Top 5 SEO Trends in 2022 Every Business Should Know

In 2020, Google ran over 600,000 search engine experiments that led to over 4,500 changes to its algorithm. How is it possible to improve your SEO ranking if Google keeps changing? It might make you want to give up on SEO altogether.

The good news is that you can make these changes and identify patterns and the latest SEO trends. If you want to improve your ranking, you need to use SEO tactics that leverage the latest trends. Keep reading to learn what the top SEO trends are that will improve your rankings now and in the future.

1. Prioritize the User Experience

The user experience is everything in SEO. Google knows that if its search results don’t provide the best search results, people will lose trust and go elsewhere for information.

The algorithm tries to quantify what a good user experience is. That’s why site speed, quality content, and E-A-T (Expertise-Authority-Trust) are among the most important ranking factors. The user experience also includes the mobile experience. More people are looking at search results on their phones.

2. Natural Language Processing

Google has long been a proponent of automation and artificial intelligence. Google Labs works on these technologies and applies them to Maps, Search, and other Google products.

Natural language processing seeks to understand language as we do. It looks for the context of your content, instead of identifying a single keyword.

One of the popular SEO tactics is to choose a keyword and have it appear everywhere in your text. It’s still important, but you need to incorporate several related keywords in your content to improve search results.

3. Link Building Matters

Do backlinks still matter? They did when Google first started more than 20 years ago and they matter even more now. Google’s algorithm considers a backlink to be a vote of confidence in your content. The more backlinks it has, the algorithm assumes that your content has a lot of value to people searching online.

The more value it has, the higher it ranks in search results. It makes link building for SEO a critical part of your search engine optimization strategy. It’s one of the top SEO challenges that website administrators have. Link building takes a lot of effort beyond providing quality content. It takes outreach and a good strategy to get results.

4. Image and Video Search Results

Visual content is taking center stage in search results. If you ever searched for how to do something, you probably got a link for a YouTube video that answers your question.

Images also appear in search results at the bottom of the first page. Improve your SEO ranking by adding video and infographics to your content mix.

5. Search Beyond Google

Google has long been the dominant force in the search engine market. Is that going to change? There’s a rumor that Apple is set to unveil its own search engine in 2023. There are other search competitors, but they hardly made a dent in Google’s market share. If Apple joins the game, this will be an SEO trend to pay attention to.

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SEO Trends for the Future

SEO is a long-term investment. Your SEO tactics have to take into account where the search market is now and where it’s going to be.

These SEO trends show that the search market is focused on the user experience. Make your website one that users love, and the search results will follow.