5 Small Business Tools for Marketing and Branding

It doesn’t take much time at all (.05 seconds, to be exact) for a person to have an opinion about your brand or website. Knowing this, you should also take solace in the fact that you have complete control over how you put your message out today. 

Not only has Web 2.0 done away with gatekeepers for your branding, but there are also several tools you can put to use that will help your branding and marketing. Which tools are must-haves? We’re happy to explain. The points below will assist you when you’re trying to find the best small business tools that you can get your hands on. 

1. A Stock Images Account

People make decisions today based on visuals. Social media is largely a visual format, people have shorter attention spans, and large blocks of text are likely to get skimmed through or clicked out of unless someone is already familiar with your brand. 

You need to use professional-quality multimedia whenever you can, and a stock images account can help you with that. These accounts give you a license to use professional photos, and many come with tools for editing the photos and creating book covers, brochures, web templates, and more. 

2. Podcasting and Vlogging Equipment

It’s important that you get your voice and vision out to the world. You can do that today by launching your very own podcast or vlog. These are some of the best marketing tools for small business professionals since this content is wildly popular. 

Consider the best tools for small business pros trying to launch their multimedia campaigns:

  • A quality mic that picks up crystal clear audio
  • Podcasting and video editing software
  • Graphics generators
  • Analytics tools to study your audience
  • Live streaming platforms that let you publish episodes and accept payments and donations

Build an archive of podcasts and vlogs, and much of your marketing will begin taking care of itself. 

3. SEO Keyword Tools

Today’s small business marketing tools should also focus on search engine optimization (SEO). Google is the biggest marketing tool in the world and is widely open to everyone. 

Analytics tools will help you search for the best short-tail and long-tail keywords that have serious ranking potential. You’ll then be able to use these keywords throughout your content in a way that draws traffic and improves your lead generation potential. 

4. An E-Mail Marketing Client

Consider the top small business tools for your e-mail marketing needs. An e-mail marketing platform will help you add people to your list, write and publish e-mails, optimize your subject lines, and grow your metrics. In using these dashboards, you’ll learn how to segment your lists and grow your open and conversion rates. 

Several small business organization tools also go hand-in-hand with your e-mail marketing client. The best online invoice generator will also include e-mail marketing tools that help improve the way you communicate and keep track of billing. 

5. QR Codes for Your Brand

Today, you need to make it as easy as possible for people to stop by your website or social media pages. A QR code is the best way to do it. You can publish these codes anywhere. They’re easily scannable, and people can access your content without having to open other forms or punch in addresses. 

You’ll appreciate this seamlessness once you see an uptick in traffic. 

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Put These Small Business Tools to Use

This guide shows you exactly how a few small business tools can make a huge difference for your company. Marketing and branding will carry you far as long as you’re intentional about your goals and committed to using the best tools available. We’re happy to assist you when you need more information. Start here and check out other strategies related to your business marketing needs.