5 Ways to Reduce CO2 Emissions in the Industrial Sector

In 2019, the level of climate-warming carbon dioxide (CO2) in the atmosphere is expected to be almost as high as it ever was. The biggest reason behind it is the use of fossil fuels and the destruction of forests. Due to the fact that big climate changes can cause droughts, floods, and rising sea levels, it’s necessary that we all play our part in reducing CO2 emissions. The industrial sector produces goods and raw materials and the level of CO2 emissions during that process can be extremely high. Listed below are five ways to reduce these emissions.

Measure your carbon footprint

Measure your carbon footprint

No matter what kind of products your company makes, it’s important to keep assessing how much pollution your operations generate. By doing so, you get an idea of how much your company hurts the environment and you can identify the best way to reduce your carbon footprint. For example, measuring the effect your company has on the environment allows you to figure out which aspect of your operations involves the highest level of CO2 emissions and come up with changes to reduce them.

Reduce your energy use

Reduce your energy use

Every company in the industrial sector uses a lot of energy for their operations. Without it, doing their work would be impossible and eliminating energy use is not an option. However, what these companies can do is do everything in their power to keep their energy use at a minimum. This includes shutting down all the machines when they’re not in use and making a switch to technologies that require less energy. The good news is, experts, keep coming up with new technologies and we should see more companies reducing their impact on the planet.

Get the right equipment

Get the right equipment

The type of equipment you use in your operations has a huge impact on your company’s CO2 emissions. Some machines release more CO2 than others and knowing which equipment to invest in is the key. Luckily, with all the information you can find online, identifying the best pieces of equipment shouldn’t be tough. Also, there are machines that have been designed specifically to help companies go green. For examples, experts at Teralba Industries can provide you with heat exchangers that can help you reduce waste.

Encourage carpooling

Encourage carpooling

Even though carpooling is something employees in every industry can do, encouraging your employees to do so is a must. This is a good idea because most businesses in the industrial sector have a large number of employees and the amount of CO2 released by their vehicles is extremely high. Just by telling your employees to carpool can reduce your company’s impact on the planet even without making any big changes in your operations. Rewarding the employees who carpool should ensure your employees actually follow your advice.

Invest in renewables

Invest in renewables


As mentioned above, reducing the amount of energy your company uses can help reduce your CO2 emissions. However, this doesn’t mean every type of energy is bad for the environment. In fact, there are renewables that allow your company to use energy without harming the planet. Solar and wind energy are constantly becoming more popular and we can expect them to gain more users in the industrial sector in the future. Making a switch to renewable energy may be costly but it helps save money in the long-term and reduces your company’s carbon footprint.

Even the smallest changes in your operations can help reduce CO2 emissions and protect the planet. With the way things are right now, we can expect to see more laws regarding this issue and making your company more eco-friendly on time can be of much help.