Which of the following is the best conclusion that can be drawn from the data in the table?

(War Funding Policies)


Answer 1

Public concern over the Vietnam War led Congress to hold more hearings to consider using the power of the purse to influence the conduct of the war. Hence, option (A) can be considered as the suitable choice of answer.

Give a brief account on the Vietnam War.

Vietnam, Laos, and Cambodia were at war from November 1, 1955, until April 30, 1975, when Saigon fell. Officially, fighting took place between North and South Vietnam during the second Indochina War. While the United States and other anti-communist allies backed the south, the Soviet Union, China, and other communist nations supported the north. Many people believe that the conflict was a Cold War-era proxy conflict. The United States' direct involvement ended in 1973 after a nearly 20-year duration. In addition, the battle spread to other nations, escalating the Laotian and Cambodian civil wars, which culminated in the establishment of communist governments in all three nations by 1975.

To know more about, Vietnam War, visit :



The complete question is mentioned below :

Which of the following is the best conclusion that can be drawn from the data in the table?

Support for the Vietnam War led Congress to hold more hearings to discuss increases in expenditures on the military effort.

A. Public concern over the Vietnam War led Congress to hold more hearings to consider using the power of the purse to influence the conduct of the war.

B. The public reaction to the September 11 terrorist attacks led to many hearings to limit federal expenditures to fight terrorism.

C. The number of hearings have increased in the House of Representatives because members have become more dependent on political action committees.

Related Questions

What are the two types of public property?


Any property within the boundaries of that is used for rights of way or any other purpose and is owned by or irrevocably offered for dedication to the federal government.

the state, the city, the county, or any other public agency is considered public property; however, any property leased by a public agency to a private entity and subject to taxation under Section of the Act is taxed and classified in accordance with its use. Public Property includes all public property that is within the institution's reasonably contiguous geographic area, such as a sidewalk, a street, other thoroughfare, or parking facility, and is adjacent to a facility owned or controlled by the institution if the facility is used in direct support of, or in a manner related to, the institution's educational purposes.

To learn more about types of public property here:



which of the following explains how congress would most likely respond if it were concerned about the slight increase in spending over time, as indicated by the bar chart?


Congress may vote to reduce funds for the Department of Homeland Security in the budget for the upcoming year.

What do you mean by Homeland Security?

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is the federal executive department in responsibility of public security, comparable to other countries' interior or home ministries.

Its claimed missions include counterterrorism, border security, immigration and customs, cyber security, and disaster management.

The Homeland Security Act of 2002, which was passed in response to the September 11 attacks, led to its establishment, and it began to function in 2003. DHS employs more than 240,000 people, making it the third-largest Cabinet department after the Defense and Veterans Affairs departments.

At the White House, the Homeland Security Council handles homeland security initiatives.

Additional organizations that play significant roles in homeland security include the Departments of Health and Human Services, Justice, and Energy.

Learn more about Homeland Security, here



The point of the story about passenger deaths that accompanied the sinking of the ocean liner Titanic is that ________


The crux of the story about the deaths of passengers in the sinking of the ocean liner Titanic is that social class matters and can sometimes be a matter of life and death.

Social stratification refers to the classification of the people into the rankings by the societies based on the factors such as wealth, the income, the education, family background, and the power. Geologists also use the term "stratification" to describe the different vertical layers found in rocks. Social stratification is common in modern times, especially in the Western world, in terms of socioeconomic inequalities. A classic example is the persistent pay gap between white men and women of all races and ethnicities. Social stratification refers to the classification of societies into groups based on socioeconomic factors such as wealth, income, race, education, ethnicity, gender, occupation, social status, or derivative power.

To know more about social stratification visit:



Which of the following is an example of evidence that points to how social factors can explain health disparities across subpopulations?

A. Research by Currie, Greenstone, and Moretti that studied environmental "superfund" sites to isolate environmental factors, which found that children born after the environmental cleanup were less likely to become ill than those born before
B. Research by David Williams that showed a link between the day-to-day stress of racism and discrimination on stress-related disease among African-Americans
C. Studies that suggest that different cultural values and norms related to hygiene can explain different health indicators across subpopulations
D. Studies that link genetic factors to the incidence of certain diseases to subpopulations, such as sickle-cell anemia among African-Americans


The  social factors which can explain health disparities across subpopulations are - . Research by David Williams that showed a link between the day-to-day stress of racism and discrimination on stress-related disease among African-Americans.

Hence, Option B is correct.

A subpopulation is essentially a fraction or subset of the overall population pool being surveyed. A subpopulation can be defined in a variety of ways. Gender (e.g., male and female), age (e.g., 35, 35-54, 55+), race/ethnicity, location, and so on are some of the most common subpopulations to investigate in research.

Population is limited.Population is infinite.Existing populace.Population Hypothesis.

To know more about Subpopulation here



What is scarcity and abundance?


Scarcity's opposite is abundance. With an abundance mindset, everyone has enough. Lack of resources is not a personality attribute. Things around have caused it.

Do we inhabit a world of scarcity or one of abundance?

The world of business is a world of scarcity. The economy serves as a mechanism for dividing "limited" resources among conflicting purposes or goals. There isn't enough of something for everyone to have what they need or want, which is called scarcity. The natural world is one filled with plenty. Everyone can have all they need thanks to nature's abundance. Learning to share in order to meet everyone's demands is difficult. Meeting the needs and desires of consumers is the ultimate objective or goal of economics. Land, labor, and capital are the resources used to make goods of economic worth for people. Economists agree that customers' needs and wants are insatiable, which means there is no such thing as "enough." Therefore, there will never be enough resources to fully satisfy all of our needs and desires. We are doomed to exist in an environment of perpetual scarcity.

To know more about  scarcity and abundance visit:



Who is the religious leader of theocracy?


Religious leaders Many theocracies have a legal system based in religious law and political authorities who are part of the clergy. Early civilizations frequently had theocratic government.

What are the laws of religion?

Law in religious legal systems is derived from the books or traditions of a particular religion. Many Islamic countries have complete or partial legal systems that are based on the Quran. Legal systems that combine two or several of the aforementioned legal systems are referred to as mixed legal systems.

What country's legal system is governed by religion?

Theocracy is the use of power even by clergy or people of a specific religion, typically, but not always, claiming to be working primarily on favor of a deity and ruling in accordance with the theocratic principles.

To know more about religious law visit:



What does Gulliver learn about human nature?


Gulliver encounters the basic human fear of death and the universal human desire for immortality during his interactions with these regrettably ancient people.

Who was Gulliver?

Lemuel Gulliver, a surgeon and sea captain who travels to distant parts of the world, tells the story of four adventures in Gulliver's Travels, a first-person narrative.

A seaman named Gulliver was once captured in the country of giants.

He describes his experience in this manner.

Gulliver meets the universal human longing for immortality and the basic human fear of dying throughout his contact with these sadly ancient people.

The desire and the dread are in opposition to what is genuine.

Therefore, Gulliver encounters the basic human fear of death and the universal human desire for immortality during his interactions with these regrettably ancient people.

Know more about Gulliver here:



william lloyd garrison established a newspaper that advocated which of the following issues?


The William Lloyd Garrison established a newspaper that advocated the issues of abolition of slavery.

Who is William Lloyd Garrison?

William Lloyd Garrison was the abolitionist in United States. He is a part of the American Anti-Slavery Society and he support the abolitionist movement by founded the newspaper with the name The Liberator in 1831.

The newspaper or magazine that William Lloyd Garrison established focus on demand of direct and comprehensive emancipation, and also to abolishing the slavery system.

You question is incomplete, but this is a general answer about William Lloyd Garrison.

Learn more about abolitionist here:



how is the democratic concept of the referendum similar to the democratic process of ancient greece?



The democratic concept of the referendum is similar to the democratic process of ancient Greece in that both involve direct participation by the people in the decision-making process. In ancient Greece, citizens would gather in the public assembly to discuss and vote on important matters facing the city-state. In a referendum, citizens are given the opportunity to vote directly on a specific issue or proposal, rather than relying on representatives to make decisions on their behalf. In both cases, the goal is to ensure that the will of the people is taken into account when making important decisions that affect the community.

How does such advertising help consumers and promote efficiency in oligopoly?


In an oligopoly, advertising helps prevent clients from migrating to companies that sell competitive goods.

What is oligopoly, exactly?

An oligopoly is when a small group of big sellers or producers control a sizable portion of a market or an entire industry. Oligopolies are frequently created as a result of the goal to maximize profits, and they can result in corporate cooperation. The results include less competition, higher consumer prices, and lower employee compensation.

Numerous industries have been identified as being oligopolistic, including civil aviation, energy providers, the telecommunications sector, rail freight markets, food processing, funeral services, sugar refining, beer production, pulp and paper manufacturing, and auto manufacturing.

To know more about Producers, visit:



Who is Adam Smith and what did he do for industrial revolution?


Law, moral philosophy, criticism, rhetoric, and agriculture were among Smith's many areas of interest. With his theories on the division of labor, specialization and trade, and the size of the market, he addressed the core of the industrial revolution and sowed the germ that has grown into the great social science of economics.

Who is Adam Smith and what is he known for?

Scotland's Adam Smith was a philosopher of the 18th century. He is revered as the founding figure of modern economics. The Wealth of Nations, written by Smith in 1776, is his most well-known work. Philosophers, authors, and economists of the 20th century analyzed Smith's writings. Smith made significant contributions to management theory in the areas of specialization and division of labor.

A worker specialized in carrying out one activity that was a component of a longer list of duties that would result in the production of a product thanks to the division of labor. Smith was the first to understand that economics should focus on both the production and distribution of wealth.

Learn more about Adam Smith, here:



How do I prove my Selective Service registration?


Within 90 days of registering, Selective Service will mail each man who has registered with the Selective Service System a registration acknowledgement letter and a registration card. You can use this as verification of your registration when requesting state-based aid in 31 states.

You must still register with Selective Service, yes. Almost all men—even those who think they won't need to serve—must register with Selective Service. Men called for induction would be entitled to request deferments, postponements, or exemptions from service in the case of a draft.

The Selective Service System is still in place in case it becomes necessary to protect national security, even though the draft was abolished when the United States switched to its present all-volunteer military following the Vietnam War. All male civilians between the ages of 18 and 25 are required to register, ensuring that the draft can be promptly reinstated if necessary.

To know more about Selective Service here



All of the following are guaranteed features in a variable life insurance policy, EXCEPT:
The cash value is invested in the insurer's separate account, and is, therefore, not guaranteed.


The cash value is placed in the insurer's different fund and is thus not guaranteed. are not guaranteed elements of a variable insurance policy.

Insurance is a form of financial loss protection in which a party agrees to reimburse another party in the case of a specific loss, damage, and injury in exchange for a fee. It is a type of risk management that is generally used to protect against the risk of the a dependent or uncertain loss. An insurer, insurance business, insurance carrier, and underwriter is a company that sells insurance. A policyholder is a person or entity that purchases insurance, while an insured is an individual or company whom was covered by the policy. In return for the insurer's commitment to compensate, the policyholder accepts a guaranteed, predict, and relatively minor loss in the shape of a payment to the insurer.

Learn more about predict here



The new-product process stage of screening and evaluation involves
determine which ideas should be eliminated from further effort


The new-product process of screening & evaluation involves determining which concepts should be removed from further consideration.

Evaluation is the methodical examination and appraisal of a subject's merit, worth, and relevance using criteria defined by a set of standards. It can help an organization, program, design, project, or any other intervention or initiative assess any goal, realizable concept/proposal, or alternative, to aid in decision-making; or to determine the degree of achievement or value in relation to the goal and objectives and results of any particular action that has been completed. The major goal of assessment, in addition to acquiring insight into previous or existing activities, is to promote reflection and aid in the discovery of future change. The organized interpretation and assigning meaning to projected or actual implications of proposed and results is referred to as evaluation.

Learn more about proposed here



Before georgia, virginia, texas, and mississippi had fulfilled the conditions for readmission, congress ______.


Before Georgia, Virginia, Texas, and Mississippi had fulfilled the conditions for readmission, Congress added ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment as a requirement of readmission.

How was the 15th Amendment ratified?

By a vote of 39 to 13 on February 26, 1869, the Senate approved the 15th Amendment. Georgia, Iowa, Nebraska, and Texas, however, ratified the amendment in February 1870, bringing the total number of ratifying states to twenty-nine, one more than the necessary twenty-eight ratifications from the thirty-seven states and preventing any legal challenge to New York's decision to withdraw its consent.

The Fifteenth Amendment, the last of the so-called "Reconstruction Amendments," prohibited denying or restricting voting rights based on race, color, or past servitude. The right to vote for African-American men was guaranteed by the 15th Amendment. African Americans started running for office and casting ballots almost immediately after ratification.

To learn more about Fifteenth Amendment, visit:



inequality is reproduced through cultural capital because


Social inequality affects people who lack cultural capital. Someone will not be accepted inside a group or community and will not have access to help and resources if they lack the cultural knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the social world they inhabit.

The four types of capital identified by Pierre Bourdieu all contribute to social reproduction since they are passed down from one generation to the next and maintain social classes. This continues to reproduce inequality through the social stratification system.

Learn more on inequality



Which of the following may help to prevent inadvertent spillage?


Labelling all files, removable media, and subject headers with appropriate classification markings will help to prevent inadvertent spillage.

How to prevent inadvertent spillage?

Spillage of data means the transfer of classified or sensitive information to non-accredited or. unauthorized systems, individuals, applications or media. Spillage can be from a higher level classification to a lower one. There are several ways to prevent inadvertent spillage. They are: Always check to make sure we are using the correct network for the level of data, We should not use a classified network for unclassified work.

We must be aware of classification markings and all handling caveats, we must follow procedures for transferring data to and from an outside agency and non-Government networks

Lastly, we must label all files, removable media, and subject headers with appropriate classification markings.

Learn more about spillage, here:



What is the first indication that Claudius gives of his guilt?



Claudius shows the first sign that his conscience is getting to him- perhaps he is feeling guilty for his crime. He describes his lies as "painted words" covering up his crime, and compares himself to a "harlot" who plasters her cheeks with makeup to cover her sins.


What happens in a political campaign?


Candidate and political party preparation and presentation of ideas and viewpoints to voters before the election day is known as an election campaign.

Contestants employ a range of strategies, such as traditional and new media, public gatherings, written materials, or other methods, to connect with voters and spread their messages. In some nations, giving contenders access to public media or space for these uses is considered an indirect public campaign. Legal definitions frequently include the dates of an official election campaign period, which is typically a month or more before election day. In many nations, there will be a "black-out period" right before voting starts because the legal window for campaigning will stop a day or two before election day.

A democratic election requires an informed, free, and fair vote, as well as a chance for candidates to garner support and inspire supporters to assist them in winning office. The accomplishment of those objectives depends on election campaigns. Genuinely competitive elections provide equal opportunities for candidates to present their positions to voters and compete for their support. Election campaigns give candidates and political parties the chance to communicate with voters, empowering them to make informed choices on election day.

Visit here to learn more about Campaign: https://brainly.com/question/24233984


What are traditional learning resources?



Traditional Resource materials are reading materials which are written or printed. Examples of such are magazines, newspapers, journals, books, diaries, encyclopedias, and other written or printed documents. Back in the past (the early 1980's to be particular), these are the common materials used by instructors.


do you think it is beneficial to have a good buyer trader relationship? How does it help?



Yes,a positive relationship can lead to reducing procurement costs, as once the relationship has been built, the supplier may favour your business and offer you incentives to ensure that you stay as a customer.

which of the following defines a minority group? group of answer choices a subordinate group whose members lack access to valued resources in a society a group that is set apart from others because of its national origin or distinctive cultural patterns a group that has recently arrived in their current nation of residence and has relatively few members a group that is set apart from others because members possess physical differences that have taken on social significance


A minority group is a subordinate group whose members do not have equal access to valuable resources in society.

What is a minority group?

The word "minority group" has several meanings depending on the context. A minority group, according to popular use, may simply be interpreted in terms of demographic proportions within a population: a group in society with the fewest persons is thus the minority. However, in terms of sociology, economics, and politics, a group that constitutes the smallest proportion of the population is not always the'minority'. In academic circles,'minority' and'majority' groupings are better understood in terms of hierarchical power systems.

To learn more about minority groups, click



What is comparative advantage Mcq?


When a nation can manufacture goods and services for less money than other nations, it is said to have a comparative advantage. False. When a nation can manufacture something with lower opportunity costs than other nations, it is said to have a comparative advantage. A prime example of an absolute advantage would be lower costs.

What is the nation?

Although the phrases nation, state, and country are sometimes used interchangeably, there is a distinction between them. A state is a self-governing political entity (notice the capital "S"). Country and State are both interchangeable terms. However, a nation is a closely-knit community of people who share a culture.

A country has a comparative advantage if it can produce a good or service at a lower opportunity cost than other nations. David Ricardo was the author of this economic theory. Although it was initially used in global trade, it can be used at any level of business.

Therefore, When a country can produce goods and services at a lower cost than other nations.

Learn more about the nation here:



Which of the following behaviors might be used by a critical thinker?

Select 4 correct answer(s)

1. asks questions
2. forms an opinion and provides justification
3. forms opinions without justification
4. does not share thinking
5. justifies opinions with evidence and examples from life, the world, and science
6. Neither agrees nor disagrees
7. does not contribute to the conversation


asks questions

forms an opinion and provides justification

justifies opinions with evidence and examples from life, the world, and science

neither agrees nor disagrees


Asks questions

Forms an opinion and provides justification

Justifies opinions with evidence and examples from life, the world, and science

Does not contribute to the conversation

What is the difference between PACs and Super PACs quizlet?


Even though they utilize various systems to do as such, PACs and Super PACs were both established and determined to impact races and support gatherings or competitors.

Even though it is legitimate for PACs to work coupled with an up-and-comer's mission, their capacity to collect and burn through cash is confined. Super PACs are a kind of raising money association that has unlimited sources of financial support, including associations, enterprises, and people.

PACs were laid out during the 1940s, however, Super PACs were just settled in 2010, following the High Court's decision in the Residents Joined v. FEC case. Albeit the jobs and goals of the two associations have all the earmarks of being comparable, they are represented by various regulations and guidelines.

Learn more about PACs and Super PACs:



Which of the following terms best describes an operant behavior?
a. automatic
b. reflexive
c. voluntary
d. instinctive
e. unlearned


The  term that  best describes an operant behavior is voluntary. Option C

What is operant behavior?

Operant conditioning is a type of learning where action is rewarded or punished.

Operant behavior, also known as operant conditioning, is behavior that may be controlled by the individual or "operates" on the environment.

Operant conditioning can be used in behavioral treatment to instigate change based on rewards and punishments.

Opportunistic conditioning is frequently used by people without even being aware of it, particularly when it comes to parenting and other behavior-based facets of life.

Hence, an approach to psychology known as behaviorism emphasizes the use of conditioning to change behavior.

Learn more about operant behavior from



Threat Awareness and Reporting Procedure (TARP)


An Army regulation known as the Threat Awareness and Reporting Program (TARP) creates a requirement for Department of Army personnel and sets forth policy and duties for threat awareness and education.

A requirement for Department of Army personnel to report any incident of known or suspected espionage, international terrorism, sabotage, subversion, theft or diversion of military technology, information systems intrusions, and unauthorized disclosure of classified information is established by the Army regulation known as the Threat Awareness and Reporting Program (TARP).

All U.S. Army active duty soldiers, Department of the Army civilians, and all supporting contractors are required to complete this training each year. Since all training is monitored at the unit level, it is recommended that each unit select a person to check on the attendance of its employees since a sign-in roster is not kept for each briefing.

To learn more about awareness refer here:



An antecedent stimulus that evokes the imitative behavior is:


An antecedent stimulus that evokes the imitative behavior is model

Four behavior-environment relations are used to characterize imitation: All physical movements may serve as models for imitation (the model is an antecedent stimulus that elicits imitation behavior); imitation behavior must occur soon after the model is presented; and imitation behavior must be reinforced by the model. A. sensations that result from a match between the model's behavior and the imitator's behavior and serve as reinforcers (automatic reinforcing stimuli that are different from any reinforcement by model)

Learn more on behavior



What are the 3 power of the president?


The three powers of the president are to propose legislation to Congress and sign and veto bills, submit the annual budget to Congress and represent the country in foreign relations.

It is true that the Constitution bestows many powers to the Congress. Relatively, the Constitution gives fewer powers to the president.  However, it shall be noted that the powers of the president are not confined to those granted in the Constitution.

Major powers can be headed under Legislative powers, Appointment powers and Treaty powers.

Legislative powers include the power of the POTUS to propose new legislations.

Treaty power means the authority that the president holds while negotiation with other states on international treaties.

Appointment powers include the power to select people for the wide range of offices in the government.

To know more about powers of president, click here:



What kind of life insurance product covers children under their parent's policy?
A. Family Maintenance rider
B. Term rider
C. Family Income rider
D. Payor benefit


The kind of life insurance product that covers children under their parent's policy is Term rider. Thus option B is Correct.

What are the benefits of life insurance?

The benefit of life insurance is that By purchasing life insurance, you can guard your family members from the potentially serious financial losses that could arise in the event of your death.

The death benefit can be periodically increased for a specified amount of time by adding a term life insurance rider to a permanent life insurance policy.

Insurance riders are cost-effective add-ons that you can select in addition to your life insurance policy.

Therefore, option B is appropriate.

Learn more about Life insurance, here:



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Where does Hamlet Act 2 Scene 1 take place? 1.A report written in the indirect order _____. first states its main point and then supplies the supporting information is especially beneficial for readers who are in a hurry to receive the most important information first is more likely to use personal pronouns than a report written in the direct order presents the main findings, recommendations, and conclusion in the executive summary begins with whatever introductory material is needed to prepare the reader for the report2.The _____ statement of a business report provides a clear description of the situation that created the need for the report.3.Which of the following is true about problem statements?Problem statements do not use active voice.Problem statements eliminate the need for purpose statements.Problem statements are typically written in the form of a question.The infinitive phrase is most preferred for writing problem statements.Problem statements are generally written as declarative statements.4.Which of the following is the most appropriate problem statement for a business report on decline of sales?To determine why company sales have declinedWhy have company sales declined?Management wants to know the reasons for sales decline.What is the reason for the decline of company sales?To investigate the cause of the decline in company sales5.Possible explanations for or solutions to a problem are termed as _____.basesmission statementshypothesespurpose statementsproblem statements6.Which of the following is true about secondary research?It primarily involves gathering data through methods of direct observation.It uncovers information firsthand.It uses material that someone else has published.It includes user testing.It primarily involves gathering data through experiments.7.Secondary research produces information primarily through the use of _____.experimentssurveyswebsitesinterviewsobservations8.If a user finds it difficult to think of terms to broaden his or her search, he or she must _____.eliminate citations with a particular termretrieve citations that contain only the search terms without variationslook at the keywords or descriptors of the items that have already been identifiedrefrain from using Boolean operatorsuse the NOT operator9.Which of the following is true of reports?All reports have a consistent format and an equal number of components.As the need for formality decreases, the number of components in a report increases.When the situation is informal and the report is short, prefatory pages are included.A business writer should decide the makeup of a report on the basis of its topic and cost.Less complex problems and less formal situations will require less elaborate reports10.Marco is in the process of preparing an internal report to explain the recent increase in the number of product returns at ZenMark Fashions. 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Identify two reasonsthat these comments are ironic.DUNCAN:This castle hath a pleasant seat: the airNimbly and sweetly recommends itselfUnto our gentle sense.(Enter Lady Macbeth.)DUNCAN:See, see, our honour'd hostess!-The love that follows us sometime is our trouble,Which still we thank as love. Herein I teach youHow you shall bid God ild us for your pains,And thank us for your trouble.He will meet his death in the castle, which he considers a pleasant placeHis praise for inverness and his hostess, Lady Macbeth, is deceptive.- Duncan secretty plans to give Macbeth's title to DonalbainThe hostess he praises is actually plotting his murder. Howie borrows $25,000 from his aunt with 4% simple interest rate. At the end of one year, how much does howie pay back to his aunt, including the interest?. What is the slope of the line that passes through the points (2, 8)(2,8) and (12, 20)(12,20)? Write your answer in simplest form. Which equation represents the most accurate model of cellular respiration? note: c6h12o6 is the sugar, glucose. Read the passage from Act V of Hamlet.Laertes: Must there no more be done?First Priest: No more be done:We should profane the service of the dead,To sing a requiem, and such rest to herAs to peace-parted souls.Laertes: Lay her i' the earth;And from her fair and unpolluted fleshMay violets spring! I tell thee, churlish priest,A ministering angel shall my sister be,When thou liest howling.How do the themes in the passage interact? What are the 5 types of weight training? Match the functions of a machine to the features of a capitalist economy. Purpose A. Produce material wealth Fuel B. MoneyAccelerator (Decelerator) C. Level of total spending Lubricant D. Price Mechanism Central processing unit E. Self interest When entrepreneurs develop new? 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