What are 5 similarities and 5 differences between the populist and socialist platforms?

What Are 5 Similarities And 5 Differences Between The Populist And Socialist Platforms?


Answer 1
Populist which focuses on standing up for the rights and positions of the common people as opposed to the elite and the government. Several political movements around the world have promoted populist ideals. When used to describe political rhetoric, an individual or a political party, the term often carries pejorative connotations, and “populism” has become a loaded word to many people.

Socialist economic philosophy and movement encompassing a range of economic systems characterized by the dominance of social ownership of the means of production as opposed to private ownership.

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On what day did World War I end?

October 12, 1492

November 1, 1900

November 11, 1918

January 10, 1920



Answer is November 11 1918


Hope this helps :)


November 11 1918 thats the asnwer hope ot helps

____ is a form of government where the people have the power.





because democracy involves rule of the people for the people by the people

Did North had 24 states, and the South had 11 states?


yes i think so, i’m not 100% sure tho
Wym like civil war right of so a lil less than 24 I think it was 20

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Expanded suffrage – The Jacksonians believed that voting rights should be extended to all white men. By the end of the 1820s, attitudes and state laws had shifted in favor of universal white male suffrage and by 1856 all requirements to own property and nearly all requirements to pay taxes had been dropped.


Which Texan piloted the first manned flight in the Apollo mission?
Select one:

Michael DeBakey

Edward H. White

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Benjy Frances Brooks​





I'm pretty sure the answer is d

What's the answer please I wasn't paying that much attention and I need to turn it in.


Answer:The South was devastated by the war, but the Union was preserved, and the Thirteenth Amendment to the Constitution, ratified in 1865, officially abolished slavery in the entire country. After the war the defeated states were gradually allowed back into the United States.


what is politucal apatheids​



Apartheid was a political and social system in South Africa during the era of White minority rule. It enforced racial discrimination against non-Whites, mainly focused on skin colour and facial features. This existed in the twentieth century, from 1948 until the early-1990s. The word apartheid means "distantiation” in the Afrikaans language.[1] Racial segregation had existed in Southern Africa for centuries. In the elections of 1948 the National Party took power and in the next few years made new apartheid laws. The new laws more strictly enforced segregation. In theory, it was to bring independence to the African majority in their own little countries to be created from South African territory.

Under this system, the people of South Africa were divided by their race and the different races were forced to live separately from each other. There were laws in place to ensure that segregation was abided by. The apartheid system in South Africa was abolished in 1994, when a new constitution was ratified which abolished the previous system of segregation.[2] The last President who held office during the apartheid era was Frederik Willem de Klerk; who was responsible for holding negotiations with political prisoner Nelson Mandela to bring an end to apartheid.[3] Following these successful negotiations, Nelson Mandela was elected to the Presidency of South Africa after multi-racial elections were held in April 1994, and became the first black person to hold the position. He was 75 years old [4][5] The pair were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their efforts. Today, the term apartheid is sometimes used for similar segregational systems in other countries.


sorry if my answer is wrong :)


Apartheids was a political and social system of South Africa during the era White minority rule.It enforced racial discrimination against non-Whites, mainly focused on skin colour and facial features. ... The word apartheids means "distantiation" in the afrikaans language


select me as your brainlist

witch statement about the political competition between the soviet union and the united states in the vietnom war is true



Relations between the Soviet Union and the United States were driven by a complex interplay of ideological, political, and economic factors, which led to shifts between cautious cooperation and often bitter superpower rivalry over the years. The distinct differences in the political systems of the two countries often prevented them from reaching a mutual understanding on key policy issues and even, as in the case of the Cuban missile crisis, brought them to the brink of war.

The United States government was initially hostile to the Soviet leaders for taking Russia out of World War I and was opposed to a state ideologically based on communism. Although the United States embarked on a famine relief program in the Soviet Union in the early 1920s and American businessmen established commercial ties there during the period of the New Economic Policy (1921–29), the two countries did not establish diplomatic relations until 1933. By that time, the totalitarian nature of Joseph Stalin's regime presented an insurmountable obstacle to friendly relations with the West. Although World War II brought the two countries into alliance, based on the common aim of defeating Nazi Germany, the Soviet Union's aggressive, antidemocratic policy toward Eastern Europe had created tensions even before the war ended.

The Soviet Union and the United States stayed far apart during the next three decades of superpower conflict and the nuclear and missile arms race. Beginning in the early 1970s, the Soviet regime proclaimed a policy of détente and sought increased economic cooperation and disarmament negotiations with the West. However, the Soviet stance on human rights and its invasion of Afghanistan in 1979 created new tensions between the two countries. These tensions continued to exist until the dramatic democratic changes of 1989–91 led to the collapse during this past year of the Communist system and opened the way for an unprecedented new friendship between the United States and Russia, as well as the other new nations of the former Soviet Union.

Definition: This Supreme Court case, decided in 1954, declared that the segregation doctrine of "separate
but equal," was not Constitutional when applied to the public school system.


Answer: Brown v. Board of Education

How did the Supreme Court ruling on the Civil Rights Cases of 1883 affect the rights of African Americans?
It led to the drafting and passage of the Civil Rights Act.
It led to a sharp increase in African American voting.
It opened the door for legal segregation in the South.
It led to unfair sharecropping contracts in the South.


The correct answer is C) It opened the door for legal segregation in the South.

The Supreme Court ruling on the Civil Rights Cases of 1883 affected the rights of African Americans in that "It opened the door for legal segregation in the South."

The Supreme Court helped erode African Americans' freedom with its decision on the Dred Scott case and its decision in 1883 of declaring the Civil Rights Act of 1875, unconstitutional.

These decisions severely hurt the civil rights of African Americans in the United States. The Supreme Court also added that the US Congress lacked the authority under the 14th Amendment to give protection to African Americans and that the states were the ones that had the authority to do so.

This Court decision opened the door for the expansion of the so-called Jim Crow laws in the southern states.

What conclusions can you draw about Vincent's behavior?
A . that it is dangerous
B . that it is volatile
C . that it is consistent
D . that it is inconsistent



D. That it is inconsistent.

If you read some of the book, it says that he does change his behavior,

Inconsistent meaning




not staying the same throughout.

"the quality of the material was often inconsistent"

-if you answer correctly ill give you brainliest which will give you 23pts-





How could the abolition movements have caused the civil war?



the north and south were divided over slavery and the abolition movement further separated them

What was the effect of Marbury vs. Madison ruling on the Constitution and the laws made by legislature?



Marbury v. Madison strengthened the federal judiciary by establishing for it the power of judicial review, by which the federal courts could declare legislation, as well as executive and administrative actions, inconsistent with the U.S. Constitution (“unconstitutional”) and therefore null and void.



What do you think Malcolm X meant when he said, " Today it's time to stop singing and start swinging ... Cassius Clay can sing. But singing didn't help him to become the heavyweight champion of the world . Swinging helped him."


https://apps.apple.com/us/app/brainly-homework-help-app/id745089947 here’s a link to the answers

Which statement best describes the geography of the Northern Colonies?



The New England colonies were flat along the rocky coastline, which made good harbors.

Whose responsibility is it to "interpret
and verify" that new laws are
A)Legislative branch
B)Executive Branch
C)Judicial Branch
D)The People



C) Judicial Branch.


Regardless if it is a new law or an old law, the Judicial Branch interprets the law based on the current environment to decipher whether or not the law should be applied. If the Judicial Branch deems that the law actually is illegitimate and unconstitutional, it can then be thrown out.


Who good at political cartoon and wanna help me with #4 and #5 in history?






The artist is showing a hand coming from a box labelled Nuclear Bomb with the 2 leaders of America and the Soviet Union try to keep it controlled. This is a metaphor between the arms race between the Soviet Union and how a single mistake between either of them could cost the lives of millions and also could cause a mass extinction event if the nuclear bombs were ever put in the wrong hands.



As I mentioned above, this could cause every country in the world to be on the highest alert and could even cause mass extinction event if one country were to fire at the other country as the other country would send counter nuclear bombs back at their enemy. This is known as M.A.D (Mutually Assured Destruction). A time where the tension was so high is the Cuban Invasion where American troops were going to directly invade Cuba as Cuba was a thorn in America and now started to become a threat as it moved closer to the Soviets who placed nuclear bombs there. This is to level the playing field as the Americans also had nuclear bombs in striking distance of the Soviet Union in Turkey.


!     HOPE I HELPED     !

Why was the
aircraft carrier so
important in the
Pacific War?


Here I hope it helps

pls answer my question I need tomorrow pls answer​



Of course







Why are waterways in the United
States so important to human settlement and
economic activity?



it is because of the speed and low cost of transporting goods by water, influenced the locations of population settlements near navigable water.


The case of Sweatt v. Painter (1950) represented the NAACP’s attempt to focus on segregation in which area?

The military

Public education

Public transportation


Public Education. Challenged the rights of Sweatt to attend law school.

The answer is public education. Just got it wrong so you can get it right. <3 good luck.

1. PART A: Which TWO of the following statements best
describe the central ideas of the text?
A Nicholas II was not a man suited to become the czar,
nor did he want this power.
B While the people thought of the czar almost like a
god, Nicholas Il considered himself more like an
instrument of the people's will.
O C Had the Japanese not attacked Port Arthur, Russia
would have likely won the Russo-Japanese War
quickly and easily.
D The strange holy man Rasputin single-handedly
proved to the be the fall of the House of the
E The Romanovs' obliviousness to Russian poverty
and suffering, combined with a number of bloody
tragedies, contributed to their unpopularity.
F The Bolsheviks were reluctant to permanently
remove the Romanovs, considering their very new
grasp on power and the people's love for the royals.


E, O would be the answer I think

how did 9/11 affect domestic issues?


It caused people to be racist to the muslims.

How did Hitler break the Treaty of Versailles?

He sent troops into the Rhineland
He created the Anschluss (Austria and Germany united)
He built up the military
He started building war materials
All of the Above



He sent troops into the Rhineland


Hitler broke the Treaty of Versailles by moving 22,000 troops into the Rhineland demilitarised zone.

Hope it helps have an wonderful rest of the day!

When people are free to work wherever they wish and to buy, sell, and produce whatever they want, it is known as ___________ __________.



Free enterprise.


An economy is a function of how money, means of production and resources (raw materials) are carefully used to facilitate the demands and supply of goods and services to meet the unending needs or requirements of the consumers.

Hence, a region's or country's economy is largely dependent on how resources are being allocated and utilized, how many goods and services are to be produced, what should be produced, for whom they are to be produced for and how much money are to be spent by the consumers to acquire these goods and services.

Basically, there are four (4) main types of economy and these are;

I. Mixed economy.

II. Command economy.

III. Traditional economy.

IV. Free market economy (enterprise).

A free-enterprise system also referred to as capitalism or free market can be defined as a type of economy in which prices, products and services are being determined by the market rather than the government. Thus, a free-enterprise system is devoid (free) of government regulations, interference or control because the market (enterprises) are the ones who are saddled with the responsibility of determining the market forces.

Simply stated, a free-enterprise system is a type of economy that is completely driven by demand and supply of goods and services.

The four (4) main elements or characteristics of a free enterprise system includes the following;

a. Profit: businesses are all out to generate revenue and profit through the sales of finished goods.

b. Economic freedom: means of production of goods and services are controlled by the people rather than the government. Thus, the producers are free to make their economic choices or decisions such as deciding on how much is to be charged on a product.

c. Private ownership of properties: the various factors of production are owned and allocated by the people. Thus, citizens have rights to the ownership and use of private property.

d. Competition: there are many buyers and sellers of homogeneous products, as well as free entry and exit in the market. Thus, consumers are free to make their economic choices or decisions such as deciding on which product to buy, which goods interest them, where to shop for goods, etc.

Which of Reagan's Supreme Court nominccs was rejected?
a. Robert Bork
b. Sandra Day O'Connor
William Rehnquist
d. Antonin Scalia


The senate rejected Robert Bork
A is correct Because

What was the importance of the Supreme Court case of Wisconsin v. Yoder ?



Yoder, legal case in which the U.S. Supreme Court on May 15, 1972, ruled (7–0) that Wisconsin's compulsory school attendance law was unconstitutional as applied to the Amish (primarily members of the Old Order Amish Mennonite Church), because it violated their First Amendment right to free exercise of religion.


Yoder, legal case in which the U.S. Supreme Court on May 15, 1972, ruled (7–0) that Wisconsin's compulsory school attendance law was unconstitutional as applied to the Amish (primarily members of the Old Order Amish Mennonite Church), because it violated their First Amendment right to free exercise of religion.

What prompted China to enter the war directly?
the UN victory at Inchon
the early successes of North Korea
the US threat to use nuclear weapons
O the UN victories in the northern peninsula



Explanation: UN forces invaded North Korea in October 1950 and moved rapidly towards the Yalu River the border with China but on 19 October 1950, Chinese forces of the People's Volunteer Army (PVA) crossed the Yalu and entered the war.


please mark this answer as brainliest ellaish

The WTO is an international organization that settles tariff (trade tax) disputes among
O True
O False





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