Which court can refer cases to the state supreme court?

the city court
the appeals court
the parish court
the district court



Answer 1


its b


got it right on edge

Answer 2




gt it right on edge2022

Related Questions

Read the fable "The Astrologer." Then, answer the question that follows.

A man who lived a long time ago believed that he could read the future in the stars. He called himself an Astrologer and spent his time at night gazing at the sky.
One evening he was walking along the open road outside the village. His eyes were fixed on the stars. He thought he saw there that the end of the world was at hand, when all at once, down he went into a hole full of mud and water.
There he stood up to his ears, in the muddy water, and madly clawing at the slippery sides of the hole in his effort to climb out.
His cries for help soon brought the villagers running. As they pulled him out of the mud, one of them said:
"You pretend to read the future in the stars, and yet you fail to see what is at your feet! This may teach you to pay more attention to what is right in front of you and let the future take care of itself."
"What use is it," said another, "to read the stars, when you can't see what's right here on the earth?"

Which two of the following themes are present in the fable?

Take care of the little things and the big things will take care of themselves.
The only way to predict the future is by asking for advice.
We often disregard good things because we are looking for something greater.
If you want something done right, you need to do it yourself.
A and B
A and C
B and C
C and D



ngl i think A and C



A and C


Which one of the following states was most associated with the early stages of the Industrial Revolution in America?


Massachusetts because they had no crops so they had to be industrial

which of the following civilizations was the primary influence on etruscan tomb architecture? ancient egypt ancient india ancient rome ancient greece


The civilization that was the primary influence on Etruscan tomb architecture was D. Ancient Greece.

How much did Greece affect the Etruscans ?

At around 630 BC, Greek architecture, which was also evolving at the time, had a significant impact on Etruscan architecture. Roman architecture, which in its early decades can be viewed as essentially a regional variation of Etruscan architecture, was in turn inspired by it.

The Etruscans were skilled builders of temples, homes, tombs, city walls, bridges, and highways out of stone, wood, and other building materials. Only a small number of buildings still exist that are close to their original state, such as tombs and walls, but because to archaeology and other sources, we know a lot about what was formerly there.

Find out more on the Etruscans at https://brainly.com/question/8942353


How were members able to join the House of Commons?



A handful has been appointed from outside Parliament, but in most cases, they entered Parliament in a by-election or received a peerage (being made a peer).


The origins of the House of Commons date from the second half of the 13th century, when landholders and other property owners in the counties and towns began sending representatives to Parliament to present grievances and petitions to the king and to accept commitments to the payment of taxes.

Explain how the United States used various different types of diplomacy and proxy conflict to secure access to the isthmus of panama



The United States used a combination of diplomacy and proxy conflict to secure access to the isthmus of Panama.

One of the main diplomatic efforts undertaken by the United States was the negotiation of the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty with Panama in 1903. This treaty granted the United States the right to build and operate a canal across the isthmus, as well as to maintain a zone of influence around the canal.

In addition to diplomatic efforts, the United States also used proxy conflict to secure access to the isthmus. This included supporting and arming rebels in Panama who were seeking independence from Colombia, which at the time controlled the isthmus.

These diplomatic and proxy efforts ultimately allowed the United States to gain control over the isthmus and to build the Panama Canal, which significantly improved its ability to trade and project power in the region.

According to Nietzsche, which of the following represents a desirable response to viewing a stage production of The Oresteia?
a-teaching the play as an example of exciting theater
b-alienation of the emotions
c-encouraging students to research the play carefully rather than just watching it and getting what they can from it.
d-an analytical involvement of scene by scene
e-absorbing moral instruction


Option (a) is correct. According to Nietzsche, alienation of the emotions represents a desirable response to viewing a stage production of the Oresteia.

Friedrich Wilhelm Nietzsche 15 October 1844 – 25 August 1900) was a German philosopher, prose poet, cultural critic, philologist, and composer whose work has exerted a profound influence on contemporary philosophy. He began his career as a classical philologist before turning to philosophy. He became the youngest person ever to hold the Chair of Classical Philology at the University of Basel in 1869 at the age of 24.

Nietzsche resigned in 1879 due to health problems that plagued him most of his life; he completed much of his core writing in the following decade. In 1889, at age 45, he suffered a collapse and afterward a complete loss of his mental faculties, with paralysis and probably vascular dementia. He lived his remaining years in the care of his mother until her death in 1897 and then with his sister Elisabeth Forster Nietzsche. Nietzsche died in 1900, after experiencing pneumonia and multiple strokes.

To know more about Nietzsche visit:



Which of the following is the best example of a main belief of the Hindu religion?

Cycle of rebirth
Monotheistic belief system
Nine purposes of life
System of farming practices


One of the major tenets of the Hindu religion is the cycle of rebirth. As a result, option (A) is the preferable one.

What is the cycle of birth?

Sansara, in Hinduism, refers to the never-ending cycle of birth, death, and rebirth. Hinduism places a high value on reincarnation.

All life experiences birth, life, death, and rebirth; this is known as the cycle of samsara in Hinduism. This idea holds that every living thing possesses an atman, a component of Brahman, as well as a spirit or soul.

In the Bhagavad Gita's verses, 8.17 to 8.19, the periodic emergence, dissolution, and reemergence of all existences are discussed.

Hence, option (A) is accurate.

Learn more about the cycle of birth, from:






untangling the history of christmas lights Cause & Effect: What was the main event described in the article? What were the causes of this event? Describe each cause by citing specific details from the article and explaining how it contributed to the main event.


The holiday season is fantastic. There are numerous things to do, occasions to attend, and sights to see. Today marks the birth of Jesus.

What major event ?

One of them is a set of holiday lights. People decorate their trees and houses with these bright and cheery reminders of the festive season every year, whether they dig them out of storage or purchase the newest fashion. The first holiday lights were actually candles. The practice first appeared in Germany in the 17th century, and over the course of the following 200 years, it entrenched itself there before beginning to spread to other Eastern European nations.

The decorations on the tree needed to be illuminated, hence the custom was initially introduced for that purpose. Before candleholders became popularity in the early 1900s and people began to use them in place of wax or pins to secure the candles to the trees, this custom persisted. But the goal remained the same. Its purpose was to shine a light on the tree's decorations and make them even more prominent.

To know more about Jesus, visit:



PART A: What does the word "truncate" most likely mean as used in paragraph 2?

enthusiastically gifted
cut or reduced


Enthusiastically gifted is the does the word "truncate" most likely mean as used in paragraph 2. Hence, option A is correct.

What is meant by truncate?

verb, abbreviated, abbreviating used with object. to reduce in length by cutting out a section; shorten: remove detailed justifications. mathematics and computers. to eliminate one or more digits from (a number):

Both 1.4142 and 1.4987 can be broken down into roots, which are words with various endings. Sun is a synonym for sunlight, suns, and sunshine. similar-sounding but differently spelled terms Say, for instance, color.

Thus, option A is correct.

For more information about truncate, click here



Otto was born in Auschwitz and managed to be hidden by the midwife. He was only two years old when the camp was liberated. Now, Otto experiences sudden panic attacks. His doctor believes they are related to the years of his life that he spent in Auschwitz and the DP camps. Since Otto doesn’t have any solid memories of this time, how might he be encouraged to process them?

He would be encouraged to visit the site again and speak about his experiences.

He would be encouraged to forget whatever he can and pretend it didn’t happen.

He would be encouraged to use art such as painting to express the feelings that he has

He would be encouraged to write about the things he does remember from the camps.


The way that Otto would be asked to express his feelings would be: He would be encouraged to use art such as painting to express the feelings that he has. Option 3.

How does art help to express feelings?

People can express themselves with art in a way that seems quite natural and secure. They can have fun, experiment, get messy, tell stories, externalize their emotions by making up characters, explore alternate storylines, reflect, and share their art with others.

Artists produce works of art that express their thoughts and emotions to us. Different lines, forms, and colors are used by artists to convey their emotions. Each artist selects their own hues, lines, and shapes that have personal significance.

Read more on art expression here:https://brainly.com/question/18152123


The main idea of this cartoon is that in the early 20th century


Answer: Monroe Doctrine cartoon drawing

I know this is the answer because i used chrome lens which identifies the picture and tells you what it is

What were the responsibilities of a patriarchs



The term patriarch typically refers to the male head of a family or tribe in ancient times. As such, the responsibilities of a patriarch would have included providing for and protecting the members of the family or tribe, making important decisions for the group, and representing the family or tribe in external affairs. In some cases, the patriarch may also have been responsible for religious leadership and guidance within the community.


All the carbon emission since the
history year_____ equals all the carbon emission before that year in all of human


I think it might be 1970 that’s what I found online

In 1979, egypt and israel signed ____at camp david, maryland. the first treaty between an arab country and the jewish state the second treaty between an arab country and the jewish state the last treaty between an arab country and the jewish state the only treaty between an arab country and the jewish state


In 1979, Egypt and Israel signed Camp David Accord at camp david, Maryland. The first treaty...Jewish state the only treaty between an Arab country and the Jewish state.

Give a brief account on Camp David Accords.

The agreements known as the Camp David Accords, which were signed on September 17, 1978, between Israel and Egypt, eventually resulted in the first peace treaty between Israel and any of its Arab neighbours the following year.Jimmy Carter, the president of the United States, mediated the "Framework for Peace in the Middle East" between Egyptian President Anwar Sadat and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin, became known as the Camp David Accords because the talks took place at Camp David, Maryland, the retreat of the U.S. president. For their contributions to the agreements, Sadat and Begin were given the Nobel Peace Prize in 1978.

Anwar Sadat, the president of Egypt, and Menachem Begin, the prime minister of Israel, signed the Camp David Accords on September 17, 1978, after a period of twelve days of private negotiations at Camp David, the president's country retreat in Maryland. The two framework agreements were signed in front of President Jimmy Carter at the White House. A Framework for the Conclusion of a Peace Accord between Egypt and Israel, the second of these frameworks, served as the direct precursor to the Egypt-Israel peace treaty of 1979.

To know more about,  Camp David Accords, visit :



how does the queen feel about the treaty that will allow the u.s. to annex the hawaiian islands



Queen Liliuokalani and her fellow citizens successfully protested the annexation by petitioning Congress. Two Hawaiian groups, Hui Aloha 'Aina and Hui Kulai'aina, one group for men and one for women, organized a mass petition drive.


Was alexander able to fullfill his plans of conquest? Explain



He had some victories before reaching the ganges river, which is intended to cross in order to conquer more of india. However, his exhausted troops mutinied and refused to go farther. Shortly afterwards troops headed back to home . Alexander died because of a disease

Why did Europeans take these different approaches?



They intended to locate fresh supplies of gold, silver, and other precious metals in addition to new trading routes. Additionally, Europeans believed that discovery was a means of introducing Christianity to non-European civilizations.


"The Treaty of New Echota was
invalid, and the National Party was correct to oppose it." Cite at least three historical
facts that support your position.


Treaty of Echota was an agreement proposed by US officials to displace Cherekee form their location to the west of Indian territory. This treaty was considered as invalid due to Cherokee National Council considered the treaty as a fraud, but it got ratified in the year 1836, with a single vote by US Senate Still. When the signing was taking place, only a small amount of Cherokee was involved, even the principal chief John Ross did not attend the meet.Tribal elections were canceled by John Ross, in 1832.

the political discontent of france was one of the causes of the revolution. in the 17th and 18th centuries, france was ruled by an absolute government. the king had all the political powers. anyone who criticized the government could be arrested and put in prison without trial. louis xvi was king at the time of the french revolution10 . he was more interested in hunting than governing france. he and his austrian queen, marie antoinette, lived an extravagant life at the palace of versailles. they did not really care about the state of their country. the excerpt fr


Option (b) is correct. The political discontent of france was one of the causes of the revolution. In the 17th and 18th centuries, france was ruled by an absolute government. Louis XVI was king at the time of the french revolution.

Louis XVI 23 August 1754 – 21 January 1793) was the last King of France before the fall of the monarchy during the French Revolution. He was referred to as Citizen Louis Capet during the four months just before he was executed by guillotine. He was the son of Louis, Dauphin of France, son and heir-apparent of King Louis XV, and Maria Josepha of Saxony. When his father died in 1765, he became the new Dauphin.

The French Revolution (French: Révolution française was a period of radical political and societal change in France that began with the Estates General of 1789 and ended with the formation of the French Consulate in November 1799. Many of its ideas are considered fundamental principles of liberal democracy, while phrases like liberté, égalité, fraternité reappeared in other revolts, such as the 1917 Russian Revolution, and inspired campaigns for the abolition of slavery and universal suffrage. The values and institutions it created dominate French politics to this day.

To know more about Louis XVI visit:



Complete question: The political discontent of france was one of the causes of the revolution. in the 17th and 18th centuries, france was ruled by an absolute government. Choose the correct option.

A. The king had all the political powers. anyone who criticized the government could be arrested and put in prison without trial.

B. Louis XVI was king at the time of the french revolution 10.

C. He was more interested in hunting than governing france. he and his austrian queen, marie antoinette, lived an extravagant life at the palace of versailles.

D. They did not really care about the state of their country. the excerpt fr

The federal block grant program of 1972 was part of a conservative agenda that was designed as a counter to liberal federal programs. Nixon called this program ____.


The federal block grant program of 1972 was part of a conservative agenda that was designed as a counter to liberal federal programs. Nixon called this program New Federalism Program.

Forty years ago, President Richard Nixon left office in disgrace. But five years prior to his resignation, he made a landmark contribution to our perpetual debate over the division of power in our federalist system. Taking to national television six months into his first term, Nixon presented a bold vision of what he called “the New Federalism,” detailing his overarching domestic affairs agenda centered on a new vision of how power should be shared between the federal government and the states.

The federal block grant program of 1972 was part of a conservative agenda that was designed as a counter to liberal federal programs. Nixon called this program New Federalism Program. New Federalism under President Reagan allowed block grants to be given to the states, which could be used for programs like public health, law enforcement, community development, and community first responders. The federal government would then monitor how the money was used, the outcome of programs, and discretion for how and what social programs are implemented.

To know more about New Federalism Program visit:



Match the following terms to the corresponding civilization.


sorry I don't know the answer

france had conquered mexico while the u.s. was busy fighting the civil war. which of the following doctrines/treaties was this a violation of


Answer: it was a violation of the monroe doctrine.

8. What is ‘moksha’—explain it, do not just copy the definition. According to this diagram, who were the only people who could achieve moksha in their lifetime? How might this impact the culture?

(4 sentence minimum)

9. Overall, please write one paragraph that illustrates your answer to the essential question of How does religion impact culture? You may choose one specific religion/culture to highlight from this document, or can mention several.
Please give at least 2 examples, and write this in a 5-7 sentence paragraph.


Moksha,  can be described as the mukti, in Indian philosophy  as well as  religion, which can be considered as the liberation from the cycle of death as well as rebirth (samsara) and this was coined from the Sanskrit word muc (“to free”),  howeer the moksha  implies freedom from samsara.

The religion can  impact culture in the sense that Religion shapes culture  considering how people who subscribe to religion participate in the enactment of the culture where they were living  because they came from a particular place  howevr the religions and religious communities operate within a given culture.

How can ‘moksha be explained?

It should be noted that Moksha,  can be rgarded as the vimoksha,  which is been used in Hinduism, as well as Buddhism, Jainism when considering the forms of emancipation, as well as enlightenment, liberation, however the soteriological as well as the eschatological senses imp,lies the freedom from saṃsāra, the cycle of death and rebirth.

Learn more about Moksha



outside of the ottoman empire, sufis contributed most directly to which of the following during the period before 1750?


Sufis made the biggest direct contributions outside of the Ottoman Empire to the expansion of Islam into new areas on the periphery of the Muslim world, such southeast Asia.

Who are Sufis?

There is disagreement over the term's derivation. The most likely explanation is that it refers to the so-called "dress of piety" referenced in the surah of the Battlements, the woolen clothing (sf) traditionally worn by the first Muslim ascetics as a sign of poverty and dread of God.

Consequently, a Sufi is a traveler whose life's ultimate goal is to seek out God. Sufism, as a movement, emerged in the ninth century and set itself apart from the asceticism (zuhd) that came before it.

Learn more about sufism, from:



Type the correct answer in the box. Spell the word correctly.
What is the correct term?
Monique belongs to
of the American society, which allows membership by birth rather than by merit.



the upper class


upper class people are usually better off than most other people, and their children usually don’t have to work hard to gain good things

The Soviet people initially supported the idea of a communist society because they:
had good experiences with previous authoritarian rulers.
liked the idea of a new world order that promised equality and social justice.
disliked Vladimir Lenin and didn’t want him to be president.
None of these choices are correct.


The Soviet people initially supported the idea of a communist society because they liked the idea of a new world order that promised equality and social justice. Thus option B is correct.

What is a communist society?

The primary goal of the particular philosophy of communism is to create a communist culture or regime, which is the kind of economy and social structure that is predicted to result from advancements in technology in the forces of production.

Though their ruler sat on a magnificent throne, the Russian people were living on very little money. They were angered by this and desired a society in which no one might possess greater wealth than others.

The unwavering devotion of the Soviet Union to the realization of communism would include the establishment of socialism inside one nation and social harmony with capitalist nations. Therefore, option B is the correct option.

Learn more about communist society, Here:



Identify four results of the Louisiana Purchase.

U.S. access to natural resources like lumber and animal furs
The spread of slavery into the western territories
U.S. expansion from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean
Spain losing control over all lands in North America
Conflicts with American Indians over land use
U.S. control of the Mississippi River and the New Orleans seaport



B. The spread of slavery into the western territories

C. U.S. expansion from the Atlantic to the Pacific Ocean

E. Conflicts with American Indians over land use

F. U.S. control of the Mississippi River and the New Orleans seaport


which of the following events that preceded the outbreak of the first world war best explains why russian troops were being mobilized against austria-hungary, as stated in the first paragraph?


The Austro-Hungarian annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina is one of the events that preceded the outbreak of World War I and that could better explain the mobilization of Russian troops against Austria-Hungary.

Austro-Hungarian annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina

The Bosnian Crisis in 1908 was one of the triggers for World War I

Bosnia-Herzegovina served as the border between the Turks and the Austro-Hungarians and was targeted by the Austro-Hungarian Empire. It was a constant focus of conflicts, tensions and warfare.

The Treaty of Berlin

In 1878 the Austro-Hungarian Empire began its offensive and conquered Bosnia, but not Herzegovina, which remained in the hands of the Principality of Montenegro.

Between June and July 1878, the Treaty of Berlin was signed with which the British and Austro-Hungarians wanted to limit the influence of the Czar in the new Europe.

The most significant consequences of the Berlin Treaty were that Serbia, Bulgaria and Montenegro reaffirmed their alliance with Russia.

On October 6, 1908, Franz Joseph I went a step further in the Balkans and annexed Bosnia and also Herzegovina. This fact produced angry protests among the rest of the countries, including Russia.

Learn more about the annexation of Bosnia-Herzegovina  at https://brainly.com/question/24213561


Who was a contentious objector during WWI but later joined the war effort?


Answer: Mr Thomas

I took the test

The answer is Mr Thomas

Which of the following is NOT a result of the Hundred Years’ War?

the English won the war and gained key duchies within France

the English began to concentrate less on continental Europe and more on its own development, including its imperial possessions abroad

the need for knights dwindled because new technology and effective weapons made
peasant armies more deadly

the French monarch emerged more powerful and in greater control of his vassals



the need for knights dwindled because new technology and effective weapons made peasant armies more deadly

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