HELP ASAP!Which explorer should replace the number 3 on the timeline?
A. Ferdinand Magellan
B. Bartolomeu Dias
C. Vasco da Gama
D. Jacques Cartier

HELP ASAP!Which Explorer Should Replace The Number 3 On The Timeline?A. Ferdinand MagellanB. Bartolomeu


Answer 1


jacques cartier

Explanation: i learned about him last year and it just sounds right. good luck.

Answer 2
Jacques Cartier hdjsididjdjahaabsdjififidiidieueudududufhfhfhf

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What is a community?



A community is whatever you make it, it could be a bunch of people living in the same area, or it could be a few people living in the same area. It could also be people who have similar interests and passions.  



a community is a group of people living in the same place or having a particular characteristic in common. and a feeling of fellowship with others, as a result of sharing common attitudes, interests, and goals.


Which colony did NOT send any representatives to the Albany Congress? A. Rhode Island B. Massachusetts C. Virginia D. Connecticut E. New Hampshire





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Option A


In simple words, Standing committees can be defined as permanent commissions defined as such in the rules of the Assembly. Since they have parliamentary experience, standing committees examine bills as well as issues and propose proposals for approval by their specific chambers.

Standing committees, which proceed through one Congress to another, are perhaps the most powerful category since they accept and form the overwhelming large portion of the new legislation.

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B) His victory over Babylon


I just took the test


On Edgenuity it's B, "his victory over Babylon"


How did European diseases affect Americas



Europeans carried a hidden enemy to the Indians: new diseases. ... Diseases such as smallpox, influenza, measles, and even chicken pox proved deadly to American Indians. Europeans were used to these diseases, but Indian people had no resistance to them. Sometimes the illnesses spread through direct contact with colonists.


the population of the indians decreased because most of them died because of diseases such as chicken pox (not only diseases) that european settlers brought with them

Identify each statement as true or false.
The colonists believed in mercantilism, but Britain
did not
Britain wanted the colonists to trade only within the
British Empire.
The colonists wanted to trade with whoever gave
them the best deal.







Answer:false true true


The Cherokee, Choctaw, Creek, Chickasaw, and Seminole peoples were called the "Five Civilized Tribes" by Anglo-European colonists. Why did they deem these five groups of people ‘civilized', and not others?



They adopted elements of European colonial culture like Christianity, literacy, and slavery


In the colonial and early federal eras of American history, European Americans referred to the five main Native American tribes of the Southeast—the Cherokee, Chickasaw, Choctaw, Creek (Muscogee), and Seminole—as the "Five Civilized Tribes."

What did the Creek tribe call themselves?

Where did the name "Creek Indians" come from? After Ocmulgee Creek in Georgia, the white settlers called them Creek Indians. Soon after Europeans arrived, they started referring to themselves as Muskogee instead of their original names of Isti or Istichata.

The five tribes were considered civilized because, in general, they had established close economic ties with white people or had assimilated into the way of life of American settlers. Some of the tribespeople in the Southeast had adapted European dress, spoke English, practiced Christianity, and even owned slaves.

Learn more about the Creek tribe here:


2. What are two provisions in the Bill of Rights that limit the powers of the national government? 3 Which of the Bill of Rights do you think is the most important for you personally?​



The original Constitution and the Bill of Rights were intended to restrict the powers of the national government. Later constitutional developments also limited the powers of state governments. (1) (a) Explain how each of the following limits the powers of the national executive. • Federalism • …


C. What was the Great Fear?





it big scary big teeth


The Great Fear was a general panic that took place between 17 of July and 3 of August 1789, at the start of the French Revolution.

Near what city was Jesus crucified?
O Galilee
O Jerusalem
O Nazareth
O Samaria


Jerusalem is we’re Jesus past away
Jerusalem is where He was crucified. Hope this helps:)

why does Amy hint her sisters that she needs extra money? A.She feels obliged to buy limes for girls in her class. B.She wants to have more limes for herself. C.She owes money at school as part of her discipline. D.She would like to buy a gift for her teacher to make up for the trouble she caused.


The correct answer is A : She feels obliged to buy limes for girls in her class.
The answer is A because why does Amy hint her sisters that she needs extra money ?

Which feature of Chinese civilization had the greatest impact on other civilizations?
its new technologies
silk traded on the Silk Road
its geographic isolation
its thriving trade



The answere is A


Who is the king of Nepal ?
1) Prithivi Narayan Shah.
2) Birendra Birbikram Shah.
3) Baldhadra Kunwar .​


2) Birendra Bir Bikram Sh


The Kingdom of Nepal (Nepali: नेपाल अधिराज्य), also known as the Kingdom of Gorkha or Gorkha Empire (Nepali: गोरखा अधिराज्य) or Asal Hindusthan (Real Land of Hindus),[note 1] was a Hindu kingdom on the Indian subcontinent, formed in 1768, by the unification of Nepal.[5] Founded by King Prithvi Narayan Shah


Algonquian is:
O A. A Native American language group.
OB. A Native American war.
O C. A Native American government.
D. A Native American religious tradition.





Algonquin is a group of Native Americans who speak the Algonquin language, which is a language part of the Algonquian language family. There are no religious traditions or wars named after the Algonquin people, and there is no specific government named after Algonquian.

What is a citizen of a community, state, country, or the world?



A citizen is a member of a community, state, or nation. Citizens have rights and responsibilities as family members, as students in a classroom and school, and as members of their community, state, and nation. Being a good citizen means: • Following rules and laws. • Being responsible and respectful.


Who gained control of the Ohio river valley following the French and Indian war


Jacob C. The British gained control of the Ohio River Valley following the French and Indian



the British


The belligerents were the American colonists, British army and Native tribes against the French.

so i need help.. this has to do something with Kevlar. when was the first bulletproof vest invented? A) 1975 B) 1964 C) 1990 D) 2006


Answer: In the 1960s, new fibers were discovered that made truly bullet resistant vests possible. In the early 1970s, DuPont's Kevlar ballistic fabric was invented. In 1975-1976, scientists came to the conclusion that Kevlar was bullet-resistant, wearable and light enough for police officers to wear full-time. Hope this helps!

What is the richest country in North America



United States


The United States with 62,605.59 GPD per capita

How were Eurpoean countries governed



European Governing systems changed over the centuries in the medieval times the first form of government was created, Feudalism. Feudalism is a form of government that does not govern a country or large are of land but rather a city state or a small household. This system worked as peasants would farm and build to keep the household alive and in payment were provided with protection and housing. Overtime the European countries adopted the monarchy, the monarchy was a single royal family that governed several cities and areas much larger than that of the small scale households existing in feudalism.


how many states ratified the 27th amendment in 1789


Answer: Five states ratified the 27th amendment in 1985, and nearly 20 others joined in by the end of the decade

Ratified the 27th amendment in 1985, and nearly 20 others

Evaluate the extent to which the Chesapeake and New England colonies differed, and account for why the major differences in development occurred. Discuss how the development of these colonies affected American Indians in those regions. In response to the prompt, write a short paragraph that demonstrates both a similarity and a difference. After your paragraph, explain how you are meeting the requirements.


The New England colonies had a more diverse economy which included shipping, lumber, and export of food crops. On the other hand, the Chesapeake colonies' economy focused almost exclusively on the production and export of tobacco and a few other cash crops. This was likely because their locations affected their means of production. Chesapeake colonies were more south of New England colonies, so it would have been warmer and easier to grow crops. New England had a harder time growing crops in their colder environment with more rocky soil, so they found other means of production to rely on as well as crops. However, the two regions also had some similarities. In both the New England and Chesapeake regions, English colonists established settler colonies based on agriculture, in contrast to French trading posts in Canada. These settlements were based on some form of agriculture and had some measure of self-sufficiency, especially in New England. American Indians were affected by both colonies because they were establishing permanent settlements, which led to many conflicts. Although there was conflict, there was also trade as well.

I used comparison and causation, which were both asked of in the prompt. I answered the entire question.

Who was the skilled secretary of state who helped to negotiate the Treaty of Ghent in 1814, negotiated for the acquisition of Florida from Spain, and negotiated the boundary between the United States and Canada with Britain


Answer: John Quincy Adams


relationship between religion and conquest.



The year 622 brought a new challenge to Christianity. Near Mecca, Saudi Arabia, a prophet named Muhammad claimed he received a revelation that became a cornerstone of the Islamic faith. The Koran, which Muhammad wrote in Arabic, identified Jesus Christ not as God but as a prophet. Islam spread throughout the Middle East and into Europe until 732.Soon thereafter, European Christians began the Crusades, a campaign of violence against Muslims to dominate the Holy Lands—an area that extended from modern-day Turkey in the north along the Mediterranean coast to the Sinai Peninsula—under Islamic control, partially in response to sustained Muslim control in Europe. The city of Jerusalem is a holy site for Jews, Christians, and Muslims; evidence exists that the three religions lived there in harmony for centuries. But in 1095, European Christians decided not only to reclaim the holy city from Muslim rulers but also to conquer the entire surrounding area.

what are a few muslim countries?



pakistan soudi arabia afganistan and yemen


indonesia, pakistan, bangladesh and india


Did the Europeans refused to trade with American Indians who did not convert to Christianity.


Answer: Diverse Native American religions and cultures existed before and after the arrival of European colonialists. In the 16th to 17th centuries, Spanish conquistadores and French fur traders were generally more violent to Native Americans than were the Spanish and French missionaries, although few Native Americans trusted any European group. The majority of early colonists did not recognize the deep culture and traditions of Native peoples, nor did they acknowledge the tribes' land rights. The colonists sought to convert the Native people in the New World and strip them of their land.


So yes and no

How does Madison and Roosevelt contrast in their emphasis about the role of government? * Your answer Back Submit



Madison and Roosevelt have different opinions about government interference in American society.


Madison and his companions firmly believed that the existence of government was simply to protect the privileges that God had provided people within the law. Madison advised a limited role in the government. However, Roosevelt was a leader of different time who has witnessed different socio-political conditions. His presidency period has been marked by an increased role of the federal government in the lives of Americans.  

What early indian leader seized power in india and started the Mauryan Empire and created my Mauryan Dynasty, the first Indian dynasty?




Chandragupta was the founder of the Mauryan dynasty (reigned c. 321–c. 297 BCE) and the first emperor to unify most of India under one administration. He is credited with saving the country from maladministration and freeing it from foreign domination.

7. Europeans desired to find a water way to Asia because - A. Many thieves were found along the land routes B. A ship sailed smoother than a wagon was pulled across land c. You could travel faster by water than by land Ships were easier to construct than wagons​





Thieves were a big thing back then along the trails to Asia.




Thieves weren't really a problem since once you got into Asia, the trade routes were protected by local empires, especially the mongolian empire who had domination over the silk road back then since they ruled China for a while. Europeans mainly wanted to get to Asia faster so that they could bring back more goods at a faster rate.

How did political structures envolve as agricultural societies developed?



When early humans began farming, they were able to produce enough food that they no longer had to migrate to their food source. This meant they could build permanent structures, and develop villages, towns, and eventually even cities. Closely connected to the rise of settled societies was an increase in population.

Identify the region that has been greatly influenced by the principles of Confucianism and Buddhism.


The region of the Chinese people is one which has been greatly influenced by the principles of Confucianism and Buddhism.

What is the Confucianism and Buddhism?

These refers to the belief and teaching of Confucius and Buddha respectively.

The belief held in Buddhism and Confucianism have had an impact on China for about two thousand years and the Chinese culture has been deep rooted in these two philosophies.

Read more about Buddhism


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