5 Tips to Treat Back Pain for Office Workers

In times like today, females are often juggling going to work, taking care of the whole family, and maintaining the home. Amazing, right? But look at them closely. You will see that they’re also human beings who can get tired and sick, especially those who are at work every day.

Treat Back Pain

Treat Back Pain
Treat Back Pain

Office workers sit in front of a computer for almost eight hours, five days a week. It’s not easy because it can cause every part of your body to ache, especially your back. But as a career woman, you need to be healthy to finish your daily tasks efficiently. With a bad, unhealthy lifestyle, your body could be prone to more illnesses. Experts say that developing a healthy lifestyle will improve your performance and quality of work. Back to life system review has all the information you need to know about back pain and how you can effectively cure it. So, how are you going to treat body stiffness and back pain?

1 Exercise


Sitting eight hours at work every day feels like torture to your body. While finishing your tasks, you might forget about everything around you, including yourself. Then at the end of the day, you would just feel the stiffness of your whole body — it aches everywhere! It’s difficult to do exercise at work. But if you really want to have a healthy work lifestyle, you can learn to do it.

There are different types of exercises that you can do in front of your work desk. You can stretch your arms and feet, lift them up, and make some movements like shaking and running in place to keep the blood flowing. Just make sure that you do this discreetly because there are other people who are also working in the same area as you.

Deskercise is the term used for desk exercises. Using the things inside your office, you can do deskercises effectively. Some of the routines are office yoga, paper push-ups, shoulder blade squeezes, and book press. Try them out to treat and prevent aches in your body, especially back pain.

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2 Improve Your Posture

Improve Your Posture
Improve Your Posture

Having good posture means that the bones in your spine are all aligned neatly. If you keep slouching or slumping in your chair, you will develop bad posture. It would be hard to correct it in the future if you are already used to it.

If you frequently experience back pain, a bad posture will just worsen it. Therefore, make sure that your back is perfectly rested on your chair and your feet should be fully flat on the floor as much as possible.

3 Apply Ergonomics

Apply Ergonomics
Apply Ergonomics

Ergonomics is a process wherein you assess your workplace so you design and arrange it according to your needs. With this, you can work comfortably and prevent injuries.

You experience back pain may be because you don’t apply ergonomics in your work area. Assessing the right height and structure of your chair is a good start. Make sure that it is not too low or too high. You must also consider how it supports your back. Should it be flat or should there be a little curve?

You should also consider assessing the placement of your computer monitor. Make sure that it isn’t too high or too low. It should be at the same level as your eyes. Key objects on your desk must also be easy to reach, so you won’t stretch your body too much.

4 Drink Enough Water and Eat Calcium-Rich Foods

Eat Calcium-Rich Foods
Eat Calcium-Rich Foods

Being busy with work can make you forget about drinking water or eating proper food. Having an insufficient amount of water in the body could cause serious illnesses like stroke and high blood pressure. And eating too little could decrease the quality of your work. It makes both your mind and body weak.

If you always have back pain, your body needs the right nutrients. Calcium is the key nutrient to strengthen your bones. You should focus on eating more dairy products, cereals, oatmeal, and veggies like broccoli, kale, and bok choy. They are all rich in calcium. It’s important to have the right amount of water and food in your body. The ideal routine is to drink 10 to 12 glasses of water a day.

You can also bring fruits like watermelon and apples to work, as an alternative snack. Make sure that you also eat at the right time. Have a heavy breakfast before going to work and bring a hearty lunch. With this, you can give your body the energy it needs to prevent various illnesses and to feed the muscles properly after exercising.

5 Take Short Breaks

Take Short Breaks
Take Short Breaks

Stand up and move away from your desk for a while to give your body a break. Try walking around the office. Go to the kitchen or cafeteria to get some food or a drink. These are just simple movements, but doing so can stretch and relax your muscles, especially your back.

If you can also have a power nap, do it! Experts say that it is effective — a 10-minute nap could rest both your mind and body, improving focus and productivity as an outcome.

Don’t wait until you feel the onset of back pain, take a look at your daily routine and build in these techniques to help your body and mind stay healthy whilst at work, and believe me, you will also be helping to banish back pain from your life.