Why is it called the Harlem Renaissance?


Answer 1

The most important movement in African American literary history was the Harlem Renaissance, which occurred from 1918 and 1937 and saw a flourishing of African American culture, notably in the creative arts.

What is the importance of Harlem Renaissance?America was forever changed as a result of the Harlem Renaissance.In addition to inspiring and influencing later generations of African American artists and intellectuals, the movement brought attention to the great works of African American art. The world at large was exposed to the self-portrait of African American life, identity, and culture that evolved from Harlem, defying the Jim Crow South's racist and derogatory preconceptions. By doing this, it fundamentally altered the perception of African Americans and the African American experience among individuals of other races.The Harlem Renaissance, most importantly, gave African Americans across the nation a renewed sense of self-determination and pride, a new social consciousness, and all of these would form the basis for the 1950s and 1960s Civil Rights Movement. a recommitment to political activism.As a result, it supported the ideas of its founders and leaders, like Langston Hughes and Alain Locke, who believed that art could be a tool for enhancing the lives of African Americans.

Hence, The most important movement in African American literary history was the Harlem Renaissance, which occurred from 1918 and 1937 and saw a flourishing of African American culture, notably in the creative arts.

To learn more about Harlem Renaissance  refer to:



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What is the significance of Griswold v. Connecticut quizlet?


Planned parenthood therefore has the right to inform couples about the many techniques and uses of various contraceptives even though they have the right to privacy when it comes to the usage of contraceptives.

What was the impact of the Griswold v. Connecticut ruling?

Connecticut (1965) (1965) A Connecticut legislation that made it illegal to use birth control devices or to counsel others about using them was struck down by the Supreme Court in Griswold v. Connecticut, 381 U.S. 479 (1965).

On June 7, 1965, a verdict was reached in the Griswold v. Connecticut case. This decision was noteworthy because the Supreme Court upheld the freedom to use contraceptives for married persons.

7-2 are in favour of privacy (Griswold). Planned parenthood therefore has the right to inform couples about the many techniques and uses of various contraceptives even though they have the right to privacy when it comes to the usage of contraceptives. This choice was essential to the resolution of other problems.

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How did the Supreme Court justify its decision in Griswold v. Connecticut quizlet?


The trial judge must, at least occasionally, tell the defendant of their right to counsel, according to the majority of the court, who believed that this right is essential to a fair trial.

What idea was the decision in Griswold v. Connecticut?

Justice Harlan joined, asserting that the right to privacy is protected by the Fourteenth Amendment's Due Process Clause. The Fourteenth Amendment, Justice White argued, should have been the correct foundation for the conclusion. He concurred.

According to the majority of the court, a defendant's right to hire and be represented by counsel is essential to a fair trial, and the trial judge must, at least occasionally, remind the defendant of this right.

William O. Douglas's prevailing viewpoint. Numerous amendments to the Bill of Rights imply a right to privacy, and this right prevents states from making the use of contraception by married couples unlawful.

To learn more about Griswold v. Connecticut refer to:



Why was the NAFTA agreement important?


The goal of NAFTA was to increase economic activity amongst North America's three major economies Canada, the United States, and Mexico.

Why was NAFTA created? Is it considered a success?

The North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) was developed more than two decades ago with the goal of increasing trade between the United States, Canada, and Mexico. Its secondary goal was to increase these countries' global competitiveness. It has been extraordinarily successful in achieving both objectives.

What was NAFTA's significance?

To summarize, NAFTA established a wide free-trade zone in which import and export duties between the three member countries were decreased or removed (the U.S, Mexico, and Canada). Overall, commerce between the three countries increased, and real per capita GDP climbed marginally.

NAFTA's purpose was to encourage economic activity among North America's three major economic powers: Canada, the United States, and Mexico. Supporters of the pact believed that it would benefit the three countries involved by promoting freer trade and lower tariffs between Canada, Mexico, and the United States.

Learn more about NAFTA agreement: https://brainly.com/question/8514494


What is zoning and its types?


Zoning gives local governments the power to control whether regions within their borders may contain real estates or land utilized for specific purposes. Residential and commercial zoning

What does it mean to be particular?

adjective. When you refer to someone as special, you are describing a finicky, meticulous, and challenging person to please. Ted was extremely picky when it came to his color choices. Alternatives: picky, needy, critical, and exacting More synonyms for specific.

What sort of word is particular?

Particular is used as an adjective to describe certain things, for instance when you favor one kind of breakfast over another. The noun form refers to particulars, as in the specifics of a police inquiry.

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How did the US justify Executive Order 9066?


Roosevelt defended the order as being necessary for military purposes and claimed that Japanese Americans posed a threat to national security.

How did the US justify the internment of Japanese Americans?

For the majority of the war, Japanese Americans were essentially all compelled to abandon their homes and possessions and live in camps. Although it violated many of the most fundamental constitutional rights of Japanese Americans, the government justified this policy by citing national security.

Executive Order 9066 was contested by Fred Korematsu, but the Supreme Court determined that the necessity of the action during a time of war made it valid. The US government didn't try to make amends to people who had been interned until 1988.

Because he has the power to make executive orders under Article Two, he was justified. However, it can also be argued that it was unjustified because he questioned the motives of numerous American citizens, numbering in the millions. Due to their ancestry, they were suspected.

To learn more about US order 9066 refer to :



What are the 3 expansionary money policy?


The 3 expansionary money policy: 1. Lowering the Federal Funds Rate, 2. Increasing the Money Supply and 3. Increasing Government Spending.

What is money policy?

Money policy is a set of rules and regulations that govern a nation’s monetary system and the utilization of its currency. These policies are usually set and administered by a government's central bank and can significantly affect the nation's economic health. They cover a wide range of topics such as the interest rate of a currency, the amount of money a nation can legally print, the ease of borrowing money, and the type of exchange rate a country can set. Money policy is a tool used by governments to stabilize the economy, promote economic growth, and maintain the currency’s value. It is also used to influence the prices of goods and services and the amount of money available to investors and consumers.

1. Lowering the Federal Funds Rate: This is the rate at which banks borrow money from the Federal Reserve. Lowering the rate encourages borrowing and makes money more accessible to businesses, which can lead to economic expansion.
2. Increasing the Money Supply: This strategy involves the Federal Reserve buying government bonds or other securities, which increases the amount of money available in the economy.
3. Increasing Government Spending: This involves the government increasing its spending on public projects such as infrastructure, education and defense. This can lead to increased economic activity and job creation, both of which can lead to expansion.

To learn more about money policy

if a citizen wants to remove a state officail from office before the term officially expires which of the following would be the most apporpriate meathod


A recall election, which can also be referred to as a recall referendum, a recall petition, or a representative recall, is a method by which voters in certain polities can remove an elected official from office before the end of that official's term.

What is an election at the midterms?

A type of election known as a midterm election is one in which voters can choose their representatives during the middle of the executive or other group of members' terms.

What are all people's rights to dignity and worth?

Human rights are freedoms that we have because we are human and are not granted by any state. We all have these universal rights, regardless of our nationality, sex, national or ethnic origin, color, religion, language, or status.

To learn more about Human rights here



Full Question = If a citizen wants to remove a state official from office before the term officially expires, which of the following would be the most appropriate method?

What factors determine whether people turn out to vote in US elections and what can be done to increase voter turnout in the United States ?


Youth, wealth, and education all affect a person's likelihood to vote; the older they are and the more educated they are, the more likely they are to do so.

Who is the voter's name?

Voters are those who choose to cast a ballot for a particular candidate, while constituents are those who reside in the district that an elected official serves. There are various methods for making decisions that can also be used as electoral systems, however there are different ways to collect votes.

Is casting a ballot a democratic act?

Voting is a crucial component of every democracy even though it is not mandated by law. Voting is one way that citizens can take part in the democratic process. The people choose the leaders, and the leaders are chosen by the people, to represent them and their objectives.

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What is the mandate of the Office of the President?


A presidential mandate is the power bestowed upon a president by the people who successfully elect them to serve as their representative in government.

What is the president of the Philippines' mandate?

All executive divisions, agencies, and offices are under the purview of the Philippine president. This covers formal appointments as well as reorganization and reconfiguration.

What is the definition of the presidential mandate?

In a representative democracy, a constituency's authorization to act as its representative is referred to as a mandate (or seat). It's a popular misconception that elections, especially ones with a wide margin of victory, provide newly elected officials or governments an implied mandate to carry out specific programs.

To know more about  presidential mandate visit:-



Did Hamlet kiss Yorick?


In fact, Hamlet's memories of his early hours spent with Yorick, whose lips he frequently kissed despite the fact that they had long since rotted away from the skull underneath, had a closeness to them.

However, Yorick is unable to answer since all of his "gambols," or amusing games and tricks, have vanished.

Yorick's head, however, is now permanently stuck in a "grinning" position (with the teeth obviously displayed in a grin-like pose because those lips, which Hamlet used to kiss, are gone). Yorick would have been the first to make fun of such a look on another's face, but he is now unable to do so. Literally, he has "chapfallen." This term might have three different interpretations in this context. First, Yorick is literally "chapfallen," meaning that his cheeks have separated from the rest of his face and degenerated into nothingness. Second, there could be a resemblance to the word "crestfallen," which means depressed, here. Third, there might be another instance of wordplay here.

Learn more about Hamlet here:



What does the second excerpt of the Declaration of Independence mean?


All citizens have the right to "change or to abolish it, and to form new Government" if their government violates their rights to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.

What does the Declaration of Independence's third quotation mean?

Excerpt 3: In order to protect these rights, men created governments, which derive their legitimate authority from the agreement of the governed. E: Governments are established to guarantee the protection of people's rights. The people have the authority to make laws.

What passages from the Declaration of Independence are those?

"We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, among which are Life, Liberty, and the Pursuit of Happiness, and that to secure these rights, Governments are instituted among Men, deriving their just Powers," the Declaration of Independence states.

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Why was Executive Order 9066 unconstitutional?


The Fifth Amendment's prohibition on taking someone's life, liberty, or property without due process was violated by the order, which also suspended the writ of habeas corpus and denied Japanese Americans their rights.

What was wrong with Executive Order 9066?

The military is permitted by Executive Order 9066 to bar "any or all persons" from U.S. territories that have been classified as "military regions." The order did not name any specific group, but it was intended to expel and later to imprison Japanese aliens and Americans of Japanese origin.

Residents of the internment camps were denied of their freedom since they were surrounded by barbed wire fences and tightly guarded, and the Japanese were dispossessed of most of their property and land when they returned to their homes after the camps. No law shall rob any person of life, liberty, or property, and this was a violation of that rule. The Supreme Court issued one of its most contentious rulings in December 1944, upholding the legality of internment camps used during World War II.

To learn more about order 9066 refer to :



How many precincts are there in the US?


176,933 precincts are in the U.S.

What cases do district courts hear the most?


Within the federal court system, district courts preside over both civil and criminal trials.

What kind of legal dispute arises most frequently?There are five different sorts of legal systems: mixed law, common law, customary law, and religious law. The Indian Judicial System has four different categories of legislation. The police are in charge of enforcing criminal law .Governs cases involving murder, assault, and robbery.These are some of the cases that show up in civil court the most frequently.Contractual Conflicts. When one or more parties to a contract are unable or unwilling to carry out their commitments, a contract conflict will result.Property Conflicts.Torts.Class action litigation.Disputations with the city.

To learn more about criminal law refer https://brainly.com/question/199340


What are the 3 types of local governments?


In the Philippines, neighborhood/local government is divided into three levels: provinces and unbiased cities, issue cities and municipalities, and barangays, all of which are together recognised as neighborhood government gadgets (LGUs).

What is the shape of nearby government?

Local governments typically encompass two tiers: counties, also regarded as boroughs in Alaska and parishes in Louisiana, and municipalities, or cities/towns. In some States, counties are divided into townships.

Units of local authorities ability counties, municipalities, townships, exceptional districts, and units, distinctive as gadgets of nearby government through law, which exercise limited governmental powers or powers in recognize to constrained governmental subjects, but does not consist of college districts.

Learn more about local governments here:


How does this passage demonstrate the use of propaganda it repeats the animals accomplishments in the battle with Frederick over and over?


It emphasizes the positive aspects of the conflict with Frederick while downplaying its negative elements.

What use of propaganda does this paragraph make apparent?It repeatedly recapitulates the victories the animals had over Frederick.It implies that the animals defeated Frederick using exaggerations.It emphasizes the positive aspects of the conflict with Frederick while downplaying its negative elements.It makes use of farm animals to support the contention that the animals triumphed over Frederick.

To learn more about conflict with Frederick refer



What position in government has the most power?


The Prime Minister occupies the most important and powerful position in government.

What are the Prime Minister's powers?

The Prime Minister generally coordinates the policies and activities of the Cabinet and government departments and acts as the primary public "face" of Majesty's government. The prime minister has ultimate responsibility for all policies and decisions. As leader of the UK government, the Prime Minister also oversees the operations of public services and government agencies. He elects members of the government.

Who is higher than the president?

The Senate has very high powers, sometimes even higher than the President and the House of Representatives. The Senate can hear impeachment proceedings that can remove a president for wrongdoing.

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How does gerrymandering work in the US?


State legislative district gerrymandering can effectively ensure an incumbent's victory by "shoring up" a district with higher levels of partisan support without disproportionately benefiting one political party.

What is gerrymandering?Gerrymandering, in U.S. politics, is the drawing of the boundaries of electoral districts in a way that gives one party an unfair advantage over its rivals. In other words, gerrymandering can be used by office holders of the party in power to either spread voters from the opposing party across districts or to give a competitive edge to their own candidates. Alternatively, voters from the opposing party can be packed into a minority of voting districts to reduce the number of seats the opposing party can control. Gerrymandering has been condemned because it violates two basic tenets of electoral apportionment—compactness and equality of size of constituencies. The term is derived from the name of Governor Elbridge Gerry of Massachusetts, whose administration enacted a law in 1812 defining new state senatorial districts.

To learn more minority of voting refer to:



What are the roles and responsibilities of local government for education?


The curriculum for each district is decided by local governments. This strategy is still favored by many people because it gives local governments and educators the flexibility to teach the skills required for their specific area.

How do local governments fit into the education system?

In America, the primary and secondary educational systems are centered on the local level of government. Local governments are in charge of running schools, adhering to state laws and regulations, creating and carrying out their own educational projects, employing and supervising qualified teachers, and raising funds for schools (usually through property taxes plus special bond issues).

What role do the governments of local and state governments have in the education system?

Setting the requirements for secondary school graduation falls at the purview of the states. While neglecting the importance of math, science, language arts, and social studies, state legislatures set the criteria for the curriculum. Many states track students' academic progress via tests and assessments.

Learn more about local governments: https://brainly.com/question/11904191


which of the following pairs is most accurate when explaining the differences between direct primaries (this includes primaries and caucuses) and the convention system (where delegates from each state vote)


Direct Primaries result in a loss of party rule over nominations; however, the assembly system retains party control over shortlists through the use of party leaders.

What do you vote for?

Voting is a process that a group, such as a public or assembly, can employ to reach a consensus or express a position, typically after talks, debates, or partisan systems. High-ranking officials in democracies are chosen through to the electoral process.

Who was able to cast votes?

Regrettably, allowing various governments to oversee elections resulted in uneven voting processes across the country. Initially, voting in American elections was typically restricted to white men who owned land. Andrew Jackson advocated the rights of persons without land ownership in addition to speaking up for frontiersmen.

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How does King Claudius show some guilt for what happened to King Hamlet Act 3 Scene 1?


King Claudius showed his guilt in King Hamlet Act 3 Scene 1 by delivering the soliloquy on the fact that he had killed his brother and how he felt guilt about that.

How Claudius showed his guilt

Claudius admits his wrongdoing in passing but yet shows a clear concern for his tormented nephew. The duality of evil is demonstrated by Claudius, who progressively discloses the extent of his crime while still inspiring pity by demonstrating his vulnerability as a person.

In front of his own altar, Claudius falls to his knees and tells God he killed his brother. Despite his admission that this was a terrible mistake, he refuses to give up his newfound authority and position.

Read more on King Claudius here:https://brainly.com/question/2859281


in 2022, provided maria meets the requirements to claim the full credit, what is the maximum amount of the child tax credit and the credit for


answer: The Child Tax Credit is intended to offset the many expenses of raising children and can be worth as much as $2,000 per child for Tax Year 2022; the refundable maximum is $1,500. For Tax Year 2023, the refundable maximum will be $1,600.

What is the president's role as chief citizen ?


The President is the chief citizen, to sum up. This implies that the President should speak for the entire American population. The President is advance their goals and demonstrate moral leadership.

What kind of citizen is a chief, for instance?

The President's role as Chief Citizen is to speak for the people and advance the common good. The president instantly assumes the role of the nation's chief citizen because he or she represents the people,

What former President was a responsible leader?

Since he was able to complete his undergraduate education in the midst of the Great Depression, Reagan also identifies as Chief Citizen. He can relate to the average American worker. Reagan didn't micromanage his staff while he was president. He instead made use of each person's advantages.

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Can 18 year olds always vote?


Citizens 18 years of age and older now have the option to participate in national, state, and local elections thanks to an amendment to the Voting Rights Act of 1965 (H.R. 4249).

What do you vote for?

Voting is a process that a group, like an electorate or gathering, can use to reach a consensus or express an opinion, typically after talks, debates, or election campaigns. Vote is how democracies choose their leaders for high office.

Which right is called right to vote?

Each citizen's right to participate in the management of public affairs, the right to vote and be elected, and the right to access public service are all recognized and upheld by Article 25 of the Covenant.

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What are the 3 main types of economic sanctions?



There are many different types of economic sanctions, but some of the most common ones include trade sanctions, financial sanctions, and oil sanctions. Trade sanctions are typically aimed at limiting or restricting the import and export of goods between countries, while financial sanctions are designed to limit a country's access to international financial markets. Oil sanctions, on the other hand, are designed to limit a country's access to the global oil market. These types of sanctions are often used as a way to pressure a country to change its behavior, such as by stopping the development of nuclear weapons or supporting terrorist organizations.

What are the central ideas of Chief Joseph's speech?


Chief Joseph is said to have responded to the general with an address that focused on respect for human equality.

What achievement did Chief Joseph excel at?

The Wallowa Band of the Nez Perce Tribe was led by Chief Joseph (1840–1904), who rose to fame in 1877 for organizing a daring flight across the Rocky Mountains. Chief Joseph was a part of the Nez Perce Tribe.

The Chief Joseph tribe: what happened to them?

Over 200 of Chief Joseph's followers had already perished by the time he gave himself up. The Nez Percé were brought to eastern Kansas and eventually to an Indian Territory reservation, despite the fact that he had arranged for his people to return safely home (now Oklahoma).

To know more about Chief Joseph visit:



53. Mechanical Engineering Inc. may be liable for the sexual harassment of an employee if the company knew or should have known about the harassment, failed to take immediate action, and the harassment was committed by a. the employee's previous employer. b. a company supervisor. c. a competitor. d. any of the choices.


The harassment, failed to take immediate action, and the harassment was committed by  a company supervisor.

Is harassment always criminal?

In general, harassment is illegal, and when it gets physical, it may result in legal action being taken against the offender or the business. Both violent crimes and sexual harassment fall under this category. Workplace harassment does not include lawful and reasonable management actions, such as those made to transfer, demote, or penalize an employee, provided that these actions are carried out in a reasonable manner.

What are the most common forms of harassment offenses?

There are two categories of sexual harassment accusations, according to the Commission on Equal Employment Opportunity (EEOC): "quid pro quid" and "hostile work environment." On defining sexual assault and establishing employer culpability, the EEOC offers assistance.

To know more about Harassment visit:



What was the purpose of giving federal judges a life term?


The purpose of lifetime position of federal judge is the independence from politics.

Life tenure for federal judges serves an incredibly important purpose: it shields judges from the political pressures that come with frequent duty to an electorate. Unlike many state courts, federal judges are not concerned with raising campaign cash or alienating voting constituencies by issuing unfavorable (but legally correct) decisions.

Federal courts play a critical role in preventing a hyper-democratic "tyranny of the majority," in which minority rights are routinely subordinated to the will of the majority. Many of the Bill of Rights clauses that courts frequently rely on to enforce - the right to free expression, the ability to exercise one's religion, and the right to due process of law, to name a few - were enacted to protect the rights of a small and sometimes unpopular minority.

Even in the best of conditions, being a conscientious federal judge is a challenging job. Even judges with lifelong tenure are not immune to political pressure. They continue to be members of their own communities, and as such, they are subject to a variety of social repercussions.

We can learn more about federal judges here:



What rhetorical devices are used in mother tongue?


Amy Tan used rhetorical devices such as anecdote and oxymoron to express her embarrassed and guilt, but loving attitude toward the broken English language of her mother. Amy Tan has used a combination of rhetorcial devices to express her emotions and feelings through words.
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