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