4 Ways to Afford Nomadic Travel Lifestyle

If you feel like going on vacation once or twice per year is not enough for you, you might have considered incorporating traveling into your lifestyle. Fortunately, since we do live in the digital age, traveling and working at the same time is entirely possible. Plus, it allows you to visit any destination you want – as long as it has a decent internet connection. However, next to all the benefits, there are some details to consider before you change your lifestyle, and one of them is how to afford it.

Ways to Afford Nomadic Travel Lifestyle

Ways to Afford Nomadic Travel Lifestyle

So, to help you figure this out, here are four ways you could afford a nomadic travel lifestyle.

1. Save up and set your budget

Everybody who decides to travel for longer periods of time needs to save up some money first. You should have enough for at least a few months in advance. After all, even though you would be free of the traditional expenses, like rent and utilities, you’d still have to pay for accommodation, food, and any entertainment options that interest you along the way.

Depending on your budget, you should choose your primary destinations, and depending on them, you should calculate the cost of living. Of course, some places are more expensive than others, but if you do choose a pricier destination, you should try to save up on something else, like accommodation or touristic excursions. You should also keep track of your receipts, so you can control your spending. Moreover, don’t forget to include an emergency fund as well, which should be at least 25% of the living cost in your chosen destination. Finally, once you calculate how much this kind of lifestyle would cost you, you should focus on your income.

2. Plan your income

Plan your income

When talking about traveling and earning money at the same time, there are two most common options. First, you can look for seasonal jobs; during peak season, many restaurants, cafés, and hotels need more staff, and this can be a great opportunity for you to see popular destinations, meet new people, and earn some money. However, the downside is that your work options are limited to what is available, and the competition can be quite large. Your second option is to work remotely. To do that, you’d need a skill that you can sell online. For example, if you love photography, you could take amazing photos while traveling and sell them online. Or, if you’re good at writing, you could become a travel blogger or a content writer. In short, there are many jobs that you can do online, so this is definitely something you should look into.

3. Improve your language skills

Now, this might not be directly related to funding your new lifestyle, but it can help you in more ways than one. While traveling, making connections is essential. Being able to talk to locals would allow you not just to make new friends but also to find your way around more easily. For example, you could meet somebody who knows where you can find affordable accommodation, or they could tell you about a great seasonal job around the corner. However, for such things to happen, you need to know the language. Regardless of your age, if you choose to spend some time in Hong Kong, for instance, you could contact Monkey Tree English learning center and see how they can help you improve your English language skills.

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4. Take care of everything at home

Take care of everything at home

Before you start this journey, make sure everything at home is taken care of. You should figure out where to put your stuff while traveling and where you want your mail to go while you’re away. If a family home is not an option for putting away your possessions, you might need to rent out some storage space, which would be an additional expense to think about. Moreover, if you have your own place and you live alone, you should cancel your utilities – you don’t want to pay for what you won’t use. Or, you can also rent out your place while abroad, and perhaps lock one room away for your personal belongings. This would also provide you with an additional income, so if it’s a possibility, use it.

If you love traveling, there’s no reason you can’t do it more often. However, in order to do so comfortably, there are some things you should plan in advance. So, consider the listed tips, give yourself time to take care of everything, and you’ll be enjoying your new lifestyle before you know it.