How Much Will It Cost to Advertise on Google?

A whopping 63,000 searches are processed by Google every second! If you’re not using Google advertising to promote your business, you’re missing out on a lot of incredible exposure.

Google advertising is one of the most popular types of advertising, but it can also be confusing. If you have questions about the cost to advertise on Google, keep reading. Everything you need to know is explained below.

What Does Google Advertising Work?

Google ads get displayed at the top of the search engine results page and on partner sites when people search for products or services like the ones you offer. You pay when you get the desired result from your ad (someone clicks the ad to call your business, visits your website, etc.). 

Benefits of Google Advertising

There are lots of reasons why brands invest in Google advertising, regardless of their size or what they’re selling. Here are some of the top benefits Google advertising has to offer:

  • Highly targeted ads to reach key members of your audience
  • Detailed analytics to help you measure success
  • Easy campaign management and account monitoring

The last benefit has to do with budgeting. With Google advertising, it’s easy to control your monthly ad spend. There’s no minimum, either, and you only pay when someone engages with your ads.  

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How Much Does It Cost to Advertise on Google?

Now that you know a bit more about the perks of Google advertising and how it works, let’s dig a little deeper into the cost of advertising on this search engine.

The average Google ads cost-per-click ranges from $1 to $2, and brands can easily spend thousands of dollars per month on Google advertising. However, there’s not a one-size-fits-all answer to the question about how much it costs to advertise on Google.

Pricing depends on a lot of factors, including the following:

  • Industry
  • Average customer lifecycle
  • Current trends

Google ads work like an auction in the sense that you bid on certain keywords. However, the word doesn’t always go to the highest bidder. Google also takes other things into account, such as your quality score and ad rank.  

Tips for Growing a Business with Google Advertising

In addition to understanding the cost to advertise on Google, you also need to know how to make ads on Google. The following tips can help you create impressive ads that win over your target audience:

  • Set a clear goal
  • Target specific locations
  • Optimize landing pages to match your ads
  • Use language that aligns with your brand
  • Write catchy, intriguing headlines

Experiment with different types of ad formats and messages as well. It may take some time to figure out what works best for your audience. 

Start Advertising on Google Today

Learning how to navigate Google ads and create an advertising budget might seem daunting at first. If you keep these tips in mind, though, you’ll have a much easier time figuring out the cost to advertise on Google for your business.

Want to learn more about Google ads or online marketing? Visit the Business section of our site for additional resources.