Middle School

Hi so is someone up to doing my homework for me... if u going to waste my points then kindly p!ss offTriangle Factory Fire, part 2 (Zachary Kent) Youve now read two accounts of a disaster that occured a century ago. If a similar fire were to start in a garment factory today, how might the events be the same or different? What was true of factories in New York City before the Triangle Factory Fire? What changes occurred in the aftermath of the tragedy? Within what time period did the changes happen? Reread lines 15-28. How and why did the jurors viewpoint differ from that of angry citizens? Reread the last sentence. Despite the horror and loss of life caused by the fire, how might it have been a useful experience, according to the author? What is the authors tone? COMPARING TEXTS: Which of the two texts would you use to research the effects of the Triangle Fire? Why? Look back at both texts to find mentions of Frances Perkins. Why is she an important person to know about? What kinds of sources did both authors use in researching this topic? Reread lines 126-130 from Flesh & Blood So Cheap. Are these lines an example of author Albert Marrins perspective? Explain why or why not. Reread lines 36-38 from The Story of the Triangle Factory Fire. What clues do you see in these lines to Zachary Kents attitude about the conditions that are described. What idea presented by both authors is most relevant to us today? Why? The two historical writings cover different aspects of the same event. Briefly review each text for its key details. Then tell what each selection emphasizes.