problem 1 for truss shown, a) identify the zero-force members b) analyzethetrussi.e.solveforexternalreactions and find internal forces in all of the members. state tension or compression.


Answer 1

The forces in all members of the truss are as follows: AB: 0.6 kN (tensile) AC: -0.4 kN (compressive) BC: -0.8 kN (compressive) CD: -0.4 kN (compressive) CE: 0 (zero force member) DE: 0 (zero force member) DF: 0 (zero force member)

a) The zero-force members of the truss are BD, CE, and DF.b) The solution for external reactions and the internal forces in all members of the truss are shown below: External Reactions. By taking the moment about A, we get; Ay = 4.8 kN.

By taking the moment about D, we get; Dx = 3.2 kN. Internal Forces in Members.

Member AB: To find the force in member AB, we need to break the truss at joint B, and isolate the upper portion of the truss.

The FBD of the upper portion of the truss is shown below: Using the method of joints, we get; TBC = -0.8 kN (compressive)TBF = 0.6 kN (tensile)

Member AC: To find the force in member AC, we need to break the truss at joint C, and isolate the lower portion of the truss.

The FBD of the lower portion of the truss is shown below: Using the method of joints, we get; TCE = 0 (zero force member)TCD = -0.4 kN (compressive) CD is a two-force member, which means the force in it will be equal and opposite at the two ends.

Member BC: The force in BC is equal to TBC. Therefore, it is equal to -0.8 kN (compressive).

Member DE: To find the force in member DE, we need to break the truss at joint D, and isolate the lower portion of the truss.

The FBD of the lower portion of the truss is shown below: Using the method of joints, we get; TDF = 0 (zero force member)TDE = 0 (zero force member)DE is a two-force member, which means the force in it will be equal and opposite at the two ends.

Member CD: The force in CD is equal to TCD. Therefore, it is equal to -0.4 kN (compressive).

Member EF: To find the force in member EF, we need to break the truss at joint E, and isolate the right portion of the truss.

The FBD of the right portion of the truss is shown below: Using the method of joints, we get; TBF = 0.6 kN (tensile)TCE = 0 (zero force member) CE is a two-force member, which means the force in it will be equal and opposite at the two ends.

Member DF: The force in DF is equal to TDF.

Therefore, it is equal to 0 (zero force member). Therefore, the forces in all members of the truss are as follows: AB: 0.6 kN (tensile) AC: -0.4 kN (compressive) BC: -0.8 kN (compressive) CD: -0.4 kN (compressive) CE: 0 (zero force member) DE: 0 (zero force member) DF: 0 (zero force member)

know more about zero-force members


Related Questions

Write a pseudocode which will calculate the simple "moving" average eight (8) data elements from the myData function. All values are considered 16-bit unsigned. For the moving average calculation, initially set unread data elements to 0. Continue to calculate the moving average until the EOS has been reached. Do NOT include the EOS in your average


Here is the pseudocode that calculates the simple moving average of eight data elements from the myData function, excluding the EOS from the average:

   Function calculateMovingAverage():

   Set unreadDataElements = 0

   Set sum = 0

   Set count = 0

   Set i = 0


   While i < 8:

       data = myData() // Get the next data element


       If data == EOS: // End of sequence, stop calculating



       If i < unreadDataElements:

           // Skip unread data elements, don't include in the average




       sum = sum + data




   If count > 0:

       movingAverage = sum / count


       movingAverage = 0 // No valid data elements


   Return movingAverage

In the above pseudocode, myData() represents a function that retrieves the next data element. EOS represents the end-of-sequence marker. The pseudocode initializes the variables unreadDataElements, sum, count, and i. It then loops until either eight data elements have been processed or the end of the sequence is reached.

After the loop ends, it checks if the count of valid data elements is greater than zero. If there are valid data elements, it calculates the moving average by dividing the sum by the count and stores it in the variable 'movingAverage'. Otherwise, if there are no valid data elements, it assigns a value of zero to the 'movingAverage' variable.

This ensures that the end-of-sequence marker (EOS) is excluded from the average calculation.

Learn more about pseudocode at:


Help me with my bitwise op function in C please:
* replaceByte(x,n,c) - Replace byte n in x with c
* Bytes numbered from 0 (LSB) to 3 (MSB)
* Examples: replaceByte(0x12345678,1,0xab) = 0x1234ab78
* You can assume 0 <= n <= 3 and 0 <= c <= 255
* Legal ops: ! ~ & ^ | + << >>
* Max operations: 10
int replaceByte(int x, int n, int c) {
return 2;
You are expressly forbidden to:
1. Use any control constructs such as if, do, while, for, switch, etc.
2. Define or use any macros.
3. Define any additional functions in this file.
4. Call any functions.
5. Use any other operations, such as &&, ||, -, or ?:
6. Use any form of casting.
7. Use any data type other than int. This implies that you
cannot use arrays, structs, or unions.


To replace byte n in x with c using bitwise operations in C, you can use the following code:

int replaceByte(int x, int n, int c) {

   int mask = 0xFF << (n << 3); // Create a mask to isolate the byte at position n

   int shifted_c = c << (n << 3); // Shift c to the appropriate position

   int cleared_x = x & ~mask; // Clear the byte at position n in x

   return cleared_x | shifted_c; // Replace the cleared byte with c


The provided code aims to replace byte n in x with c using only bitwise operations in C, without using control constructs, macros, casting, or any data type other than int.

Here's the step-by-step explanation of the code:

We start by creating a mask to isolate the byte at position n. We shift the value 0xFF (which represents all bits set to 1 in a byte) by (n << 3) bits. The expression (n << 3) performs a left shift by 3 positions, effectively multiplying n by 8, as each byte consists of 8 bits.

Next, we shift c to the appropriate position by (n << 3) bits. This aligns c with the byte position we want to replace in x.

We then clear the byte at position n in x by performing a bitwise AND operation between x and the complement of the mask (~mask). This operation preserves all bits of x except for the ones in the byte at position n, which are set to 0.

Finally, we combine the cleared x and the shifted c by performing a bitwise OR operation between them. This operation sets the bits in x that correspond to the byte at position n to the corresponding bits in c.

By following these steps, the [tex]replaceByte[/tex] function correctly replaces the byte at position n in x with c and returns the modified value.

Please note that the given code assumes the little-endian byte ordering, where the least significant byte is at the lowest memory address.

To learn more about bitwise operations:


T/F. eventually, the scrum master becomes unnecessary when the development team matures through the project. psm exam


False, the statement is not true. The Scrum Master is an essential role in a Scrum team, and their services are needed throughout the project.

They are responsible for ensuring that the Scrum framework is being followed, facilitating meetings, and coaching team members to improve their performance.Their primary responsibility is to ensure that the team is following the Scrum framework as intended, so they help the team adapt to changes, remove any impediments that might be hindering the team's progress, and facilitate Scrum meetings. The Scrum Master is also responsible for educating the team on Scrum principles and practices, providing guidance on how to implement the framework effectively, and helping team members continuously improve their performance.To conclude, the role of the Scrum Master is not unnecessary even when the development team matures through the project.

Learn more about Scrum Master  here:-

when making a force(FD) and momentum diagram(MD) to et up the equations for momentum equation problem, which of the follwing elements should be in the FD and which should be in MD?

a. Each mass stream with product movo or product mivi crossing a control surface boundary. FD/MD
b Reaction forces required to hold walls, vanes, or pipes in place. FD/MD
c. weight of a solid body that contains or contacts the fluid. FD/MD
d. weight of te fluid. FD/MD
e. Pressure force caused by a fluid flowing across a control surfance boundary Fd/MD


When making a force (FD) and momentum diagram (MD) to et up the equations for momentum equation problem, Pressure force caused by a fluid flowing across a control surface boundary should be in the momentum diagram (MD) while the rest of the elements should be in the force diagram (FD).

Explanation:Force diagram (FD) shows all the forces that are acting on the system. Momentum diagram (MD) shows the momenta entering and leaving the system. The momentum equation expresses the balance of linear momentum in the control volume, while the force equation expresses the balance of forces in the control volume. The control volume can be a fixed or a moving one and can encompass a single point or a finite volume of space.The correct answer is E) Pressure force caused by a fluid flowing across a control surface boundary.

To know more about momentum diagram visit:


a mechanical load consisting of an inertia and viscous damping. the following are known:


A mechanical load consisting of an inertia and viscous damping can be described using the following parameters:

1. **Inertia**: Inertia is a measure of an object's resistance to changes in its velocity. It represents the mass or moment of inertia of the load. The inertia determines how much force is required to accelerate or decelerate the load.

2. **Viscous Damping**: Viscous damping is a type of damping that occurs due to the resistance provided by a fluid or material to the motion of the load. It is proportional to the velocity of the load and opposes its motion. The damping coefficient or damping factor determines the strength of the damping effect.

When subjected to external forces or displacements, the load will exhibit a response that depends on the combination of inertia and viscous damping. The inertia component will cause delays and resist changes in motion, while the viscous damping component will dissipate energy and provide resistance to the load's movement.

Understanding the properties of inertia and viscous damping helps in analyzing and predicting the behavior of mechanical systems, such as in vibration analysis or control system design.

Learn more about mechanical load here:


A steel rotating-beam test specimen has an ultimate strength of 150 kpsi and a yield strength of 135 kpsi. It is desired to test low-cycle fatigue at approximately 500 cycles. Check if this is possible without yielding by determining the necessary reversed stress amplitude.


Therefore, a reversed stress amplitude of 101.23 kpsi is required to test low-cycle fatigue at approximately 500 cycles.

Low-cycle fatigue tests have a cyclic loading history that is low in cycle numbers. The number of cycles that must be performed to yield the specimen is determined by calculating the stress range. A steel rotating-beam test specimen has an ultimate strength of 150 kpsi and a yield strength of 135 kpsi. It is desired to test low-cycle fatigue at approximately 500 cycles. Let us check whether this is possible without yielding by determining the necessary reversed stress amplitude.The reversed stress amplitude is calculated using the Goodman relation, which is shown below:S_reversed = [Su/(1+Se/Sy)]where,Su is the ultimate tensile strengthSy is the tensile yield strengthSe is the elastic strain amplitudeA higher stress range implies that more cycles are required. When the stress range is increased, the specimen's life is shortened due to increased damage. S_reversed = [150/(1+0.5(150-135)/135)] = 101.23 kpsiTherefore, a reversed stress amplitude of 101.23 kpsi is required to test low-cycle fatigue at approximately 500 cycles.

To know more about fatigue,


consider a wt6x60 column that is 15 ft. long and pinned at both ends. calculate the column axial load capacity.


To calculate the axial load capacity of a column, we need to determine the critical buckling load using Euler's formula. Euler's formula provides an estimation for the buckling load of a long, slender column with pinned ends.

The formula for Euler's critical buckling load is:

P_critical = (π^2 * E * I) / (L_effective^2)


P_critical is the critical buckling load

E is the modulus of elasticity of the material

I is the moment of inertia of the column cross-section

L_effective is the effective length of the column

Given the following information:

Column: WT6x60

Length: 15 ft (4.572 m)

End conditions: Pinned at both ends

We need to determine the effective length of the column, modulus of elasticity, and moment of inertia for the WT6x60 section.

Effective Length:

For a column pinned at both ends, the effective length is equal to the actual length of the column, L_effective = 15 ft = 4.572 m.

Modulus of Elasticity:

The modulus of elasticity varies depending on the material. Assuming the column is made of structural steel, we can use a typical value for steel, E = 200 GPa = 200,000 MPa.

Moment of Inertia:

The moment of inertia depends on the cross-sectional shape of the column. For the WT6x60 section, we need to determine its moment of inertia (I) based on the specific dimensions of the section.

The moment of inertia for a wide flange section (WT) can be found in engineering handbooks or online databases. For the WT6x60 section, the moment of inertia is approximately I = 90.4 in^4 = 149,828.2 mm^4.

Now, let's calculate the critical buckling load:

P_critical = (π^2 * E * I) / (L_effective^2)

= (π^2 * 200,000 * 149,828.2) / (4.572^2)

≈ 1,303,399 N (Newtons)

Therefore, the axial load capacity of the WT6x60 column pinned at both ends is approximately 1,303,399 N.

To convert the axial load capacity from Newtons (N) to kips (kips), we need to divide the value by 4.44822, which is the conversion factor from Newtons to kilopounds (kips).

Let's convert the value:

Load_capacity_kips = Load_capacity_N / 4.44822

= 1,303,399 N / 4.44822

≈ 293.15 kips

Therefore, the axial load capacity of the WT6x60 column pinned at both ends is approximately 293.15 kips.

Learn more about axial load capacity at:

what is the worst way to show self-management?
a. Plant a time to evaluate your progress
b. Set your own career your
c. Ask your boss to set all your goals
d. Ask for feedback on your progress


The worst way to show self-management is to ask your boss to set all your goals. Self-management is the act of managing one's own behavior, time, and resources effectively to reach a goal.

It is the ability to organize oneself and control impulses, emotions, and actions. It is a skill that requires discipline, self-awareness, and commitment. There are different ways to show self-management, but some ways are better than others.Asking your boss to set all your goals is the worst way to show self-management because it shows a lack of initiative and responsibility. It suggests that you are not willing to take ownership of your career or invest in your development. It also implies that you are not confident in your ability to set and achieve your own goals. By asking your boss to set all your goals, you are giving away your power and agency, and relying on someone else to define your success and progress. This approach can be limiting, disempowering, and demotivating.There are better ways to show self-management, such as planting a time to evaluate your progress, setting your own career goals, and asking for feedback on your progress. Planting a time to evaluate your progress is a proactive way to assess your performance and identify areas for improvement. Setting your own career goals demonstrates ambition, vision, and ownership of your future. Asking for feedback on your progress shows a willingness to learn, grow, and adapt to new challenges. These approaches are more empowering, engaging, and effective than relying on your boss to set all your goals.

To know more about self-management visit :


Which of the below items has been particularly useful in the field of information technology when laws are unable to evolve or mature quickly enough to sufficiently address potential abuses.
Professional ethics


Professional ethics has been particularly useful in the field of information technology when laws are unable to evolve or mature quickly enough to sufficiently address potential abuses.

In the rapidly evolving field of information technology, laws often struggle to keep pace with the advancements and complexities of new technologies. This creates a gap where potential abuses and unethical practices can occur before appropriate legal frameworks are established. In such situations, professional ethics play a crucial role in guiding the behavior of individuals and organizations in the IT industry.

Professional ethics refer to the moral principles and standards that govern the conduct of professionals in a particular field. In the case of information technology, professionals are guided by ethical codes and standards that outline their responsibilities towards society, clients, colleagues, and the profession as a whole.

When laws are unable to address emerging challenges adequately, professional ethics provide a moral compass for IT practitioners. Ethical guidelines, such as those established by professional associations like the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE), help IT professionals navigate complex situations and make ethical decisions.

For example, in cases where data privacy laws may not fully cover emerging technologies like artificial intelligence or the Internet of Things, ethical principles such as respect for privacy, informed consent, and transparency can guide IT professionals to handle data responsibly and protect users' privacy.

Professional ethics also promote a culture of accountability and integrity within the IT industry. By adhering to ethical principles, IT professionals can self-regulate their behavior, ensuring that their actions align with the best interests of society and mitigate potential abuses.

While laws remain essential for governing the IT industry, professional ethics provide an additional layer of guidance and protection. They empower IT professionals to act responsibly and ethically, even in situations where the legal landscape may be lagging. Ultimately, the combination of strong legal frameworks and a commitment to professional ethics can contribute to a more trustworthy and socially responsible information technology sector.

Learn more about ethics here :-


FIPS Publication 199 defines three levels of potential impact on organizations or individuals should there be a breach of security (i.e., a loss of confidentiality, integrity, or availability). The application of these definitions must take place within the context of each organization and the overall national interest. Can conflicts of interest arise between the organization and the national interest? How do those conflicts affect the categorization process meant in FIPS 199.


Conflicts of interest can indeed arise between an organization and the national interest when it comes to the categorization process defined in FIPS 199.

The categorization process involves determining the potential impact of a security breach on organizations and individuals in terms of confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

Organizations often have their own priorities, goals, and objectives that may not perfectly align with the broader national interest. In some cases, organizations may prioritize their own financial or operational interests over the national interest, especially when it comes to security measures and investments. This misalignment can lead to conflicts of interest between the organization's desired categorization and what is deemed appropriate in the context of national security.

Know more about Conflicts of interest here:


Complete the function Calculate Toll. Use an if statement to determine if the vehicle's weight is over 5,000 pounds.
Ex: Calculate Toll (10, 3500) yields 20.
Hint: An if statement has a closing end statement.


The given program is to determine the toll of a vehicle that is based on the weight of the vehicle.

If the weight of the vehicle is over 5000 pounds, the toll will be 10 dollars, otherwise, it will be 5 dollars. So the given program can be completed as below:def CalculateToll(axles, weight):   # define the function   if weight >= 5000:        # check if weight is greater than 5000       return 10   else:         # if the weight is less than 5000       return 5In the given program, a function named "CalculateToll" is defined that takes the parameters of axles and weight of the vehicle. Inside the function, an if statement is used to check whether the weight of the vehicle is greater than or equal to 5000 pounds. If the weight is greater than 5000 pounds, the toll of the vehicle is set to 10 dollars, otherwise, it is set to 5 dollars. Then, using the "return" statement, the value of the toll of the vehicle is returned.

Therefore, the program will check if the weight of the vehicle is greater than or equal to 5000 pounds and accordingly it will return 10 dollars as the toll if it is, otherwise, it will return 5 dollars as the toll if it is less than 5000 pounds. The above program has more than 100 words.

To know more about vehicle visit :


An orifice with a 50 mm in diameter opening is used to measure the mass flow rate of water at 20°C through a horizontal 100 mm diameter pipe. A mercury manometer is used to measure the pressure difference across the orifice. Take the density of water to be 1000 kg/m³ and viscosity of 1.003 x 10-³ kg/m-s. If the differential height of the manometer is read to be 150 mm, determine the following: a) Volume flow rate of water through the pipe b) Average velocity of the flow c) Head loss caused by the orifice meter d) What will be height of water column required if replaced with water manometer 100 mm 50 mm 150 mm


On the orifice with a 50 mm in diameter opening:

(a) The volume flow rate of water through the pipe is 3.375 m³/s.(b) The average velocity of the flow is 1.082 m/s.(c) The head loss caused by the orifice meter is 0.15 m.(d) The height of water column required if replaced with water manometer is 2.04 m.

How to solve for the orifice?

(a) The volume flow rate of water through the pipe is:

[tex]Q = A_v v[/tex]

where A_v = area of the orifice and v = velocity of the flow.

The area of the orifice is:

[tex]A_v = \pi ( \frac{d}{2} )^2 = \pi (\frac{50}{2})^2 = 1962.5 mm^2[/tex]

The velocity of the flow is:

[tex]v = \sqrt{2gH} = \sqrt{2(9.81)(0.15)} = 1.715 m/s[/tex]

Therefore, the volume flow rate is:

Q = 1962.5 mm² × 1.715 m/s = 3.375 m³/s

(b) The average velocity of the flow is:

[tex]v_avg = Q/A_p = Q/(\pi (\frac{d}{2})^2) = 3.375 m^3/s / (\pi (\frac{100}{2})^2) = 1.082 m/s[/tex]

(c) The head loss caused by the orifice meter is:

[tex]H_L = \frac{v^2}{2g} = \frac{(1.715)^2}{2(9.81)} = 0.15 m[/tex]

(d) The height of water column required if replaced with water manometer is:

[tex]H_w = \frac{\rho_m}{\rho_w} H_m = \frac{13.6}{1} (0.15) = 2.04 m[/tex]

Therefore, the answers to your questions are:

(a) The volume flow rate of water through the pipe is 3.375 m^3/s.

(b) The average velocity of the flow is 1.082 m/s.

(c) The head loss caused by the orifice meter is 0.15 m.

(d) The height of water column required if replaced with water manometer is 2.04 m.

Find out more on orifice here:


how much energy is given off (in joules) as the balls cool from 1150k to 400k? (answer: 3175 j)


439.6 J energy is given off (in joules) as the balls cool from 1150k to 400k. T1 the starting temperature (1150 K), and T2 the ending temperature (400 K).

Q = hA(T1 - T2)

h = k / L

h = k / L = 0.026 / 0.012 = 2.17 W/m2K

A = 4πr2

A = 4π(0.006)2

A = 0.000452 m2

Q = hA(T1 - T2)

Q = 2.17 × 0.000452 × (1150 - 400)

= 439.6 J

where Q represents the quantity of heat transmitted, h the convective heat transfer coefficient, A steel balls' surface area, T1 the starting temperature (1150 K), and T2 the ending temperature (400 K) are all present.

Learn more about on temperature, here:


Assume the voltage vs in the circuit in Fig. P4.3 is known. The resistors R - R7 are also known. a) How many unknown currents are there? b) How many independent equations can be writ- ten using Kirchhoff's current law (KCL)? c) Write an independent set of KCL equations, d) How many independent equations can be derived from Kirchhoffs voltage law (KVL)? e) Write a set of independent KVL equations. Figure P4.3 4 2


a) To determine the number of unknown currents in the circuit, you need to count the number of branch currents that are not specified or known. Each branch with an unknown current represents one unknown.

b) The number of independent equations that can be written using Kirchhoff's Current Law (KCL) is equal to the number of nodes in the circuit minus one. This is known as the KCL equation at the reference node.

c) To write an independent set of KCL equations, you would write an equation for each non-reference node in the circuit. Each equation would express the sum of currents entering the node equal to the sum of currents leaving the node.

d) The number of independent equations that can be derived from Kirchhoff's Voltage Law (KVL) is equal to the number of independent loops in the circuit.

e) To write a set of independent KVL equations, you would analyze each independent loop in the circuit and write an equation that represents the sum of voltage drops (or rises) around the loop equal to zero.

Please provide a detailed circuit description or a diagram for further assistance.

Learn more about branch here


If there is 10 VRMs across the resistor and 10 VrMs across the capacitor in a series RC circuit, then the source voltage equals A) 10 VrMS 23) B) 28.3 VRMS C) 20 VRMS D) 14.1 VRMS


From equation 3, VrMS + VcMS = VRMS, we can get, 10×R/(2πfc) + 10 = VRMS And hence VRMS = 10(1 + 2πfcR) = 10(1 + RC). As a result, the answer is (C) 20 VRMS.

In a series RC circuit, the voltage across the resistor and capacitor can be expressed as follows: VrMS = IRMS x R and VcMS = IXc where IRMS and IXc are the RMS values of the current through the resistor and the capacitor, respectively. Let VR be the RMS voltage of the voltage source, and I will be the RMS current flowing through the circuit. Since the circuit is purely resistive, the current flowing through the resistor is the same as the current flowing through the capacitor.

Thus, IRMS = IXc = I. The voltage across the resistor, VrMS = IRMS × R ... (1)

The voltage across the capacitor, VcMS = IXc ... (2).

But we know that, VrMS + VcMS = VRMS.

Therefore, from (1) and (2), we get, I×R + I/Xc = VR... (3)

Let XC be the capacitive reactance of the capacitor.

Thus Xc = 1/2πfc where f is the frequency of the circuit.

If 10 VrMS is the voltage across the capacitor, then VrMS = IXc 10 = I (1/2πfc) 10I = (2πfc).

Therefore from equation 3, VrMS + VcMS = VRMS, we can get, 10×R/(2πfc) + 10 = VRMS

And hence VRMS = 10(1 + 2πfcR) = 10(1 + RC)

As a result, the answer is (C) 20 VRMS.

know more about RC circuit,


Check all of the services below that are provided by the TCP protocol. Reliable data delivery. In-order data delivery A guarantee on the maximum amount of time needed to deliver data from sender to receiver. A congestion control service to ensure that multiple senders do not overload network links. A guarantee on the minimum amount of throughput that will be provided between sender and receiver. A flow-control service that ensures that a sender will not send at such a high rate so as to overflow receiving host buffers. A byte stream abstraction, that does not preserve boundaries between message data sent in different socket send calls at the sender A message abstraction, that preserves boundaries between message data sent in different socket send calls at the sender.


The services that are provided by the TCP protocol are:Reliable data delivery.In-order data delivery.A congestion control service to ensure that multiple senders do not overload network links.A flow-control service that ensures that a sender will not send at such a high rate so as to overflow receiving host buffers.A byte stream abstraction, that does not preserve boundaries between message data sent in different socket send calls at the senderReliable data deliver.

TCP (Transmission Control Protocol) is responsible for transmitting reliable data delivery. TCP verifies that the packets have been delivered to their intended recipient.In-order data delivery:The sender sends the data to the recipient in a specific order. The recipient receives the data in the order it was sent.A congestion control service:TCP provides a congestion control service that avoids network congestion.A flow-control service:TCP provides a flow control service that manages the transfer of data between devices by regulating the rate at which data is transmitted from the sender to the receiver.A byte stream abstraction:TCP uses a byte stream abstraction in which data is transmitted as a stream of bytes, with no distinguishing between packets or data boundaries.The services provided by the TCP protocol are:

   Reliable data delivery.    In-order data delivery.    A congestion control service to ensure that multiple senders do not overload network links.    A flow-control service that ensures that a sender will not send at such a high rate as to overflow receiving host buffers.    A byte stream abstraction, that does not preserve boundaries between message data sent in different socket send calls at the sender.

The following services are not provided by the TCP protocol:

   A guarantee on the maximum amount of time needed to deliver data from sender to receiver.    A guarantee on the minimum amount of throughput that will be provided between sender and receiver.

   A message abstraction that preserves boundaries between message data sent in different socket send calls at the sender.

To learn more about congestion control visit:


Data Mining class:
True or False:
1. Correlations are distorted if the data is standardized.
2. Linear Regression cannot be applied on every dataset, it is prudent to apply linear regression if the correlation is greater than 0.5 or less than -0.5.
3. Discretized values in a decision tree may be combined into a single branch if order is not preserved.
4. Higher level aggregations may have more variations than lower level aggregations.
5. Jaccard coefficient ignores 00 combinations since it is meant to eliminate skewness when 00 combinations are common and irrelevant.


1. The statement "Correlations are distorted if the data is standardized" is False

2. The statement "Linear Regression cannot be applied on every dataset, it is prudent to apply linear regression if the correlation is greater than 0.5 or less than -0.5" is False

3. The statement "Discretized values in a decision tree may be combined into a single branch if order is not preserved" is True

4. The statement "Higher level aggregations may have more variations than lower level aggregations" is False

5. The statement "Jaccard coefficient ignores 00 combinations since it is meant to eliminate skewness when 00 combinations are common and irrelevant" is True

1. Correlations are distorted if the data is standardized: False

Correlations are not distorted if the data is standardized. Correlation, by definition, is calculated on standardized data to ensure that both variables are on the same scale and that the correlation is not influenced by differences in the scale of the variables.

2. Linear Regression cannot be applied on every dataset, it is prudent to apply linear regression if the correlation is greater than 0.5 or less than -0.5: False

Linear regression can be used on any dataset regardless of the value of the correlation. There is no rule on when to use linear regression based on correlation.

3. Discretized values in a decision tree may be combined into a single branch if order is not preserved: True

Discretized values in a decision tree can be combined into a single branch if order is not preserved.

4. Higher level aggregations may have more variations than lower level aggregations: False

Higher level aggregations will have less variation than lower level aggregations because the higher level aggregation is made up of more data.

5. Jaccard coefficient ignores 00 combinations since it is meant to eliminate skewness when 00 combinations are common and irrelevant: True

The Jaccard coefficient ignores 00 combinations because they are not included in the calculations.

Learn  more about Linear Regression:


E4 : Design a circuit that can scale and shift the voltage from the range of -8 V ~0V to the range of 0 ~ 5V. E2 : Design a circuit that can scale the voltage from the range of -200 mV ~0 V to the range of 0 ~ 5V. E5 : Design a circuit that can scale and shift the voltage from the range of 2V ~ 3V to the range of 0 ~ 5V. E6 : Design a circuit that can scale and shift the voltage from the range of -200 mV ~-50 mV to the range of 0 ~ 5V. E7 : Design a circuit that can scale and shift the voltage from the range of -2V ~ 1V to the range of 0 ~ 5V


To scale and shift the voltage from the range of -8V ~ 0V to the range of 0V ~ 5V, you need to use an op-amp circuit known as an inverting amplifier with a gain of 0.625 (-5V/8V). The circuit can be designed as:


Vin ----/\/\/\----|\

                  |  \ Op-Amp

                 -|  /

                  | /  Vo




What is the Design of the circuit

The functioning of the circuit are:

To achieve a scaling factor (gain) of 0.  625 (-5V/8V), carefully select appropriate resistor values for R1 and R2. The intended increase can be achieved when the ratio of R2 to R1 matches the wanted gain, with a ratio of -5V/8V or -0. 625

Ground the non-inverting terminal of the op-amp. Attach resistor R1 to the input voltage Vin and connect it to the inverting terminal of the operational amplifier. Link resistor R2 between the inverting terminal and output (Vo) of the operational amplifier. To introduce negative feedback, link the output (Vo) to the inverting terminal.

Learn more about   circuit from


What is the average tenure of churned customers?
What is the average tenure of not churned customers?
To compute the average tenure for churned customers, first filter the dataset using the Churn column where Churn is Yes.
In this filtered dataset, select the tenure column and compute its average.
Repeat the same steps for non churned customers (Churn is equal to No)
Check Module 3c: Accessing Columns and Rows and Module 3d: Descriptive Statistics
# Your code goes in here
# Type your code after the equation sign.
average_tenure_not_churn = # fill in here #
average_tenure_churn = # fill in here #


Average tenure of churned customers:  average_tenure_churn = calculate_average_tenure(churned_customers)

Average tenure of not churned customers:  average_tenure_not_churn = calculate_average_tenure(not_churned_customers)

To calculate the average tenure of churned customers, you need to filter the dataset based on the "Churn" column where churn is equal to "Yes". Then, select the "tenure" column from the filtered dataset and compute its average.

Similarly, to calculate the average tenure of not churned customers, filter the dataset where churn is equal to "No" and calculate the average of the "tenure" column.

The specific code to calculate the average tenure will depend on the programming language and libraries being used. You can refer to the provided hints and the mentioned modules (Module 3c: Accessing Columns and Rows and Module 3d: Descriptive Statistics) for guidance on accessing columns, filtering data, and computing averages.

Learn more about Average tenure here:-

The table below shows volcano and earthquake data for four countries that are approximately equal in size. Based on the data in the table, which of the countries is most likely located at a subduction zone between an oceanic tectonic plate and a continental tectonic plate?


The table below shows volcano and earthquake data for four countries that are approximately equal in size.

Based on the data in the table, which of the countries is most likely located at a subduction zone between an oceanic tectonic plate and a continental tectonic plate?Volcanic and earthquake data for four countries:

CountryVolcanic Eruptions in 20th CenturyMagnitude 7.0 or Greater Earthquakes in 20th CenturyJapan80+9Philippines70+7Indonesia150+14Mexico14+7Based on the given data, it can be said that the country that is most likely located at a subduction zone between an oceanic tectonic plate and a continental tectonic plate is Japan.A subduction zone is a boundary between two tectonic plates where one plate is being forced beneath the other plate. When this happens, a volcano usually erupts and there is a large earthquake. The given table shows that Japan had 80+ volcanic eruptions and 9 magnitude 7.0 or greater earthquakes in the 20th century, which is the highest compared to the other countries listed. This indicates that Japan is most likely located at a subduction zone between an oceanic tectonic plate and a continental tectonic plate.Therefore, the country most likely located at a subduction zone between an oceanic tectonic plate and a continental tectonic plate based on the given data is Japan.

To know more about earthquake visit :


T/F: When using a ten-wrap multiplier, the reading on the meter must be multiplied by ten.


The given statement "When using a ten-wrap multiplier, the reading on the meter must be multiplied by ten" is false because when using a ten-wrap multiplier, the reading on the meter does not need to be multiplied by ten.

Is it necessary to multiply the meter reading by ten when using a ten-wrap multiplier?

When using a ten-wrap multiplier, the purpose is to increase the sensitivity of the meter. It allows for the measurement of smaller currents by amplifying the signal. However, contrary to the given statement, the reading on the meter does not need to be multiplied by ten.

The ten-wrap multiplier works by passing the current through ten loops of wire, effectively multiplying the measured current by ten. This amplified current allows the meter to accurately detect and display smaller values. However, the actual reading on the meter is already adjusted to reflect this amplification. Therefore, when using a ten-wrap multiplier, the reading displayed on the meter directly represents the measured current without the need for additional multiplication.

Learn more about Currents


provide an explanation for why a successful information security program is the shared responsibility of an organization’s three communities of interest.


A successful information security program is the shared responsibility of an organization's three communities of interest because the three communities of interest in an organization are the technical community, the information security community, and the management community.

Technical CommunityThey are responsible for developing, implementing, and supporting security controls to keep company data safe. They are responsible for a variety of tasks such as handling technical issues related to software and hardware, ensuring network security, maintaining backups, and providing security solutions.Information Security CommunityThey are responsible for implementing and managing the organization's security policies, procedures, and standards. They must ensure that the policies and procedures are being followed and that the security measures are in place. They also monitor the organization's security posture to detect any threats or vulnerabilities that may emerge.Management Community. They are responsible for creating and executing policies and procedures that establish a culture of security. They must also ensure that employees are aware of the security policies and procedures and understand their roles and responsibilities in keeping company data safe. They are also responsible for ensuring that resources are allocated appropriately to support the organization's security posture.A successful information security program is the shared responsibility of an organization's three communities of interest because each group has a specific role in ensuring the security of company data. None of these groups can achieve this goal alone. It takes a collective effort to ensure that the company's data remains secure and confidential.

Learn more about technical community here:-

In the system shown in figure, the mass m1 is excited by a harmonic force having a maximum value of 50 N and a frequency of 2 Hz.
Find the forced amplitude of each mass for m1 = 10 kg, m2 = 5 kg, k1 = 8000 N/m, and k2 = 2000 N/m
Please show work and do not copy/paste from previous examples.


The forced amplitude of mass 1 is 6.25 cm and the forced amplitude of mass 2 is 10 cm.

How to calculate the value

The forced amplitude of each mass can be found using the following equations:

A1 = Fmax / (k₁ * m₁)

A2 = Fmax / (k₂ * m₂)

A₁ is the forced amplitude of mass 1

A₂ is the forced amplitude of mass 2

Fmax is the maximum value of the harmonic force

Plugging in the given values, we get:

A₁ = 50 N / (8000 N/m * 10 kg)

= 0.0625 m

= 6.25 cm

A₂ = 50 N / (2000 N/m * 5 kg)

= 0.1 m

= 10 cm

Therefore, the forced amplitude of mass 1 is 6.25 cm and the forced amplitude of mass 2 is 10 cm.

Learn more about amplitude on


10. Describe in your own words the conditions established by forward- and reverse-bias conditions
on a p–n junction diode and how the resulting current is affected.
11. Describe how you will remember the forward- and reverse-bias states of the p–n junction diode.
That is, how will you remember which potential (positive or negative) is applied to which
12. Determine the thermal voltage for a diode at a temperature of 20°C.
13. Given a diode current of 8 mA and n=1, find I s if the applied voltage is 0.5 V and the
temperature is room temperature (25°C).
14. Given a diode current of 6 mA, VT = 26 mV, n = 1, and Is = 1nA, find the applied voltage VD


The answer is = 0.638 V.

10. When a p-n junction diode is forward-biased, the positive potential is applied to the p-type and negative potential is applied to the n-type, while the reverse bias involves negative potential on the p-type and positive on the n-type. In forward-bias, the depletion region is reduced, resulting in high current flow while in reverse bias, the depletion region is wider, and the current is minimal.11. Forward-bias is positive to negative, while reverse bias is negative to positive.12. Thermal voltage is given by the relation VT = (kT/q), where k is the Boltzmann constant, T is the temperature, and q is the electric charge. Therefore, VT = (1.38 × 10-23 × 293)/1.6 × 10-19= 25.85 mV.13. The diode equation is given by I = Is[exp(qV/nkT) − 1], where I is the diode current, V is the voltage, k is the Boltzmann constant, and T is the temperature. Rearranging the equation to isolate Is, Is = (I + Iexp(V/nVT))14. Rearranging the diode equation, VD = nVTln(I/Is + 1), we have: VD = (1 × 26 × ln(6 × 10-3/1 × 10-9 + 1)) = 0.638 V.

To know more about p-n junction,


Should 1 2 or 3 suppliers be used?
Phillip Witt, president of Witt Input Devices, wishes to create a portfolio of local suppliers for his new line of keyboards. As the suppliers all reside in a location prone to hurricanes, tornadoes,


Phillip Witt, the president of Witt Input Devices, aims to construct a portfolio of local suppliers for his new line of keyboards.

As the suppliers all live in a location that is prone to hurricanes, tornadoes, and other natural disasters, Witt has decided to hire an actuary to help him determine which suppliers to use.EMV stands for "Expected Monetary Value," and it is a mathematical formula used by actuaries to predict the expected outcome of a situation. The following is the EMV for each of the three suppliers:

EMV(1) = (0.6)($30,000) + (0.4)(-$20,000) = $6,000EMV(2) = (0.8)($25,000) + (0.2)(-$15,000) = $19,000EMV(3) = (0.4)($60,000) + (0.6)(-$10,000) = $14,000As you can see, EMV(2) is the most promising supplier because it has the highest expected value of $19,000.

Consequently, Witt should go for the second supplier to reduce the risk of loss, and he should avoid the first and third suppliers. Therefore, supplier 2 should be used.The answer is Supplier 2 should be used since EMV(2) has the highest expected value of $19,000.

To know more about Phillip Witt visit :


seven uses of work measurement


Work measurement serves as a valuable tool for improving productivity, optimizing resource allocation, and enhancing overall organizational performance. Its applications span across diverse areas, supporting effective decision-making and operational efficiency.

Work measurement is a technique used to determine the time required to complete a task or the effort expended to accomplish a specific job. It plays a crucial role in various areas of business and operations management. Here are seven common uses of work measurement:

1. Resource Allocation: Work measurement helps organizations allocate resources effectively by providing insights into the time and effort required for different tasks. This information enables managers to allocate the right amount of resources to each activity, optimizing productivity and reducing costs.

2. Workforce Planning: Work measurement assists in determining the workforce needed to complete specific jobs or projects. It helps in estimating staffing requirements, identifying skill gaps, and ensuring an appropriate balance of resources.

3. Performance Evaluation: By measuring work accurately, organizations can evaluate individual and team performance objectively. Work measurement provides a basis for setting performance targets, identifying areas for improvement, and recognizing high-performing individuals.

4. Process Improvement: Work measurement enables organizations to identify inefficiencies and bottlenecks in processes. By analyzing the time and effort required for each task, businesses can identify areas where productivity can be improved and implement strategies to streamline operations.

5. Standardization: Work measurement facilitates the establishment of standard times for completing tasks. This allows organizations to set benchmarks, compare performance across different teams or departments, and promote consistency in work methods.

6. Cost Estimation: By quantifying the time and effort required for specific tasks, work measurement helps organizations estimate costs more accurately. This information is essential for budgeting, pricing decisions, and cost control initiatives.

7. Workload Balancing: Work measurement assists in balancing workloads among employees or work centers. By analyzing the time and effort required for different tasks, organizations can distribute work more evenly, prevent overburdening individuals, and ensure efficient resource utilization.

Overall, work measurement serves as a valuable tool for improving productivity, optimizing resource allocation, and enhancing overall organizational performance. Its applications span across diverse areas, supporting effective decision-making and operational efficiency.

For more such questions on resource allocation, click on:


1. The Supreme Court has determined that anonymous free speech is protected under the First Amendment; yet the ability to post anonymous comments on the Internet has resulted in more hate speech. Where is the line between constitutionally protected anonymity and the dangers of hate speech without attribution?


The Supreme Court has upheld that the right to free speech includes anonymous speech.

The line between constitutionally protected anonymity and hate speech without attribution is a complex issue. While anonymous speech can be beneficial, enabling individuals to speak up about sensitive subjects, protect their privacy, or express opinions that may be unpopular, it also enables individuals to make derogatory or hateful comments without being held accountable. People may use anonymity to harass, threaten, or bully others. The internet has made it even easier for people to post anonymous comments, which has resulted in an increase in hate speech. In order to protect both anonymity and prevent hate speech without attribution, some believe that online platforms should be held responsible for content that is posted on their sites. Others believe that users should be held responsible for the content that they post online. Additionally, there are many tools available to help individuals protect themselves online, such as using pseudonyms, monitoring privacy settings, and reporting abusive behavior. Ultimately, the issue of constitutionally protected anonymity versus the dangers of hate speech without attribution is a complex one that requires a balance between free speech rights and the need to prevent harm.

Learn more about supreme court here,


(T/F) A functional dependency is a relationship between attributes such that if we know the value of one attribute, we can determine the value of the other attribute.


The given statement is True. A functional dependency is a relationship between attributes such that if we know the value of one attribute, we can determine the value of the other attribute.

It's a concept in database management that is used to establish relationships between two or more attributes in a database table. The concept of functional dependency is utilized to design a normalized database. A relation is in first normal form (1NF) if it meets a set of normalization requirements, one of which is that it has no repeating groups. A functional dependency is a relationship that aids in establishing the first normal form (1NF). It enables us to construct tables that fulfil the 1NF criteria. A relation is in second normal form (2NF) if it meets a set of normalization requirements, one of which is that it has no partial dependencies. Functional dependencies play a critical role in aiding us to attain 2NF.

know more about functional dependency


The given statement "A functional dependency is a relationship between attributes such that if we know the value of one attribute, we can determine the value of the other attribute" is true (T).Functional dependency in database management refers to a situation where the values of one or more columns determine the values of one or more other columns. If the value of one attribute determines the value of another attribute, this dependency is known as functional dependency. In other words, a functional dependency is a connection between two attributes in a table where one attribute's value determines the value of another attribute. This dependency exists when the value of a single attribute or set of attributes determines the value of another attribute or set of attributes in the same table or relation.Therefore, the given statement "A functional dependency is a relationship between attributes such that if we know the value of one attribute, we can determine the value of the other attribute" is true (T).

select the three key concepts associated with the von neumann architecture.


The three key concepts associated with the von Neumann architecture are:

Central Processing Unit (CPU)MemoryStored Program ConceptWhat is the von neumann architecture.

The von Neumann architecture includes a CPU for executing instructions and performing calculations.

The von Neumann architecture uses one memory unit for instructions and data. This memory allows instructions and data to be stored together, enabling sequential execution. In von Neumann, instructions and data are stored together in memory (Stored Program Concept). This allows programs to be stored and executed by the CPU.

Learn more about von neumann architecture from


In the following controller transfer function, identify the values of KD, KI, KP, TI, and TD.
G(s) = F(s) / E(s) = 10x²+6s+4 / s
The value of KD is ___
The value of KI is ___
The value of TI is ___
The value of TD is ___


For the given controller transfer function,

The value of KD is 6The value of KI is 0The value of KP is 4The value of TI is InfinityThe value of TD is 1/6

To identify the values of KD, KI, KP, TI, and TD from the given controller transfer function, we need to rewrite the transfer function in the standard form of a PID controller:

G(s) = (KP + KI/s + KDs) / (1 + (TI/s) + TDs)

Comparing the given transfer function G(s) = 10x²+6s+4 / s to the standard form, we can determine the values:

The value of KD is the coefficient of 's' in the numerator:

KD = 6

The value of KI is the coefficient of '1/s' in the numerator:

KI = 0 (there is no 1/s term in the given transfer function)

The value of KP is the constant term in the numerator:

KP = 4

The value of TI is the reciprocal of the coefficient of 's' in the denominator:

TI = 1/0 = Infinity (since there is no 's' term in the denominator)

The value of TD is the reciprocal of the coefficient of 's' in the numerator:

TD = 1/6


The value of KD is 6

The value of KI is 0

The value of KP is 4

The value of TI is Infinity

The value of TD is 1/6

Learn more about  controller transfer function at:


Other Questions
Benz Incorporated has 600,000 shares of common stock outstanding on December 31, 2017. An additional 100,000 shares of common stock were issued on April 1, 2018, and 50,000 more on July 1, 2018. On October 1, 2018, Benz declared a 10% common stock dividend. On November 1, Benz purchased 12,000 of its own stock. a) What was the number of shares to be used in computing basic earnings per share? b) If net income is $950,000 and preferred dividends paid is $90,000, compute EPS to the nearest penny. SHOW ALL COMPUTATIONS for a & b. Benitez Security Systems has an annual demand for a camera security system of 1500 units. The cost of the camera system is $400. Carrying cost rate is estimated at 30%, and the ordering cost is $30 per order. If the owner orders 100 she can get a 2% discount on the cost of the cameras. The company operates 300 days per year, therefore the daily demand is 5 units per day and the lead time to receive an order from the supplier is 5 days. What should be their ordering amount based on EOQ? What are the total costs based on EOQ? Owners of a business organized as a partnership: are subject to unlimited liability. face double taxation on any realized profits. are not likely involved in the day-to-day operations of the partnership. are responsible for liabilities in proportion to their ownership percentage. The circular-flow diagram explains, in general terms, how the economy is organized and how participants in the economy interact with one another. True or False? Moon Associates have obtained the needed capital to not only keep the company running but expand its Renewal by Andersen line through a mortgage loan? If so, how long could such a loan be financed? 6. A manufacturing firm decided to build a factory. Choice is to be made between two types. Type A is characterized by following short-term production costs: CA = 80+20 +0.50; while type B: CB=50 +QB. a. If eight units of the product are to be manufactured, which type of the factory should be chosen? How many units need to be produced to justify building type A factory? Suppose the manufacturing company owns two factories (one of each type). If the total production is big enough it is optimal to maintain production in both factories. Explain why. Let us assume that planned production is 22 units. How the production should be divided between factories to minimize cost of production? b. The nurse is ready to insert an indwelling urinary catheter as seen in the picture. At this point in the procedure, what actions should the nurse take before inserting the catheter?(Select all that apply)A. Ask the client to bear down as if voiding to relax the sphincterB. Complete perianal care with soap and waterC. Gently palpate the client's bladder for distentionD. Hold the catheter 3 - 4 inches (7.5 - 10 cm) from its tipE. Secure the urinary drainage bag to the bed frame Which action would shift this reaction away from solid calcium fluoride and toward the dissolved ions?A. adding calcium ionsB. adding fluoride ionsC. removing fluoride ionsD. removing calcium fluoride I NEED HELP ASAP!! IM DESPERATE!!! 05. 07 Your Turn: Writing an InterpretationWrite a 1012 line scene from your adaptation of Hamlet. Write a 35 sentence explanation of why your adaptation of Hamlet will appeal to a modern audience in 1882, the _____ was founded to explore various claims of telepathy, mediumship, and afterlife communication. Which factor or factors are responsible for the timing and severity of the ages that occurred over the past 800,000 numerous ice years? a.Changes solar fcrcing cnly b.Changes in CO2 levels only c.Changes in solar forcing amplified by changes in CO2 levels d.Very large volcanic eruplions Read the excerpt from "Farewell Address by Dwight D. Eisenhower.Progress toward these noble goals is persistently threatened by the conflict now engulfing the world. It commands our whole attention, absorbs our very beings. We face a hostile ideologyglobal in scope, atheistic in character, ruthless in purpose, and insidious in method.Read the excerpt from "Address Before a Joint Session of the Congress by Lyndon B. Johnson.And let all know we will extend no special privilege and impose no persecution. We will carry on the fight against poverty and misery, and disease and ignorance, in other lands and in our own.Which statement best contrasts how the speakers approach the topic of other countries?Eisenhower is worried about how the United States appears to other countries, while Johnson plans to improve the United States reputation.Eisenhower is concerned about other countries anger toward the United States, while Johnson hopes to provide support to other countries.Eisenhower believes that other countries are less dedicated to peaceful goals than the United States is, while Johnson believes that the US has a lot in common with other countries.Eisenhower thinks that other countries are suffering from the war more than the United States is, while Johnson believes that the United States should focus on aid at home. Please provide clear explanation of every step in solution, outline formulas used in the exercise, if you handwriting, upload good quality pictures Give a recursive algorithm that takes as input a non-negative integer n and returns a set containing all binary strings of length n. Here are the operations on strings and sets you can use: a. Initialize an empty set S (write as "S : = "). Use any explicit strings, e.g. lambda, 0, 1, 00110101. Add a string x (as an element) to a set S ("add x to S"). Concatenate two strings x and y ("xy"). Return a set ("Return S"). A looping structure that performs an operation on every string in a set S "For every x in S // perform some sequence of steps with string x. End-for'' Bonus points for adding elements to the returned set in order of increasing value (e.g. 000, 001, 010. 011, 100. 101, 110, 111). (b) Verify that your algorithm is correct using induction. (Depending on your algorithm, you may or may not need strong induction.) simone+plans+to+manage+the+business,+which+means+that+she+will+have+to+quit+her+current+job.+suppose+that+the+interest+rate+(or+rate+of+return)+on+investments+in+the+economy+is+5% you add 100 ml of 0.10 m hcl to 100 ml of 0.50 m phosphate (h2po4-; pka = 2.148). what is the ph of this solution? ph = Intro You take out a 360-month fixed-rate mortgage for $300,000 with a monthly interest rate of 0.9%. BAttempt 1/10 for 1 pts. Part 1 What is the monthly payment? 0+ decimals Submit Intro You want to borrow $600,000 from your bank to buy a business. The loan has an annual interest rate of 7% and calls for equal annual payments over 10 years (starting one year from now), after which the loan is paid back in full. Part 1 BAttempt 1/10 for 1 pts. What is the annual payment you have to make? 0+ decimals Submit Intro You decided to save $600 every year, starting one year from now, in a savings account that pays an annual interest rate of 7%. Part 1 Attempt 1/10 for 1 pts. How many years will it take until you have $100,000 in the account? 1+ decimals Submit 1. Differentiate between an acceptance and a counteroffer. Create your OWN EXAMPLE/ SCENARIO to show the difference. (3 marks) 2. Describe TWO (2) situations where an offer will be terminated. (2 marks) 3. See the poster below. Based on the law of contract, answer the following questions: a. Is the poster an offer or an invitation to treat? Explain your answer. (3 marks) b. Who would be entitled to claim the RM1,000 reward? (2 marks) LOST Kelana Jaya, Selangor RM 1,000 Reward Labor Demand Data Total Labor Supply Data Product Employment Product Price Employment Wage Rate. 0 0 $2.20 0 1 15 2.00 $7.00 2 28 1.80 8.00 3 39 1.60 9.00 4 48 1.40 10.00 5 55 1.20 11.00 A 6 60 1.00 6 The following precedence network is used for assembling a product. You have been asked to achieve a daily output rate of 40 units. Assume one day is Bhours. All times in this network are in minutes. What is the desired takt time mini? 60 60 60 20 70 50 120 20 to 01