Why might King Lo Bengula feel he was tricked into signing the contract?


Answer 1

King Lo Bengula of the Ndebele people in southern Africa might have felt he was tricked into signing the contract with Cecil Rhodes in 1888 because of several reasons.

One of the reasons was that King Lo Bengula was not very familiar with the European way of negotiating and was probably unaware of the legal consequences of signing the contract.

Another reason was that the English text of the agreement and the Ndebele language version differed greatly in their content and interpretation of the terms of the contract.

The Ndebele language version contained much broader and vague terms than the English version which limited the power and authority of the king.

As a result, King Lo Bengula may have believed that he had agreed to a far more limited concession than he had actually signed up for.

King Lo Bengula may have also been deceived by his own advisors, who may have failed to warn him of the true nature of the agreement.

Therefore, due to all these reasons, King Lo Bengula might have felt he was tricked into signing the contract

For more questions on King Lo Bengula



Answer 2


As a response from the queen's advisor, Lobengula was told it was "impossible for them to exclude white men". Lobengula informed Queen Victoria he and his Indunas would recognize the contract as they believe he was tricked.

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why did wilson’s 14 points fail at the paris peace conference and disappear from the treaty of versailles?""


Wilson’s 14 Points failed at the Paris Peace Conference and disappeared from the Treaty of Versailles because the Allies were more focused on punishing Germany than offering a lasting peace.

The League of Nations, which Wilson proposed as central to achieving peace, was consistently undermined by the Allies. Furthermore, Wilson refused to compromise on certain points, including allowing Germany to keep colonies and the whole of Alsace-Lorraine, causing negotiations to become hostile and unproductive.

Additionally, other European countries, who had different agendas from Wilson, took control of the negotiations and rewrote the Treaty of Versailles to their own benefit. Finally, some of the Points weren’t realistic anyways, lacking in details and needing to be revised to work. Thus, Wilson’s 14 Points failed to influence the final treaty and disappeared from the Treaty of Versailles.

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Sports and recreations in the middle ages were characterized by:________


Sports and recreation in the middle ages were characterized by a variety of activities that were both violent and nonviolent.

These sports and recreations were dependent on the culture of the region and the interests of the people.

What are sports and recreations?

Sports and recreation are activities that people do for leisure and entertainment purposes. They can take various forms and are done both competitively and non-competitively. In the middle ages, sports and recreation activities were characterized by a variety of things, including violent games, nonviolent activities, religious games, and more.

However, some popular sports and recreation activities during the middle ages were jousting, hunting, archery, bowling, swimming, and more. Some sports and recreations were exclusive to certain classes of people in society. For instance, the noble class had access to activities such as falconry, horse racing, hunting, and jousting.

What was the role of sports and recreation in the middle ages?

Sports and recreation played a vital role in the lives of people during the middle ages. The activities provided an opportunity for people to come together and engage in leisure activities.

Additionally, they helped in reducing stress levels among people, who could easily be overwhelmed by the daily pressures of life.

Furthermore, some sports and recreation activities helped in the development of physical and mental skills. For instance, jousting and fencing helped in improving balance and coordination skills among participants.

Hence, sports and recreation in the middle ages were characterized by a variety of activities that were both violent and nonviolent.

Read more about Sports at https://brainly.com/question/31364666


Today the federal reserve system attempts to stabilize the economy of the United States by

1) requiring federal budgets be prepared and presented to congress

2) levying and collecting income taxes

3) regulating interest rates and the money supply

4) backing all currency with silver and gold


The Federal Reserve System, also known as the Fed, is the central banking system of the United States. It is responsible for supervising and regulating the country's banking system, as well as setting monetary policy and managing the money supply.

One of the primary ways in which the Fed attempts to stabilize the economy is by regulating interest rates and the money supply. By controlling the amount of money that is available to banks and consumers, the Fed can help to keep inflation in check and prevent the economy from overheating.

It can also lower interest rates to encourage borrowing and investment during times of economic weakness. Additionally, the Fed has the power to create new money and lend it to banks during times of crisis, which can help to prevent widespread financial panics and keep the banking system functioning smoothly. Therefore, option 3 is the correct choice.

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as the western roman empire slowly disintegrated, which of the following germanic kingdoms emerged to take its place?


As the Western Roman Empire gradually disintegrated, several Germanic kingdoms emerged to fill the power vacuum. These included the Visigoths, Ostrogoths, Vandals, and Lombards, who established their own independent realms across different parts of Western Europe.

Following the decline and eventual fall of the Western Roman Empire in the 5th century, various Germanic kingdoms emerged and took control of different regions previously under Roman rule. The Visigoths, led by Alaric, established their kingdom in Hispania (modern-day Spain and Portugal) and later in parts of Gaul (modern-day France).

The Ostrogoths, under the leadership of Theodoric the Great, formed a kingdom in Italy. The Vandals, led by Genseric, established their realm in North Africa, including the region of modern-day Tunisia, Algeria, and parts of Libya. Lastly, the Lombards, a Germanic tribe, founded the Lombard Kingdom in Italy. These Germanic kingdoms represented new political entities that replaced the centralized authority of the Western Roman Empire and played significant roles in shaping the subsequent political landscape of Western Europe.

Learn more about Germanic kingdoms here: brainly.com/question/31628119


what are the importances of Phoenicians achievements in world
history(make a list)


The Phoenicians were an ancient civilization that thrived in the Mediterranean region. They made significant contributions in various fields, from seafaring and trade to the development of writing systems. Here are some of the importances of Phoenicians achievements in world history:

1. Seafaring and TradeThe Phoenicians were skilled seafarers who established colonies and trading posts throughout the Mediterranean region. They developed a vast trading network that connected various civilizations, from the ancient Egyptians to the Greeks and Romans. The Phoenicians were also responsible for introducing new crops, such as the banana and sugarcane, to the Mediterranean region.2. Writing SystemsThe Phoenicians developed the first phonetic alphabet, which served as the basis for many modern writing systems. Their alphabet had only 22 characters, making it simpler than the complex hieroglyphics used by the Egyptians. The Phoenician alphabet was adopted by many ancient civilizations, including the Greeks, Romans, and Hebrews.3. Art and ArchitectureThe Phoenicians were skilled artisans who produced exquisite works of art and architecture. They were known for their intricate ivory carvings, gold jewelry, and bronze statues. The Phoenicians also built impressive structures, such as the Temple of Melqart in Tyre and the Palace of Byblos.4. Religious BeliefsThe Phoenicians were a deeply religious people who worshiped a pantheon of gods and goddesses. They believed that these deities controlled the forces of nature, such as the wind and the sea. The Phoenicians also believed in life after death and practiced elaborate funeral rites.5. Influence on Other CulturesThe Phoenicians had a significant influence on other civilizations, from the ancient Greeks to the modern-day Lebanese. Their achievements in fields such as seafaring, trade, and writing paved the way for many later developments in world history. The Phoenicians also helped spread the influence of their own culture through their extensive trading network.

To know more about Cultures , visit ;



galileo was an intellectual that would not acecept an argument


Galileo was an intellectual who would not accept an argument without proof.

He was one of the most important figures of the Scientific Revolution and made significant contributions to the fields of astronomy, mathematics, and physics. Galileo was born in Pisa, Italy, in 1564 and was educated at the University of Pisa. He worked as a professor of mathematics at the University of Pisa before moving on to the University of Padua, where he taught mathematics and philosophy.

Galileo is famous for his work in astronomy. He used a telescope to make groundbreaking observations of the Moon, Venus, and Jupiter, among other celestial bodies. These observations confirmed the Copernican model of the solar system, which stated that the Earth and other planets revolve around the Sun.

Galileo's observations and experiments were controversial, and he faced opposition from the Catholic Church, which held that the Earth was the center of the universe. In 1633, he was put on trial by the Inquisition and forced to recant his views. Despite this setback, Galileo continued to work on his research until his death in 1642.

For more about Galileo;



in the thought bubble, write a classic koan that samurai would meditate on.


"Where does the sword find peace when it rests, and where does the warrior find peace within?"

In the domain of the samurai, an exemplary koan for contemplation could be:

"In the tranquility of the edge, where lies the genuine embodiment of the hero?"

This koan welcomes the samurai to investigate the significant idea of their reality past the actual domain. It provokes them to dive into the profundities of their being, looking for the embodiment that rises above the outside features of military ability.

As the samurai ponders this koan, they consider the interaction of discipline and internal harmony. They question whether the genuine strength lies exclusively in the flawlessness of swordsmanship or on the other hand in the event that there exists a more profound truth past the specialty of battle.

The koan urges the samurai to track down congruity inside themselves, offsetting the outside abilities with internal illumination. It prompts them to look for the association of the psyche, body, and soul, understanding that genuine authority stretches out a long ways past the combat zone.

By thinking deeply about this koan, the samurai investigates the significant insight that exists in their own reality, at last finding that the genuine embodiment of the fighter lives in the quietness and solidarity of their being.

To learn more about samurai, refer:



"Bleeding Kansas" referred to what?




"Bleeding Kansas" refers to a period of violent political and ideological conflict that occurred in the Kansas Territory of the United States from 1854 to 1861.

Hope it helps!

Which event marked the end of the Civil War?



the battle of Gettysburg

which of the following represented a change in the labor force of the southern british colonies by the 1700s as depicted in the excerpt? responses slavery became more widespread than indentured servitude. slavery became more widespread than indentured servitude. the rise of manufacturing led to an increased need for skilled artisans and craftsmen. the rise of manufacturing led to an increased need for skilled artisans and craftsmen. the encomienda was adopted from the spanish to provide native american workers. the encomienda was adopted from the spanish to provide native american workers. people newly freed from slavery frequently worked on plantations.


The change in the labor force of the southern British colonies by the 1700s, as depicted in the excerpt, is that slavery became more widespread than indentured servitude. This was driven by the demand for labor in agriculture.

The change in the labor force of the southern British colonies by the 1700s as depicted in the excerpt is that slavery became more widespread than indentured servitude.

The excerpt mentioned, "The labor force in the southern British colonies became increasingly dependent on African slaves for labor, both because they were easier to manage and because their skin color and language made them less likely to escape."

Hence, it is clearly indicated that slavery became more widespread than indentured servitude represented a change in the labor force of the southern British colonies by the 1700s.

The practice of slavery became so widespread in the southern colonies of British America due to the demand for labor in tobacco, rice, and indigo cultivation.

Learn more about slavery : brainly.com/question/9374853


Topic Test: Early Civilizations of China
By what means did Zhou rulers keep control over all the different regions of their kingdom?
OA by keeping a strong army ready to put down any rebellion
by treating the people with kindness and respect
by starting a civil service based on the ideas of Confucius
D. by putting family members in charge of individual regionsqqqqq


The way that the Zhou rulers kept control was D. by putting family members in charge of individual regions.

How did the Zhou maintain control ?

The Zhou rulers maintained control over different regions of their kingdom by implementing a system of regional governance that involved putting family members in charge of individual regions.

This approach, known as feudalism or the "feudal system," allowed the Zhou rulers to establish a network of loyal regional leaders who were connected through family ties and obligations.

Under this system, the Zhou rulers would grant land and authority to trusted family members, typically sons or close relatives, who would act as local rulers in their assigned regions.

Find out more on the Zhou at https://brainly.com/question/19541190


"This great Nation will endure as it has endured, will revive and will prosper. So, first of all, let me assert my firm belief that
the only thing we have to fear is fear itself--nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror which paralyzes needed efforts to
convert retreat into advance. In every dark hour of our national life a leadership of frankness and vigor has met with that
understanding and support of the people themselves which is essential to victory. I am convinced that you will again give
that support to leadership in these critical days."
Similar to Roosevelt's 1936 radio address, this excerpt from his inaugural speech addresses the theme of _____

a. the ability of the nation to make progress in spite of fearful events
b. the commitment of our nation to help other nations succeed
c. the importance of American citizens facing challenges with courage
d. the importance of support and friendship among American citizens

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The theme of FDR's speech is "the importance of American citizens facing challenges with courage."

Putting people to work is our most important responsibility, he declared. If we approach it with caution and confidence, this is not an insurmountable issue. Roosevelt offers to speak to his listeners w
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The excerpt from the inaugural speech by Roosevelt addresses the theme of the ability of the nation to make progress in spite of fearful events. The option A is correct answer.

The excerpt highlights Roosevelt's belief that the only thing to fear is fear itself, specifically referring to "nameless, unreasoning, unjustified terror" that hinders progress. Roosevelt asserts that in times of national crisis, the leadership must be frank and vigorous, while the people must provide understanding and support.

This implies the importance of American citizens facing challenges with courage and overcoming fear in order to convert retreat into advance.

The theme of the passage focuses on the resilience and determination of the nation to make progress in the face of fearful events, making "the ability of the nation to make progress in spite of fearful events," the most fitting choice. Hence, the correct answer is option A.

To learn more about Roosevelt's here: https://brainly.com/question/29797674


the 1920s have been characterized as a decade of economic social and cultural changeT/F


The given statement "the 1920s have been characterized as a decade of economic social and cultural change" is true because The 1920s, also known as the Roaring Twenties, were marked by significant economic,

Social, and cultural changes in many parts of the world. The decade saw a rapid expansion of industrial production, which led to increased prosperity and a rise in consumer culture. Technological advancements, such as the widespread adoption of the automobile and the radio, created new forms of communication and entertainment.

Socially, women gained new rights and opportunities, while popular culture reflected a more hedonistic and modernist outlook. These developments contributed to a sense of optimism and liberation, although they also produced tensions and challenges in various areas of life.

To know more about consumer culture visit:



Why does Guha think the emphasis on wilderness preservation is harmful?
What problem does he have with the invocation of Eastern Religion?


Ramachandra Guha, a well-known Indian historian and ecologist, is critical of the emphasis on wilderness preservation because it tends to overlook the needs of marginalized communities who depend on natural resources for their livelihood.

According to him, the proponents of wilderness preservation often paint such areas as devoid of human presence, which is inaccurate and ignores the traditional ecological knowledge and practices of indigenous communities.

Guha also takes issue with the invocation of Eastern religion in environmental discourse, arguing that it leads to a superficial and romanticized view of nature, which can detract from the need for scientific and policy-based solutions to environmental challenges.

To know more about Ramachandra Guha visit:



what group was formed in 1985 to protest the under-representation of women artists in the ""international survey of contemporary painters and sculptures""?


The group that was formed in 1985 to protest the under-representation of women artists in the "international survey of contemporary painters and sculptures" is the Guerrilla Girls.

The Guerrilla Girls is a group of anonymous feminist activists who work to bring gender and racial inequality to the forefront of the art world. They use humorous, provocative tactics to raise awareness and promote change.

The Guerrilla Girls are known for their iconic posters and public installations that criticize the art world's lack of diversity and inclusion. They are a collective of women artists who operate under pseudonyms and wear gorilla masks to conceal their identities.

For more about contemporary:



fill in the blank. in ______________ on their first missionary journey, paul and barnabas were mistaken for gods


During their first missionary journey, Paul and Barnabas were mistaken for gods in a specific location.

In the book of Acts in the New Testament, Paul and Barnabas embarked on several missionary journeys to spread the teachings of Christianity. During their first missionary journey, they encountered an incident where they were mistakenly regarded as gods. This incident took place in the city of Lystra, located in present-day Turkey. When Paul healed a man who had been lame from birth, the astonished crowd began to worship Paul and Barnabas, believing them to be gods in human form. The locals referred to Paul as Hermes and Barnabas as Zeus, based on their understanding of Greco-Roman mythology.

The incident in Lystra demonstrated the profound impact of Paul and Barnabas' actions, as well as the cultural context in which they were operating. It also highlighted the challenges they faced in communicating their message effectively, as the local population interpreted their miraculous deeds through the lens of their own religious and cultural beliefs. Paul and Barnabas swiftly corrected the crowd, emphasizing their human nature and redirecting the attention to the one true God. This incident serves as a significant episode in the narrative of the early spread of Christianity and the challenges faced by the early missionaries in establishing their message among diverse communities.

Learn more about Paul and Barnabas here: brainly.com/question/10783921


Civil war unification


Reasons for greater unification among the United States following the Civil War included:

A) the northern victory over the southC) the elimination of divisions over slavery between the north and southD) the strengthening of the federal government

How did the Civil War lead to unification ?

The American Civil War, which took place from 1861 to 1865, was fought between the Union (the northern states) and the Confederacy (the southern states). The primary cause of the war was the issue of slavery, as well as disagreements over states' rights and the balance of power between the federal government and individual states.

The outcome of the Civil War resulted in the defeat of the Confederacy and the preservation of the Union. The Union victory led to the reestablishment of the federal government's authority over the southern states that had seceded. This allowed for greater unification even though it was forced for the time being.

Find out more on the Civil War at https://brainly.com/question/23533660.


The first part of the question is:

Civil war unification:

Reasons for greater unification among the United States following the Civil War included____. Select three that apply.

A) the northern victory over the south

B) more clearly defined states rights

C) the elimination of divisions over slavery between the north and south

D) the strengthening of the federal government

Gerstle presents evidence that Theodore Roosevelt praised the way black troops fought in Cuba. Yet, he also asserts, "Roosevelt was never entirely comfortable with the way in which blacks had fought alongside whites." How does Gerstle solve this contradiction?
Question 3 options:
He argues that Roosevelt opposed complete and unregulated mixing of the races because it produced a mediocre race.
He demonstrates Roosevelt later modified the history of black soldiers in Cuba.
He presents evidence that Roosevelt perceived black soldiers as depended on commands from white offices.
All of the above


He argues that Roosevelt opposed the complete and unregulated mixing of the races because it produced a mediocre race it is the correct answer. Option A is correct.

From 1901 to 1909 under the leadership of Theodore Roosevelt the First U.S. Volunteer Cavalry was named the "Rough Riders"  and it was the most famous of all the units fighting in Cuba.  Due to his regulatory reforms and antitrust prosecutions, he earned a reputation as a "trust buster" and he is a Progressive reformer.

Theodore Roosevelt believed in the existence of a racial hierarchy, with white men of European descent at the top. This belief shaped his attitudes on race relations, land rights, American imperialism, and the emerging science of eugenics. Roosevelt’s views on race were complex and sometimes contradictory.

To learn more about Theodore Roosevelt :



1. Identify a problem today that is caused by people having too much liberty

2. Identify one situation today where the pursuit of order has infringed on American liberties

3. Give your opinion on whether American society today has too much liberty or too much order.


One problem today that is caused by people having too much liberty is the spread of misinformation and fake news. Social media platforms and the internet, in general, have made it easy for people to share information without fact-checking or considering the consequences of their actions.

This has led to the spread of false information, which can have serious consequences, such as people making decisions based on false information or not taking necessary precautions because they believe the misinformation.
One situation today where the pursuit of order has infringed on American liberties is the controversy surrounding government surveillance and privacy.

The government has implemented various measures to monitor and collect data on citizens in the name of national security, such as the Patriot Act and the NSA's surveillance program. However, these measures have been criticized for infringing on people's right to privacy and civil liberties, as they allow the government to collect personal information without a warrant or probable cause.

To know more about internet visit:



Does the government have the right or power to suppress dissent in wartime? Peacetime? Why or why not?

Do you think the United States would have risked losing World War I had it not passed the Espionage and Sedition Acts and taken other steps to suppress dissent? Why or why not?


Government lacks the authority to suppress dissent as safeguarding freedom of speech is crucial for democracy.

The impact of suppressing dissent on World War I's outcome remains uncertain due to various influential factors.

1) Freedom of speech and expression are fundamental rights that should be upheld by the government, regardless of the circumstances.

In a democratic society, citizens have the right to voice their opinions, criticize government actions, and engage in peaceful dissent. While there may be limitations on free speech to safeguard national security, these limitations must be narrowly tailored, proportionate, and necessary to prevent abuses of power. Suppressing dissent can lead to a stifling of public discourse, hinder social progress, and erode the foundations of democracy.Even in times of war or crisis, it is crucial to foster an environment where diverse perspectives can be heard, as this encourages critical thinking, accountability, and the potential for constructive solutions to emerge. Balancing national security concerns with the protection of civil liberties is a delicate task, but a government must respect and uphold the right to dissent as a cornerstone of democratic governance.

2)  The United States' decision to pass the Espionage and Sedition Acts during World War I and suppress dissent was driven by concerns about national security and maintaining morale, but the direct impact on the outcome of the war is uncertain.

While dissent and criticism of the government's actions can have negative effects on morale and potentially aid the enemy, they can also serve as catalysts for public debate, accountability, and improved decision-making. The suppression of dissent can create an environment of fear, stifle innovation, and limit the government's ability to adapt and address challenges effectively.Additionally, dissenting voices can act as a check on government actions, encouraging transparency and preventing abuses of power. It is plausible that allowing dissenting voices to be heard could have led to a more nuanced and informed public discourse, potentially influencing policy decisions and improving the war effort. However, the absence of dissent does not guarantee victory, as military strategy, resources, and international alliances also played significant roles in the outcome of World War I. Ultimately, the impact of suppressing dissent on the war's outcome is difficult to ascertain definitively, and it remains a subject of debate among historians and scholars.

For more questions on World War



gasoline was rationed during world war ii because there were no gas stations. it was in short supply. prices were high. prices were low. true false


The given statement "gasoline was rationed during World War II because it was in short supply" is true because rationing was an important aspect of the American home front during World War II to maintain the wartime economy.

Due to the shortage of materials and resources, the United States government placed a limit on the amount of gasoline a person could purchase during the war. Rationing was implemented in many countries during World War II. The shortage of resources and manpower led to this.

These limited rations were primarily based on the need to conserve items that were needed for the war effort, including food, gasoline, and metal. This led to restrictions on how much a person could purchase, and individuals were required to have ration cards or coupons to purchase items such as gasoline.

For more about World War:



european military build-ups included: increased military budgets increase of modern weapons blockades at sea fortification of boundaries build-up of navies


The European military build-ups included the following: Increased military budgets, An increase of modern weapons, Blockades at sea, Fortification of boundaries, and A build-up of navies.

The European military build-ups included the following:

Increased military budgets: The armies of European countries were developed and the military budgets were increased to improve the training and salaries of soldiers. These expenditures helped countries to build up their armies and enhance their military capabilities.

Increase of modern weapons: The military build-ups involved the acquisition and development of modern weapons and technology for use in warfare. These weapons were more advanced, efficient and could cause greater damage than traditional weapons

Blockades at sea: The blockades were enforced on naval routes to prevent the movement of goods and weapons. This was a tactic used by European nations to disrupt trade and disrupt supplies to enemy forces.

Fortification of boundaries: The construction of fortifications and other defensive structures along the border helped the countries to protect themselves from the enemy forces. These fortifications included trenches, barbed wire, and bunkers, which were used to protect soldiers from enemy fire.

A build-up of navies: The development of the naval forces was a significant part of military build-ups. European countries strengthened their navies by building more ships, acquiring modern weaponry and technologies, and improving their training to protect their waters and trade routes.

Read more about the European military at https://brainly.com/question/853142


Take a look at "Remembering Gandhi. " How did the Salt March reflect Gandhi's philosophy for political change?


The Salt March was a symbolic nonviolent protest that began in March 1930, which ultimately led to Indian independence. It was a peaceful march of several miles long in which the protestors walked to the sea coast to collect salt in violation of British law.

This was a simple act that was against the British law of collecting salt which was seen as an injustice to the Indian population as a whole, and by doing this, they challenged the British monopoly on salt production. This was one of the most significant events in the history of India, as it played a vital role in the Indian Independence movement.

This belief was shown through the Salt March as it was a peaceful protest. He believed that peaceful resistance could help to achieve political and social changes. By refusing to buy salt from the British and collecting their own salt, Gandhi and his supporters showed that they could challenge the British government without violence.

To know more about protestors visit:



Which of the following men did NOT assist James Wright in formalizing the Native American surrender of territory between the Savannah River and the Ogeechee River?

A. John Stuart

B. Lachlan McGillivray

C. George Galphin

D. Archibald Bulloch


Archibald Bulloch did not assist James Wright in formalizing the Native American surrender of territory between the Savannah River and the Ogeechee River. The correct option is D.

James Wright  played a significant role in the British colonial administration of Georgia and was involved in various negotiations and interactions with Native American tribes in the region.

John Stuart, Lachlan McGillivray, and George Galphin were all influential figures who played a role in negotiations and dealings with Native Americans during the colonial period in Georgia. However, Archibald Bulloch was not involved in this specific context of formalizing Native American surrenders of territory.

Thus, the ideal selection is option D.

Learn more about James Wright here:



True or False In the early to mid 1800s', regional lumbermen and sawmill owners met bimonthly at their local Hickory Club to set prices and work out issues regarding the transportation of lumber.


The given statement "In the early to mid 1800s', regional lumbermen and sawmill owners met bimonthly at their local Hickory Club to set prices and work out issues regarding the transportation of lumber" is True. What is Hickory Club? The Hickory Club was the association of lumbermen and sawmill owners who used to gather together in the early to mid 1800s' to set prices and work out issues regarding the transportation of lumber.

They used to meet bimonthly to discuss their business matters, especially pricing and transportation issues. The club was created to deal with pricing issues because the industry was becoming more competitive and to deal with transportation issues since the industry was expanding beyond their local areas.

Know more about transportation here:



According to the video, "Why saying ‘all lives matter’ communicates to Black people that their lives don't," saying "all lives matter:" is the worst kind of silence since it removes black voices. is a distraction to the conversation. is offensive because "before Black Lives Matter, no one was saying ‘all lives matter.’" might be compared to criticizing someone at a breast cancer walk by telling them they should talk about colon cancer, instead. discounts Black American’s attempt to achieve equity. all of the above 1 points


Saying "all lives matter" can be compared to criticizing someone at a breast cancer walk by telling them they should talk about colon cancer instead, option C is correct.

This analogy highlights the importance of addressing specific issues and experiences without minimizing or diverting attention from them. It recognizes that different communities face distinct challenges and require focused attention to address systemic inequalities effectively.

The Black Lives Matter movement emerged to raise awareness about the unique challenges faced by the Black community and advocate for systemic change. By responding with "all lives matter," it fails to acknowledge the historical and ongoing struggles that disproportionately affect Black lives, option C is correct.

To learn more about lives follow the link:



The complete question is:

According to the video, "Why saying ‘all lives matter’ communicates to Black people that their lives don't," saying "all lives matter:"

A. is the worst kind of silence since it removes black voices. is a distraction to the conversation.

B. is offensive because "before Black Lives Matter, no one was saying ‘all lives matter.’"

C. might be compared to criticizing someone at a breast cancer walk by telling them they should talk about colon cancer, instead.

D. discounts Black American’s attempt to achieve equity

Which of the following statements describe the Soviet Union in the years after World War II? Select all that apply.
used a Communist economic system
placed restrictions on personal freedoms
had a democratic form of government
used a capitalist economic system
was ruled by a dictator
valued personal freedoms


The Soviet Union in the years after World War II used a Communist economic system, placed restrictions on personal freedoms, and was ruled by a dictator.

The Soviet Union, under the leadership of Joseph Stalin, employed a Communist economic system characterized by state ownership of the means of production and centralized economic planning. This system aimed to eliminate private ownership and promote social equality. As a result, the state exerted significant control over economic activities, including industry, agriculture, and trade.

In terms of personal freedoms, the Soviet Union imposed restrictions on various aspects of individual liberty. The government maintained strict control over freedom of speech, press, and assembly, suppressing dissent and opposition to its policies. Censorship was pervasive, and political dissidents were often persecuted, imprisoned, or sent to labor camps. The Soviet regime prioritized state security and control over the rights and liberties of its citizens.

To learn more about dictator.

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many credit the maxwell street market in the south side of chicago as the birthplace of r&b. T/F


The statement "Many credit the Maxwell Street Market in the South Side of Chicago as the birthplace of R&B" is true (T).Explanation: Maxwell Street Market, located on the Near West Side of Chicago, was an outdoor market that operated from 1912 until the late 1990s. The market was established in the 19th century by Eastern European immigrants as a place to trade their goods.

Over time, the market grew into a vibrant and bustling commercial district, attracting merchants from all over the city and beyond. It was also a popular gathering place for African Americans who migrated to Chicago during the Great Migration in the early 20th century.

Know more about Maxwell Street Market here:



which idea does this poster promote? a. women should get paid the same as men. b. women can do some jobs better than men. c. women can do the same jobs as men. d. women are harder workers than men.


The idea that this poster promotes is "women can do the same jobs as men."What does this poster promote?The poster promotes the idea that women are capable of doing the same jobs as men, and therefore, they should get paid equally.

It advocates for gender equality in the workplace and encourages the idea that women are just as competent as men. The statement "women can do the same jobs as men" suggests that women have the ability to perform the same tasks as men do, which is why they should be paid equally to them. Therefore, the correct answer is option C, "women can do the same jobs as men."Option A, "women should get paid the same as men," is also a correct statement that is consistent with the idea promoted in the poster, but it is not the primary message conveyed by the poster.

To know more about women , visit ;



what could the united nation forces have done differently to avoid china entering the war


During the Korean War, what could the United Nations forces have done differently to avoid China entering the war The United Nations forces could have done several things differently to prevent China from entering the Korean War. The UN forces could have controlled the conflict by capturing the whole of North Korea, which would have made the Chinese feel insecure about their border.

China had warned that they would become involved in the Korean War if US forces got too close to their border. Also, The United Nations forces should have paid more attention to the growing tension between the US and China and have listened to China's calls for peaceful coexistence.

Know more about United Nations forces here:



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Explain why your answer makes sense. Big Oil, Inc. has a preferred stock outstanding that pays a $8 annual dividend. If investors required rate of return is 10 percent, what is the market value of the shares? A project proposal requiring P840,000 initial investment will result to annual cash return of: Required: Year 1 P65,000; year 2 P150,250; year 3 P275,750; year 4 P350,600; year 5 P245,600; and, year 6 P120,400. a. If the current cost of funds is 12% and the decision criteria are the net present value and discounted payback, should the project be implemented ? (10 pts.) b. What is the project's payback period?