
95 POINTS * PLEASE HELP ASAP 1. Ayer yo (VESTIRSE) con jeans y chaleco blanca. *O VestiO me vestiO me vistiO nos vestimos 2. What pronoun has this preterit?: ISTEO Carlos y tO La profesora MenesesO Marcela y yo OO T 3. In this sentence, what is the DOP?: " Mi mam les sirve las bebidas a mis hermanos y a m papaO restauranteO mi papO nosotrosO las bebidas4. Nosotras no (DORMIRSE) a las medianoche.O nos dormimosO te dormisteO se durmioO se dormimosFind the missing verb: Mi hermano y su esposa (wife)_____ir a la montaaO se duermenO se durmiO se durmieronO durmiWhat is the missing verb: Por qu no_____el gato? *O RepetirseO VestirseO MorirseO none of themLe doy el plato de ensalada a Juan Andres?O No, no la se doyO Lo doy la ensaladaO Si, se lo doyO None of themWhat pronoun is missing: _______dormiste muy bien ayer. *O tO ustedO lO ellaQuieres mandar la tarea a Rosa? *O Quieres mandrnoslaO Quieres mandarlaO Nos las quieres mandarO Quieres mandrselaEl seor Hernandez escribe la novela para mi. *O Me lo escribeO Se las escribeO Le escribeO Me la escribeIn what pronoun you change the stem? *O USTED / NOSOTROSO USTEDES / TO YO / ELLAO none of themIn this sentence: What is the IOP?: Yo quiero lanzarles la pelota a los jugadores.O YoO la pelotaO los jugadoresO lesAyer, la seora Smith (PEDIR) a los profesores comenzar la clase. *O pediO pidiO pedioO pideLa profesora de Espaol explica muy bien la leccin a ti.O Se los explicaO Te lo explicaO Te la explicaO Se la explicaAnswer this question: Como dormiste anoche? *O Dormiste muy bien.O Si durmi bienO Dormi muy bienO Dormimos bien,O Other:In this sentence, what is the IOP?: Samantha quiere darles un refrescoO BeatrizO Walter y VernicaO T y yoO none of themEn el restaurante Juan Pablo y Ricardo (PREFERIR) una botella deO champagne.O preferieronO prefirieronO priferieronO none of themJaime y ella / PEDIR / camarones con ensalada. *O PidieronO PidenO PedimosO None of themWhat is the order in a sentence? *O VERB + PRONOUN + DOP + IOPO PRONOUN + IOP + DOP + VERBO PRONOUN + DOP + IOP + VERBO DOP + VERB + IOP + PRONOUNO Other:95 POINTS PLEASE HELP
ANYONE KNOW FLUENT SPANISH IF SO HELP ME.Question 1 (1 point) SavedTwo full garbage cansNosotros __________ __________ la basura.Question 1 options:estamos sacandoestar sacandoestamos sacarQuestion 2 (1 point) SavedDirty dishesT__________ los platos.Question 2 options:estoy lavandoests lavandoestar lavandoQuestion 3 (1 point) SavedA dirty bathroom Uds. __________ el bao.Question 3 options:estar limpiandoestn limpiandoestn mirando Question 4 (1 point) SavedA car full of stainsUstedes __________ el coche.Question 4 options:estn caminandoestn comiendoestn lavando Question 5 (1 point) SavedSra. Mendoza has left a list of household chores for each of her children. Which t command form is correct?Question 5 options:Alberto: corta el csped, cocina el almuerzoAlberto: cortas el csped, cocinas el almuerzoAlberto: cortar el csped, cocinar el almuerzoQuestion 6 (1 point) SavedSra. Mendoza has left a list of household chores for each of her children. Which t command form is correct?Question 6 options:Enrique: hacer las camas, pasar la aspiradora en la salaEnrique: haz las camas, pasa la aspiradora en la salaEnrique: haces las camas, pasas la aspiradora en la salaQuestion 7 (1 point) SavedSra. Mendoza has left a list of household chores for each of her children. Which t command form is correct?Question 7 options:Marta: poner la mesa, quitar el polvoMarta: pon la mesa, quita el polvoMarta: pones la mesa, quitas el polvoQuestion 8 (2 points) SavedWatch the video. What is the speaker saying?Question 8 options:What does this say: La sala est en la planta bajaThe kitchen is on the ground floor.The living room is on the groud floor.The living room is on the second floor.Question 9 (2 points) Watch the video. What is the speaker saying?Question 9 options:What does this say: El coche est en el garajeThe garage is for the car.The car is next to the garage.The car is in the garage.Question 10 (2 points) Watch the video. What command is the speaker giving?Question 10 options:What does this say: Hablan con otra personaHe talks with another person.Talk with another person.Talk with an older person.Question 11 (2 points) Watch the video. What command is the speaker giving?Question 11 options:What does this say: Escribe tu nombreWhat is your name?Tell me the noun.Write your name.atch the video. What is the speaker saying?Question 12 options:What does this say:Please wash the dishes.The clothes are clean.Please wash the clothes.Question 16 (1 point) Read about the current situation. What command would make sense?La alfombra est sucia.Question 16 options:Arregla el cuartoPasa la aspiradora.Limpia el espejo.Question 17 (1 point) Read about the current situation. What command would make sense?Las ventanas estn sucias.Question 17 options:Limpia las ventanas, por favor.Limpio las ventanas.Pasa la aspiradora, por favor.Question 18 (1 point) Read about the current situation. What command would make sense?El perro tiene hambre.Question 18 options:El perro no tiene comida.Come la comida.Da de comer al perro, por favor.uestion 19 (1 point) Which command would NOT be good advice for a new student at school?Question 19 options:Cocina en clase.Haz la tarea.Escucha bien en clase.Question 20 (1 point) Which command would NOT be good advice for a new student at school?Question 20 options:Habla con la profesora.Lee los libros.Baila en la clase de matemticas.Question 21 (1 point) Read the sentence. In which room would this chore most likely take place?Pongo la mesa.Question 21 options:en el comedoren el dormitorioen la cocinaQuestion 22 (1 point) Read the sentence. In which room would this chore most likely take place?Hago la cama.Question 22 options:en la cocinaen el dormitorioen el comedorQuestion 23 (1 point) Read the sentence. In which room would this chore most likely take place?Lavo los platos sucios.Question 23 options:en el stanoen la cocinaen la salaQuestion 24 (1 point) Read the sentence. In which room would this chore most likely take place?Paso la aspiradora.Question 24 options:en el garajeen el baoen el despachoQuestion 25 (1 point) Read the sentence. In which room would this chore most likely take place?Lavo el coche.Question 25 options:en la escaleraen el despachoen el garaje