What means theocratic?


Answer 1

A form of government based on a specific religion or deity: If religion and government are not intentionally kept separate, it follows that the government is somewhat theocratic.

What distinguishes the theocratic from the secular?

The secular state is governed by governments that uphold secularism. However, the theocratic state is governed by a strong religiously motivated government.

What defines a theocratic regime as its key characteristic?

A theocracy is distinguished by the fact that there is no separation of religion and power. Faith is the foundation of law. The senior elected politicians in theocracies are often clergymen or occupy positions of equivalent religious authority.

To know more about theocratic visit :-



Related Questions

What do Latin American countries have in common?


The colonization of Latin American countries by the Spanish, Portuguese, and French has a shared history. Roman Catholicism is also the predominant religion among them.

What best describes the culture of Latin America?

Continent-specific Latin America has a thriving culture. The different traditions of the local indigenous people have also had an impact on the culture, as have European and African traditions. One of the world's most hospitable and friendly cultures is found in Latin America, and its people are well known for it. Our forefathers passed on a set of ideas and principles to us that we now refer to as cultural values. The entire cultural group determines its style of life in accordance with its values. A person of that culture's behavior and way of life are determined by such concepts. Spain, Portugal, and France all colonized the countries of Latin America at some point in their history.

To know more about Latin American visit:



What are some compare and contrast between the U.S. Constitution and Canadian Constitution?


The way to compare and contrast between the U.S. Constitution and Canadian Constitution is given below

What are the similarities and differences that the US and Canada share?

Both countries are currently governed by constitutions, with Canada's being reasonably well-written and traditional. The American constitution is made up completely of statutes. Even though the top court of the United States has been active in constitution interpretation for a longer period of time than that of Canada, both countries' supreme courts serve as the official constitutional translators. Laws from both the British and Canadian parliaments are included into the Canadian constitution.

Canadians have a prime minister, whereas Americans have a president. Republican and Democrat are the two main political parties in America. The Liberal, Conservative, NDP, Bloc Québécois, and Green Parties are Canada's five main political parties. The way power is divided varies greatly depending on the form of government.

The rights and liberties that Canadians believe are essential to a free and democratic society are outlined in the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms. One element of the Canadian Constitution is the Charter. The Constitution is a body of laws outlining the fundamental principles under which our nation is to be governed.

Therefore, Two of the biggest nations in the globe are Canada and the United States. They share a long border and are good neighbors. The worlds largest waterfall, Niagara Falls, is also on the border of the two countries.

Learn more about Canadian Constitution from


What is the main point in Section 3?


Insofar as is practical and compatible with current Federal law, Section 3 seeks to assure that job as well as other employment prosperity brought about by particular HUD financial assistance.

What kind of public aid are offered in Ohio?

In addition to medical programs like Medicaid for nursing home residents, community-based medical benefits, and health insurance for low-income families, these include cash assistance through Ohio Works First, disability assistance, SNAP (food aid), preventative measures, retention, and contingency (PRC) benefits, and other benefits.

What is PA support?

Temporary Aid for Needy Families is the only cash assistance program in Pennsylvania (TANF). You income should be below the amount of the cash grant in order to qualify for financial assistance: $205 for a single individual, $316 for two people, and $403 for three persons each month.

To know more about assistance visit:



How did the American Civil war contribute to women's suffrage movement?


After the American civil war, women gained the right to control their earnings, own property, and, in the case of divorce, take custody of their children which contributed to women's suffrage movement.

The suffrage movement was a series of political campaigns that fought for the right of women to vote in various countries around the world. The movement began in the late 19th century and continued into the early 20th century.

In many countries, the suffrage movement was successful and women were given the right to vote. The movement fought against discrimination and inequality, and ultimately helped women gain the right to vote in many countries around the world.

To know more about suffrage, click here.



What is the symbol for rule of law?


Scales, which stand for fairness and a sword, have come to signify justice over time. One of the four sculpted frieze panels discovered inside the Courtroom features a female figure of Justice without a blindfold, despite that Justice is typically pictured wearing one under rule of Law.

What is the main rule of law?

The rule of law is a governing ideal that holds everyone, including the State itself, accountable to laws that are openly promulgated, equally enforced, independently decided, and compliant with international human rights norms and standards. The values of the supremacy of the law, equality before the law, accountability to the law, justice in the application of the law, the separation of powers, involvement in decision-making, legal clarity, avoiding arbitrary behavior, and procedural and legal transparency must all be upheld. a framework for the rule of law that recognizes the Constitution or its equivalent as the supreme law of the land; a foundation for law that is both explicit and uniform, and its application; Strong, well-organized, well-financed, trained, and equipped institutions for justice, government, security, and human rights; etc.

To know more about rule of law visit:



Classical economists believe the LRAS curve
can shift to the right or left. Which of the
following is associated with a leftward shift?


Answer:economic expansion

Explanation:increase in the production factors causes the curve to shift to the right, while a decline in the production factors will lead to a leftward shift. The primary production factors that cause the changes in the LRAS curve include labor productivity levels, workforce size, capital size, and education levels.

What does Hamlet mean when he holds Yorick's skull and says Alas poor Yorick I knew him Horatio?


Alas poor Yorick is a reference to how brief life is. It's from Hamlet by William Shakespeare, and the scene where it appears is one of Shakespeare's most well-known ones.

Hamlet is conversing with a grave digger in Hamlet's act 5, scene 1. Picking up a skull, the gravedigger remarks that it had been there for 23 years. When Hamlet inquires as to its owner, the gravedigger responds that it belonged to Yorick, the court jester and a friend of Hamlet's from his youth.

Alas, poor Yorick! is not a phrase or idiom used by English speakers. Alas, poor Yorick! is probably solely used in relation to Hamlet by English speakers.

Nevertheless, we were able to locate a New York Times instance employing the hyphenated alas-poor-Yorick as an adjective:

The ramifications of the work were devastating news for every alas-poor-Yorick since the succession of minute form changes from wrapped to unwound are inescapable.

Learn more about Hamlet here:



Dr. Rudolph’s class has a big test coming up next week. Which of the following students is using a studying strategy that is most likely to lead to memory consolidation?
answer choices
Greta is anxious about the test, so she distracts herself by playing video games.
Marcus does not study until the night before the test, when he studies for eight hours straight.
Crystal studies for a half hour before she goes to bed each night the week before the exam.
Elizabeth does not study for the test, but she pays close attention, asks lots of questions, and takes good notes during class.
Mario studies by repeating his class notes to himself multiple times.


The following student who is using a studying strategy that is most likely to lead to memory consolidation is Crystal who studies for a half hour before she goes to bed each night the week before the exam.

Memory consolidation is the process of transforming a volatile, temporary memory into a more stable, long-lasting memory. In the case above, what Crystal does is transforming the short memory by studying each night to become a long lasting memory. Memory consolidation refers to the processes that stabilize a memory trace after it has been acquired. A memory trace is a neurological change caused by remembering something. Consolidation is divided into two distinct processes. The first, synaptic consolidation, which is thought to correspond to late-phase long-term potentiation, occurs on a small scale within the first few hours after learning in synaptic connections and neural circuits. The second process is systems consolidation, which occurs on a much larger scale in the brain and takes weeks to years to render hippocampus-dependent memories independent of the hippocampus.

Learn more about memory consolidation https://brainly.com/question/28463045


What are examples of interdependent relationships?


The two parties involved benefit more from interdependent connections. Couples rely on one another, in other terms. As a result, you are accessible to help them

What does interdependence look like in practice?

The ability to support others and concentrate on their own personal development is made possible by interdependence, which gives people support. Consider a scenario in which interdependence has been achieved among all people. When two or more parties depend on one another in order to survive, it is interdependence. Interdependence, for illustration, might exist if a company was dependent on a supplier of raw materials.

To know more about interdependence visit:



What is the main idea of democracy?


Consent is the central tenant of democracy. Different tiers of democracy all feature consent. Members of Parliament are chosen with the approval of the general public.

What is democracy?

A democracy is a system of government in which citizens choose representatives to enact and uphold laws. Who is referred to as "the people," and how the people share or exercise power, have evolved over time and at varying rates among nations. The freedom of association, assembly, property rights, free speech, inclusivity and equality, citizenship, consent of the governed, voting rights, freedom from the arbitrary deprivation of one's right to life and liberty by the government, and minority rights are the typical characteristics of democracies. Democracy has changed significantly over time. Today, representative democracy, in which voters choose their representatives for the government, is the most prevalent type of democracy.

To know more about Democracy visit:                    brainly.com/question/17627950


Which of the following statements is incorrect? a. The normal balance of the receivable account is a debit. b. The normal balance of the owner’s personal account is a debit. c. The normal balance of an unearned revenues account is a credit. d. The normal balance of an expense account is a credit. e. All of the above statements are correct.


A credit represents the side of an accounts receivable account with the regular balance.

The side of the account that increases the account is the usual balance. The side of the account that increases the account is the usual balance. On the Adjusted Trial Balance, Liabilities, Retained Earnings, and Revenues would all have typical credit balances. The only account indicated that would not have a credit balance is cash because it is an asset and would have a debit balance. An asset account's default balance is a debit. We debit for an increase and credit for a decline. Ex: Cash, Receivables, Building, Materials, and Equipment Normal Liability Balance. A liability account's normal balance is a credit. Accounts receivable are always listed as an asset on a balance sheet, so a debit because it represents money that you will soon get that you will own and profit from.

Learn more about account here :



What are public properties answer?


Rather than being held by a private person or business, public property is something which is owned by the government (or its agency). The general people is entitled to it.

As examples, consider the numerous public parks, roadways, sidewalks, libraries, schools, and playgrounds.

Property reserved for public use is referred to as public property. The phrase can be used to indicate either the purpose for which the property is utilised or the nature of its owner (owned collectively by the population of a state). Private property, owned by an individual or artificial entities that represent the financial interests of people, such companies, contrasts with this. State ownership refers to property interests that belong to the state rather than a person or a group of people. It is also referred to as public ownership, government ownership, or state property.

Learn more about Public property here:



Which zone does your vehicle occupy?
The 7th zone


An area of space around a car known as a zone is one that is the width of a lane and stretches as far as the driver can see.

The center, or Zone 7, is occupied by the car. Each space needs to be controlled to lower the likelihood of contact. The front zone is directly in front of you, the left front zone is to the left, the right front zone is to the right, and the rear zone is to the right, the right rear zone is to the right. Vehicle operating space is the area around a car that the driver can see. Around a car, there are six distinct spaces: the front left, front, front right, rear left, rear, and rear right. using the IPDE defensive driving technique to A driver must first recognize the items in his or her line of sight and path of movement in order to manage space zones. Above the vehicle is the first space zone. The process of switching from one zone district to another is known as a zone change. A landowner may decide to change the zoning so that his property can be used differently than what the current zoning permits (e.g., residential vs. commercial).

Learn more about zone here :



What is the meaning of Article 3 section?


All crimes must be tried by jury except impeachment, and must be tried in the state where they were committed; however, if they weren't, the trial must take place at a location(s) specified by Congress, by law.

Give a brief account on impeachment.

Impeachment is the procedure used to bring allegations of wrongdoing against a public person by a legislative body or other legally recognised institution. It can be seen as a special procedure with components of both politics and law. Impeachment is typically reserved for ministerial officials in Europe and Latin America because of the possibility that ministers may be exempt from prosecution due to the special nature of their positions or because their misconduct is not explicitly defined as a crime by the law other than by the high office they hold. But the process has applied to "peers and commoners" alike. At least 272 impeachment complaints have been brought against 132 different heads of state in 63 different nations between 1990 and 2020. The judiciary plays some role in most democracies. Ten presidents from six different nations were removed from office by their national legislatures through impeachments or declarations of incapacity between 1978 and 2019 in Latin America, which is home to about 40% of the world's presidential systems.

To know more about, impeachment, visit :


What are the difference between burden and benefits



Determinations of benefits and burdens are based on the totality of the circumstances, both the burdens of the proposed action (e.g., short-term construction impacts) and its benefits (e.g., increased transportation options)

Describe the difference between reasonable suspicion and probable cause. Brainly.


Law enforcement personnel may momentarily hold someone if they have a reasonable suspicion that a crime has been committed, is being committed, or is going to be committed, according to a 1968 decision by the U.S. Supreme Court. Officers must first have reasonable suspicion and then probable cause before they can hold, search, or arrest someone for a suspected crime.

The key distinction between probable cause and reasonable suspicion is that the former refers to actual evidence of a crime, while the latter refers to the possibility of criminal action that any reasonable person may suspect. In contrast, when any reasonable officer might have a suspicion of a crime, there is reasonable suspicion.

In keeping with the previous example, suppose that once the driver is stopped, the officer notices that the driver has a strong alcohol smell on his breath, his eyes are red, his speech is slurred, and his responses to the officer's queries are slow. With all of this information, the officer has enough reason to suspect DUI and make an arrest.

According to a 1968 ruling by the United States Supreme Court, law enforcement agents may detain someone for a short period of time if they have a reasonable suspicion that a crime has been committed, is being committed, or is about to be committed.

Before officers may hold, search, or arrest someone for a suspected crime, they must first have reasonable suspicion and then probable cause.

The essential difference between probable cause and reasonable suspicion is that the former refers to actual proof of a crime, whilst the latter refers to the possibility of criminal activity that any reasonable person may suspect.

In contrast, there is reasonable suspicion when any reasonable officer has a suspect of a crime. In keeping with the previous example, suppose that once the driver is stopped, the officer notices that the driver has a strong alcohol smell on his breath, his eyes are red, his speech is slurred,

and his responses to the officer's queries are slow. With all of this information, the officer has enough reason to suspect DUI and make an arrest.

Learn more about to reasonable suspicion visit here;



the impact that a teacher's expectations about a student's performance may have on the student's actual achievements is known as group of answer choices performance expectation effect self-fulfilling prophecy or teacher expectancy effect the hidden curriculum the worker-expectancy effect or lazy deadbeat syndrome


The teacher-expectancy effect is a situation in which a teacher's expectations about a student's performance might influence the student's actual performance. According to one study, instructors' expectations have an influence on students' sports results.

What exactly is the teacher expectancy theory?

The impact or consequence of a teacher's expectations on students is referred to as the Teacher Expectancy Effect. As a result, the impact on student advancement is critical in educational research. That is, pupils' accomplishments are related to teachers' expectations. The Teacher Expectancy Effect might be good or negative, and it is not generalizable. This report also includes significant elements and transmission methods.

To learn more about the teacher-expectancy effect, click



you are calling mrs jones in regards to an adherence outreach, and she asks what she paid previously for her metformin. where can you find that information


When calling Mrs. Jones in regards to an adherence outreach, she may ask what she paid previously for her metformin. To find this information, you can first look at her medical record to see if her insurance company has a record of what she paid for her metformin.

If there is no record of her payment, you can look at her pharmacy records or contact the pharmacy to find out what she paid for her metformin. You can also check to see if Mrs. Jones has any documentation or receipts for the metformin that she may have kept or filed away.

If you are unable to find any records of the payment, you can always contact the insurance company and ask them what Mrs. Jones paid for her metformin. The insurance company should be able to provide you with the correct information.

Learn more about metformin at:https://brainly.com/question/28096959


What is the purpose of classified information?


Information protection is the goal of classification. Information with higher categories is shielded from threats to national security.

According to the projected harm that the knowledge may cause if it were to fall into the wrong hands, classification formalizes what constitutes a "state secret" and grants several levels of protection.

Officials frequently "leak" secret information to press for political reasons. A number of American presidents have exposed confidential material to sway public opinion. Material that a government agency regards to be sensitive information that has to be protected is classified information. Laws and regulations limit access to specific groups of people with the required security clearance and need to know, and improper handling of the information can result in criminal consequences.

Learn more about " classified information " to visit here;



What does it mean to draw evidence from the text?


Drawing evidence from the text means to find proof of an assertion or claim, from a text given.

What is textual evidence ?

Textual evidence relates to written facts and the methods employed to determine the veracity of the information. When an author provides a perspective or thesis and employs evidence to support the claims, textual evidence is used.

When you are speaking or writing about what you have read, using examples from the book as support for your arguments is an excellent method to persuade others to agree with you. identifying the sources you used to obtain your knowledge can demonstrate to the reader that you did thorough investigation.

Find out more on textual evidence at https://brainly.com/question/375033

What percentage is female?


Estimates place the number of females on the planet at 3,904,727,342, which translates to 3,905 million or 3.905 billion individuals and makes up 49.58 percent of the entire population.

Define Female.

Since most people with XX chromosomes have female sex and reproductive organs, they are often categorized as feminine in biology. Due to the fact that most people with XY chromosomes have male sex and reproductive organs, they are often categorized as biologically masculine.

The gender ratio in the nation has been constant for many years, with women making up around 51.1% of the population as of 2013. Despite the fact that there are about equal numbers of men and women living in the United States, population trends suggest that women outnumber men. In the US, there are 97 more men than women (97 males for every 100 females).

To know more about female, visit:



suppose dr. fletcher was concerned that students who choose to join fraternities/sororities are more concerned with their appearance overall. how could he test whether this type of selection threat exists?


Note that if Dr. Fletcher was concerned that students who choose to join fraternities/sororities are more concerned with their appearance overall. The way he should test whether this type of selection threat exists is: "Compare baseline levels of appearance concerns in fraternity/sorority students versus the average college student." (Option B)

What are Baseline Levels?

A baseline in psychology research is a measurement of the variable of interest at the start of therapy or a study that is used to compare to later assessments to determine the efficacy of the treatment or conditions.

A baseline is a straight line that acts as a starting point or reference point for observing behavior. Because this behavioral performance is consistent, it is frequently used as a yardstick for determining how interventions and manipulations will alter the outcome. Experimental therapies, for example, are designed to change behavior.

Learn more about Baseline:


Full Question:

RESEARCH STUDY 13.1: Dr. Fletcher is interested in whether joining a fraternity/sorority causes people to become more concerned about their attractiveness and appearance. He recruits a group of 55 freshmen (25 males, 30 females) who are planning to go through fraternity/sorority recruitment on his campus. After they join, he gives them a measure of attractiveness concern/appearance concern (the Body Concern Scale).

Suppose Dr. Fletcher was concerned that students who choose to join fraternities/sororities are more concerned with their appearance overall. How could he test whether this type of selection threat exists?

a. Examine whether any events occurred on campus that year that may influence appearance concerns for all students.

b. Compare baseline levels of appearance concerns in fraternity/sorority students versus the average college student.

c. Check that none of his participants had exceptionally high levels of appearance concerns at the beginning of his study.

d. Collect appearance concerns at more time points throughout the year from his subjects.

Do you think the Philippines is still an agricultural country explain your answer?


Yes, Philippines is still an agricultural country because the large portion of Filipinos are living in rural areas and supporting themselves through agricultural activities.

What is the current status of Philippine agriculture?

Despite that Philippines is considered a newly industrialized country  which has an economy in transition from one based on agriculture to one based more on services and manufacturing, it is still primarily an agricultural country with a large portion of Filipinos living in rural areas and supporting themselves through agricultural activities.

As of 2021, the country's GDP by purchasing power parity was estimated at $1.47 trillion which was the 18th largest in the world.

Read more about Philippine



What is the importance of institutions in our society?


Additionally, institutions have a significant redistributive function in the economy by ensuring that resources are allocated effectively and protecting the vulnerable.

Why institutions are important in society?Because they are difficult to change, institutions naturally promote stability. But because of their inertia, they might not be nimble enough to handle fresh difficulties. The efficiency of their strategy and the impact of their policies must therefore be continuously assessed in modern institutions.The most significant social structure a man can create to ensure his survival is his family. Everyone in the family is given a relationship. Family members' primary responsibilities include feeding, shielding, educating, and maintaining their social position for the benefit of all members.The way we engage with one another in a society is defined by its institutions, which are a component of that community's social construction. They give societal order and stability and are influenced by the cultures and values of that civilization (see Characteristics of an institution).

To Learn more About institutions refer to:



What are 5 facts about the Second Amendment?


5 facts about the Second Amendment

The Second Amendment only addresses the rights of individuals.It wasn't created with the intention of using a gun for hunting.It encourages citizens to take action during invasions.One of the three nations that grant such rights is the United States.To avoid the need for a professional standing army in the United States.The Second Amendment only addresses the rights of individuals.

The word "militia" appears in the second amendment if you read it closely. Since the beginning of time, this word has sparked countless discussions and uncertainty. The terminology and how it should be understood is where much of the confusion lies. The fact is that the connotation of the word in the 1790s was significantly different than it is today, and some meanings have been lost in translation.

It wasn't created with the intention of using a gun for hunting.

Although having a gun for hunting is a very good reason, the second amendment rights weren't created just for that purpose, according to Firearms Daddy chief gunsmith Alex Davis.

It encourages citizens to take action during invasions.

People have the right to help law enforcement during any foreign invasion in accordance with the second amendment. The amendment serves as a provision wherein the residents would mobilise to thwart an alien invasion because the law views its people as a separate militia.

One of the three nations that grant such rights is the United States.

Only three nations worldwide let their citizens keep a gun with them at all times for self-defence. Laws in Mexico, the United States of America, and Guatemala permit citizens to carry concealed weapons on their person.

To learn more about the second amendment here:



which ethical principle asks you to consider the impact of your decision if the principles underlying your decision became an organizing principle of the entire society?


The social contract rule is ethical principle asks you to consider the impact of your decision if the principles underlying your decision became an organizing principle of the entire society

What is the social contract rule?

According to the social contract hypothesis, individuals cooperate to uphold a set of political and moral norms while they reside in a society. Some individuals think that if we follow a social compact, we may behave morally out of our own free will rather than because a higher power commands us to.

A social contract rule seeks to establish that its adherents have good reason to support and uphold the fundamental social norms, laws, institutions, and/or ideals of a given community.

The social contract rule is an ethical principle that urges you to think about how your choice would be affected if the guiding principles of society adopted it as its organizing principle.

To learn more about social contract rule refer to:



What are the traditional and culture?



The main difference between culture and tradition is that traditions describe a group's beliefs and behaviors that are passed down from one generation to another. Culture describes the shared characteristics of the entire group, which has been amassed throughout its history


Spatial organization should be used when your subject can best be explained _____________.
a. giving equal emphasis to each part of your subject
b. step by step from beginning to end
c. from the inside out
d. in order of when the events occurred



b. step by step from beginning to end

C. from the inside out is the right answer.

Body dissatisfaction is related to all of the following EXCEPT: Group of answer choices increased self-esteem. unfavorable media comparisons. weight criticism from parents. unfavorable peer comparisons.


Body dissatisfaction is not related to increased self-esteem. Hence, option (a) will be regarded as the relevant option.

Give a brief account on Body dissatisfaction.

A subcomponent of negative body image called "body dissatisfaction" typically refers to having unfavourable thoughts or sentiments about one's appearance. People who are unhappy with their bodies frequently talk about a mismatch between their subjective impression of their bodies and their ideal body image. Youth frequently experience body dissatisfaction and negative body images, which can include being unhappy with one's shape or weight as well as their height, overall appearance, or specific body parts. A person is more likely to engage in disordered eating or develop a clinical eating disorder if they are unhappy with their appearance or weight. However, a person cannot be diagnosed with an eating problem based just on their body dissatisfaction.

Body image is a person's personal, subjective perception of their physical appearance. It is a complicated construct that includes our perceptions, emotions, and ideas about our bodies as well as the activities we engage in in response to these sentiments (e.g., avoiding situations where our body can be seen or exposed). Any given day, moment, or circumstance may result in our body image being neutral, negative, positive, or a combination of these.

To know more about, Body dissatisfaction, visit :



which choice identifies attributes required for an x.509 compliant digital certificate?


1)Encryption key 2)Common name 3) validity period There are all three identifies attributes required for an x.509 compliant digital certificate.

A random string of bits specifically designed for data scrambling and unscrambling is known as an encryption key. Algorithms are used in the construction of encryption keys to make sure that each key is unexpected and distinct. The encryption code is more difficult to decipher the bigger the key created in this way. Depending on the type of encryption software being used, an encryption key is utilized to encrypt, decrypted, or perform both operations. A method of protection known as encryption turns data, programmes, photos, or other information into an incomprehensible cypher. This is accomplished by applying a number of intricate algorithms on the original, encrypted text.

Learn more about Encryption here:



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