Write your 500-word, narrative-style legend of a Native American tribe of your choosing here.


Answer 1


The Cherokee were the mountaineers of the South, holding the entire Allegheny region from the interlocking head-streams of the Kanawha and Tennessee southward almost to the site of Atlanta, and from the Blue Ridge on the east to the Cumberland range on the west, a territory comprising an area of about 40,000 square miles, now included in the states of Virginia, Tennessee, North Carolina, South Carolina, Georgia, and Alabama. Their principal towns were upon the headwaters of the Savannah, Hiwassee, and Tuckasegee, and along the whole length of Little Tennessee to its junction with the mainstream. Itsâtĭ, or Echota, on the south bank of Little Tennessee, a few miles above the mouth of Tellico River, in Tennessee, was commonly considered the capital of the Nation. As the advancing whites pressed upon them from the east and northeast the more exposed towns were destroyed or abandoned and new settlements were formed lower down Tennessee and on the upper branches of the Chattahoochee and the Coosa.

As is always the case with tribal geography, there were no fixed boundaries, and on every side, the Cherokee frontiers were contested by rival claimants. In Virginia, there is reason to believe, the tribe was held in check in the early days by the Powhatan and the Monacan. On the east and southeast, the Tuscarora and Catawba were their inveterate enemies, with hardly even a momentary truce within the historic period; and evidence goes to show that the Sara or Cheraw was full as hostile. On the south, there was hereditary war with the Creeks, who claimed nearly the whole of upper Georgia as theirs by original possession, but who were being gradually pressed down toward the Gulf until, through the mediation of the United States, a treaty was finally made fixing the boundary between the two tribes along a line running about due west from the mouth of Broad River on the Savannah. Toward the west, the Chickasaw on the lower Tennessee and the Shawano on the Cumberland repeatedly turned back the tide of Cherokee invasion from the rich central valleys, while the powerful Iroquois in the far north set up an almost unchallenged claim of paramount lordship from the Ottawa river of Canada southward at least to the Kentucky River. On the other hand, by their defeat of the Creeks and expulsion of the Shawano, the Cherokee made good the claim which they asserted to all the lands from upper Georgia to the Ohio River, including the rich hunting grounds of Kentucky. Holding as they did the great mountain barrier between the English settlements on the coast and the French or Spanish garrisons along the Mississippi and Ohio, their geographic position, no less than their superior number, would have given them the balance of power in the South but for looseness of tribal organization in striking contrast to the compactness of the Iroquois league, by which for more than a century the French power was held in check in the north. The English, indeed, found it convenient to recognize certain chiefs as supreme in the tribe, but the only real attempt to weld the whole Cherokee Nation into a political unit was that made by the French agent, Priber, about 1736, which failed from its premature discovery by the English. We frequently find their kingdom divided against itself, their very number preventing unity of action, while still giving them importance above that of neighboring tribes.


this is 571 words. hope this helped you.

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Hope this helped you!


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the answer to this question is spain.


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Answer: Burr

Explanation: Later, when Burr begins his correspondence with Hamilton leading up to their duel, she hands him the quill. Finally, in the duel itself, she is the bullet that kills Hamilton.

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Poll tax - a tax levied on every adult, without reference to income or resources.

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Reasons for the decline of Roman empire

1. Over Expantion and military overspending

2.The rise of Eastern Empires

3. Invasion by Barbarian tribes

4.Christianity and the loss of traditional values

5 Government Corruption and Political instability


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b. Rome
c. Great Britain



(c) great Britain.

It is very easy question

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younger rocks are on top rock layer and the oldest rocks are in the bottom rock layer



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hope this helps

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SS8_S1_CA1_GA Beginning's (COPY) I 2 of 25
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B. Coastal Plain region
C. Piedmont region
D. Ridge and Valley region




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aurangzeb. (not for sure!)
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ayee smh yall tryna help me get some of my lil brothers math done? <3


ask a question and we’ll answer


Yes sure what is it I'll try to help you with it

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