Write an essay of self reflection


Answer 1


Self reflection essay is an essay that requires you to use your critical thinking skills.


It is a platform where you express your personal experiences in regards to a certain topic.

The purpose of self reflection essay is for you to present your personal views in concrete terms an audience about a subject matter and in the first person narrative "1" .

Most tutors request or ask students to write self reflection essay about their personal experiences academically.

Write an effective self reflection essay should adhere to the following steps :

(1) Introduction

(2) Plot and Narration

(3)Personal experiences

(4) Strength and Weakness

(5) Conclusion

Answer 2


My Little Brother

This essay example is written at a middle or high school level, reflecting on the arrival of a younger sibling.

In my short life, there are many experiences that could qualify as life-changing. Every new experience was, at one time or another, the first experience. For good or bad, each instance changed the course that my life has taken. But, the most transformative experience was the birth of my youngest brother.

Joel is someone my parents often call a happy accident. At the time that my mother became pregnant, I was 13, and my other brother, Jake, was 10. We were what you would call a well-rounded, perfect family of four. We neatly fit into the perfect classification in nearly every way. We didn't realize what we were missing until the moment that my youngest brother first opened his striking blue eyes.

In truth, I resented the fact that I would be having another sibling. Nothing needed to be added to our family, and my mother, already 38 at the time, was considered high risk because of her age. The pregnancy itself was full of complications that sent the straight course of my life into rollercoaster-like loops that my 13-year-old mind had a hard time comprehending. But now, I can see how forging through those loops helped me to roll with the punches that life inevitably brings

The day Joel was born, my mother took me with her to the hospital rather than my father. It wasn't a planned move, but Jake and my father were both feverish; I was the next best alternative. Sitting with her through every contraction, I gained a new respect for just how powerful and strong a woman could be in what might be considered their weakest moment. Holding her hand and feeding her ice chips, I gained a connection with my mother that I didn't realize we were lacking.

The moment my new baby brother came into this world, I realized two things nearly simultaneously. First, you don't realize how much you need something until it's sitting in your lap. Second, my life after this moment would never be the same. The moment he curled his chubby little finger around mine, I understood the words "happy accident" completely.

There are many different experiences in life that have changed a part of me as a person. But, nothing so profoundly changed my views and outlook on life like the birth of my youngest brother. Joel's arrival was a life-altering event that caused me to see the world through new eyes.


What is the self reflection paper?

What Is Reflective Writing? Reflective writing is a form of creative writing where you examine an experience or situation through self-reflection. Through the course of creating the reflective paper, you describe insights that you gained or express your views on some experience.

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How would you say this number in French?
O deux-dix-un





5. Complète les phrases à l'impératif.
S'il te plait, avant de rentrer,
(passer) à la boulangerie et
(acheter) du pain.
(ne pas oublier) les croissants !
Les enfants,
(faire) la vaisselle après le goûter !
(chercher) les clés dans le tiroir !
(ne pas toucher) mes
papiers, s'il vous plaît.



S’il te plaît, avant de tenter , passes à la boulangerie et achètes du pain. N’oublie pas les croissants!

Les enfant devront faire la vaisselle après le goûter!
Cherches les clés dans le tiroir!
Madame excusez-moi , ne touchez pas à mes papiers s’il vous plaît.

Byye and don’t forget I’m proud of you!!<333

help plspls pleaseeee its due soon please help



1 bien

2 surtout

3  beaucoup

4 particulièrement

5  parfois

6 aussi

7 déjà

8 certainement


1. J'aime bien

2. j'aime  surtout

3 . j'aime beaucoup

4 . particulièrement

5.   parfois

6.  aussi

7.  déjà

8.  certainement

what is this French book called and its chapter 2​



you have the book right there?


Compose a paragraph in English of four to six sentences summarizing how lunchtime has evolved in France. Mention at least one reason for this change, and explain what la journée continue,"the continuous day," means. Don't copy+paste from internet


The paragraph in English which summarizes how lunchtime has evolved in France is given below.

How Lunchtime Evolved in France

In France, lunchtime has undergone significant changes in recent years. Traditionally, the French had a leisurely lunch, with long breaks and multiple courses. However, with the rise of fast food chains and busy work schedules, many people have started to opt for quicker, simpler meals. This shift has also been influenced by the introduction of "la journée continue," which refers to a work schedule where employees work through the day without a long break for lunch. As a result, many French workers now have shorter lunch breaks or eat at their desks. Despite these changes, the French still value food and take pride in their culinary traditions, and lunch remains an important part of the daily routine.

Learn more about Paragraphs:

Help please brainliest involved



En été à Des Moines , il fait mauvais

Byye and don’t forget I’m proud of you!!<333
The answer is D!
As été is summer in French and mauvais is bad in French.
Hope that helps!

write this sentence in the imparfait

j’écoute le professeur.



J’écoutais le professeur.

Have a good day !!!

tu écoutais
il écoutait
nous écoutions
vous écoutiez
ils écoutaient

Fill in the blank with the appropriate past-tense form of the verb in parenthesis. Elle_____ au magasin. (partir)
a parti
est parti
a partie
est partie ​



est partie


feminine (elle) est parti(e)

In this question we fill in the blank with the appropriate past tense form of the verb in parentheses.

Past tense

1. Elle est parti au magasin. (partir)

To learn French it takes practice, and this is great practice.

Pour apprendre le français, il faut de la pratique, et c'est une excellente pratique.

Learn more about French in brainly.com/question/20250104

Change the following noun from singular to plural. L'affiche



Singular = L’affiche

Plural = Les affiches

Have a good day !! ;)

Oui, demain matinvas-tu à l'épicerie?
-Demain matin.
Laurs de Phyol que commerce commence le cours de physique?
-Il commence à dix heures.
& dix heures
seurs a-t-il?
-Il a trois seurs.
-Nous habitons en face de la librairie.
Didier ne va-t-il pas en boîte ce soir?
-Parce qu'il n'aime pas danser.
- Très bien merci.
-Nous voyageons avec Rosalie et Alice.
vont-ils manger au café?
-Ils vont manger des croissants.



demain matin vas-tu à l'épicerie?

Oui, demain matin je vais a l'ecole

If you do a screenshot instead I'll help you. I don't really understand the sentences


They ask you questions

Your mother is stressed out and cannot remember what has already been done for your sister’s engagement party. Answer her using the cues in parentheses to say who did what yesterday.
1) Qui va acheter les boissons? (Papa)
2) Tu vas fairs le gâteau au chocolat aujourd’hui (je)
3) Sébastien, quand est-ce que tu choisis la musique? (Julien et moi)
4) Célia, n’oublie pas nettoyer le salon! (Christelle et Zoé)
5) Qui va téléphoner aux invités? (Toi, tu)
All end in the word “hier”





1) Papa  va acheter les boissons.

2) Je  vais faire le gâteau au chocolat aujourd’hui .

3)   Julien et moi, nous  choisirons  la musique.

4)   Christelle et Zoé    nettoieront le salon.

5) Tu  vas téléphoner aux invités.


1. Papa a acheté les boissons

2. J'ai fait le gâteau au chocolat

3. Julien et moi, nous avons choisi la musique

4. Christelle et Zoé ont nettoyé le salon

5. Toi, tu as téléphoné aux invités


Just did the assignment and these are correct! :)

lond brun généreux sportif heureux fatigué italien gros gentil beau





Write the masculine singular form of the color you associate with each item.
1. une banane
2. la nuit
3. le café au lait
4. un jean
5. la neige
6. l'herbe (grass)
7. le nez (nose) de Rudolph
8. un flamant (flamingo)
9. Barney
10. un éléphant





. une banane jaune

2. la nuit noir

3. le café au lait

4. un jean bleu

5. la neige blanc

6. l'herbe (grass) vert

7. le nez (nose) de Rudolph rouge

8. un flamant (flamingo) rose

9. Barney??

10. un éléphant gris

Conjuguez au conditionnel présent aux 3ème personnes du singulier et du pluriel :
Prendre-appeler-payer-jeter-savoir-s'en aller-appuyer-suivre-cueillir



il prendrait

ils prendraient

il appellerait

ils appelleraient

il paierait

ils paieraient

il jetterait

ils jetteraient

il saurait,

ils sauraient

il s'en irait

ils s'en irai

il appuierait

ils appuieraient

il suivrait

ils suivraient

il cueillerait

ils cueilleraient



-il prendrait

-ils prendraient


-il appellerait

-ils appelleraient


-il paierait

-ils paieraient


-il jetterait

-ils jetteraient


-il saurait,

-ils sauraient


-il s'en irait

ils s'en irai


-il appuierait

-ils appuieraient


-il suivrait

-ils suivraient


-il cueillerait

-ils cueilleraient


Choose the correct form of the verb according to the context of the statement.

Je ___ au marché quand j'ai vu un oiseau.
O allais
O vais

Quand j'étais petit , j' ___ très timide.
O avais
O etais

Sophie et ses copines ___ a la poupée, comme toujours
O jouaient
O jouent


Dont click on those files

J’allais au marché quand j’ai vu un oiseau.

Quand j’étais petit, j’étais très timide.

Sophie et ses copines jouaient à la poupée comme toujours.

Have a good day !! :)

use “finir” and “être en ligne” in a sentence


i told my mom i'm going to read my books but she knows im gonna finir être en ligne watching you.tube

brainliest or a thank you please :)) <33

Translate the following sentences into French. Remember to use the correct
intonation for questions and statements. Also, since you are speaking, you don't
want to sound too formal in your questions. In other words, avoid using inversion
15. Do you want some fruit from the orchard? Yes, I want some.
16. The river is located to the west of the mountain range.
17. I like to go to the countryside and breathe fresh air to the north of Paris.
18. The region has old volcanoes and a delicious rural cuisine.


For Number 15, it's

Dialogue 1: Voulez-vous des fruits du verger?

Dialogue 2: Oui j'en veux.

For Number 16, it's

Dialogue 1: La rivière est située à l'ouest de la chaîne de montagnes.

For Number 17, it's

Dialogue 1: J'aime aller à la campagne et respirer l'air frais au nord de Paris.

For Number 18, it's

Dialogue 1: La région possède d'anciens volcans et une délicieuse cuisine rurale.

Please note, if you can't translate or answer. Ask a parent, guardian, or teacher to help you understand the material. This platform isn't for blind answers, it is for helping each other understand the material not for giving answers and cheating. Hope this helps you understand.


Choose the correct form of the verb according to the context of the statement.

Je ___ au marché quand j'ai vu un oiseau.
O allais
O vais

Quand j'étais petit , j' ___ très timide.
O avais
O etais

Sophie et ses copines ___ a la poupée, comme toujours
O jouaient
O jouent


allais, étais, jouaient
1.allais 2.étais 3.jouaient

In the story, Jake says it's 6:45pm but Summer says it's 6:30pm. Who is right and how do we know?
Jake is right because he called the "time operator".
Summer is right because she heard the clock chime.
Jake is right because he asked the guard.
Summer is right because she checked her watch and computer.



Summer is right because she checked her watch and computer.


She checked both with her own eyes so she knows she's correct.

Answers to the whole quiz:

Q1: D

Q2: A

Q3: B

Tomorrow is your first day of vacation and you intend to take it easy. Write two
sentences using the futur simple to say what you will do



Comme je n'ai pas cours demain, je vais me détendre. Je dois d'abord terminer certains de mes devoirs, puis je vais lire pendant le reste de l'après-midi. (btw i'm not sure what future simple is, i did this in some sort of future tense)


Remplir les espaces vides.





la banque

la gare

le lycée

PLeaseeeeeeeeeeeeee HELPPPPPPPPPPPPP
Laurent loves rich foods. You want him to make better food choices. Write four sentences with recommendations about what to order and not order in a café.



I dont know if you want this in french or english so ill do both.

Laurent, I know you love rich foods but maybe we could find a more healthy alternative today! Their Mac n cheese is very rich in flavor, and includes three different types of cheese, along with it being healthy! What about a nice salad? They have several ranch dressings and topping to choose from to put on it to make it very flavorful! Or maybe you would like a nice fresh sandwich, with many different types of bread and things to put on it!

Laurent, je sais que vous aimez les aliments riches mais peut-être pourrions-nous trouver une alternative plus saine aujourd'hui! Leur macaroni au fromage est très riche en saveur et comprend trois types de fromage différents, en plus d'être sain! Et une bonne salade? Ils ont le choix entre plusieurs vinaigrettes et garnitures de ranch pour le rendre très savoureux! Ou peut-être aimeriez-vous un bon sandwich frais, avec de nombreux types de pain et des choses à mettre dessus!


- Eijiro <3

Fill in the blank woth the correct option:
____ file
Please help, it is timed





la file


La file ( la file d’un magasin )
Le file ( le file électrique )

All depends on what are you talking about

Byye and don’t forget I’m proud of you!!<33

Any french speaker please help me



1. Non, je n'ai pas de job.

2. Quand je vais au cinéma c'est ma copine qui paie.

3. Pour un hamburger je paie 4 euros, pour une pizza 5 euros et pour une glace 2 euros.

4. Non, je n'ai pas de pièce dans ma poche.

5. Sur le billet de 1 dollar c'est George Washington qui est représenté, sur le billet de cinq dollars c'est Abraham Lincoln et sur celui de dix dollars c'est Alexander Hamilton.

6. Je préfère économiser pour pouvoir faire un grand voyage.

7. Non, je n'espère pas être riche un jour car l'argent ne fait pas le bonheur.

It is personal question that only you should you know


Choose the correct form of the verb according to the context of the statement.

Quand je __ petit, j'aimais bien regarder spongebob
O suis
O étais

Je ____ les arbres quand j'étais jeune,
O grimpais
O grimpe

Julie, est-ce que tu __ quand tu étais plus jeunes?
O dansait
O dansais



Quand j’étais petit, j’aimais bien regarder spongebob.

Je grimpais les arbres quand j’étais jeune.

Julie, est-ce que tu dansais quand tu étais plus jeunes ?


Choose the correct answer to the following question.
Si on cherche des chaussures, qu'est-ce qu'on devrait dire?
A. Je voudrais un costume bleu marine.
B. Je cherche une robe en soie.
C. Je fais du 36.
O D. Je chausse du 40.



Si on cherche des chaussures , on devrait dire : Je chausse du 40

Byye and don’t forget I’m proud of you!!<33


D. Je chausse du 40.


Help please x I’m terrible at french lol





when do you play football

quand joues-tu au football

first question: quand joues-tu au football (answer choice two)

second question: pourquoi préférez-vous les maths

Some local Art students are planning a trip to Europe for an Art History tour. They will tour all the great Art museums of France and Italy. Because of your knowledge of the French language, you were asked to write to these students to explain the many great benefits that learning another language can have for people in their future career and how knowing the language can help them better understand what they are going to see in Europe.

Write a short essay in English to these students, to let them know the advantages of knowing French in a career in Art & Art History. You can also tell them about what to expect from taking a French class and share experiences that have made you want to study French.

*You may use outside sources (Internet, books, magazines, etc.) to gather information for this assignment. However, be sure not to copy the information directly from those sources. Copying information and presenting it as your own work is considered plagiarism and will result in a failing grade. You will need to rephrase the information into your own words and cite the source of the information you used.



just make sure they don't get denied from art school and decide to become political

French pronoms fast please





Elle les fait le soir.

Tu la lui demandes.

Je dois y aller.

Nous la connaissons bien.

conjugue au passe composé les verbe entre parenthèses.
a) Les policiers (arrêter) mon voisin.​



A) les policiers ont arrêté mon voisin

Byye and don’t’ forget I’m proud of you!!<333
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