How to Identify Right Time to Send Your child to an Early Learning Center

Many parents make hasty decisions about sending their kids to early learning centers. The only parameter that is mostly considered is age. The pressure from the society where other kids are already going to a Boxhill early learning center can also force the decision. Increased learning requirements of the early learning centers have left many parents wondering whether their decision was right or not. Instead of age and comparison with other kids, other indicators tell you that your child is ready for early learning schools.

Early Learning Center

Following simple directions

It is important that your child listens to the teachers and understand their instructions. See if your child can follow simple instructions. Simple instructions should have only one or two steps clearly and specifically stated. Listening, understanding and following instructions can make things much easier.

 Sitting still

Sitting still does not necessarily mean that your child needs to sit tight for the whole period. It simply means that your child should be able to listen to a story or participate in the activities without being a disruption for others. Stability is also a measure of attentiveness and grasping power.

Using restroom

Your child should be able to know the need to go to the restroom. He/she should be able to tell the teacher about it. Also, your kids must know how to use the restroom by themselves. It is not necessary that the teacher or any other staff member would escort your kid to the washroom.

Working on motor skills

Train your child in fine and gross motor skills. Your child should be able to jump, run, hold a pencil, throw a ball, etc. These skills are also indicators of proper physical growth. The early learning programs involve many activities which are based on these skills.

 Identifying letters and numbers

Your child may not be able to read properly before going to an early learning school. But, it is required that he/she can recognize some letters of alphabets and some numbers. You need not be too specific about the number of symbols your child knows. There is no specific rule on that. However, a little knowledge will ease the learning process.

Showing interest in learning

For early learning school level, your child need not be an Einstein. But it is always better if there a flair about learning. You can see if your child is excited about stories, books, and music. You can stimulate the interest by singing rhymes. Your wee ones should be receptive to these basic learning activities.


Make sure that your child does not feel uncomfortable in the presence of other kids. The basic is to prepare him for sharing food, toys, and other articles with others. You can also see if he/she can wait for the turn on the swings.  This helps the child to adjust to the peer.

Paediatrician’s or teacher’s recommendations

Parents are not always the best people to judge the readiness of the kid. In addition to observing your child’s maturity, you can also consult your pediatrician or some pre-school teacher. They are specialists and can better evaluate the child to meet the social, physical, and academic requirements of the early learning centers.