Top Travel Safety Tips for 2021: Travelling Guidelines

Travelling is a wonderful way to broaden our horizons, get to know the world a bit better, learn about other countries and cultures, and grow as persons in the process. On the other hand, as idyllic as this may sound, travelling carries plenty of risks, which is why so many people take a lot of time to prepare for a trip.

Depending on the way you plan to travel as well as your destination, you should take precautions and prepare well. We’ve put together a list of top safety tips for all of you who are planning to hit the road and travel the world in 2019.

Keep a copy of important documents

Keep a copy of important documents

You’d be surprised to find out how easy it is to lose something while you’re travelling. Either you’re too tired from your long flight, too distracted by a wonderful location, or you’re angry because of a rude clerk, but the point is – it’s easy to lose very important documents and items. Even if this happens to you, if you keep a copy of your passport on you, you’ll find it easier to function and make it right with the authorities.

Also, keep a digital copy of your passport in the cloud or e-mail it to yourself. In addition, it’s a good idea to write down phone numbers you might need in case of emergency: your country’s embassy, local police station, your hotel, and your guide.

Extra safety isn’t a luxury

Extra safety isn’t a luxury

Sometimes we don’t have to save money on our travels, but more often than not, we choose cheap flights and affordable accommodation in an attempt to save as much as we can. Still, safety on your travels shouldn’t be a luxury, no matter if you’re backpacking and couch-surfing, or you’re going on a road trip with your buddies. Your car should be in great condition because wrong AN fittings can cause leaks that are almost impossible to diagnose quickly when you’re on the road, so you should invest in high-quality AN fittings and ensure that such a scenario doesn’t happen.

If your flight arrives late, take a taxi to your hotel even if it costs more, and also don’t hesitate to spend a few more bucks on a quality hotel or a hostel instead of settling for a shady one just because it’s cheap. Apart from this, Costa Rica is mostly safe to travel to, you can visit this site to learn about the other countries considered safe for travelling.

Keep your family updated

Keep your family updated

It doesn’t matter if you’re travelling to the other side of the world for an exotic holiday or you’re backpacking across Europe, you should always try to keep your loved ones updated on how you are. Tell your friends and family when and where you’re going, write down the address and phone number of your hotel, and check in with them whenever you can.

You don’t have to have hour-long Facetime calls every day, but a quick check-up every other day is enough for them to know that you’re fine. A few of the people you trust most should even have a code-word you can use when you want to let them know that something’s wrong and/or that you need help.

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Learn about scammers

Learn about scammers

Even though it’s fairly safe to travel these days, there are many things you should pay attention to, and scammers are at the very top of the list. It seems as if scammers in every country have their own “specialty”, so try to learn about common tourist scams that take place at the place you intend to visit.

Sometimes it’s a taxi driver who will claim their meter is broken and charge you a ridiculous amount, sometimes they’ll claim that your hotel is closed and take you to another, and sometimes nice and friendly people will offer you a “gift” and then demand that you pay for it. Try to be as informed and careful as possible and always have a backup plan.

Travelling is certainly an eye-opening and mind-broadening experience, but unless you take your safety seriously, you’ll make mostly bad memories instead of wonderful ones. When you’re abroad and you don’t know the language or the culture, it can be a challenge to stay safe, but if you take precautions and prepare for your trip, you’ll feel better and more comfortable.

Don’t take your safety lightly because it’s a sure way to have bad experiences and remember your travels for all the wrong reasons.