How to Adjust a Self-Closing Door Mechanism

Self-closing doors are used in every office door and private apartments. The primary purpose of using a self-closing door is you don’t need to close the door by yourself. The door will automatically shut down if you forget to close the door personally. However, sometimes it doesn’t work the same way as before. You just need a couple of tools to fix a self-closing door mechanism. Here I will tell you how to adjust a self-closing door mechanism by yourself.

How to Adjust a Self-closing Door Mechanism

To adjust a self-closing door mechanism, you have to follow the following steps. I hope these steps will help you. So, let us jump into it.

Shut the door

1st you need to shut the door completely. Look for the hinge after closing the door, and when you find it,  use the hex wrench to adjust the door screw. Don’t let your family members use the door while you are fixing the door.

Don’t try to fix the door while the door is open. To adjust a self-closing door mechanism, you must keep the door closed.

Remove the screw

Now, You have to remove the screw from the top hinge to adjust the door mechanism. Put the screwdriver and rotate the screwdriver counterclockwise. Most of the hooks doesn’t have a screw. If you can’t find the screw, then you can skip the step.

Using a hex wrench

After removing the screw, you will have to insert a hex wrench into the top of the hinge. Rotate the strap until you can fit the strap into the hex wrench. When it meets the hex-shaped wrenched, you can easily adjust the door as you want. If you don’t have a hex wrench, don’t worry, you can easily buy a hex wrench from your nearest hardware store.

Adjust the door

You can turn the wrench clockwise to close the door faster, and you can set the wrench anti-clockwise to close the door slowly. Don’t over-tighten the hinge. You will break the wrench. When you feel that your wrench can’t turn more, that means your door is now much tighter.

Repositioning the hinge

If you want to reposition the hinge, first, you need to turn the wrench counterclockwise until the hook is free to rotate smoothly. You will hear a click sound when you rotate the hinged counterclockwise. After that, you can adjust the door closing speed as much as you want.

Adjusting the bottom hinge

Insert the locking screw and place the hex wrench in the cavity. If you have already tightened up the hinge, you will have to turn the bottom hook clockwise to reposition as the upper hinge. If not, switch the wrench back to release stress from the screw. Most of the door has three hooks.

If your door has three hinges, you don’t need to adjust the middle one. Instead, you just need to adjust the upper and lower ones.

Test the door closing speed

After fixing all the required tasks, you have to test the door closing speed. If you are satisfied with the closing speed of the door, then you can reinstall the locking screw to complete the task. This is how you adjust a self-closing door mechanism.


Self-closing doors are straightforward to use, as you know. But the legibility of a self-closing is lower than the regular door. However, you have to have minimum knowledge on how to adjust a self-closing door mechanism. In this article, I have described how to adjust a self-closing door mechanism. When you find a problem with the door, follow the steps, I hope it will help you.

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