How Do You Clean Taxidermy Reptiles?

Properly cleaning your Taxidermy Reptiles is extremely important. This is a delicate process, and any damage can be disastrous. For the best taxidermy for reptiles, keep your mounts out of sunlight and in a climate-controlled environment. Avoid dampness or over-dryness, as these can cause cracks and mildew. Additionally, dust your taxidermy mounts periodically to maintain their realistic appearance.

The best way to clean your mounts is to dust them with a dampened 409(r) solution at least twice a month. Never spray the mounts with the cleaner; instead, gently wipe away the dust with a soft towel. After cleaning, brush the fur in the proper direction.

If the animal is dead, it is important to clean the internal organs and skin before placing them in your Taxidermy display. Never boil reptiles, as they’re very small and the heat can ruin the bones. To clean reptile carcasses, you can purchase dermestid beetles online.

You can also use a feather duster to dust the mounts. You can also use a damp cloth to wipe away any dust that remains. Avoid using furniture polish on your mounts, as this can attract even more dust. Another method of cleaning your mounts is using compressed air or a vacuum with a soft-brush upholstery attachment. A pet brush can also be used to lightly brush your mounts.


There are several different ways to preserve reptiles and amphibians for taxidermy. Some are stuffed and dried while others are injected with a preservative in body cavities, including the cranium and cloaca. A reptile’s skeleton can be preserved in this way, as can its shell.

Preserving your taxidermy project is a crucial step in the entire process. It is important to store your mounts in a climate-controlled area, out of direct sunlight. Excessive dryness or dampness can lead to cracked hides and mildew. You also need to dust your mounts periodically to keep them looking as realistic as possible.

Alcohol is the most common preservative and can be purchased at any hardware store or online. It’s usually sold in metal containers and should be diluted at least 70% with distilled water. Alcohols that are stronger than 70% are also available. They are denatured and isopropyl alcohol and can be purchased from hardware stores or pharmacies. If you’re not sure about the strength of these solutions, you can always use an alcoholometer to check their strength. Once you’ve fixed a specimen in alcohol, you should watch it closely to ensure that it is not rotting.

The head of a snake or lizard is an essential part of a taxidermy project. The head will decompose and look distorted if you don’t treat it properly. A good taxidermist will create a mold of the snake’s head and then cover it with the snake’s tanned skin.

Keeping pests out

To maintain the beauty and condition of your taxidermy reptiles, you need to keep them away from pests. You can do this by keeping the mounts indoors and in an area between 60- and 80-degrees Fahrenheit. You also need to keep them away from high humidity, which can cause mold.

Keeping hairs off

When taxidermists work on reptiles, they have to keep the animal’s hairs off their mounts. It is important to keep the mounts away from direct sunlight and in climate-controlled rooms. Excessive dryness or dampness can cause cracking or mildew on the hide. It is also important to dust the mounts regularly to maintain a realistic look.

Taxidermy should be dusted at least once a month, and a clean feather duster is perfect for this task. However, if you want to avoid dust, you can use a hairdryer instead. Make sure to use the lowest power and heat setting, and gently blow away dust and debris. To protect the taxidermy even further, you should also have the taxidermist apply a dust shield spray.

Insect taxidermy can also be problematic since damp “frass” can breed mites. If you don’t want to deal with mites, you can always freeze the specimens to prevent their introduction. The cold temperatures will also kill fly larvae and eggs.

Avoiding high humidity

If you’re preserving a taxidermy reptile, it’s important to keep its humidity level low. This is important for the preservation of the lifelike appearance of the mount. Proper humidity levels vary depending on the species. For instance, the Crested Gecko needs 70 to 80 percent humidity, while the Milk Snake prefers 40 to 60 percent. Knowing the exact needs of each animal is crucial to preserving its beauty and ensuring its safety. Although some guides offer general guidelines on the ideal humidity levels, your local shop’s experts can provide you with specific recommendations for your particular species.

Keeping eyes clean

While cleaning a taxidermy reptile, it is important to keep your eyes clean. Alcohol can cause damage to painted eyes and should be avoided. A clean swab dampened with 409(r) glass cleaner can be used to wipe the eyes. Be careful not to saturate the cotton.

The first step in cleaning a taxidermy reptile’s eyes is to remove any sand that might be in the eye cavity. Keeping the eye cavity clean will help it look lifelike. You may also wish to apply WD-40 to the eyes to make them sparkle. Once you’ve cleaned the eyes, apply petroleum jelly to them with a Q-tip or finger. This will prevent dryness and cracking of the nose and will add a life-like shine to the tear duct area.

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