Warming Your Homes With Wood Heaters: All You Need To Know

One of the oldest heating systems, wood heaters were the principal methods of heating Australian homes back in the day. They can make a house feel like a home in an instant. The place exudes warmth and the aroma of wood, feeling like a warm embrace. It’s also a nice feeling to curl up beside a warm fireplace on a chilly night. A book and a hot cup of coffee would be perfect for such an occasion.

Warm Your Homes With Wood Heaters

Warm Your Homes With Wood Heaters

With modern ones there are various benefits like cheap fuel, emitting lesser pollutants, wood heating stoves and fireplaces bring back the traditional feel in a home. 

This article helps you understand the different types of wood heaters and their advantages over fossil-fuel-powered fireplaces.

Types Of Heaters Using Wood

  • Catalytic Heaters: They consist of catalytic mechanisms in their exhaust lines to burn off particulates. As a result, they have reduced emissions and burn longer. They do require regular maintenance from time to time.
  • Non Catalytic Heaters: These heaters implement design features to create a longer flow path for exhausts. The increased flow time for smoke causes the gas and particulates to burn off due to high temperatures. Their only drawback is that they are not as effective as catalytic heaters.

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Advantages of Wood Heating Systems

  • Cost-Effective: The increasing prices of fuels such as coal and propane, can put a dent in the budget. On the other hand, wood heating systems require wood or wood pellets that are cheap and readily available. It also helps in cutting down expenses on gas bills during winter times. Modern wood heating devices burn firewood more effectively and efficiently than traditional stoves. It’s no surprise that heating with wood is a much more cost-effective method than relying on gas or fuel.
  • Sustainability: Woodburning devices are an eco-friendly alternative to fossil fuel-powered burners. Wood, being a renewable resource, provides a better option to heat a home sustainably.
  • Efficiency: Modern heating devices using wood cause fewer emissions. Unlike their traditional counterparts, modern wood heaters burn wood more effectively and produce more heat with the same energy output degree.

Ways To Increase The Efficiency of Wood Heaters

  • Type of Wood: Dried wood burns more effectively than fresh wood. Wood that is properly seasoned burns more efficiently and helps create cleaner fires. All types of timber achieve the best burning conditions after a two or three-year period of seasoning. So splitting wood and storing them in sheds will be a good idea.
  • Chimney: Make sure to match the wood heater to the chimney present in the house. A chimney that goes well with a wood-burning stove will prove beneficial to the home and be cost-effective.
  • Placement: Non-flammable materials like bricks or tiles must surround wood burners. Take care not to install the heater improperly or close to flammable walls.
  • Evaluate The Installation: Hire an expert to ensure that the chimney and the heater are in their proper places. Improper installation can lead to a compromise to the safety of the family.

Make sure to understand the various ways to keep the wood-burning fireplaces more efficient. Prepare the heaters well enough so that one may enjoy a cosy evening this winter.