9 Proven Ways to Lose Your Weight without Dieting and Exercise

When it comes to losing weight, it may prove difficult to diet and exercise. However, with the right strategy, you can lose more weight by limiting the number of calories you consume in a day. Apart from losing weight, you will be able to limit how heavy you get in the future. The following are 9 proven ways to lose your weight without dieting and exercise:

Ways to Lose Your Weight without Dieting and Exercise

1. Eat Slowly By Chewing Thoroughly

You need to give time to your brain to settle down on the fact that you have eaten enough. When you chew food thoroughly, you tend to eat slower, meaning that you have a smaller food intake, smaller-sized portions, and increased fullness. In a recent review, faster eaters were found to be likely to gain more weight than their slower counterparts. People who eat fast also have high chances of becoming obese.

2. Put Unhealthy Foods on Smaller Plates

Compared to decades ago, food plates are on average larger. In order to eat less, you should think about using smaller plates which make your portions seem larger. It is in complete contrast to bigger plates which make your servings look smaller thus, necessitating additional food. When eating healthy food, serve it on bigger plates and unhealthy food on smaller plates.

3. Eat More Protein

Eat More Protein

One of the characteristics of protein is that it makes you feel fuller for longer, thus helping you consume fewer calories. That’s because protein has an effect on ghrelin and other hormones that regulate hunger and fullness. In one study, a protein intake of 15 to 30 percent of the total calories was found to lead to participants taking 441 fewer calories per day. Many of them lost 11 pounds in a period of 12 weeks. Take a spoon of Xls Nutrition Chocolate powder and add to your daily glass of milk, stir and rejoice!

4. Keep Away Unhealthy Foods

When you have all of the unhealthy foods in sight, you are likely to get hungrier and get out-of-control cravings. In the process, you will gain weight. In a recent study, high visibility of high-calorie foods leads to obesity. The better strategy is to make fruit more visible. So keep unhealthy foods in cupboards and closets to avoid seeing them.

5. Eat High-Fiber Foods

Eat High-Fiber Foods

High-fiber foods are known to increase satiety and help you stay full for longer. In one study, viscous fiber was found to be better when it comes to weight loss. As soon as it mixes with water, it creates a gel which makes you feel fuller and reduce food intake. You will find viscous fiber in foods such as flax seeds, oranges, asparagus, Brussels sprouts, oat, and beans.

6. Drink Water Before Meals

When you regularly drink water, you are likely to eat less and burn more fats, especially if it is before a meal. In one study, drinking 17 ounces of water, half an hour before meals were found to reduce hunger and lessen calorie intake. The subjects of this study also lost 44 percent more weight for the 12 weeks when the study took place.

7. Serve Smaller Portions

Serve Smaller Portions

When you serve yourself larger food portions your body tends to settle into eating more. This causes the inability to lose weight and may as well make you obese. In one study involving adults, it was established that when the size of an appetizer before dinner is doubled, it increases calorie intake by 30 percent. You can lose weight by serving lesser than usual. The same goes for the sweet treats too. No need to totally cut off on your personalized chocolates, just have it in small portions.

8. Switch off the TV and Other Electronics

Eating while watching TV makes you less able to pay attention to what you are consuming. This may lead to you overeating and eventually gaining weight. In one review, any kind of distraction during a meal was found to increase an individual’s food intake by more than 10 percent. Also, eating while absent-minded may lead to a higher calorie intake later as the day progresses.

9. Enough Sleep and Less Stress

Given the role of stress and sleep play in health, the two aspects should never be neglected. Lack of sleep reduces the effects of ghrelin and leptin, two appetite-regulating hormones. Stress leads to the elevation of cortisol leading to increased cravings for unhealthy foods. But it does not stop there. Stress and sleep deprivation are known causes of obesity, diabetes, and other chronic diseases.


Losing weight is not as much a function of dieting and exercising as it is of smart eating. Limiting the number of calories you eat is the way you go. To enhance your weight loss efforts, you may want to get some anabolic steroids Canada.

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